women and youth empowerment, entrepreneurship, and employment in the west bank and gaza
global affairs canada is testing a new type of call—a call for preliminary proposals. this is a two-stage process whereby applicants are invited to provide a preliminary proposal (eight pages maximum), outlining a project idea within a specific template. based on a review of the submissions received, global affairs canada will invite a limited number of organizations to expand their preliminary proposals into full proposals for assessment and possible funding.
depending on the proposals received, global affairs canada may fund any number of proposals, or none, up to the maximum funding available.
this call for preliminary proposals has two streams:
- open call: projects valued at between can$3 million and can$12 million over three to six years and open to canadian and non-canadian organizations, including palestinian, international ngos, multilateral and private-sector organizations, but excluding government institutions.
- local call: projects valued at between can$150,000 and can$200,000 over two to four years and open to palestinian ngos, including private-sector organizations, but excluding government institutions.
you must submit your preliminary proposal to this call before the deadline. late submissions will not be accepted. be sure to review the instructions in “how to apply for funding through the west bank and gaza call for preliminary proposals” before beginning your application.
under this call, your project idea must contribute to the achievement of the following ultimate outcome:
- enhanced economic empowerment and increased prosperity for low-income women and/or female and male youth in the west bank and gaza.
further, in order to be considered under this call, your proposal must include the following intermediate outcome statement:
- reduced barriers to entrepreneurship, employment and/or employability faced by women and/or youth, in particular female youth.
applicants may also choose to use one or two of the following intermediate outcome statements:
- enhanced opportunities for decent and productive employment for women.
- enhanced opportunities for decent and productive employment for youth, in particular female youth.
- enhanced opportunities for women entrepreneurs to successfully establish and/or grow a sustainable business.
- enhanced opportunities for youth entrepreneurs, particularly young women, to successfully establish and/or grow a sustainable business.