agricultural clean technology program: adoption stream

how to apply: 
as part of the government of canada’s strengthened climate plan, a healthy environment and a healthy economy, the new agricultural clean technology (act) program aims to create an enabling environment for the development and adoption of clean technology that will help drive the changes required to achieve a low-carbon economy and promote sustainable growth in canada’s agriculture and agri-food sector.

adoption stream

the adoption stream will support the purchase and installation of commercially available clean technologies and processes with a priority given to those that show evidence of reducing greenhouse gas (ghg) emissions, and other environmental co-benefits.

eligible activities under the adoption stream are of the following nature and type:

  • green energy and energy efficiency
  • precision agriculture
  • bioeconomy solutions

note: funding will be specifically allocated towards projects under the priority of green energy and energy efficiency, involving the purchase of more efficient grain dryers and fuel switching initiatives.

support is available in the form of non-repayable contributions from agriculture and agri-food canada.

external deadline: 
thursday, march 31, 2022
funding source: 
funding level: 

team grant : transitions in care - phase 2

how to apply: 

the specific objectives of this funding opportunity are to:

  • produce results that are applicable, adaptable and ready for equitable spread and/or scale (sharing) by a healthcare or community care provider through implementation research that is relevant to clients/patients/families, communities, and decision-makers;
  • improve health outcomes, client/patient/families experiences, effectiveness, and lower the cost of care within two or more of the transitions in care (tic) focus areas through identifying, evaluating and implementing evidence-based and/or effective interventions;
  • build novel multi-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary collaborations and partnerships with individuals, communities and organizations in canada that have interest in transformative research in care transitions by promoting engagement, recognition and respect for health research expertise across an array of health disciplines, research pillars, and industry; and
  • build and promote relevant capacity to conduct research in transitions in care, including training and early career development by supporting teams that actively engage established researchers, early career investigators, trainees, and knowledge users.
external deadline: 
tuesday, january 25, 2022
funding source: 
funding level: 

governor's award

how to apply: 

the governor’s award provides financial support to academics who are recognized for their expertise and research in areas important to the bank's core functions.

the award consists of a $30,000 annual research grant for a term of up to two years, subject to an annual review and confirmation process.

external deadline: 
tuesday, november 30, 2021
award category: 
funding source: 
funding level: 

fellowship program

how to apply: 

the fellowship program is designed to encourage and foster excellence in research that relates to the bank’s core functions.

  • it promotes collaboration and partnerships between bank researchers and leading academics at canadian post-secondary institutions.
  • it also contributes to the education and development of canada’s researchers in fields related to the bank’s core functions

if you are interested in being nominated for this award, please contact dr. batia stolar, associate vice-president, research and graduate studies, at

external deadline: 
tuesday, november 30, 2021
award category: 
funding source: 
funding level: 

nomination of fellows of the royal society of canada

how to apply: 

the rsc consists of fellows elected in three academies (academy i, arts and humanities; academy ii, social sciences; and academy iii, science), members of the college of new scholars, artists and scientists, and institutional members from across canada. there are currently more than 2,400 rsc fellows, more than 400 members of the college, and more than 60 institutional members.

if you are interested in being nominated as a fellow of the royal society of canada, please contact dr. batia stolar, associate vice-president, research and graduate studies, at

external deadline: 
wednesday, december 1, 2021
award category: 
funding source: 
funding level: 

next gen pregnancy initiative

how to apply: 

building upon the original goals of the bwf preterm birth initiative, a recently convened pregnancy think tank has helped shape the next generation of bwf preterm birth awards. growing evidence suggests the interrelatedness of the duration of pregnancy, fetal growth, and adverse pregnancy outcomes such as preterm birth, preeclampsia, intrauterine growth restriction, stillbirth, and maternal medical complications including maternal mortality.

other areas of interest are climate change and environmental impact on pregnancy, complications associated with art, and epigenome-wide association studies.

we seek to expand the scope of this award mechanism to capture these and other pregnancy outcomes as we believe they will be mutually informative and accelerate discovery. each award will continue to provide up to $500,000 over a four-year period ($125,000 per year).

the initiative is designed to stimulate both creative individual scientists and multi-investigator teams to approach healthy and adverse pregnancy outcomes using creative basic and translation science methods. the formation of new connections between reproductive scientists and investigators who are involved in other areas is particularly encouraged.

external deadline: 
wednesday, december 1, 2021
funding source: 
funding level: 

knowledge synthesis grants call - “the emerging asocial society”

how to apply: 

the social sciences and humanities research council of canada (sshrc) has launched a knowledge synthesis grants funding opportunity to assess the state of research knowledge on the topic of the emerging asocial society, under sshrc’s imagining canada’s future initiative.


this call for proposals focuses on the state of knowledge from research on issues related to the growing sense of disconnection, isolation and loneliness in canadian society. the resulting syntheses will identify roles that the academic, public, private and not-for-profit sectors may play in promoting more connected and resilient communities, and may inform the development of effective tools, robust policies and sustainable practices required to support the transition to a more equitable, healthy and prosperous future.


the deadline for applications is december 17, 2021. for more information on the call for proposals, please contact:

external deadline: 
friday, december 17, 2021
funding source: 
funding level: 

call for proposals: 2022 wsib research and grants competition

how to apply: 

the wsib is now accepting proposals for the 2022 research and grants competition!

initial proposal deadline: friday, october 15, 2021

the wsib research and grants program aims to enhance workers’ compensation system outcomes by supporting innovative proposals that align to the wsib's strategic mandate. the proposals funded through the program will help to strengthen ontario's workers' compensation system and deliver on our priority of making ontario a safer place to work.

research priorities


the 2022 wsib research and grants program will focus on research that can help make ontario the safest place to work. three considerations for the competition include:

1)            how we work

2)            how we approach health and safety

3)            how we support return-to-work and recovery


the research and grants program is committed to supporting the wsib’s strategic priority of being financially responsible and accountable through the operating practices of the program on an ongoing basis.

applicants are encouraged to submit proposals that align to the topics of interest identified. highly practical research and training proposals aligned to the three primary considerations are also accepted.

for more information about the program and the application process, please visit our website.

external deadline: 
friday, october 15, 2021
funding source: 
funding level: 

2022 transformation competition


to reflect the expertise required to deliver on the ambitious and interdisciplinary nature of the project, proposals must be submitted by teams. teams must include an npi and may include co-principal investigators (co-pis), co-applicants and/or collaborators. individuals who are not academic researchers are eligible for all roles except npi. at the notice of intent to apply (noi) stage, a minimum of five confirmed members (excluding collaborators) is required. additional members can be added at each stage of the competition process and throughout the term of the grant. all core members of the team are expected to be confirmed when the letter of intent to apply (loi) is submitted.

the appropriate team size and composition will depend on the requirements of the proposed project. the npi and team members can be from any discipline(s). the npi should be the most appropriate canadian researcher to lead an interdisciplinary project of this scale, which requires integration and coordination beyond usual disciplinary perspectives. team members may be from any sector to ensure that all required sectors and disciplines are represented in the team and to provide an integrated interdisciplinary—and, if applicable, intersectoral—approach to the project. the focus should be on assembling a coherent team of experts to execute the project rather than on establishing a network.

national, international and cross-sector (private, public or other) collaborations are encouraged, as needed, to ensure that the most appropriate individuals and/or organizations are involved and that team composition reflects best practices in equity, diversity and inclusion. to support collaborations, funds from transformation grants can be transferred to any organization within canada or internationally except for-profit companies or federal, provincial or municipal governments.

how to apply: 

the objective of the new frontiers in research fund (nfrf) transformation stream is to support large-scale, canadian-led interdisciplinary research projects that address a major challenge with the potential to realize real and lasting change. the challenge may be fundamental, leading to a scientific breakthrough, or applied, with a social, economic, environmental or health impact. projects are expected to be world-leading, drawing on global research expertise, when relevant.

transformation stream grants will support projects that:

  1. tackle a well-defined problem or challenge;
  2. propose a novel world-leading approach that is different from the current state-of-the-art approaches to the issue;
  3. are interdisciplinary, bringing different perspectives to the defined problem; and
  4. have the potential to be transformative, defined as the potential to create a significant and real change or impact—a noticeable leap or tangible breakthrough rather than an incremental advance.
external deadline: 
tuesday, november 2, 2021
funding source: 
funding level: 

cifar azrieli global scholars program

who is eligible:
applicants may be based anywhere in the world, must hold a phd (or equivalent) and be within the first five years of starting a full-time research position at an institution of higher education or research.

we invite applications from early-career research leaders who can engage with any of the following cifar research programs:
how to apply: 

the cifar azrieli global scholars program is one of the most prestigious early-career research opportunities in the world. scholars are selected for their research excellence and receive mentoring from the world’s leading academics. they join the cifar community of international researchers to collaborate across disciplines and explore the most important questions facing science and humanity.

apply now

accelerate your career: apply by october 27, 2021

each cifar azrieli global scholar receives:
  • $100,000 cad in unrestricted research support
  • a two-year term in a cifar research program, a global, interdisciplinary network of top-tier research leaders
  • mentorship from a senior researcher within a cifar research program
  • opportunities to network, collaborate, and form a community with peers from diverse disciplines across cifar’s research programs
  • specialized leadership and communication skills training, and support to put skills into action.
  • if you are interested in applying to this program, please contact jill sherman, international research facilitator at
external deadline: 
wednesday, october 27, 2021
funding source: 
funding level: 
