operating grant : spor & jdrf - ict multi-year grant

how to apply: 

the objectives of this funding opportunity are to:

  • enable new and established investigators to undertake innovative clinical trials in the area of type 1 diabetes (t1d);
  • support the development and testing of innovative paradigms for clinical studies in adult and pediatric t1d; and
  • build capacity for ict research through training and mentoring.
external deadline: 
tuesday, august 8, 2017
funding source: 
funding level: 

operating grant : spor innovative clinical trial multi-year grant (2017)

how to apply: 

the specific objectives of this funding opportunity are to:

  • enable new and established investigators to undertake innovative clinical trials in using new or existing methods;
  • support the development and testing of innovative methods;
  • build capacity for ict research through training and mentoring.
external deadline: 
tuesday, september 12, 2017
funding source: 
funding level: 

department of defense parkinson’s research program

how to apply: 

the fy17 defense appropriations act provides $16 million (m) to the department of defense parkinson’s research program (prp), formerly the neurotoxin exposure treatment parkinson’s research program, to support research of exceptional scientific merit leading to an understanding of the cause, prevention, and treatment of the loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra that result in parkinson’s disease.  applications to the fy17 prp are being solicited by the u.s. army medical research acquisition activity.  the managing agent for the anticipated program announcements/funding opportunities is the congressionally directed medical research programs (cdmrp).

fy17 prp program announcements and general application instructions for the following award mechanisms are posted on grants.gov. 

important:  the prp seeks to focus applications and direct funding by providing focus areas to address the critical needs in parkinson’s disease research.  applications to the fy17 prp must address at least one of the focus areas noted below: 

  • mechanisms of neuroplasticity in the parkinson’s disease brain
  • studies to identify gene-environment interactions in parkinson’s disease cohorts
  • pathophysiological implications of tau protein in parkinson’s disease

investigator-initiated research award – letter of intent due august 17, 2017

independent investigators at or above the level of assistant professor (or equivalent).

·         supports highly rigorous, high-impact research projects that have the potential to make an important contribution to parkinson’s disease research and/or patient care.

·         potential impact of research may be near-term or long-term, but it must be significant and go beyond an incremental advancement.

·         clinical trials are not allowed.

·         preliminary data to support feasibility are encouraged.

·         partnering pi option:

·         provides a higher level of funding to support synergistic partnerships between two or three independent investigators collaborating on a single application.

·         principal investigators (pis) are expected to demonstrate within the application the synergistic components that will significantly advance the project, such that the research outcomes could not otherwise be accomplished through the independent efforts of a single pi.

·         individual pi:

·         maximum funding of $1m in total costs.

·         maximum period of performance is years.

·         partnering pi option:

·         maximum funding of $2.5m in total costs.

·         maximum period of performance is years.


early investigator research award – letter of intent due august 17, 2017

investigator must be a postdoctoral or clinical fellow within 3 years of advanced degree or residency training (or equivalent).

verification of eligibility criteria must be provided in an eligibility statement signed by an appropriate institutional official and the pi. 

·         supports early-career investigators who have innovative, high-impact ideas or new technologies applicable to parkinson’s disease research and/or patient care.

·         clinical fellows must be specialized in movement disorders.

·         pis must have a designated mentor who is an experienced parkinson’s disease researcher.

·         the application must include an individualized, parkinson’s disease-focused researcher development plan.

·         preliminary data are not required.

·         clinical trials are not allowed.

·         maximum funding of $321,000 in total costs.

·         maximum period of performance is 2 years.

a pre-application is required and must be submitted through the electronic biomedical research application portal (ebrap) at https://ebrap.org prior to the pre-application deadline.  all applications must conform to the final program announcements and general application instructions available for electronic downloading from the grants.gov website.  the application package containing the required forms for each award mechanism will also be found on grants.gov.  a listing of all cdmrp funding opportunities can be obtained on the grants.gov website by performing a basic search using cfda number 12.420. 


applications must be submitted through the federal government’s single-entry portal, grants.gov.  for email notification when program announcements are released, subscribe to program-specific news and updates under “email subscriptions” on the ebrap homepage at https://ebrap.org.  for more information about the prp or other cdmrp-administered programs, please visit the cdmrp website (http://cdmrp.army.mil).

point of contact:

cdmrp help desk


external deadline: 
thursday, august 17, 2017
funding source: 
funding level: 

stars in global health – round 9

how to apply: 

through the stars in reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health request for proposals, grand challenges canada seeks bold ideas for products, services and implementation models that could transform how persistent challenges in reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health are addressed in low- and middle-income countries.

of particular interest to grand challenges canada are innovations to improve reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health in humanitarian contexts, notably among internally displaced and refugee populations, as well as innovations that improve the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women and girls, so that they are empowered and have greater influence over their lives and futures.

successful proposals will be awarded seed grants of up to cad $100,000 for up to 12– 18 months to develop and test the proposed innovation.

external deadline: 
thursday, august 3, 2017
funding source: 
funding level: 

department of defense autism research program

how to apply: 

fy17 arp program announcements and general application instructions for the following award mechanisms are posted on grants.gov.

as directed by the office of the assistant secretary of defense for health affairs, the defense health agency (dha) research and development directorate (j9) manages the defense health program (dhp) research, development, test, and evaluation (rdt&e) appropriation. the managing agent for the anticipated program announcements/funding opportunities is the congressionally directed medical research programs (cdmrp).

clinical trial award – preapplication due july 26, 2017

investigators at or above the level of associate professor (or equivalent), or

·         early-career investigator option:
investigators at or above the level of associate professor (or equivalent) may collaborate on a single application with a early-career investigator (at the level of postdoctoral fellow up to early-career independent faculty) that meets the following criteria at the application submission deadline date:

o    must be within the first year of postdoctoral fellowship by the application deadline

o    is no more than 7 years from the receipt of a terminal degree

o    has the freedom to commit at least 50% time to the project

·         supports research with the potential to have a major impact on the treatment and/or management of autism spectrum disorder (asd).

·         applications in the following areas are strongly encouraged:

o    behavioral, cognitive, and other non-pharmacological therapies.  studies targeting subgroups using biomarkers with preliminary data are strongly encouraged.

o    pharmacological treatments in asd. studies targeting subgroups using biomarkers with preliminary data are strongly encouraged.

o    dissemination/implementation of clinically validated interventions across the lifespan.

o    therapies to alleviate conditions co-occurring with asd.

o    interventions promoting success in ley transitions to adulthood for individuals living with asd.

o    healthcare provider-focused training or tools to improve healthcare delivery for individuals with asd, particularly adulthood.

  • preliminary data relevant to the proposed project are required.
  • pre-application is required; application submission is by invitation only.


·         nested early-career investigator option supports the development of young investigators pursuing or wishing to pursue clinical trials.

  • maximum funding of $1,000,000 for direct costs (plus indirect costs)
  • maximum period of performance is 4 years


·         nested yearly-career  investigator option:

  • maximum funding of $1,300,000 for direct costs (plus indirect costs)

·         maximum period of performance is 4 years


idea development award – preapplication due july 26, 2017

investigators at or above the level of assistant professor (or equivalent)

·         supports the development of innovation, high-impact ideas that advance the understanding of asd and ultimately lead to improved outcomes.

·         applications in the following areas are strongly encouraged:

o    assessment of novel therapeutics using valid preclinical models.

o    environmental risk factors.

o    mechanisms of heterogeneous clinical expression of asd.

o    factors promoting success in key transitions to independence for individuals living with asd.

o    development of healthcare provider-focused training or tools to improve healthcare delivery for individuals with asd, particularly in adulthood.

o    cultural factors in treatment efficacy, delivery, and access to services.

  • preliminary data are required.

·         pre-application is required; application submission is by invitation only.

  • multiple principal investigator (pi) option: up to two investigators may collaborate on a single application, each of whom will be recognized as a pi and receive a separate award.
  • maximum allowable funding for the entire period of performance is of $500,000 in direct costs
  • for multiple pi’s the combined funding for all pis for the entire period of performance may not exceed $500,000 in direct costs.
  • indirect costs may be proposed in accordance with the institution’s negotiated rate agreement.
  • maximum period of performance is 3 years


clinical translational research award – preapplication due july 26, 2017

investigators at or above the level of assistant professor (or equivalent)

  • supports early-phase, proof-of-principle translational studies with the potential to have a major impact on the treatment and/or management of asd.
  • applications in the following areas are strongly encouraged:
    • behavioral, cognitive, and other non-pharmacological therapies.  studies targeting subgroups using biomarkers with preliminary date are strongly encouraged.
    • pharmacological treatments in asd.  studies targeting subgroups using biomarkers with preliminary data are strongly encouraged.
    • dissemination/implementation of clinically validated interventions across the lifespan.
    • therapies to alleviate conditions co-occurring with asd.
    • healthcare provider-focused training or tools to improve healthcare delivery for individuals with asd, particularly in adulthood.
  • preliminary data relevant to the proposed project are required.

·         pre-application is required; application submission is by invitation only.

  • the maximum allowable funding for the entire period of performance is $500,000 in direct costs
  • indirect costs may be proposed in accordance with the institution’s negotiated rate agreement.

·         maximum period of performance is 3 years



a pre-application is required and must be submitted through the electronic biomedical research application portal (ebrap) at https://ebrap.org prior to the pre-application deadline. all applications must conform to the final program announcements and general application instructions available for electronic downloading from the grants.gov website. the application package containing the required forms for each award mechanism will also be found on grants.gov. a listing of all cdmrp funding opportunities can be obtained on the grants.gov website by performing a basic search using cfda number 12.420.

applications must be submitted through the federal government’s single-entry portal, grants.gov. for email notification when program announcements are released, subscribe to program-specific news and updates under “email subscriptions” on the ebrap homepage at https://ebrap.org. for more information about the arp or other cdmrp-administered programs, please visit the cdmrp website (http://cdmrp.army.mil).

point of contact:

cdmrp help desk



external deadline: 
wednesday, july 26, 2017
funding source: 
funding level: 

department of defense military burn research program

how to apply: 

the fy17 defense appropriations act provides $8 million (m) to the department of defense mbrp to support a broad research portfolio in the treatment of burns and the trauma associated with burn injuries sustained during combat or combat-related activities.  applications to the fy17 mbrp are being solicited by the u.s. army medical research acquisition activity.  the managing agent for the anticipated program announcements/funding opportunities is the congressionally directed medical research programs (cdmrp).

fy17 mbrp program announcements and general application instructions for the following award mechanisms are posted on grants.gov.

to be considered for funding, each application for the fy17 mbrp clinical trial award must address the following topic area: 

clinical studies that involve the prevention, treatment, and mitigation of debilitating burn scars (e.g., dressing topics, biologics, cell-based therapies, mechanical, photonics, etc.) to improve functional outcomes and/or assess clinical efficacy and safety of different treatment modalities.



clinical trial award – preproposal due august 3, 2017

  • ·         independent investigators at all academic levels (or equivalent) are eligible to submit applications.
  • research level 1:  this level will support early-stage clinical trials (i.e., proof-of-concept, pilot, first-in-human, or phase 0) to address the topic area.
  • research level 2:  this level will support phase i and/or phase ii multi-center clinical trials that address the topic area and assess the clinical efficacy and safety of different treatment modalities.
  • funding must support a clinical trial and may not be used for preclinical studies.

·         inclusion of preliminary data relevant to the proposed clinical trial is required.

·         investigational new drug or investigational device exemption applications, if needed, should be submitted to the food and drug administration within 6 months of the award date.

·         for research level 1

·         maximum funding of $1.75m for total costs (direct and indirect).

·         maximum period of performance is 4 years.

  • ·         for research level 2

·         maximum funding of $3.5m for total costs (direct and indirect).

  • ·         maximum period of performance is 4 years.

a pre-application is required and must be submitted through the electronic biomedical research application portal (ebrap) at https://ebrap.org prior to the pre-application deadline.  all applications must conform to the final program announcements and general application instructions available for electronic downloading from the grants.gov website.  the application package containing the required forms for each award mechanism will also be found on grants.gov.  a listing of all cdmrp funding opportunities can be obtained on the grants.gov website by performing a basic search using cfda number 12.420. 


applications must be submitted through the federal government’s single-entry portal, grants.gov.  for email notification when program announcements are released, subscribe to program-specific news and updates under “email subscriptions” on the ebrap homepage at https://ebrap.org.  for more information about the mbrp or other cdmrp-administered programs, please visit the cdmrp website (http://cdmrp.army.mil).

point of contact:

cdmrp help desk

external deadline: 
thursday, august 3, 2017
funding source: 
funding level: 

project grant

how to apply: 

the project grant program is designed to capture ideas with the greatest potential to advance health-related fundamental or applied knowledge, health research, health care, health systems, and/or health outcomes. it supports projects with a specific purpose and a defined endpoint. the best ideas may stem from new, incremental, innovative, and/or high-risk lines of inquiry or knowledge translation approaches.

the project grant program will:

  • support a diverse portfolio of health-related research and knowledge translation projects at any stage, from discovery to application, including commercialization;
  • promote relevant collaborations across disciplines, professions, and sectors; and,
  • contribute to the creation and use of health-related knowledge.

within the overall competition budget, there will be a specific funding envelope to support new/early career investigators. competition processes and peer review for this cohort will be fully integrated within the competition as a whole with no additional steps being required on the part of the applicant.

grant values are proportionate to the requirements of the research proposed and vary depending on the research field, research approach, and scope of project activities.

project grant applications follow a two-stage review process:

  • stage 1 consists of a remote review by experts who will review their assigned applications by focusing on the concept (i.e., significance and impact of the research) and the feasibility (i.e., approaches and methods, and expertise, experience and resources) of the project.
  • stage 2, the final assessment stage, involves face-to-face discussions by panels of reviewers.

please note that changes are currently being made to the competition process.

the funding opportunity for the next competition, which will have a registration deadline of august 15 and an application deadline of september 15, will be available when details are finalized.

external deadline: 
tuesday, august 15, 2017
funding source: 
funding level: 

short-term lectureship

how to apply: 

the short-term lectureship provides financial support for hosting german professors and lecturers for short-term teaching engagements at universities in north america.

it aims to promote activity in specialized fields, help fill curricular gaps, or act as a stimulus for teaching and research. and by facilitating teaching, german educators who spearhead developments in pedagogy or a particular discipline share their knowledge, skills, and experiences with 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and faculty on campuses in the united states and canada. open to all disciplines for lectureships in duration of four weeks to six months.

external deadline: 
thursday, july 20, 2017
funding source: 
funding level: 

deutscher academischer austausch dienst (daad) / german academic exchange service

program of development and adaptation to climate change of irrigated crops in senegal

how to apply: 

the total amount of funding available under the program of development and adaptation to climate change of irrigated crops in senegal call for proposals is $39,250,000 over five years. we may fund any number of proposals, or none, up to the maximum funding available.

we will not accept any late submissions. be sure to review the instructions in apply through a call for proposals before beginning your application.


under this call, your project proposal must contribute to all of the following outcomes:

  • ultimate outcome: improved socio‑economic well-being and resilience of farming households, with a particular emphasis on women and young people.
  • intermediate outcome 1: increased socio-economic empowerment of women and young people.
  • intermediate outcome 2: sustainable and innovative intensification of irrigated and climate-change‑adapted crops.
  • intermediate outcome 3: improved, sustainable and equitable local governance and territorial management of water resources.
external deadline: 
thursday, august 31, 2017
funding source: 
funding level: 
