knowledge sharing for a more sustainable and inclusive world: an evaluation of program support models for knowledge translation in idrc-funded research
idrc requests proposals for a team to conduct an evaluation of knowledge sharing for a more sustainable and inclusive world: an evaluation of program support models for knowledge translation in idrc-funded research.
if high-quality research and innovation are to have an impact on development, the resulting knowledge must be clear, accessible and relevant for users. in collaboration with our grantee research partners and other strategic partners, idrc is committed to synthesizing and sharing findings and evidence from across our research investments to influence local, regional, and global agendas. through these efforts, idrc works to ensure that the research we fund is more visible and useful to targeted stakeholders — and that it enhances the ability of developing countries to tackle their most pressing priorities and contribute solutions to global challenges.
please contact jill sherman, international research facilitator, at for more information.
deadline: june 22, 2022, 13:00 eastern daylight time (edt)
dod parkinson's research program funding opportunities
for fy22, congress transitioned the neurotoxin exposure treatment parkinson’s (netp) program to prp and broadened the research from neurotoxin exposure treatment pd research to all types of pd research. applicants with toxic exposure research are directed to the toxic exposure research program at cdmrp.
the fy22 prp funding opportunity announcements for the following award mechanisms are posted on the website.
applications submitted to the fy22 prp must address one or more of the following focus areas:
- biological mechanisms and biomarkers of non-motor symptoms that could lead to the development of treatments for pd. examples of non-motor symptoms of interest:
○ cognitive dysfunction relevant to pd
○ psychiatric dysfunction
○ sleep and circadian rhythms disruptions
○ autonomic dysfunction
○ sensory dysfunction
○ fatigue
- biological mechanisms and biomarkers of non-pharmacological interventions for non-motor symptoms in pd.
○ exercise
○ diet
○ neuro stimulation therapy
○ neurosurgical
investigator-initiated research award – letter of intent due august 16, 2022
independent investigators at or above the level of assistant professor (or equivalent)
- · supports highly rigorous, multidisciplinary, high-impact research projects that have the potential to make an important contribution to parkinson’s research. this award mechanism supports the full spectrum of research from basic science through clinical research.
- · must address at least one of the fy22 prp focus areas.
- · preliminary data to support feasibility are encouraged but not required.
- · submission of a letter of intent is required prior to full application submission.
- · clinical trials are allowed.
- · the maximum allowable funding for the entire period of performance is $1.2 million (m) for total costs (includes direct and indirect costs)
- · the maximum period of performance is 3 years.
early investigator research award – letter of intent due august 16, 2022
investigator must be a postdoctoral or clinical fellow, instructor, or assistant professor within 10 years of advanced degree or residency training completion (or equivalent).
- · supports research opportunities for investigators in the early stages of their careers and must exhibit strong potential for and commitment to pursuing a career as an investigator at the forefront of pd research.
- · principal investigators (pis) must have at least one mentor, who has experience in parkinson’s disease (pd) research and mentorship.
- · must address at least one of the fy22 prp focus areas.
- · preliminary data are not required but encouraged.
- · submission of a letter of intent is required prior to full application submission.
- · clinical trials are not allowed.
- · the maximum allowable funding for the entire period of performance is $400,000 for total costs (includes direct and indirect costs)
- · the maximum period of performance is 2 years
synergistic idea award – letter of intent due august 16, 2022
independent investigators at or above the level of assistant professor (or equivalent)
- · supports new ideas that represent synergistic approaches to pd research involving two to four pis at the assistant professor (or equivalent) level or above.
- · the combined efforts of the pis should utilize their complementary and synergistic perspectives to address a central problem or question in parkinson’s research.
- · designed to support both new and pre-existing partnerships and encourages participation of pis from other research fields.
- · must address at least one of the fy22 prp focus areas.
- · preliminary data to support feasibility is encouraged but not required.
- · submission of a letter of intent is required prior to full application submission.
- · clinical trials are allowed.
- · level 1: maximum funding of $3.0m in total costs
- · level 2: maximum funding of $9.0m in total costs
- · the maximum period of performance is 4 years
a pre-application is required and must be submitted through the electronic biomedical research application portal (ebrap) at prior to the pre-application deadline. all applications must conform to the final funding opportunity announcements available for downloading from the website. the application package containing the required forms for each award mechanism will also be found on a listing of all cdmrp and other usamrdc extramural funding opportunities can be obtained on the website by performing a basic search using cfda number 12.420.
for email notification when announcements are released, subscribe to program-specific news and updates under “email subscriptions” on the ebrap homepage at for more information about the prp or other cdmrp-administered programs, please visit the cdmrp website (
point of contact:
cdmrp help desk
for more information, please contact jill sherman, international research facilitator, at
ship time program
this ship time program is aimed at all nserc-funded researchers who intend to use a vessel for their dg-supported research in the coming years. it applies to the following: department of fisheries and oceans (dfo)/ canadian coast guard (ccg) vessels, undersea vehicles operated by the canadian scientific submersible facility or other similar research platforms, and any other vessels crewed in conformance with the canada shipping act, 2001 (or similar, for foreign vessels).
ship time grants support ongoing dg research programs. these grants recognize the high costs associated with chartering research vessels in canada and abroad. applicants must hold a discovery grant (or be successful in the current dg competition) to be eligible to receive a ship time grant. recipients of ship time grants must use the funds as described in the application. requests to use an alternate vessel will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
ship time applicants may apply for more than one vessel at a time. should the two vessels be part of the same project (e.g., a remotely operated vehicle and a support vessel), only one application is to be submitted.
the normal duration of ship time grants is one year. two-year grants will be considered in exceptional circumstances, where the project completion requires a firm commitment of funding for more than one year
cimvhr fellowship
the cimvhr fellowship initiative recognizes leading canadian experts in the field of military, veteran and family health research and well-being who demonstrate exceptional leadership and/or research advancements within the field.
completed nominations must be submitted no later than friday august 5, 2022 at noon.
once appointed, a cimvhr fellow will:
- promote cimvhr’s mission within communities of researchers, clinicians, and policy makers;
- inspire participation and leadership in cimvhr’s scientific activities – especially amongst new researchers;
- engage with researchers and policy makers to extend cimvhr presence in their region;
- encourage the development of research networks that benefit military personnel, veterans and their families; and
- serve on the fellow nomination executive committee.
a nominee must be nominated by at least one nominator who is involved in the cimvhr network. self-nomination is not permitted.
- if you are interested in being nominated for this fellowship, please contact dr. batia stolar, associate vice-president, research & graduate studies, at
2022 grants program strategic initiative: occupational exposure to allergens and irritants and the development of occupational asthma (systematic review)
the wsib is seeking applications for a new funding competition. the wsib grants program will be awarding one successful application for a systematic review of the scientific evidence for a causal association between occupational exposure to allergens and irritants and the development of occupational asthma.
outcomes from the systematic review may be considered by the wsib to determine whether the scientific evidence meets the recommended standards for scheduling, policy development or to underpin adjudicative support in case-by-case decision-making.
the review must address:
- · occupations of concern (e.g., auto industry workers (i.e., manufacturing and repair), food industry workers (i.e., bakers, seafood workers), painters, welders and metal forming workers, agricultural workers, wood workers, health care workers, cleaners and janitorial workers, printing industry), and
- · occupational exposures (i.e., allergens or irritants) of concern (e.g., isocyanates, metal dust and fumes, flour dust, wood dust, molds, aldehydes, acrylates, metal working fluids, cleaning agents, paints, solvents, fumes, adhesives/epoxy/glues, allergenic non-offset sprays in the printing industry)
for more information about the strategic initiative and the application process, please visit our express interest and obtain an application form, please email
dod chronic pain management research program funding opportunities
the fy22 defense appropriations act is anticipated to provide funding for the chronic pain management research program (cpmrp) to support and promote innovative, high-impact research to prevent the development and improve the management of chronic pain, with specific emphasis on the utilization and implementation of non-opioid therapies or non-addictive complementary methods. per the fy19 cpmrp congressional appropriation, chronic pain is defined as a pain that occurs on at least half the days for 6 months or more, and which can be caused by issues including, but not limited to: combat- and training-related physical or mental stress and trauma, migraines and chronic headaches, traumatic brain injury, arthritis, muscular-skeletal conditions, neurological disease, tick and vector-borne disease, other insect-transmitted or tropical disease, and cancer. the managing agent for the anticipated program announcements/funding opportunities is the cdmrp at the u.s. army medical research and development command (usamrdc).
the fy22 cpmrp funding opportunity announcements for the following award mechanisms is posted on the website.
applications submitted to the fy22 cpmrp must address one or more of the following focus areas:
- clinical exploration award
o chronification of pain
o effectiveness or observational studies of novel treatments or untested techniques/approaches/pathways to chronic pain management
- investigator-initiated research award
o chronification of pain
o development of non-opioid therapies and methods for the treatment of chronic pain
o effectiveness or observational studies of novel treatments or untested techniques/approaches/pathways to chronic pain management
- translational research award
o comparative effectiveness studies (for evidence-based, efficacious interventions to manage or prevent chronic pain)
o implementation science (for evidence-based, efficacious interventions to manage or prevent chronic pain)
o observational studies related to chronic pain
clinical exploration award – preproposal due july 12, 2022
independent investigators at all levels
- · supports proof-of-principle pilot studies, clinical trials, and correlative studies with the potential to resolve current clinical barriers.
- · research must address one or both of the fy22 cpmrp cea focus areas of chronification of pain and effectiveness or observational studies of novel or untested techniques/approaches/pathways to chronic pain management.
- · explorative studies, innovative approaches, and stakeholder engagement are encouraged.
- · preliminary data are not required.
- · statistically underpowered studies of efficacy are not pilot studies and will not be supported under the fy22 cpmrp cea mechanism.
- · pre-application submission is required; application submission is by invitation only.
- · the maximum allowable funding for the entire period of performance is $250,000 for direct costs.
- · indirect costs may be proposed in accordance with the institution’s negotiated rate agreement.
- · the maximum period of performance is 2 years.
investigator-initiated research award – preproposal due july 12, 2022
investigators at or above the level of assistant professor (or equivalent)
- · supports innovative research that will make an original and important contribution to the field of research, patient care, and/or quality of life.
- · research must address one of more of the fy22 cpmrp iira focus areas of chronification of pain, effectiveness or observational studies of novel or untested techniques/approaches/pathways to chronic pain management, or development of non-opioid therapies and methods of treatment of chronic pain.
- · partnering principal investigator (pi) option is available.
- · multidisciplinary collaborations, innovative approaches, and stakeholder engagement are encouraged.
- · clinical trials will not be funded.
- · pre-application submission is required; application submission is by invitation only.
- · the maximum allowable funding for the entire period of performance is $900,000 for direct costs.
- · indirect costs may be proposed in accordance with the institution’s negotiated rate agreement.
- · the maximum period of performance is 4 years.
translational research award – preproposal due july 12, 2022
investigators at or above the level of assistant professor (or equivalent)
- · supports translational research that will accelerate the movement of efficacious, evidence-based ideas into clinical applications.
- · research must address one or more of the fy22 cpmrp tra focus areas of implementation science, comparative effectiveness, or observational studies related to chronic pain.
- · incorporation of stakeholder engagement is required.
- · biopsychosocial models of assessment are encouraged.
- · partnering pi option is available.
- · studies seeking to evaluate new therapies or approaches, either pharmacological or non-pharmacological, that have not been previously evaluated in a clinical setting will not be funded.
- · pre-application submission is required; application submission is by invitation only
- · the maximum allowable funding for the entire period of performance is $1,400,000 for direct costs.
- · indirect costs may be proposed in accordance with the institution’s negotiated rate agreement.
- · the maximum period of performance is 4 years.
a pre-application is required and must be submitted through the electronic biomedical research application portal (ebrap) at prior to the pre-application deadline. all applications must conform to the final funding opportunity announcements that are available for downloading from the website. the application package containing the required forms for each award mechanism will also be found on a listing of all cdmrp and other usamrdc extramural funding opportunities can be obtained on the website by performing a basic search using cfda number 12.420.
for email notification when announcements are released, subscribe to program-specific news and updates under “email subscriptions” on the ebrap homepage at for more information about the cpmrp or other cdmrp-administered programs, please visit the cdmrp website (
point of contact:
cdmrp help desk
for more information, please contact jill sherman, international research faciliator, at
dod military burn research program funding opportunities
the fy22 mbrp funding opportunity announcements for the following award mechanisms are posted on the website.
applications submitted to the fy22 mbrp must address one or more of the following focus areas:
- atypical burns: development and/or validation of methods to prevent, triage, and/or treat burns resulting from exposure to cold, radiation, directed energy weapons, or high-voltage/combat-related electrical injuries. novel interventions that move beyond topical agents or dressings are of particular interest.
- burn injury during mass casualty: solutions to improve the triage, delivery, or capacity of care after burn mass casualty events
- burn injury related complications: development and/or validation of methods to prevent, assess, and/or treat burn injury-related complications, including:
○ over/under fluid resuscitation to include limited or low volume resuscitation
○ acute respiratory distress syndrome (ards)
○ sepsis
○ inhalation injuries
clinical translational research award – preproposal due june 27, 2022
investigators at all academic levels (or equivalent)
- · intended to support human research projects that are likely to have a major impact on patient care by applying promising and well-founded research findings to the care of the burn-injured patient, particularly at the point of injury, or during the acute phase of injury.
- · impact is a key component of this award mechanism and should be clearly described.
- · the proposed study must include clinical research, and may include initial proof-of-concept trials, studies involving use of human anatomical substances, observational studies, and/or involve some retrospective data analysis.
- · large randomized clinical trials are discouraged.
- · preliminary data is required.
- · animal research is not allowed.
- · pre-application submission is required; application submission is by invitation only.
- · the maximum allowable funding for the entire period of performance is $2.21 million for total costs (direct plus indirect costs)
- · indirect costs may be proposed in accordance with the institution’s negotiated rate agreement.
- · the maximum period of performance is 4 years.
technology/therapeutic development award – preproposal due june 27, 2022
investigators at all academic levels (or equivalent)
- · intended to support the translation of promising preclinical findings into products for clinical applications.
- · product-oriented (e.g., device, drug, clinical guidelines). the product(s) to be developed may be a tangible item such as a pharmacologic agent (drugs or biologics) or device, or a knowledge-based product.
- · proof of concept demonstrating the potential utility of the proposed product, or a prototype/preliminary version of the proposed product, should already be established.
- · preliminary data is required.
- · clinical trials are not allowed.
- · pre-application submission is required; application submission is by invitation only.
- · the maximum allowable funding for the entire period of performance is $2.21 million for total costs (direct plus indirect costs)
- · indirect costs may be proposed in accordance with the institution’s negotiated rate agreement.
- · the maximum period of performance is 4 years.
a pre-application is required and must be submitted through the electronic biomedical research application portal (ebrap) at prior to the pre-application deadline. all applications must conform to the final funding opportunity announcements available for downloading from the website. the application package containing the required forms for each award mechanism will also be found on a listing of all cdmrp and other usamrdc extramural funding opportunities can be obtained on the website by performing a basic search using cfda number 12.420.
for email notification when announcements are released, subscribe to program-specific news and updates under “email subscriptions” on the ebrap homepage at for more information about the mbrp or other cdmrp-administered programs, please visit the cdmrp website (
point of contact:
cdmrp help desk
for more information, please contact jill sherman, international research facilitator, at
calls for proposals
the canadian glycomics network (glyconet) is a network of centres of excellence that focuses on the role of glycans in health. areas of focus for glyconet in cycle ii (2020–2024) are cancer, chronic diseases, infectious diseases, and neurodegenerative diseases.
glyconet funds projects along the following research innovation continuum: translational research and development, clinical engagement, technology development, and knowledge and technology exchange and exploitation (ktee).
our funding programs
clinical partnerships
these grants offer funding opportunities for clinicians to validate glycomics data from clinical studies. maximum request: $50,000 for one year. download pdf request for proposals >>
translational grants
these grants further advance/translate projects with proof of concept and protected ip. maximum request: $150,000 for one year, 1:1 matching required. download pdf request for proposals >>
strategic initiatives
these grants fund partner-led initiatives to advance a partner challenge. maximum request: $150,000 for one year, with possibility of one year renewal, 1:1 matching required. download pdf request for proposals >>
international partnerships
glyconet has formalized a partnership with academia sinica to co-fund collaborative research between two entities. these grants fund projects that involve at least two groups, one in canada and one in taiwan. glyconet will fund research conducted in canada, while academia sinica will fund research conducted in taiwan. projects require at least a 1:1 matching and must be completed within 12 months. download pdf request for proposals >>
team grant : cihr-jdrf type 1 diabetes and precision medicine
the specific objectives of this funding opportunity are:
- to generate knowledge regarding the heterogeneity of type 1 diabetes (t1d) that will enable and inform new precision medicine approaches for the prediction, prevention, care or treatment of t1d; and
- to advance curative and disease-modifying therapies for t1d using precision medicine approaches.