climate action and awareness fund

how to apply: 

the climate action and awareness fund (caaf) has opened the support to canadian think tanks and academic institutions call for proposals (cfp).


the objective of this call for proposals is to support research and analysis projects that will identify, accelerate, and evaluate climate mitigation solutions and strategies that will contribute to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in canada.


projects must align with one or more of the following research themes:


  1.        defining the future systems required for net-zero;
  2.        obstacles on the pathways to net-zero;
  3.        distributional impacts of the pathways to net-zero on workers and their communities;
  4.        motivating net-zero action


to be eligible for funding under this cfp, lead applicants must be one of the following:

  • ·       not-for-profit non-governmental organization
  • ·       university or academic institution
  • ·       indigenous organization


the deadline for submitting a proposal is 3:00 pm eastern standard time (est) on july 18, 2022.


webinar sessions for prospective applicants about the process of submitting a proposal will be offered in english and french on june 21 and 23, 2022, respectively.


please visit the online application platform grants & contributions enterprise management system (gcems) for detailed information on eligibility, to access the applicant guide, and to apply for funding.  for instructions on how to create an account in order to apply for funding, please click here.


for all inquiries related to the climate action and awareness fund and this funding opportunity, please email:


external deadline: 
monday, july 18, 2022
funding source: 
funding level: 

amazon research awards

how to apply: 

amazon research awards (ara) is announcing the spring 2022 call for proposals (cfp). the spring 2022 cfp, which is open for submissions, covers four research areas and reflects amazon's ongoing efforts to collaborate with researchers in a variety of research fields.

the full list of proposal areas, including links with details on how to apply, is below. the deadline for submissions is july 8, 2022.

proposals will be reviewed for the quality of their scientific content, creativity, and potential for impact at scale. proposals related to theory, practice, and novel techniques are all welcome.

ara provides grant recipients unrestricted funds and aws promotional credits. funded projects are assigned an amazon research contact, and recipients also receive training resources, including aws tutorials and hands-on sessions with amazon scientists and engineers.

external deadline: 
friday, july 8, 2022
funding source: 
funding level: 


proof of concept grant

how to apply: 

the proof of concept grant provides $100,000 over up to 3 years to support investigators with innovative, high-risk, high-yield hypotheses about dementia.

the alzheimer society research program will pre-screen applications for the proof of concept grant through a letter of intent (loi) process. successful loi applicants will then be asked to submit a full application for peer review later in the summer.


researchers with big, bold, challenging new ideas relevant to alzheimer’s disease and other dementias are encouraged to apply.


the loi form is available now with submissions due by july 11, 2022.

external deadline: 
monday, july 11, 2022
funding source: 
funding level: 

advancing accessibility standards research program: call for expressions of interest

how to apply: 

accessibility standards canada is inviting interested organizations to submit an expression of interest for research funding. this is the first step in applying.

your project must align with the goals and desired outcomes of accessibility standards canada’s grants and contributions program. 

if your expression of interest is selected, you will be invited to submit a detailed application. these applications will then be assessed to determine which projects will be selected for funding. you may submit more than 1 expression of interest.

to apply, you must meet all of the following program requirements.

priority research areas

your project must focus on 1 or more of the following priority areas:

  • canada’s election process, including voting and running for office
  • communication, other than information and communication technologies, including accessible communications through sign language (american sign language, langue des signes québécoise, indigenous sign language)  
  • design and delivery of programs and services, including inclusive and accessible service delivery
  • employment, including accessible employment for youth with disabilities transitioning from school to work
  • information and communication technologies
  • procurement of goods, services, and facilities
  • the built environment
  • transportation

these are explained in the glossary of terms.

purpose of this program

this program funds research projects that helps identify and remove barriers to accessibility. it also funds research projects aimed at preventing new barriers. the findings from the research projects is used to inform the development of next-generation model accessibility standards. these are standards that fall under federal areas of responsibility.

external deadline: 
friday, august 5, 2022
funding source: 
funding level: 

building resilient and carbon-neutral communities post covid


projects must show excellence in research and have the following additional elements:

  • the canadian pi (applicant) must be qualified to receive tri-agency funding. the project must also identify an indian university collaborating pi. please note that canadian institutions should not be charging any overheads on tri-agency funding.
  • hqp involvement (graduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , postdocs or research associates)
  • industry partner involvement, either from canada or from india (support letters will be required at the full application stage, stating commitment to the project by providing cash and in-kind support)
how to apply: 

purpose of the call:

the impact of covid-19 has been felt disproportionally by remote and rural communities which prior to the pandemic had limited access to reliable infrastructure, secure food supplies, clean water and access to health facilities. as we enter the post covid era, supply chains have become stressed, there is a back log of patients waiting for routine procedures and our food supplies have become less secure.

another serious problem the world faces today is climate change. warmer temperatures over time are changing weather patterns and disrupting the usual balance of nature. this poses many risks to human beings and all other forms of life on earth. nearly all land areas are seeing more hot days and heat waves; 2021 was one of the hottest years on record. higher temperatures increase heat-related illnesses and can make it more difficult to work and move around. wildfires start more easily and spread more rapidly when conditions are hotter. scientists have further predicted that long-term effects of climate change will include a decrease in sea ice and an increase in permafrost thawing, an increase in heat waves and heavy precipitation, and decreased water resources in semi-arid regions. in 2021, climate change triggered serious flooding, leading to the collapse of eight arterial bridges in british columbia, canada, due to landslides and scour, and submerged thousands of homes and debilitated remote communities. in the scenarios assessed, limiting warming to around 1.5°c requires global greenhouse gas emissions to peak before 2025 at the latest, and be reduced by 43% by 2030; at the same time, methane would also need to be reduced by about a third. humanity faces an existential crisis.

ic-impacts has worked in partnership with the department of science and technology and with researchers in india and canada to develop and deploy low-cost solutions which can help develop healthy communities. in this new call for proposals, we are seeking applications aimed at addressing the issues faced by remote and rural communities in the post covid world.

we propose to cover the following 4 areas:

a. agritech and food security (ic-impacts and dbt)

b. carbon reduction in our built environment (ic-impacts and dst)

c. water (ic-impacts and dst)

d. health, post covid health issues and long covid (ic-impacts and dbt)

 for more information, please contact jill sherman, international research facilitator, at

external deadline: 
friday, july 15, 2022
funding source: 
funding level: 

ic-impacts, department of science and technology (dst), and department of biotechnology (dbt)

canada-france 2022 collaborative industrial research and development call for proposals


applicants must form a project consortium and develop a collaborative research and development (r&d) project that meets the following criteria:

4.1 consortium

  • the project consortium must include at least:
    • 1 eligible canadian company
    • 1 eligible french company
    • the parties listed above must be unrelated parties (i.e. no direct, indirect, beneficial or constructive ownership interest between these parties)
  • participation of canadian research institutes/universities, large enterprises and other companies are welcome as additional participants on a self-funding basis or as subcontractors.
  • participation of french research institutes/universities are welcome as subcontractors.
  • the project partners that form the consortium must agree on a plan addressing intellectual property rights and intent to commercialize
how to apply: 

working together, the governments of canada and france aim to foster and support collaborative industrial research and development (r&d) projects with a high potential for commercialization. this call for proposals is open to organizations from canada and france who wish to form project consortia to perform collaborative projects focused on developing innovative products, processes, or technology-based services with a civilian purpose in any technological and market area.

for more information, please contact jill sherman, international research facilitator, at

external deadline: 
wednesday, september 14, 2022
funding source: 
funding level: 

scaling up for seniors stream of the age well at home initiative

how to apply: 

employment and social development canada will accept project proposals from eligible organizations that focus on both objectives:

  • scale up services, previously delivered in canada, that have already shown positive results in helping seniors age at home
  • deliver services directly to beneficiaries (seniors or seniors-serving organizations) to help seniors age at home
as this program only allows organizations to submit one application in the competition, faculty members interested in this opportunity are asked to contact office of research ( no later than june 22, 2022.
external deadline: 
friday, july 22, 2022
funding source: 
funding level: 

other : planning and dissemination grants – ics

how to apply: 

the specific objectives of this funding opportunity are:

  • to support planning activities, partnership development and to increase understanding of the health research landscape that will contribute to the advancement of research consistent with the mandate of cihr; and
  • to support dissemination events and activities that focus on the communication of health research evidence to the appropriate researcher or knowledge-user audiences, tailoring the message and medium as appropriate.
external deadline: 
wednesday, july 27, 2022
funding source: 
funding level: 
