support to inclusive governance in ukraine

how to apply: 

this call will support projects in ukraine that are consistent with the inclusive governance action area policy of canada’s feminist international assistance policy. it will support projects that strengthen the capacity of local and national government and non-government actors to respond in a more inclusive, transparent and accountable manner to the needs of all citizens, including women and girls and other vulnerable or marginalized groups, while also supporting their empowerment to claim their rights.

specifically, the call will fund proposals that are aligned with canada’s inclusive governance policy priorities of enhancing participation in public life and ensuring that public services work for everyone.

to help meet these priorities in ukraine, global affairs canada will only consider concept notes that propose to work in at least one of the following three inclusive governance areas:

  1. support to civil society organizations and citizen engagement, including civic education;
  2. support to local governance and local, district, and regional governments, in the context of decentralization and regional development reforms in ukraine, with a particular focus on sectoral decentralization (such as, but not limited to, delivery of social services and domestic resource mobilization at the local level); and,
  3. support to public administration reform, including local, district and regional level public administrations, inclusive policy making and local public finance management.

canada’s feminist international assistance policy states that: “no less than 95 percent of canada’s bilateral international development assistance initiatives will target or integrate gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.” priority will be given to proposals that meet the requirement of targeting (ge-3) or fully integrating (ge-2) gender equality and women’s and girls’ empowerment in their design. applicants must include gender-based analysis plus (gba+) that identifies gender equality gaps and ensures that proposed solutions directly respond to the gba+ analysis, across activities, outputs and outcomes.

please contact jill sherman, international research facilitator, at by september 15, 2021, if this funding opportunity is of interest (organizations can only be the lead on one application).

external deadline: 
thursday, november 18, 2021
funding source: 
funding level: 

catalyst grant : quadruple aim and equity

how to apply: 

the specific objectives of this funding opportunity are to:

  • generate relevant and timely evidence about the impacts of innovations in how healthcare systems and services are organized, delivered, governed, held accountable, financed, and/or funded on the quadruple aim goals and equity, and which innovations have the most potential for transformative impact in the canadian context;
  • respond to a policy and/or decision maker's evidence needs and help to inform decisions, policies or actions that advance achievement of the quadruple aim goals and health equity for all; and
  • catalyze future transformative, collaborative research between researchers, policy and/or decision makers, healthcare providers and patients that can be pursued through cihr's project grant competition or other relevant strategic funding competitions.
external deadline: 
tuesday, october 26, 2021
funding source: 
funding level: 

2021 nord/infoready grant competition for research development professionals

how to apply: 

the nord / infoready research grants in research development program funds projects that support the disciplinary field of research development. for research development to enhance the skills of its professionals, broaden recognition and understanding of its activities, and deepen its impact on the scientific enterprise, we need research that defines and standardizes the terms used to identify skills and practices, as well as metrics that allow us to measure both activities and their outcomes for research development. additionally, the field requires academics from other disciplines that take the activities and outcomes of research development as subjects for their work. to develop a robust understanding of research development and its impacts, we are interested in a wide range of projects, including empirical studies (e.g., surveys, interview studies, case studies, reviews), as well as theoretical, conceptual, and even purely descriptive or definitional studies.

to view previous grants, please click here. for more information on upcoming grant cycles, click here.

external deadline: 
monday, november 8, 2021
funding source: 
funding level: 

national organization of research development professionals

2022 kidney health research grant competition

how to apply: 

the online 2022 kidney health research grant competition is now open!!

applications for the 2022 kidney health research grant competition must be completed via the on-line application system proposalcentral please allow extra time to review the system before the letter of intent (loi) deadline of september 22, 2021. to apply through this site, you will have to set up a profile, and then search for “kidney” under “grant opportunities” and fill out the kidney health research grant application.


kidney health research grants provide financial support to researchers in defraying research operating costs, including the purchase of materials, supplies and equipment and the payment of laboratory assistants. grants are available for one, two or three years. the research must be carried out in canada.



external deadline: 
wednesday, september 22, 2021
funding source: 
funding level: 

defense health program department of defense traumatic brain injury and psychological health research program funding opportunities for fiscal year 2021 (fy21)

how to apply: 


the fy21 defense appropriations act provides funding to the department of defense traumatic brain injury and psychological health research program (tbiphrp) to support traumatic brain injury (tbi) and psychological health research.  the managing agent for the anticipated program announcements/funding opportunities is the congressionally directed medical research programs (cdmrp) at the u.s. army medical research and development command (usamrdc).


the fy21 tbiphrp funding opportunities/program announcements and general application instructions/general submission instructions for the following award mechanisms are posted on the website. 


applications submitted to the fy21 tbiphrp must address one or more of the following focus areas, not all of which will be applicable to every award mechanism:


  1. 1.     understand:  research will address knowledge gaps in foundational science, epidemiology, and etiology of tbi and psychological health.
    1. understanding of pre-exposure risk, injury, and biological factors contributing to an individual’s response, recovery, and long-term outcomes following a brain injury or traumatic event.  studies with a biomarker component are allowed.  research of interest includes, but is not limited to:
  • the role of psychological health conditions, genetics, endophenotypes, health demographics, previous injuries or sub-concussive exposures, pathophysiology, and environmental factors (e.g., extreme temperatures/pressures).
  • contribution of pre- and post-injury patient, family, and caregiver education, as well as cultural, demographic, stigma, and bias factors that may relate to treatment seeking and adherence.
  • computational models from clinical data to forecast the long-term and/or late effects of brain exposures, such as tbi, critical traumatic events, and co-occurring conditions.
  1. approaches for preclinical to clinical translation that expedite and advance prevention and treatment.  studies with a biomarker component are allowed.  research of interest includes, but is not limited to:
  • pairing clinical populations to animal models in order to validate the clinical relevance and development of prevention and treatment solutions.  animal models should be well justified, supported within the literature, and clearly align with clinical relevance.
  • communication, tools/technology adoption, and identification of risk factors, educational barriers, social determinates of health, and other factors that may impede clinical translation.
  1. understanding the intersection of risk and protective factors in long-term psychological health outcomes.  research of interest includes, but is not limited to:
  • mental health trajectories associated with trauma and suicidality that incorporate internal and external factors.  for example, factors could include time course, demographic characteristics, career course, history of trauma exposure, and community and cultural factors.
  • understanding the approach to psychiatric diagnosis in the military and the association of psychiatric diagnosis with occupational impairment and military separation.
  1. understanding sexual harassment and assault prevention, perpetration, victimization, and response.  research of interest includes, but is not limited to:
  • understanding processes of shame, stigma, and institutional betrayal among sexual assault victims and their units/teams and evaluation of approaches to mitigate these experiences.  experiences of marginalized groups, male victims, and victims of intimate partner violence are of particular interest.
  • understanding how organizational-level factors influence interpersonal and individual conditions, choices, and behaviors as they relate to sexual assault and harassment prevention and response.  measurement and analysis of organizational-level factors, such as culture and climate, beyond aggregating individual perceptions are encouraged.  research could include the progression from sexual harassment to sexual assault and factors influencing sexual harassment.
  • understanding barriers to reporting sexual assault and factors that contribute to retaliation within units/teams and evaluation of approaches to mitigate barriers and prevent retaliation.  research could include data from influencers, bystanders, and perpetrators; environmental, structural, and demographic factors (e.g., workplace culture, climate, senior leader diversity, age, gender).
  • methodologies that ensure anonymity for participants are encouraged.


  1. 2.     prevent:  research will address the prevention or progression of tbi or psychological health conditions through population, selective and indicated prevention approaches.  efforts that focus on primary prevention (including protection), screening, diagnosis, and prognosis are within scope.
    1. identification and validation of biomarkers or other objective markers for diagnosis, prognosis, or monitoring of psych health conditions and brain injuries, repetitive exposures, and associated sequelae (e.g., chronic migraine, dizziness, neurocognitive symptoms, sleep, and post-traumatic headache).  when appropriate, use of u.s. food and drug administration-approved platforms is encouraged.
    2. approaches or tools to prevent or mitigate brain injuries or psychological health conditions and assess health status.  research of interest includes, but is not limited to:
  • translation of environmental sensor outputs to conditions within the brain.
  • development of innovative materials and technologies that can prevent or mitigate tbi.
  • generation of physiological evidence regarding the safety, efficacy, and utility of candidate neuroprotective measures.  animal models, if used, should be validated and well justified within the literature and should demonstrate clear alignment to clinical populations.
  • validated, objective methods for assessing psychological health conditions such as posttraumatic stress disorder (ptsd), adjustment disorders (adjds), acute stress reactions (asrs), major depressive disorder (mdd), substance use disorders, suicidality, comorbid conditions, or tbi, and real-time health status monitoring.
  • evidence that existing symptom-based return to activity/duty guidelines protect against risk of persistent symptoms.
  • development of clinical decision-making frameworks or tools that incorporate objective assessments and long-term outcomes to return to activity/duty decisions.
  • development of injury thresholds and exposure standard.
  1. development, evaluation, and implementation of crosscutting prevention approaches targeting upstream factors or leveraging communities and peers to address multiple adverse outcomes such as suicide, multiple forms of violence, and alcohol and substance misuse.  examples of upstream factors could include social connectedness, inclusiveness, culture, problem-solving, emotional regulation, communication, underlying health disparities, and financial stability.  research of interest may include, but is not limited to:
  • optimized messaging for successful dissemination and implementation.
  • inclusion of families and evaluation of impacts thereon.  “family” should be broadly defined to include not just spouses, but also parents, significant others/fiancés/partners, children, caregivers, or close friends.
  1. solutions to increase readiness and resilience in individuals, small teams, and families to ameliorate the potential negative impacts of specific military and life stressors.  research of interest includes, but is not limited to:
  • effective pharmacologic or non-pharmacologic prevention interventions.  solutions for prevention of asrs and ptsd may be proposed.
  • preparation of service members and units for missions and to help reset between deployments within the sustainable readiness model.
  • effective solutions to support relationships and parenting, prepare families for potential secondary trauma exposure, and empower families to access tailored support and resources.  “family” should be broadly defined to include not just spouses, but also parents, significant others/fiancés/partners, children, caregivers, or close friends.
  1. solutions to address aspects of workplace culture and climate (e.g., leadership attitudes, group characteristics, group identification factors) that are associated with increases in harmful behaviors.  research of interest includes but is not limited to solutions to provide and incentivize positive options and substitutes for alcohol and substance use and promote pro-social behavioral norms.


  1. 3.     treat: research will address immediate and long-term treatments and improvements in systems of care, including access to and delivery of health care services.  treatment topics may include novel treatments and interventions, personalized medicine approaches, length and durability of treatment, rehabilitation, relapse, and relapse prevention.
    1. interventions that promote sustained functional recovery, including interventions administered acutely, during the post-acute phase, or during the chronic phase of injury.  research of interest includes, but is not limited to:
  • interventions focused on sensory and locomotor dysfunction after brain injury.
  • interventions that address cognitive functioning and reserve.
  • personalized medicine approaches to treatment that may include tailoring treatment to the biological and endophenotypic elements present.  studies may consider how tbi, ptsd, mdd, or other psychological health conditions are interrelated.
  • rapid assessments and treatments for psychological health conditions.  interventions addressing adjds, asrs, and ptsd may be proposed.
  • effective assessments and interventions for delivery in rural or other resource-limited environments (e.g., far-forward military environments) and/or by non-clinicians (e.g., peers, teams, medics).
  • considerations for sequencing and optimal combinations of pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic interventions.
  1. treatments that promote recovery and improving long-term outcomes.  studies may include, but are not limited to, one or more of the following:
  • responders versus non-responders to treatment and rehabilitation.
  • novel therapeutic candidates based on evolving changes of pathophysiology and/or theoretical mechanisms of tbi and psychological health.
  • focus on long-term outcomes such as dementia/neurodegeneration, psychological heath, family, and well-being are encouraged.
  • interventions emphasizing community-driven participation, inclusion of caregivers/family, and education to facilitate improved functional outcomes are encouraged.
  1. validated individual-, peer-/unit-/team-, leader-, family-, caregiver-, community-, and enterprise-level methods for reducing barriers to care for tbi or multiple mental health challenges (e.g., ptsd, suicidal ideation or behaviors, alcohol and substance use, anxiety, mdd)  and understanding mechanisms of change in help-seeking behavior.
  2. implementation, follow-up, and services research to increase provider adoption and availability of evidence-based treatments, as well as treatment engagement, follow-up care, and understanding of long-term outcomes.  research of interest includes, but is not limited to:
  • clinical effectiveness studies comparing new/novel capabilities to existing evidence based treatments and/or the standard of care.
  • optimized messaging for successful dissemination and implementation of interventions.
  • understanding mechanisms of action for existing evidence-based treatments is also of interest.
  1. effective community-level postvention strategies to address social connectedness during reintegration of individuals into teams following a sexual assault or suicide event.  proposed research should prevent subsequent suicides or other counterproductive behaviors among individuals and community members.




clinical research development award – letter of intent due september 8, 2021

investigators at the level of assistant professor and above (or equivalent)

supports planning and development activities necessary to initiate a future clinical study with the potential to have a significant impact on traumatic brain injury (tbi) and/or psychological health.

recipients are expected to be ready to apply for advancing funding in the year following completion of the award; recipients are in no way assured of future funding.

research must address at least one of the fy21 tbiphrp crda focus areas.

preliminary data are required; preclinical or clinical studies to generate preliminary data or proof-of-principle will not be funded.

community-based participatory research (cbpr) approaches are encouraged but not required.

the maximum allowable funding for the entire period of performance is $300,000 for total costs.

indirect costs may be proposed in accordance with the institution’s negotiated rate agreement.

the maximum period of performance is 18 months.



clinical trial award – preproposal due september 15, 2021

extramural applicants only

preproposal/pre-application submission is required; proposal/application submission is by invitation only.

supports the rapid implementation of clinical trials with the potential to have a significant impact on tbi and/or psychological health through clinical applications, including healthcare products, technologies, and/or clinical practice guidelines.

research must address at least one of the fy21 tbiphrp cta focus areas.

cbpr approaches are required.

different research levels are available. it is the responsibility of the principal investigator to select the most appropriate research level for the study proposed. the research level should be selected based on the scope of the research project, rather than the amount of the budget.

the following are general descriptions and are not all inclusive of the scope of research projects that would be appropriate to propose under each research level.

research level 1: proof-of-principle pilot trials, correlative studies, and other innovative, exploratory clinical trials (early-career investigator partnering option is available).

research level 2: clinical trials for promising treatments or interventions that have already demonstrated acceptable safety in human subjects.

research level 3: large-scale clinical trials to demonstrate efficacy in relevant patient populations.

research level 1

the maximum allowable funding for the entire period of performance is $750,000 for total costs.

indirect costs may be proposed in accordance with the institution’s negotiated rate agreement.

the maximum period of performance is years.

research level 2

the maximum allowable funding for the entire period of performance is $3 million

(m) for total costs.

indirect costs may be proposed in accordance with the institution’s negotiated rate agreement.

the maximum period of performance is years.

research level 3

the maximum allowable funding for the entire period of performance is $6m for total costs.

indirect costs may be proposed in accordance with the institution’s negotiated rate agreement.

the maximum period of performance is years.


focused program award – preproposal due september 15, 2021

extramural applicants only

preproposal/pre-application submission is required; proposal/application submission is by invitation only.

supports a synergistic, multidisciplinary research program with the potential to have a significant impact on tbi and/or psychological health through clinical applications, including healthcare products, technologies, and/or clinical practice guidelines.

programs should include minimum of four independent but interrelated and synergistic research projects working toward a solution that would not be possible through individual efforts.

projects may range from exploratory/ hypothesis-developing through small- scale clinical trials that together address the overarching goal/question.

research team of highly qualified, multidisciplinary project leaders should be led by a principal investigator with demonstrated success in directing large, focused projects.

research must address at least one of the fy21 tbiphrp fpa focus areas.

cbpr approaches are required for studies including human subjects and recommended for other types of research.

the maximum allowable funding for the entire period of performance is $8m for total costs.

indirect costs may be proposed in accordance with the institution’s negotiated rate agreement.

the maximum period of performance is years.



idea development award – letter of intent due september 8, 2021

independent investigators at all academic levels (or equivalent)

supports innovative, non-incremental, high-risk/ high-reward research that will provide new insights, paradigms, technologies, or clinical applications.

not intended to support the logical progression of an already established line of questioning.

research must address at least one of the fy21 tbiphrp ida focus areas.

cbpr approaches are encouraged but not required.

clinical trials will not be supported.

the maximum allowable funding for the entire period of performance is $300,000 for total costs.

indirect costs may be proposed in accordance with the institution’s negotiated rate agreement.

the maximum period of performance is years.



investigator-initiated research award – letter of intent due september 8, 2021

  • independent investigators at all academic levels (or equivalent)
  • supports research with the ability to make an original and important contribution to understanding, preventing, and treating tbi and/or psychological health conditions.
  • research must address at least one of the fy21 tbiphrp iira focus areas.
  • cbpr approaches are encouraged but not required.
  • early-career investigator partnering option is available.
  • clinical trials will not be supported.
  • the maximum allowable funding for the entire period of performance is $750,000 for total costs.
  • indirect costs may be proposed in accordance with the institution’s negotiated rate agreement.
  • the maximum period of performance is years.


translational research award - preproposal due september 15, 2021

independent investigators at all academic levels (or equivalent)

pre-application submission is required; application submission is by invitation only.

supports the translation of promising ideas in tbi and/or psychological health research into clinical applications, including healthcare products, technologies, and/or clinical practice guidelines.

also supports optional small-scale clinical trials and comparative effectiveness studies; clinical trials for new interventions or indications are prohibited.

research must address at least one of the fy21 tbiphrp tra focus areas.

cbpr approaches are encouraged, particularly for studies including human subjects.

early-career investigator partnering option is available.

the maximum allowable funding for the entire period of performance is $1.5m for total costs.

indirect costs may be proposed in accordance with the institution’s negotiated rate agreement.

the maximum period of performance is years.


a pre-application is required and must be submitted through the electronic biomedical research application portal (ebrap) at prior to the pre-application deadline.  all applications must conform to the final funding opportunity/program announcements and general application instructions/general submission instructions available for electronic downloading from the website.  the application package containing the required forms for each award mechanism will also be found on  a listing of all cdmrp and other usamrdc extramural funding opportunities can be obtained on the website by performing a basic search using cfda number 12.420. 


for email notification when program announcements are released, subscribe to program-specific news and updates under “email subscriptions” on the ebrap homepage at  for more information about the tbiphrp or other cdmrp-administered programs, please visit the cdmrp website (


point of contact:

cdmrp help desk



external deadline: 
wednesday, september 8, 2021
funding source: 
funding level: 

defense health program department of defense reconstructive transplant research program funding opportunities for fiscal year 2021 (fy21)

how to apply: 

the fy21 defense appropriations act provides funding to the department of defense reconstructive transplant research program (rtrp) to support research projects that specifically address needs in the field of vascularized composite allotransplantation (vca).  the managing agent for the anticipated program announcements/funding opportunities is the congressionally directed medical research programs (cdmrp) at the u.s. army medical research and development command (usamrdc).


the fy21 rtrp program announcements and general application instructions for the following award mechanisms are posted on the website.

investigator-initiated research award- preproposal due september 15, 2021

independent investigators at all academic levels (or equivalent)

  • supports studies with the potential to make an important contribution to the reconstructive transplant research field, patient care, and/or quality of life.
  • preproposal is required; full application submission is by invitation only.
  • applications must address at least one of the fy21 rtrp investigator-initiated research award focus areas.
  • preliminary or published data are required for all focus areas except “retrospective studies for vca”.
  • multiple pi option:

o    supports synergistic partnerships among two to four investigators collaborating on a single application.

  • retrospective focus area single pi option:

o    supports retrospective studies in vca.

  • retrospective focus area multiple pi option:

o    supports synergistic partnerships among two to four investigators collaborating on a single application focused on retrospective studies in vca; multi-institutional collaborations are required.

single pi:

  • maximum funding of $1 million (m) for total costs (direct plus indirect costs).
  • maximum period of performance is years.

multiple pi option:

  • maximum total funding of $1.5m for total costs (direct plus indirect costs).
  • maximum period of performance is 3 years.

retrospective focus area single pi option:

  • maximum funding of $250,000 for total costs (direct plus indirect costs).
  • maximum period of performance is years.

retrospective focus area multiple pi option:

  • maximum funding of $375,000 for total costs (direct plus indirect costs).
    • maximum period of performance is years.


advanced technology development award – preproposal due september 15, 2021

independent investigators at all academic levels (or equivalent)

supports research critical for the translation of promising preclinical findings into products focused on reconstructive transplantation.

• applications must address at least one of the fy21 rtrp advanced technology development award focus areas.

• preproposal is required; full application submission is by invitation only.

• preliminary or published data are required.

• multiple pi option:

o supports synergistic partnerships among two to four investigators collaborating on a single application.

single pi:

• maximum funding of $1m for total costs (direct plus indirect costs).

• maximum period of performance is years.

multiple pi option:

• maximum total funding of $1.5m for total costs (direct plus indirect costs).

• maximum period of performance is years.


a pre-application is required and must be submitted through the electronic biomedical research application portal (ebrap) at prior to the pre-application deadline.  all applications must conform to the final program announcements and general application instructions available for electronic downloading from the website.  the application package containing the required forms for each award mechanism will also be found on  a listing of all cdmrp and other usamrdc extramural funding opportunities can be obtained on the website by performing a basic search using cfda number 12.420. 


for email notification when program announcements are released, subscribe to program-specific news and updates under “email subscriptions” on the ebrap homepage at  for more information about the rtrp or other cdmrp-administered programs, please visit the cdmrp website (


point of contact:

cdmrp help desk

external deadline: 
wednesday, september 15, 2021
funding source: 
funding level: 

race, gender and diversity initiative

how to apply: 

the goal of the race, gender and diversity initiative is to support community-based and community-led research partnerships with postsecondary institutions that are grounded in the lived experience of underrepresented or disadvantaged groups and that analyze the causes and persistence of systemic racism and discrimination. leadership by people from underrepresented or disadvantaged groups in research projects about race, gender and diversity is important to help ensure the research is grounded in the complexities of the lived experiences and histories of diverse groups and individuals, and to inform more rigorous and relevant policy and program design. the ultimate purpose of this initiative is to support partnership research and related activities to meet the needs of organizations working toward removing barriers and disparities for women; first nations, inuit and métis peoples; black, asian and other racialized peoples; people living with disabilities (both visible and invisible); lgbtq2+ people; religious minorities; and others marginalized on the basis of their ethnicity and other identity factors.

external deadline: 
monday, november 15, 2021
funding source: 
funding level: 

nfrf 2021 rapid response competition: innovative approaches to research in the pandemic context

how to apply: 

the covid-19 pandemic has had a documented disruptive effect on researchers’ ability to continue planned research activities, particularly community and field-based research. however, the pandemic also provides a unique opportunity to explore new directions in research methodologies, such as innovative approaches to increasing research inclusiveness through the proactive engagement and empowerment of community and other stakeholders to conduct research themselves. this exploration could include developing and testing new approaches to community science, patient-oriented research, indigenous-led research and more.

while there are challenges, including, for example, the high cost of technologies used in remote data collection, new approaches to conducting research also bring opportunities, such as deepening community leadership in the research process. the development of new ways of doing research is high risk, in that it has the potential to fail. if successful, new research methodologies are also high reward—significantly enhancing the capacity for knowledge generation, dissemination and use in canada and around the world. new research methodologies have the potential to benefit researchers, the communities engaged in and empowered by the research, and all those impacted by the outcomes of the research. they may be used beyond the covid-19 pandemic and their positive impacts may be long lasting. they may be adopted widely to complement or replace existing methodologies, or be used only when emergency situations, such as pandemics or natural disasters, preclude the use of existing methodologies.

the goal of this rapid response call is to accelerate the exploration of new approaches and the development and testing of new directions in research methodologies. it is expected that this call will predominately support new ways of conducting community and field-based research, since the pandemic has had the greatest impact on researchers’ ability to collect data and conduct this type of research.

rapid response grants will support projects to continue work that was interrupted or stalled by the pandemic and that trial and test a novel and innovative research approach with the potential to benefit canada and the world. proposals must be time sensitive and demonstrate a new way of doing research in situations where conventional or established research methods cannot be used due to covid-19-related restrictions

external deadline: 
tuesday, september 21, 2021
funding source: 
funding level: 

canadian space agency: supplements to the natural sciences and engineering research council of canada postdoctoral fellowships program 2021

how to apply: 

the objective of this supplements to the nserc pdf program ao is to award a grant supplement to postdoctoral researchers who will have been awarded an nserc postdoctoral fellowship under nserc's pdf program.

nserc's program provides support to a core of the most promising researchers at a pivotal time in their careers. the fellowships also aim to secure a supply of highly qualified canadians with leading-edge scientific and research skills for canadian industry, government and academic institutions.

as part of its commitment to support the development of the next generation of space professionals in canada, the csa will offer up to five (5) supplements in the amount of $20,000 to postdoctoral researchers who have been awarded an nserc postdoctoral fellowship, and who are involved in a promising research project that is aligned with and that will contribute to the priorities outlined in the space strategy for canada. the csa invites postdoctoral researchers interested by this opportunity to apply for a grant supplement through this ao.

this ao is consistent with the terms and conditions of the csa class grant and contribution program to support research, awareness and learning in space science and technology –learning component.

applicants are asked to read the following ao thoroughly before submitting their applications. this ao was prepared to help applicants complete the application process, and outlines key elements, including mandatory criteria for eligibility, details on eligible projects and the selection process. in the event of any discrepancies between this ao and the individual funding grant agreement, the latter document will take precedence.

external deadline: 
friday, january 7, 2022
funding source: 
funding level: 
