energy innovation program – methane measurement and mitigation call for proposals
in support of canada’s methane centre of excellence, the energy innovation program’s methane measurement and mitigation call responds to the urgent need to reduce methane emissions in this decade, alongside deep cuts in co2, to achieve the paris agreement goal of limiting global temperature increases to 1.5oc above pre-industrial levels. it will invest in canadian expertise to accelerate development of more effective knowledge and technologies for methane measurement, reporting, and verification (mrv), as well as the mitigation or elimination of methane emissions in canada. the call has two focus areas:
measurement, reporting and verification
funding to support the following:
improved accuracy of detection, quantification, and localization of methane emissions in the oil and gas sector for effective design of mitigation solutions
reduction of uncertainties in methane emissions measurement and quantification
improved methods for the integration and/or standardization of multi-scale methane emissions data
improved approaches for timely reporting of emissions data to track the performance of producers’ emission reduction initiatives and provide actionable information to stakeholders
mitigation of methane slip
funding to support the following:
development of technologies that can be deployed at scale in the near term to mitigate fugitive unburned methane (methane slip) from non mobile combustion engines and related stationary systems in the energy sector