insight development grants

how to apply: 

insight development grants are expected to respond to the objectives of the insight program.

insight development grants support research in its initial stages. the grants enable the development of new research questions, as well as experimentation with new methods, theoretical approaches and/or ideas. funding is provided for short-term research development projects of up to two years that are proposed by individuals or teams.

insight development grants foster research in its early stages, but are not intended to support large-scale initiatives. long-term support for research is offered through sshrc’s insight grants.

proposed projects can involve, but are not limited to, the following types of research activities:

  • case studies
  • pilot initiatives
  • critical analyses of existing research

projects can also involve national and international research collaboration, and the exploration of new ways of producing, structuring and mobilizing knowledge within and across disciplines and sectors.

funding is available for two distinct categories of scholars:

  • emerging scholars who will develop new research questions and/or approaches. such projects may build on and further the applicant’s (or team’s) graduate work and/or represent a continuation of their overall research trajectory.
  • established scholars who will explore new research questions and/or approaches that are distinct from the applicant’s previous/ongoing research. research projects should be clearly delimited and in the early stages of the research process. insight development grant funding is not intended to support ongoing research for established scholars.

sshrc welcomes applications involving indigenous research, as well as those involving research-creation.

external deadline: 
wednesday, february 2, 2022
funding source: 
funding level: 

canada-china scholars' exchange program

how to apply: 

who applies:

  • canadian 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 at the college, undergraduate and graduate levels in canada;
  • canadian faculty members or research staff at a post-secondary institution in canada; and
  • canadian mid-career professionals who have a master’s or phd degree and have managerial, policy development or decision making responsibilities.

description: global affairs canada and the chinese ministry of education are offering short-term scholarships to canadians wishing to pursue post-secondary academic study, research or chinese language training or a combination of these activities at participating chinese institutions.

please contact jill sherman, international research facilitator for more information at

external deadline: 
thursday, january 20, 2022
funding source: 
funding level: 

2021-2022 road safety research partnership program

how to apply: 

the ontario ministry of transportation (mto) is pleased to announce the call for proposals as part of the 2021-2022 road safety research partnership program (rsrpp). this program funds researchers in the broader public sector to conduct cutting-edge, road safety research that supports ontario’s efforts to improve road safety.


for the 2021-2022 competition, proposals must involve one of the following four priority areas:


entry-level training for commercial motor vehicle drivers


alternative countermeasures to improve driver behaviour


simulator testing to understand the road safety risk of commercial drivers with reduced vision


reducing high risk driving


there are three streams of projects that mto is interested in funding:

(a) new long-term projects, up to 15 months in duration (max. $180,000 over two years);

(b) new short-term projects, up to 3 months in duration (max. $50,000); and,

(c) ongoing projects, which are already in progress, but have components that address one of the priority areas (max. $50,000)


call letter

program guidelines

stream a application form

stream b application form

stream c application form

external deadline: 
monday, december 13, 2021
funding source: 
funding level: 

sshrc storytellers challenge

how to apply: 
the sshrc storytellers challenge for 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 has been launched. 
sshrc’s storytellers challenge asks postsecondary 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to show canadians, in up to three minutes or 300 words, how social sciences and humanities research is affecting our lives, our world and our future for the better. from the sshrc website:  "tell us about a great sshrc-funded project happening at your postsecondary institution. your story must be compelling, creative and clear."

the top 25 finalists win $3,000 and the final five winners among them win an additional $1,000.
monday january 24, 2022 – challenge closing date.
for more information, please click here.
external deadline: 
monday, january 24, 2022
funding source: 
funding level: 

open call for expressions of interest for research on quality of work

how to apply: 

fsc is seeking to engage with canada’s research community to further develop the canadian evidence base on a myriad of issues that implicate the quality of work.  this invitation to submit an expression of intent aims to engage with canadian researchers from a variety of disciplines to submit their initial ideas and concepts for research that could address these gaps. 

external deadline: 
thursday, november 25, 2021
funding source: 
funding level: 

japan society for the promotion of science postdoctoral fellowships


to be considered eligible for support, as of the application deadline date, you must:

  • be a canadian citizen or a permanent resident of canada;
  • not have japanese nationality or be a permanent resident of japan;
  • hold or expect to hold a doctorate degree in one of the fields of research that nserc supports prior to the proposed start date of the postdoctoral fellowship;
  • not hold, or have held, any other jsps postdoctoral fellowship.

in addition:

  • you must have completed all requirements of your first doctoral degree no more than six years before the application deadline.
how to apply: 

the  japan society for the promotion of science (jsps) has established the jsps postdoctoral fellowships for foreign researchers. a limited number of promising early-career researchers are given the opportunity to conduct research in japanese universities and in designated research institutions and laboratories. nserc is responsible for recommending canadian nominees for jsps postdoctoral fellowships.

external deadline: 
tuesday, february 1, 2022
funding source: 
funding level: 

expanding market opportunities program

how to apply: 

the expanding market opportunities (emo) program provides financial support for activities that:

  • increase canada’s presence in national and international forest products markets
  • enhance knowledge of canadian forest products among suppliers and their customers
  • promote the use of canadian wood in non-traditional construction such as mid-rise and non-residential buildings
external deadline: 
tuesday, december 14, 2021
funding source: 
funding level: 

operating grant : indigenous covid-19 rapid research funding opportunity


this funding opportunity seeks applicants who self-identify as indigenous (first nations, inuit or métis) or provide evidence of having meaningful and culturally safe involvement with indigenous peoples in order to:

  1. prioritize first nations, inuit, métis and/or urban indigenous peoples and communities in leading their research agendas;
  2. promote cultural safety* of indigenous peoples and appropriate engagements by researchers working with indigenous peoples in meaningful ways to ensure that respectful relations are established;
  3. add value to the research through the use of indigenous culturally relevant theoretical and conceptual frameworks, and indigenous culturally relevant research protocols, including indigenous methodologies; and
  4. promote equity and development of trainees, researchers and knowledge users who identify as indigenous.     

eligibility to apply

for an application to be eligible:

  1. the nominated principal applicant (npa) must be:
    1. an indigenous non-governmental organization in canada with a research and/or knowledge translation mandate.


    2. an individual affiliated with an indigenous non-governmental organization in canada with a research and/or knowledge translation mandate.


    3. an individual (an independent researcher or a knowledge user) affiliated with a canadian postsecondary institution and/or its affiliated institutions (including hospitals, research institutes and other non-profit organizations with a mandate for health research and/or knowledge translation) at the time of funding.


    4. an individual (an independent researcher or a knowledge user) working in a municipal, provincial or territorial government in canada where the activity which forms the subject matter of the funding is not being funded by specific programs of those municipal, provincial and territorial governments.
  2. the team must include at least one (1) team member from each of the following categories:
    1. an indigenous elder and/or an indigenous knowledge keeper** identified on the application as a principal knowledge user or knowledge user.
    2. sex and gender champion with experience in meaningful and culturally safe sex and gender-based analysis or gender diversity in indigenous communities identified on the application in any role.
  3. the nominated principal applicant and sex and gender champion must have successfully completed one of the sex- and gender-based analysis training modules available online through the cihr institute of gender and health and submit a certificate of completion. select and complete the training module most applicable to your project. applicants are encouraged to review "how to integrate sex and gender in research", "why sex and gender need to be considered in covid-19 research", and "meet the methods series: quantitative intersectional study design and primary data collection", as well as consult the evaluation criteria. see how to apply for more details.
  4. an organization or individual can only submit one application as a nominated principal applicant within this competition. if the nominated principal applicant submits more than one application, cihr will automatically withdraw the last application(s) submitted based on time-stamp of submission.

note: cihr will monitor and manage identical/essentially identical applications submitted to any ongoing funding opportunities. applications that are currently under review cannot be submitted to additional competitions.

how to apply: 

the specific objectives of this funding opportunity are to:

  • research, identify, address and/or share best and wise program and policy practices, and/or critical knowledge gaps, including the collection and management and analysis of high-quality and real-time data, related to addressing the immediate impacts and future consequences of covid-19, among distinct indigenous populations, communities and individuals;
  • research and enable a comprehensive and timely understanding of the implications and impact of covid-19, including emerging variants and the long covid condition, within distinct indigenous communities, and their relevance for public health, health systems and policy;
  • identify, implement, evaluate and/or share culturally safe, distinctions-based and indigenous-led and/or indigenous community-led solutions to address the covid-19 pandemic and its consequences, among indigenous communities;
  • accelerate distinctions-based and indigenous-led and/or indigenous community-led research and knowledge mobilization activities related to covid-19 within the context of indigenous health while supporting indigenous community capacity development in research and knowledge mobilization; and
  • expand or adapt existing programs and infrastructure, in indigenous communities to support capacity development of indigenous communities to design, lead, and meaningfully participate in culturally safe responses to the current covid-19 pandemic and/or future pandemic preparedness.

to be considered relevant, the application must address at least one of the objectives.

research areas

this funding opportunity will support projects relevant to one or more of the following research areas:

  • indigenous peoples' understanding and experience with respect to covid-19, including strengths-based and/or cultural responses grounded in indigenous knowledges and self-determination; intersections with, and impact on, on-going health, social, economic and climate crises; and/or perspectives of (or participation in) vaccine research and/or campaigns, and epidemiological investigations and other studies.
  • delivering covid-19 testing, contact tracing, vaccination, self-isolation and other management practices and policies related to indigenous peoples and the covid-19 pandemic, including culturally safe approaches and challenges.
  • culturally safe covid-19 prevention, preparedness, response and recovery for indigenous peoples,including design, delivery and/or dissemination of programs and services that are grounded in indigenous knowledges, self-determination, and local community context.
  • emerging issues related to covid-19 in indigenous communities, including understanding and responding to variants of interest and variants of concern, the long covid condition, vaccine confidence, indigenous data sovereignty, mental health and substance use, food security, housing, and complex trauma. conducting research or mobilizing knowledge that is meaningful and culturally safe and that strengthens capacity to respond to and recover from covid-19, and prevent and prepare for subsequent pandemics and other health emergencies is encouraged.
external deadline: 
tuesday, november 30, 2021
funding source: 
funding level: 

building malaria modeling capacity in sub-saharan africa


we are looking for proposals that:

  • are led by a pi based in sub-saharan africa (other global partners may be included). teams comprising multiple african institutions will be given preference over applicants from single institutions
  • demonstrate at least 80% of the funding is going to sub-saharan african institutions
  • focus on improving geospatial and/or mathematical modeling capacity for malaria (other related diseases may be included; for example, modelers may also work on vector-borne neglected tropical diseases)
  • articulate how the project will lead to impact in the near-term and how those benefits will be sustained past the lifetime of the project
  • demonstrate engagement with local and/or regional malaria decision-makers

we will not fund proposals that:

  • do not demonstrate that the majority of the work proposed will be undertaken by african scientists at african institutions
  • do not demonstrate a pathway to sustainable impact
  • do not engage local and/or regional malaria decision-makers
  • do not focus on expanding geospatial or mathematical modeling capacity
how to apply: 

this rfp seeks innovative approaches to building a stronger malaria mathematical modeling ecosystem in sub-saharan africa. we are looking for 1 to 3 years projects that will achieve one or more of the objectives below:

  • increasing the number of ph.d.-trained mathematical modelers with malaria expertise based at sub-saharan african institutions
  • improving nmcp's understanding of and engagement with modeling approaches as a tool that can support strategic planning and/or evaluation work
  • connecting malaria product development partners (pdps) with sub-saharan african modelers
  • bringing together discrete modeling units across sub-saharan africa to share expertise
  • improving modelers' access to timely, high-quality data

for more information or assistance at lakehead, please contact jill sherman,

external deadline: 
thursday, january 13, 2022
funding source: 
funding level: 

inter-american organization for higher education (oui-iohe)
