postdoctoral fellowship awards program


we invite applications from mds who have completed their medical residency program or phds who have completed their phd. in addition, biostatisticians with a phd and working in a hiv or related health conditions group are also eligible to apply. only canadian citizens or permanent residents may apply.

how to apply: 

the ctn postdoctoral fellows program offers prospective researchers with the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in the hiv clinical research setting, under supervision of experienced canadian researchers.

the ctn postdoctoral fellowship awards program offers career support to outstanding young scientists at major canadian centres. the goals of the program are:

• to help meet the need for trained principal investigators in hiv and related health conditions in canada,

• to foster a dynamic research environment at canadian hiv care centres and institutions, and

• to promote cooperation and collaboration among pharmaceutical and bio-technology industries, government and scientists in the evaluation of new hiv therapies, vaccines and clinical interventions.


external deadline: 
tuesday, february 15, 2022
funding source: 
funding level: 

cihr canadian hiv trials network

2021 grants program strategic initiative: occupational exposure to asbestos and the development of lung cancer (systematic review)

how to apply: 

the workplace safety and insurance board (wsib) is now accepting proposals for the 2021 grants program strategic initiative: occupational exposure to asbestos and the development of lung cancer (systematic review)

proposal deadline: february 18, 2022

to express interest and obtain an application form, please email


new funding opportunity

the wsib is interested in awarding a grant for a systematic review evaluating the scientific evidence for an association between primary site lung cancer and occupational exposure to asbestos.

outcomes from the systematic review may be considered by the wsib to determine whether the scientific evidence meets the recommended standards for scheduling, policy development or to underpin adjudicative support in case-by-case decision-making.


specifically, the review must address:

  • risk of developing primary-site lung cancer in asbestos-exposed workers, with the role of asbestosis also addressed
  • identification of:
    • subgroups of workers with occupational asbestos exposure who have an increased risk of developing lung cancer
    • any exposure-response trends of increasing risk with increasing duration, frequency or intensity of exposure, including whether there is a minimum cumulative dose of exposure associated with increased risk 
    • minimal interval (latency) between the first exposure and the development of lung cancer
    • any interdependent causes or synergistic relationships with other risk factors
    • where available, identification of the scientific evidence on the role of asbestosis



for more information about the strategic initiative and the application process, please visit our website. to express interest and obtain an application form, please email

external deadline: 
friday, february 18, 2022
funding source: 
funding level: 

innovation to implementation supplement

how to apply: 

the ontario institute for cancer research (oicr) is inviting applications for the innovation to implementation supplement (i2is), which is focused on overcoming barriers to the mobilization, or uptake, of knowledge required to inform adoption of oicr research assets into policy or health care. oicr is committed to providing research funding to help support a sustainable health system that enables fair and equitable access to cancer interventions. i2is is a supplement for oicr research projects supported within the last five years to move them from an experimental phase towards clinical use.


i2is funding has two main purposes:

  • to support research projects needed to overcome implementation bottlenecks and provide optimal approaches to accelerate the uptake and sustainability of oicr-supported research outputs in population health, cancer screening and clinical settings; and 
  • to support efforts to synthesize, disseminate, exchange and apply knowledge related to oicr-funded research in order to build on and use that knowledge to improve high-quality decision making to support health, the healthcare system or healthcare delivery. 



i2is is a supplement for projects that have received oicr support between april 1, 2016 and november 30, 2021 (the ‘eligibility term’). to be eligible, the applicant must have been listed as a principal investigator (pi), co-pi, investigator, or co-investigator on a previously supported oicr project within the eligibility term. applications from investigators who have not received oicr funding over the eligibility term will only be accepted if a co-pi, who has received oicr support for the related project over the eligibility term, is also listed on the application. applicants are eligible to submit a single i2is application as the pi or co-pi. pi/co-pis may participate on separate i2is applications as co-investigators or collaborators.


funding available

up to $100,000 per year, inclusive of overhead, for a maximum of one year. the annual budget for the entire i2is funding stream is $600,000. oicr funding is only tenable in ontario and can only be disbursed to not-for-profit entities. 


deadlines and important dates: 

rfa information session: january 12, 2022, 10-11 a.m. et
(register here to attend)
notice of intent (noi) deadline: no later than january 26 by 5 p.m. et
letter of intent (loi) deadline: january 26, 2022 by 5 p.m. et
loi results communicated: week of march 7, 2022 
full application deadline: april 28, 2022 by 5 p.m. et
notification of results: end of june 2022
funding to begin: july 1, 2022

external deadline: 
wednesday, january 26, 2022
funding source: 
funding level: 

h.l. holmes award for post-doctoral studies


recipients will be chosen according to the following eligibility criteria:

  • the candidate must be a canadian citizen
  • the candidate must have graduated from a recognized canadian university
  • the candidate must hold a doctoral degree from either a canadian university or an outstanding foreign university, received within 5 years immediately before the application deadline
  • the candidate's proposed research must pertain to chemistry, physics, biology or mathematics as they relate to medical and biological processes
  • the candidate must have demonstrated research ability
how to apply: 

the objective of the h.l. holmes award is to enhance canadian research in areas of strategic importance through post-doctoral studies at world famous graduate schools or research institutes under outstanding researchers, and in fields related to medical and biological processes. recipients must acknowledge the nrc and the h.l. holmes award when submitting research papers to journals for work accomplished while receiving support from the award

external deadline: 
tuesday, december 7, 2021
funding source: 
funding level: 

canadian foundation for legal research

hfsp research grant program

how to apply: 

hfsp research grants support innovative basic research into fundamental biological problems with emphasis placed on novel and interdisciplinary approaches that involve scientific exchanges across national and disciplinary boundaries (see guidelines).

participation of scientists from disciplines outside the traditional life sciences such as biophysics, chemistry, computational biology, computer science, engineering, mathematics, nanoscience or physics is recommended because such collaborations have opened up new approaches for understanding the complex structures and regulatory networks that characterize living organisms, their evolution and interactions.

research grants are provided for teams of scientists from different countries who wish to combine their expertise in innovative approaches to questions that could not be answered by individual laboratories. preliminary results are not required and applicants are expected to develop new lines of research through the research collaboration.

it is understood that such research inherently contains risks and hfsp expects that teams of applicants address the risks and outline mitigation strategies for their research in case of failure and how they intend to achieve their goals.

applications for applied research, including medical research typically funded by national medical research bodies, will be deemed ineligible (see guidelines).

two types of grant are available: research grants – early career and research grants – program.

  •  please contact jill sherman, international research facilitator, if this opportunity is of interest at
external deadline: 
thursday, march 24, 2022
funding source: 
funding level: 

energy innovation program – clean fuels and industrial fuel switching

how to apply: 

in its net zero by 2050 report released may 2021, the international energy agency states that almost 50% of co2 emissions reductions required to create a net zero economy by 2050 will come from technologies currently at the prototype or demonstration stage, with this share being much higher for heavy industry. in canada, heavy industry accounted for 77 meagtonnes (mt)of co2 equivalent (eq) in 2019, representing 11% of canada’s total emissions. funding solutions to reduce emissions in this sector is critical to address hard-to-abate segments of industrial emissions and create pathways for the use of cleaner fuels.

as part of the government’s efforts to accelerate the development of technologies that can decarbonize industry, this call for proposals under the energy innovation program will target industrial fuel switching and production of clean fuels for use in hard-to-abate sectors, focusing specifically on three technology areas. nrcan will be making available up to $50 m for focus areas 1 and 2 combined, and up to $3 m for focus area 3.

external deadline: 
wednesday, february 2, 2022
funding source: 
funding level: 

other : spor primary care network


eligibility to apply

for an application to be eligible:

  1. the nominated principal applicant (npa) must be an independent researcher or a knowledge user affiliated with an eligible institution (see the cihr application administration guide – part 4).
  2. the applicant team must include a minimum of two individuals who self-identify as indigenous (first nations, métis and inuit, including members of urban indigenous communities) and/or can provide evidence of meaningful and culturally safe involvement with indigenous communities, in alignment with cihr's strategic plan priority c: accelerate the self-determination of indigenous peoples in health researchthese individuals must be identified on the application as the npa, and/or principal applicant(s) (pa) and/or principal knowledge user(s) (pku) and/or co-applicant(s). additional participants meeting this requirement are encouraged.
  3. the applicant team, including the npa, must comprise of a minimum of two individuals for each bullet listed below under (a) knowledge users and (b) independent researchersat least one of these individuals must be listed as a pa or pku.
    1. knowledge users, including but not limited to:
      • patients;
      • health care professionals/providers with a focus on the primary care system (e.g., physicians, nurses, occupational therapists, pharmacists, social workers, physiotherapists, psychologists, elders and/or traditional counsellors, or other health professionals/providers);
      • health care system decision makers and administrators (i.e., individuals empowered to engage with the network and serve as a conduit of information to and from their respective health system, health care institution, health care centre [including health or wellness centres on-reserve or in urban centres], etc.).
    2. independent researchers, including but not limited to:
  4. the applicant team must be national in scope, i.e., participants identified on the application as the npa, pas and pkus must include individuals from at least three of the four following regions:
    • east – includes new brunswick, nova scotia, prince edward island and newfoundland and labrador
    • west – includes british columbia, alberta and saskatchewan
    • central – includes manitoba, ontario and quebec
    • north – includes northwest territories, yukon and nunavut
  5. each participant's host institution/organization and/or region of primary influence/work must be clearly listed in the participant table (see how to apply section).
  6. the npa, pas and pkus must have successfully completed one of the sex- and gender-based analysis training modules available online through the cihr institute of gender and health and have submitted a certificate of completion (see how to apply section).
  7. the applicant team must identify a minimum of one equity, diversity and inclusion (edi) champion with knowledge of sex- and gender-based analysis (sgba). note that this individual or individuals can also hold one of the roles listed in criterion 1-3 above.
  8. the applicant team must include a minimum of two trainees identified on the application as co-applicants. additional trainees as co-applicants are encouraged.
how to apply: 

the specific objectives of this funding opportunity are to support a national network that will:

  • facilitate, through research and partnerships, the increase in reach, adaptation, and accessibility of successful patient-oriented primary and integrated health care innovations to new sites, new settings, and/or new populations;
  • mobilize knowledge generated to inform and transform practice, clinical care, policy, and/or decision making toward optimal and equitable health outcomes;
  • build capacity for the ongoing application of patient-oriented primary and integrated health care knowledge.
external deadline: 
tuesday, december 14, 2021
funding source: 
funding level: 

2021 platform support grants

how to apply: 

through the platform support grants, brain canada continues to fill a critical gap in funding as it pertains to the development, operation, and maintenance of research platforms. open to investigators working in neuroscience research, this program will support new and/or existing major platforms that are accelerating research, providing access to specialized technology, and creating new data pools. this year, brain canada has allocated $15 million dollars to the platform support grants program, to be matched by funding provided by sponsors secured by applicants.

unique to the platform support grants is the opportunity for organizations, agencies, institutions, and/ or industry partners, and more to join brain canada in supporting capacity-building and research development by committing to provide 50% of the total funds requested from a research team. a sponsor may support any number of applications and multiple sponsors may support a single application, but no sponsor can commit less than 20% of the matched funding required for one single application. historically, research grants awarded through the psg program have ranged from $138,000 - $6.1 million (including matching funds) across three years.

interested applicants will be required to first register a team by february 7, 2022 at 16:00 et

selected applicants will then be invited to submit a full application by april 22, 2022 at 16:00 et

external deadline: 
monday, february 7, 2022
funding source: 
funding level: 
