seed grant

how to apply: 

the purpose of the seed grant is to provide funding for pilot studies in arrhythmia research to gain preliminary results which can strengthen applications for canet’s larger grants such as the strategic research grant (srg).

seed grants must be focused on research that has potential to grow into larger canet programs (see all proposals must provide detailed planning and sound budget justification. they must also clearly spell out the underlying assumptions, intended approaches, milestones and deliverables.

up to $25,000 is available for projects in areas aligned with canet’s strategic priorities. matching funds are not required but recommended.

external deadline: 
monday, july 31, 2017
funding source: 
funding level: 

urban programming for indigenous peoples: programs and services

how to apply: 

as part of the new urban programming for indigenous peoples program, indigenous and northern affairs canada (inac) is launching a call for proposals for projects that  will support organizations delivering a broad range of programs and services to urban indigenous peoples.

project funding will be broad enough to provide the flexibility to address a wide range of locally-identified issues, provided that they are not already funded or eligible to be funded by other federal departments.

project funding is available for up to five years under the following six key areas:

  1. women (such as projects  to help women transition out of shelters)
  2. vulnerable populations (such as projects for  persons with addictions, disabilities, seniors)
  3. youth (such as projects that provide land-based activities, mentoring)
  4. transition services (such as  navigator services)
  5. outreach programs (such as  cultural awareness training for non-indigenous organizations)
  6. community wellness (such as  housing plans or studies, anti-racism, pre employment supports)
external deadline: 
tuesday, july 4, 2017
funding source: 
funding level: 

ontario’s developmental services research grant fund – 2017 call for proposals

how to apply: 

i am writing to announce the launch of the 2017 developmental services research grant competition, supported by the ministry of community and social services of the government of ontario.

the developmental services (ds) research grant fund was created in 2012 to support research and innovative initiatives for the ds sector. a competitive call for proposals was used to select six projects for funding and a subsequent competition was held in 2015.

this is the third call for research proposals. the ministry is interested in obtaining research proposals on three particular topic areas:

·         criminal justice system and forensic services

·         support and residential models for people with exceptional needs

·         direct funding

more detail about the topic areas is provided in the attached documents.

the fund will provide a maximum of $400,000 across all funded projects each of two years to support research in priority areas. projects may be either short-term projects that are less than one year in duration or larger projects that have a duration of up to two years. projects are eligible for varying amounts of funding based on the complexity of the project, the number of research questions identified, the duration of the project and the type of research.

information about how to apply for a ds research grant is attached, along with the templates that must be submitted.  completed applications must be received by july 5, 2017 to be considered.

call e-mail

call document

application form

external deadline: 
wednesday, july 5, 2017
funding source: 
funding level: 

travel awards

how to apply: 

a limited number of travel awards to phd or md/phd 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , and post-doctoral/medical/clinical fellows are available. the purpose of this program is to defray the travel costs associated with making a scientific presentation as a first author or presenter at a conference, symposium or other appropriate professional meeting.

external deadline: 
friday, september 15, 2017
funding source: 
funding level: 

department of defense tuberous sclerosis complex research program

how to apply: 

as directed by the office of the assistant secretary of defense for health affairs, the defense health agency (dha), j9 research and development directorate manages the defense health program (dhp) research, development, test, and evaluation (rdt&e) appropriation.  the managing agent for the anticipated program announcements/funding opportunities is the congressionally directed medical research programs (cdmrp).

focus areas:  the goal of the fy17 tscrp is to fund pioneering and transformative science that promotes new discoveries in tsc, from mechanistic insights to clinical application.  within this context, the fy17 tscrp encourages applications that address the critical needs of the tsc community in one or more of the following fy17 focus areas:

·         understanding phenotypic heterogeneity in tsc

·         gaining a deeper knowledge of tsc signaling pathways and the cellular consequences of tsc deficiency

·         improving tsc disease models

·         developing clinical biomarkers for tsc

·         facilitating therapeutics and clinical trials research


exploration - hypothesis development award – letter of intent due july 11, 2017

investigators at all academic levels (or equivalent), including postdoctoral fellows

·        supports the initial exploration of innovative, high-risk, high gain, and potentially groundbreaking concepts in the tsc research field.

·        projects involving human subjects or human biological substances must be exempt under 32 cfr 219.101(b)(4) or eligible for expedited review under 32 cfr 219.110 or 21 cfr 56.110.

·        preliminary data are not required.

·        research projects must be innovative, feasible, and supported by a strong rationale.

clinical trials are not allowed.

maximum funding of $150,000 for direct costs (plus indirect costs)

maximum period of performance is year


idea development award - letter of intent due july 11, 2017

established investigators:  independent investigators at or above the level of assistant professor (or equivalent);


new investigators:  investigators who are early in their faculty appointments or in the process of developing independent research careers.

·        supports new ideas that have the potential to yield high-impact findings and new avenues of investigation.

·        preliminary data are expected.

·        clinical trials are not allowed.

·        new investigator option supports applicants early in their faculty appointments or in the process of developing independent research careers.

applications from new investigators and established investigators will be peer- and programmatically reviewed separately.

maximum funding of $450,000 for direct costs (plus indirect costs)

maximum period of performance is 3 years


clinical translational research award new! - letter of intent due july 11, 2017

independent investigators at or above the level of assistant professor (or equivalent)

·        supports forward or reverse clinical/translational research studies.

·        preclinical studies that support and integrate with clinical studies are also encouraged.

·        preliminary data are required.

applications may include a small, pilot clinical trial intended to inform the next step in the continuum of translational research.

maximum funding of $600,000 for direct costs (plus indirect costs)

maximum period of performance is 3 years


a pre-application is required and must be submitted through the electronic biomedical research application portal (ebrap) at prior to the pre-application deadline.  all applications must conform to the final program announcements and general application instructions that will be available for electronic downloading from the website.  the application package containing the required forms for each award mechanism will also be found on  a listing of all cdmrp funding opportunities can be obtained on the website by performing a basic search using cfda number 12.420. 


applications must be submitted through the federal government’s single-entry portal,  for email notification when program announcements are released, subscribe to program-specific news and updates under “email subscriptions” on the ebrap homepage at  for more information about the tscrp or other cdmrp-administered programs, please visit the cdmrp website (

external deadline: 
tuesday, july 11, 2017
funding source: 
funding level: 

department of defense tick-borne disease research program

how to apply: 

as directed by the office of the assistant secretary of defense for health affairs, the defense health agency (dha), j9 research and development directorate manages the defense health program (dhp) research, development, test, and evaluation (rdt&e) appropriation.  the managing agent for the anticipated program announcements/funding opportunities is the congressionally directed medical research programs (cdmrp).

applications submitted to the fy17 tbdrp must address at least one of the following specific focus areas in lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases:

·         diagnosis

o   direct detection of agents of lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases or their products in humans

o   biomarkers for diagnosis, prognosis, and cure

·         pathogenesis

o   mechanisms of persistence of lyme disease

o   host-pathogen interactions

o   new research tools to support studies of pathogenesis

·         treatment

o   innovative approaches to treatment

o   studies aimed at safe and effective treatments for the cause(s) of persistent symptoms in lyme disease

·         prevention

o   vaccines

o   interrupting the cycle of the disease agents in nature


investigator-initiated research award – preapplication due july 5, 2017

·         independent investigators at or above the level of associate professor (or equivalent).

·         to fund highly rigorous, high-impact studies that have the potential to make important contributions to lyme disease and other tick-borne disease research, patient care, and/or quality of life.

·         applications should articulate both the short- and long-term impact of the proposed research, as well as the public health burden of the disease being addressed.

·         preliminary or published data to support feasibility are required.

·         promotes any phase of research from basic through translational, including preclinical studies in animal models or human subjects, as well as correlative studies associated with an existing clinical trial to establish proof-of-principle for further development in future studies; however, clinical trials are not allowed.

·         preproposal is required; application submission is by invitation only.


idea award – preapplication due july 5, 2017

established investigators:  independent investigators at or above the level of associate professor (or equivalent); or

new investigators:  investigators that meet the following criteria at the application submission deadline date:

·         have the freedom to pursue independent research goals without formal mentorship

·         have either completed at least 3 years of postdoctoral training or fellowship, or are within 5 years of having begun first independent faculty position (or equivalent)

·         to fund conceptually innovative, high-risk/potentially high-reward research in the early stages of development that could lead to critical discoveries or major advancements that will accelerate progress in improving outcomes for individuals affected by lyme disease and/or other tick-borne illnesses.

·         applications should articulate the qualities that make the research innovative (not merely an incremental advance), as well as the public health burden of the disease being addressed.

·         preliminary data that are relevant to the proposed research project are encouraged, but not required.

·         clinical trials are not allowed.

·         new investigator option supports postdoctoral fellows and applicants early in their faculty appointments, with separate peer- and programmatic review from the established investigator submissions.

·         preproposal is required; application submission is by invitation only.

a pre-application is required and must be submitted through the electronic biomedical research application portal (ebrap) at prior to the pre-application deadline.  all applications must conform to the final program announcements and general application instructions that will be available for electronic downloading from the website.  the application package containing the required forms for each award mechanism will also be found on  a listing of all cdmrp funding opportunities can be obtained on the website by performing a basic search using cfda number 12.420. 


applications must be submitted through the federal government’s single-entry portal,  for email notification when program announcements are released, subscribe to program-specific news and updates under “email subscriptions” on the ebrap homepage at  for more information about the tbdrp or other cdmrp-administered programs, please visit the cdmrp website (

external deadline: 
wednesday, july 5, 2017
funding source: 
funding level: 

call for applications

how to apply: 

the soil health institute is accepting applications until june 23, 2017, for grants supporting compilations and reviews of soil health-related scientific literature.

the soil health institute’s on-line library and search engine for soil health-related information, the soil health research landscape tool, is a living compilation of published literature and other sources of information valuable to the soil health community. it is available on this website without fee to researchers, practitioners, consultants, producers, and others in the public and private sectors.

on may 23, 2017, the shi released a call for applications to fund up to five grants at a maximum of $8,000 each to support preparation of literature searches and summaries of soil health and its relationship to land management practices, ecosystem processes and services including agricultural production, human health, associated economic costs and benefits, and other relevant topics. products expected from successful grantees include a list of publications and other sources (reliable reports, websites, databases, etc.) on the chosen topic; a brief summary of each source reviewed; and a review paper synthesizing this information. references, summaries, and the review paper will be deposited in the landscape tool on-line library for free public access.

click [here] for more complete information.

to start the application process, click “apply for grants” on the institute’s menu.

click [here] to learn more about the registration process.

external deadline: 
friday, june 23, 2017
funding source: 
funding level: 

soil health institute

department of defense peer reviewed cancer research program

how to apply: 

fy17 prcrp program announcements and general application instructions for the following award mechanisms are anticipated to be posted on 

as directed by the office of the assistant secretary of defense for health affairs, the defense health agency (dha) research and development directorate (j9) manages the defense health program (dhp) research, development, test, and evaluation (rdt&e) appropriation.  the managing agent for the anticipated program announcements/funding opportunities is the congressionally directed medical research programs (cdmrp).

congressionally directed topic areas:  to be considered for funding, applications for the fy17 prcrp must address at least one of the topic areas as directed by congress.  research applications in the areas of breast, prostate, lung (excluding mesothelioma), kidney, or ovarian cancer will not be accepted. 

as of the release date of this pre-announcement, the fy17 prcrp topic areas have not been finalized.  this pre-announcement should not be construed as an obligation by the government to include any of these topic areas or others in the fy17 prcrp.  the potential fy17 prcrp topic areas are:

·         bladder cancer

·         liver cancer

·         pancreatic cancer

·         brain cancer

·         lymphoma

·         pediatric brain tumors

·         colorectal cancer

·         melanoma and other skin cancers

·         stomach cancer

·         immunotherapy*

·         mesothelioma

·         cancer in children, adolescents, and young adults

·         listeria-based regimens for cancer

·         neuroblastoma


*as derived from the national cancer institute dictionary of cancer terms (  immunotherapy is a type of biological therapy that uses substances to stimulate or suppress the immune system to help the body fight cancer.  cancers studied under this topic area should be within the scope of the congressional language and the intent of the program announcement(s).

†the definition of adolescents and young adults is derived from the national cancer institute ( and can be considered to be people between the ages of 15-39 years.  cancers studied under this topic area should be within the scope of the congressional language and the intent of the program announcement(s).



the fy17 prcrp military relevance focus areas are listed below:

to address the cancer health needs of both deployed and non-deployed personnel, their dependents, retirees, and veterans, the fy17 prcrp seeks to support studies that are responsive to at least one of military relevance focus areas listed below:

  • militarily relevant risk factors associated with cancer (e.g., ionizing radiation, chemicals, infectious agents, and environmental carcinogens)
  • gaps in cancer prevention, screening, early detection, diagnosis, treatment, and/or survivorship that may affect the general population but have a particularly profound impact on the health and well-being of military members, veterans, and their beneficiaries


idea award with special focus – preapplication due june 30, 2017

  • independent investigator with a faculty-level appointment (or equivalent)

·         preproposal is required; application submission is by invitation only.

·         supports innovative, untested, high-risk/potentially high-reward concepts, theories, paradigms, and/or methods in cancer research relevant to service members, their families, and other military beneficiaries.

·         emphasis on innovation and military relevance/impact.

  • must address at least one of the fy17 prcrp topic areas.
  • must address at least one of the fy17 prcrp military relevance focus areas.

·         preliminary data are not required.

  • clinical trials are not allowed.

·         maximum funding for the entire period of performance is $400,000 for direct costs (plus indirect costs)

  • maximum period of performance is 2 years


translational team science award – preapplication due june 30, 2017

·         at least two and up to three pis must partner in one overarching correlative or translational research study

·         at least one of the pis is encouraged to be a military or department of veterans affairs investigator

·         preproposal is required; application submission is by invitation only.

·         supports translational correlative studies associated with an ongoing or completed clinical trial and/or translational study that can lead to a future clinical trial or clinical application in cancer research relevant to service members, their families, and other military beneficiaries.

  • not intended to support high throughput screenings, sequencing, etc.
  • must address at least one of the fy17 prcrp topic areas.
  • must address at least one of the fy17 prcrp military relevance focus areas.
  • preliminary data are required.

·         maximum funding for the entire period of performance is $1,000,000 for direct costs (plus indirect costs)

  • maximum period of performance is 4 years


a pre-application (letter of intent or preproposal) is required and must be submitted through the electronic biomedical research application portal (ebrap) at prior to the pre-application deadline.  all applications must conform to the final program announcements and general application instructions that will be available for electronic downloading from the website.  the application package containing the required forms for each award mechanism will also be found on  a listing of all cdmrp funding opportunities can be obtained on the website by performing a basic search using cfda number 12.420. 


applications must be submitted through the federal government’s single-entry portal,  for email notification when program announcements are released, subscribe to program-specific news and updates under “email subscriptions” on the ebrap homepage at  for more information about the prcrp or other cdmrp-administered programs, please visit the cdmrp website (

external deadline: 
friday, june 30, 2017
funding source: 
funding level: 

department of defense gulf war illness research program

how to apply: 

fy17 gwirp program announcements and general application instructions for the following award mechanisms are posted on the 

as directed by the office of the assistant secretary of defense for health affairs, the defense health agency (dha), j9 research and development directorate manages the defense health program (dhp) research, development, test, and evaluation appropriation.  the managing agent for the anticipated program announcements/funding opportunities is the congressionally directed medical research programs (cdmrp).

award mechanisms:  the following mechanisms are planned for release:

new for fy17! qualitative research award – preapplication due june 30, 2017

  • independent investigators at all academic levels.
  • pre-application is required; full application submission is by invitation only.
  • supports qualitative research on 1990-1991 persian gulf war (gw) veterans with gulf war illness (gwi) for the purpose of developing educational materials for veterans, family members, caregivers, and health care providers.
  • qualitative research is defined as aform of social inquiry that seeks to understand the human experience by focusing on understanding the way that people interpret and make sense of their experiences and the world in which they live.
  • preliminary data are encouraged.
  • clinical trials are not allowed.
  • maximum funding is $400,000 for direct costs (plus indirect costs).
  • maximum period of performance is years.



new for fy17! biospecimen resource network award- preapplication due june 30, 2017

  • independent investigators at or above the level of assistant professor (or equivalent) with access to the appropriate facilities.
  • pre-application is required; full application submission is by invitation only.
  • provides infrastructure support for the development and maintenance of a gwi biorepository through a collaborative network across multiple institutions that will facilitate the collection of prospective and pre-existing biospecimens and biological data, biospecimen processing, annotation, storage, and distribution.
  • one coordinating center and up to four pathology resource sites, including one at the coordinating center, will be jointly responsible for developing and maintaining the biospecimen repository for gwi research.
  • sites must provide plans for quality assurance, bioinformatics and data management, and ethical and regulatory issues.
  • encourages submissions from investigators with enhanced skills in human biospecimen procurement, human tissue repositories, distribution, and working within a collaborative consortium-type network of multiple institutions.
  • maximum funding is $2,500,000 for direct costs (plus indirect costs).
  • maximum period of performance is 3 years.


new for fy17! clinical consortium award – preapplication due june 30, 2017

  • the operations center principal investigator must be an independent investigator at or above the level of associate professor (or equivalent) with experience in developing and running large-scale initiatives such as clinical trials or consortia.
  • pre-application is required; fullapplication submission is by invitation only.
  • supports a consortium that will conceive, design, develop, and conduct collaborative phase i and ii clinical evaluations of promising therapeutic agents for the management or treatment of gwi.
  • one coordinating center and three clinical research sites, including one at the coordinating center, will be jointly responsible for proposing, selecting, and conducting trials.
  • sites must provide plans for accruing veterans of the 1990-1991 persian gulf war.
  • open to any group of institutions with a demonstrated history of collaborative gwi research.
  • maximum allowable funding for the entire period of performance is $8,000,000 in total costs (direct plus indirect).
  • indirect costs may not be greater than your institution’s negotiated rate.
  • maximum period of performance is 4 years.


modified for fy17!  investigator-initiated focused research award- preapplication due june 30, 2017

  • independent investigators at all academic levels (or equivalent).
  • pre-application is required; full application submission is by invitation only.
  • supports research from idea generation through preclinical validation under two tiers:
  • discovery tier:  supports basic research and proof of concept research; preliminary data are not required.
  • applied research tier:  supports applied research in gwi aimed at diagnosis or therapeutic advancement.  preliminary data from the field of gwi are required.
  • clinical trials are not allowed.
  • the maximum period of performance and maximum funding varies by tier:
    • discovery:  $230,000 for direct costs (plus indirect costs) over a maximum of 2 years.
  • applied research:  $700,000 for direct costs (plus indirect costs) over a maximum of 3 years.


a pre-application is required and must be submitted through the cdmrp electronic biomedical research application portal (ebrap) at prior to the pre-application deadline.


full applications must be submitted through the federal government's single-entry portal,  all applications must conform to the final program announcements and general application instructions that will be available for electronic downloading from  the application package containing the required forms for each award mechanism will also be found on  a listing of all cdmrp funding opportunities can be obtained on the website by performing a basic search using cfda number 12.420.


for email notification when program announcements are released, subscribe to program-specific news and updates under “email subscriptions” on the ebrap homepage at  for more information about the gwirp or other cdmrp-administered programs, please visit the cdmrp website (

external deadline: 
friday, june 30, 2017
funding source: 
funding level: 
