ontario vehicle innovation network: research and development (r&d) partnership fund – wintertech
ovin’s r&d partnership fund - wintertech development program supports ontario small and medium enterprises (smes) and their partners to validate, test, prototype, and demonstrate new products and technologies designed to meet the unique demands of winter weather conditions.
wintertech development leverages the strengths and innovative capabilities of ontario smes in the automotive and mobility sector and our unique winter weather conditions to establish the province as a test bed for mobility products and services in severe winter weather conditions.
because of ovin's wintertech development program, ontario is a global leader in the commercialization of new winter-ready mobility technologies and solutions.
wintertech development supports projects related to technology/product/service validation, testing, demonstration and prototyping of mobility products and services in severe winter weather conditions in the following priority areas:
- mass light vehicles, such as cars, trucks, and vans
- heavy duty vehicles, including commercial vehicles, trucks, buses, recreational vehicles (rvs), and others used for goods movement
- transportation infrastructure
- intelligent transportation systems (its)
- transit-supportive systems and vehicles