congressionally directed medical research programs (cdmrp) dod funding opportunities lung cancer research programs - july deadline

how to apply: 

the fy22 defense appropriations act is anticipated to provide funding for the lcrp to support innovative, high-impact lung cancer research.  as directed by the office of the assistant secretary of defense for health affairs, the defense health agency j9, research and development directorate, manages the defense health program’s (dhp) research, development, test and evaluation appropriation.  the managing agent for the anticipated program announcements/funding opportunities is the cdmrp at the u.s. army medical research and development command (usamrdc).


the fy22 lcrp funding opportunity announcements for the following award mechanisms are posted on the website. 


applications submitted to the fy22 lcrp must address one or more of the following areas of emphasis:


  • identify innovative strategies for the prevention of the occurrence of lung cancer.
  • identify innovative strategies for the screening and early detection of lung cancer.
  • understand the molecular mechanisms of initiation and progression to lung cancer.
  • understand contributors to lung cancer development other than tobacco.
  • identify innovative strategies for the treatment of lung cancer.
  • identify innovative strategies for the prevention of recurrence of or metastases from lung cancer.
  • develop or optimize biomarkers to assist with therapeutic decision-making
  • understand mechanisms of resistance to treatment (primary and secondary)
  • identify innovative strategies for comprehensive lung cancer care (clinical management/surveillance/symptom management/palliative care).
  • understand factors and/or develop implementation strategies to address health disparities in lung cancer.


relevance to military health:  the lcrp seeks to support research that is relevant to the healthcare needs of military service members, veterans, and their families.  relevance to military health will be considered in determining relevance to the mission of the dhp and fy22 lcrp during programmatic review.  investigators are strongly encouraged to consider the following characteristics as examples of how a project may demonstrate relevance to military health:


  • use of military of veteran populations, biospecimens, data/databases, or programs in the proposed research.
  • collaboration with department of defense or department of veterans affairs (va) investigators.
  • description of how the knowledge, information, products, or technologies gained from the proposed research could be implemented in a dual-use capacity to address a military need that also benefits the civilian population.
  • explanation of how the project addresses an aspect of lung cancer that has a direct relevance to military service members, veterans, or other military health system beneficiaries, including environmental exposures other than tobacco.


funding opportunities-fy22 lcrp, congressionally directed medical research programs (cdmrp) (


clinical translational research partnership award – letter of intent due july 13, 2022

investigators at or above the level of assistant professor (or equivalent)

clinician must be an m.d., m/d//ph.d., or equivalent with clinical duties and/or responsibilities

  • ·        supports translational studies that include an interventional clinical trial.
  • ·        this mechanism is intended to fund partnerships between clinicians and laboratory scientists that accelerate ideas in lung cancer into clinical applications.

○       one partner is strongly encouraged to be from either a military treatment facility or a u.s. department of veterans affairs medical center.

  • ·        non-traditional partnerships are encouraged.
    • ·        preliminary lung cancer relevant data are required.
    • ·        relevance to military health is strongly encouraged.
    • ·        patient research advocate involvement is encouraged.
      • ·        maximum combined funding of $1,200,000 for direct costs (plus indirect costs).
      • ·        maximum period of performance should not exceed 3 years.


a pre-application is required and must be submitted through the electronic biomedical research application portal (ebrap) at prior to the pre-application deadline.  all applications must conform to the final funding opportunity announcements available for downloading from the website.  the application package containing the required forms for each award mechanism will also be found on  a listing of all cdmrp and other usamrdc extramural funding opportunities can be obtained on the website by performing a basic search using cfda number 12.420. 


for email notification when announcements are released, subscribe to program-specific news and updates under “email subscriptions” on the ebrap homepage at  for more information about the lcrp or other cdmrp-administered programs, please visit the cdmrp website (


point of contact:

cdmrp help desk


please contact jill sherman, international research facilitator, at for more information.


external deadline: 
wednesday, july 13, 2022
funding source: 
funding level: 

congressionally directed medical research programs (cdmrp) dod funding opportunities lung cancer research programs - may deadlines

how to apply: 

the fy22 defense appropriations act is anticipated to provide funding for the lcrp to support innovative, high-impact lung cancer research.  as directed by the office of the assistant secretary of defense for health affairs, the defense health agency j9, research and development directorate, manages the defense health program’s (dhp) research, development, test and evaluation appropriation.  the managing agent for the anticipated program announcements/funding opportunities is the cdmrp at the u.s. army medical research and development command (usamrdc).


the fy22 lcrp funding opportunity announcements for the following award mechanisms are posted on the website. 


applications submitted to the fy22 lcrp must address one or more of the following areas of emphasis:


  • identify innovative strategies for the prevention of the occurrence of lung cancer.
  • identify innovative strategies for the screening and early detection of lung cancer.
  • understand the molecular mechanisms of initiation and progression to lung cancer.
  • understand contributors to lung cancer development other than tobacco.
  • identify innovative strategies for the treatment of lung cancer.
  • identify innovative strategies for the prevention of recurrence of or metastases from lung cancer.
  • develop or optimize biomarkers to assist with therapeutic decision-making
  • understand mechanisms of resistance to treatment (primary and secondary)
  • identify innovative strategies for comprehensive lung cancer care (clinical management/surveillance/symptom management/palliative care).
  • understand factors and/or develop implementation strategies to address health disparities in lung cancer.


relevance to military health:  the lcrp seeks to support research that is relevant to the healthcare needs of military service members, veterans, and their families.  relevance to military health will be considered in determining relevance to the mission of the dhp and fy22 lcrp during programmatic review.  investigators are strongly encouraged to consider the following characteristics as examples of how a project may demonstrate relevance to military health:


  • use of military of veteran populations, biospecimens, data/databases, or programs in the proposed research.
  • collaboration with department of defense or department of veterans affairs (va) investigators.
  • description of how the knowledge, information, products, or technologies gained from the proposed research could be implemented in a dual-use capacity to address a military need that also benefits the civilian population.
  • explanation of how the project addresses an aspect of lung cancer that has a direct relevance to military service members, veterans, or other military health system beneficiaries, including environmental exposures other than tobacco.


funding opportunities-fy22 lcrp, congressionally directed medical research programs (cdmrp) (


concept award – letter of intent due may 3, 2022

all investigators at or above the level of postdoctoral fellow (or equivalent). supports highly innovative, non-incremental, high risk/potentially high-reward lung cancer research.

  • ·        supports highly innovative, untested, potentially groundbreaking concepts in lung cancer.
  • ·        emphasis on innovative concept or untested theory.
  • ·        research involving human subjects or specimens must be either exempt under title 32, code of federal regulations (cfr), part 219, section 104(d) (32 cfr 219.104[d]) or eligible for expedited review (21 cfr 56.110). • clinical trials are not allowed.
  • ·        preliminary data are discouraged(not consistent with intent of award mechanism).
  • ·        relevance to military health is strongly encouraged.

new options for fy22

  • ·        care delivery and health disparity category must address one or both of the care delivery and/or health disparity areas of emphasis.
  • ·        cancer research continuum category must address at least one or more of the eight cancer continuum focused areas of emphasis
  • ·        maximum funding of $100,000 in direct costs (plus indirect costs).
  • ·        period of performance should not exceed 1 year.


career development award – letter of intent due may 3, 2022

  • ·        principal investigator (pi)
  • ·        independent investigators at the level of assistant professor, instructor, or equivalent; must be within 5 years of first faculty appointment (or equivalent).
  • ·        must not have received a career development award previously from any program within the congressionally directed medical research programs.
  • ·        must not have received more than $300,000 in total direct costs for previous or concurrent lung cancer research as a pi of one or more federally or privately funded, non-mentored, peer[1]reviewed grants.
  • ·        mentor
  • ·        at or above the level of associate professor (or equivalent).
  • ·        must have a strong publication and funding record in lung cancer research.
  • ·        supports early-career, independent researchers to conduct research under mentorship of an experienced lung cancer researcher.
  • ·        emphasis on research with high potential impact.
  • ·        clinical trials are not allowed.
  • ·        career development plan is required with appropriate mentor guidance.
  • ·        preliminary data are not required.
  • ·        relevance to military health is strongly encouraged
    • ·        maximum funding of $250,000 in direct costs (plus indirect costs).
    • ·        period of performance should not exceed 2 years.


idea development award – preproposal due may 4, 2022

established investigators: independent investigators at or above the level of assistant professor (or equivalent)

new investigators:

investigators that meet the following criteria by application submission deadline date:

  • ·      have not previously received an lcrp idea development award or early investigator synergistic idea award
  • ·      are within 10 years of first faculty appointment (or equivalent)
    • ·        supports new ideas in the early stages of development representing innovative, high-risk/high-gain research.
    • ·        emphasis on innovation and impact.
    • ·        new investigator category supports applicants early in their faculty appointments or in the process of developing independent research careers.
    • ·        clinical trials are not allowed.
    • ·        preliminary data are required, but may be from outside of lung cancer.
    • ·        relevance to military health is strongly encouraged.
      • ·        maximum funding of $350,000 in direct costs (plus indirect costs).
      • ·        period of performance should not exceed 2 years.


investigator-initiated translational research award – preproposal due may 4, 2022

independent investigators at or above the level of assistant professor (or equivalent)

  • ·        supports translational research that will develop promising ideas in lung cancer into clinical applications.  translational research may be defined as an integration of basic science and clinical observations.
  • ·        intended to fund a broad range of translational studies including, but not limited to, the following:

○       studies advancing/translating in vitro and/or animal studies to applications with human samples/cohorts

○       late-stage preclinical work leading to/preparing for a clinical trial, e.g., investigational new drug application submission

○       correlative studies that are associated with an ongoing or completed clinical trial and projects that develop endpoints for clinical trials

  • ·      clinical trials are not allowed
  • ·        preliminary lung cancer relevant data are required.
  • ·        relevance to military health is strongly encouraged.
    • ·        maximum funding of $600,000 in direct costs (plus indirect costs).
    • ·        period of performance should not exceed 3 years.

a pre-application is required and must be submitted through the electronic biomedical research application portal (ebrap) at prior to the pre-application deadline.  all applications must conform to the final funding opportunity announcements available for downloading from the website.  the application package containing the required forms for each award mechanism will also be found on  a listing of all cdmrp and other usamrdc extramural funding opportunities can be obtained on the website by performing a basic search using cfda number 12.420. 


for email notification when announcements are released, subscribe to program-specific news and updates under “email subscriptions” on the ebrap homepage at  for more information about the lcrp or other cdmrp-administered programs, please visit the cdmrp website (


point of contact:

cdmrp help desk

please contact jill sherman, international research facilitator, at for more information.

external deadline: 
tuesday, may 3, 2022
funding source: 
funding level: 

congressionally directed medical research programs (cdmrp) peer reviewed medical research program (prmrp) funding opportunities for fiscal year 2022 (fy22

how to apply: 

clinical trial award – preproposal due may 6, 2022

assistant professor level or above (or equivalent)

• preproposal submission is required; application submission is by invitation only.

• supports the rapid implementation of clinical trials of novel interventions with the potential to have a significant impact on patient care in the topic area(s) of interest.

• proposed projects may range from small proof-of-concept trials through large-scale, definitive trials.

• two options will be offered: o planning phase with clinical trial option: provides support to prepare and submit an investigational new drug/ investigational device exemption (ind/ ide) application to the u.s. food and drug administration (fda) and requires fda/regulatory approval or exemption to proceed before the clinical trial may be funded. o clinical trial only option: provides support for the clinical trial. ind or ide applications to the fda, if needed, must be approved by the fda and included in the application submission.

clinical trial:

• a funding limit is not defined; requested funding must be appropriate for the scope of work proposed.

• the maximum period of performance for the clinical trial is 4 years. planning phase with clinical trial option:

• the maximum allowable funding for the planning phase period of performance is $500,000 for direct costs.

• indirect costs may be proposed in accordance with the institution’s negotiated rate agreement.

• the maximum period of performance for the clinical trial is 4 years.


discovery award – letter of intent due april 22, 2022

postdoctoral fellow or clinical fellow (or equivalent and above)

supports the exploration of a highly innovative new concept or untested theory.

• not intended to support the logical progression of an already established line of questioning.

• clinical trials will not be funded.


focused program award – preproposal due may 6, 2022

full professor level or above (or equivalent)

• preproposal submission is required; application submission is by invitation only.

• supports a synergistic, multidisciplinary research program of at least four distinct but complementary projects addressing an overarching goal/question.

• projects should work together to answer critical questions, resolve differing hypotheses, and translate laboratory findings to clinical applications.

• projects may range from exploratory/ hypothesis-developing studies through small[1]scale clinical trials that together will address the overarching goal/question.

• research team of highly qualified, multidisciplinary project leaders should be led by an investigator with demonstrated success in directing large, focused projects

  • ·        the maximum allowable funding for the entire period of performance is $7.2 million for direct costs.
  • ·        indirect costs may be proposed in accordance with the institution’s negotiated rate agreement.
  • ·        the maximum period of performance is 4 years.


investigator-initiated research award – letter of intent due april 29, 2022

assistant professor level or above (or equivalent)

supports research that will make an original and important contribution to the field of research or patient care in the topic area(s) of interest.

• partnering principal investigator option available.

• clinical trials will not be funded.

the maximum allowable funding for the entire period of performance is $1.6 million for direct costs for single investigators and $2.0 million for partnering investigators.

• indirect costs may be proposed in accordance with the institution’s negotiated rate agreement.

• the maximum period of performance is 4 years.


technology/therapeutic development award – letter of intent due april 29, 2022

assistant professor level or above (or equivalent)

• supports the translation of promising preclinical findings into clinical applications for prevention, detection, diagnosis, treatment, and/or quality of life.

• supports product-oriented projects (e.g., device, drug, clinical guidelines). the product(s) to be developed may be a tangible item such as a pharmacologic agent (drugs or biologics) or device, or a knowledge-based product.

• two funding levels are available depending on the maturity of the product. the following are general descriptions, although not all[1]inclusive, of the scope of research projects that would be appropriate to propose under each funding level:

o funding level 1: supports research that is supported by significant preliminary data but has not advanced to the level of clinical translation.

o funding level 2: supports research that is in the final states of preclinical development with potential for near-term clinical development. applications must provide relevant data that support the rationale for the proposed study. funding level 2 recipients must submit or obtain an ind/ide application to the fda, or must transition the product to clinical practice, within the period of performance.

• clinical trials will not be funded.

funding level 1:

• the maximum allowable funding for the entire period of performance is $2 million for direct costs.

• indirect costs may be proposed in accordance with the institution’s negotiated rate agreement.

• the maximum period of performance is 4 years. funding level 2:

• the maximum allowable funding for the entire period of performance is $4 million for direct costs.

• indirect costs may be proposed in accordance with the institution’s negotiated rate agreement.

• the maximum period of performance is 4 years.


a pre-application is required and must be submitted through the electronic biomedical research application portal (ebrap) at prior to the pre-application deadline.  all applications must conform to the final funding opportunity announcements available for downloading from the website.  the application package containing the required forms for each award mechanism will also be found on  a listing of all cdmrp and other usamrdc extramural funding opportunities can be obtained on the website by performing a basic search using cfda number 12.420. 


for email notification when announcements are released, subscribe to program-specific news and updates under “email subscriptions” on the ebrap homepage at  for more information about the pcarp or other cdmrp-administered programs, please visit the cdmrp website (


point of contact:

cdmrp help desk


please contact jill sherman, international research facilitator at  for additional information.

external deadline: 
friday, april 22, 2022
funding source: 
funding level: 

brain canada – cancer research society translational research grants program

how to apply: 

brain canada is pleased to be partnering with cancer research society to launch the brain canada – cancer research society translational research grants program. this funding opportunity will support basic researchers and clinicians as they work together to translate research into novel approaches for the study, diagnosis, and/or treatment of pediatric and adult brain cancer.

two grants of up to $1,000,000 each will be awarded through this new funding opportunity. successful teams must include the collaborative work of an early-career investigator and a senior investigator in either the basic and/or clinical research fields. 

evidence clearly shows that increasing equity, diversity, and inclusion (edi) in research environments enhances excellence, innovation and creativity. brain canada and cancer research society are committed to excellence through equity, and we encourage applicants of diverse backgrounds to apply to our funding opportunities.

click here to view the request for applications.

deadline to register: march 23, 2022 at 16:00 et

deadline for receipt of full applications: may 6, 2022 at 16:00 et

external deadline: 
wednesday, march 23, 2022
funding source: 
funding level: 

alliance international quantum grants

how to apply: 

alliance international quantum grants will provide support for researchers in canada to establish and grow international research collaborations that will strengthen research excellence in canada and abroad, and further develop canadian research strengths and leadership in quantum science and technology. using nserc’s newly launched alliance international catalyst grants, alliance international catalyst quantum grants will provide up to $25,000 for one year to support canadian academic researchers in initiating and developing research collaborations with international researchers from the academic sector in the areas of quantum science and quantum technologies. it is expected that approximately 100 catalyst quantum grants will be awarded in fiscal year 2022–23. these grants will serve as the foundation for larger partnerships in later years.

proposals must focus on any of the following areas of quantum technologies:

  • quantum algorithms/encryption
  • quantum communications
  • quantum computing
  • quantum materials
  • quantum sensing

collaborations that synergistically couple any of these quantum technology thrusts to other research topics in the natural sciences and engineering would be accepted.

please contact jill sherman, international research facilitator for more information at:

external deadline: 
tuesday, january 31, 2023
funding source: 
funding level: 

law for the future fund

how to apply: 

the canadian bar law for the future fund (lfff) has grants available for innovative projects in the field of law.

projects eligible for consideration must be of national interest and/or of benefit to the general public and must be in at least one of the following fields:

  • legal research
  • legal education
  • legislation and law reform
  • administration of justice

lfff does not provide funding for capital projects, ongoing operating expenses, budget deficits, general fund drives, annual charitable appeals, scholarships, sabbaticals, conferences and seminars, nor applications relating exclusively to publication costs, equipment purchases or travel costs. no permanent commitments are made in support of a project, and no grants are made that would result in financial gain to an individual or organization

external deadline: 
sunday, may 1, 2022
funding source: 
funding level: 

two-stage call for proposals for research teams for women rise


the research team must include a principal investigator (pi) who is a low- and middle-income country (lmic) researcher based in the lmic lead applicant organization and residing in an eligible lmic country/territory where the research is proposed. the pi will be the team lead and will work in close collaboration with a canada-based co-principal investigator (co-pi) and a decision-maker co-pi based in the same country as the lead applicant organization or in a country where the research will take place. for applications involving indigenous communities, the rt must include at least one member who self-identifies as indigenous or provides evidence of having meaningful and culturally safe involvement with indigenous peoples in an indigenous health research environment.

the research team must also include a lead applicant organization and a canadian co-applicant organization.

how to apply: 

research teams are invited to submit concept notes for two-year research projects. teams successful at the concept note stage will be invited to submit full proposals.

the following types of research are considered in scope:

  • epidemiological studies that describe and analyze patterns of diseases or health among women and consider different population and occupational factors.
  • population health research that explores diverse women’s experiences as individuals and within the society (e.g., family and community, intergenerational relationships, socioeconomic groups, work groups and enterprises).
  • intervention and implementation research focused on exploring how policies, practices and strategies already put in place to alleviate the impact of covid-19 influence the relationships between women’s paid and unpaid work and their health.

specific research areas

a subset of funds is available to support research that is relevant to the scope and objectives of women rise and specifically addresses one of the following three specific research areas:

  • infectious diseases research focused on understanding how relationships between women’s work and health have been shaped by and are shaping disruptions to infectious disease prevention, immunization programs and care services.
  • hiv/aids stbbi research specific to women living with hiv/aids, covid-19-related disruptions to hiv and stbbi prevention or care services, or the health of women in occupations that put them at increased risk for hiv and stbbi acquisition.
  • pandemics and other health emergencies research that investigates ways the covid-19 experience can inform, improve, and safeguard women’s health and socioeconomic well-being against future health emergencies.

please contact jill sherman, international research facilitator, if this opportunity is of interest at

external deadline: 
tuesday, april 12, 2022
funding source: 
funding level: 

team grant : mental health in the early years implementation science

how to apply: 

the goal of the mental health in the early years (mhitey) implementation science team grants funding opportunity is to fund implementation science research that enhances our understanding of how to improve the systematic and equitable implementation of evidence-based interventions for young children (i.e., girls, boys and gender diverse children ages 0-5) and their caregivers that address one or more of the following areas:

  • promotion of positive socio-emotional development and mental health in early childhood;
  • prevention of the development of early childhood mental health issues; and
  • treatment of young children living with or at risk of developing mental health issues through integrated, coordinated and person-oriented care.

to accomplish this goal, the implementation science research will need to be person-oriented, engage relevant knowledge users as members of the research team, and prioritize health equity, indigenous rights, intersectionality and sgba+. the implementation science approach of this funding opportunity will improve our knowledge of how to implement and locally adapt early years mental health interventions across diverse settings and sectors with greater acceptability, wide-scale adoption, appropriateness, feasibility, fidelity, cost-effectiveness, penetration and sustainability. the resulting evidence will contribute to strengthened programs, services and policies for a more equitable, culturally safe, coordinated and integrated approach across a wide range of stakeholders to improve early years mental health promotion, prevention, treatment and care.

implementation science research can focus on evidence-based interventions (i.e., programs, services, policies) in formal and informal care settings, such as the home and the social care system, early years programming, indigenous early learning and childcare programs, indigenous language nests, daycare, preschool and kindergarten. interventions may also focus on the health care system, education system, social services, community and cultural organizations, public health and health professional services, and/or integration of care across two or more of these sectors. all interventions must target and evaluate mental health and/or socio-emotional development outcomes in young children ages 0 to 5. given the critical role that caregivers play in early childhood, interventions that include a perinatal and/or caregiver focus will also be eligible, as long as the outcomes of the intervention include enhanced mental health and wellbeing of children ages 0 to 5.

external deadline: 
thursday, june 23, 2022
funding source: 
funding level: 

forest sector investment and innovation program

how to apply: 

the forest sector investment and innovation program (fsiip) provides funding for strategic investments in the forest sector that:

  • improve productivity and innovation
  • enhance competitiveness
  • support new market access
  • provide benefits to ontario’s broader forest sector
  • strengthen regional economies

support is available under two project categories – business projects and collaboration projects.

external deadline: 
friday, june 17, 2022
funding source: 
funding level: 

mhrc-mitacs fall 2022 mental health impact internships

how to apply: 

mhrc is proud to partner with the mitacs on this funding opportunity for canadian university & college 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 across the country to work on a mental health research project with their academic supervisor and community partner.

the successful applicant will be awarded $15,000 for a four- or six-month term; funds will be paid directly to the student’s academic institution and held by the student’s supervisor. the project would begin in september 2022 and end by december or early february 2022. 

this jointly funded internship is part of mhrc’s 2022-2023 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 hip cycle, where 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 share their time between academic institutions and community service providers, tying together their research with the needs of the end-users — the community and people with lived experience. mhrc aims to drive systemic change by encouraging the adoption of effective, research-informed, and client-centric approaches to mental health treatment.

external deadline: 
friday, april 22, 2022
funding source: 
funding level: 
