canet commercialization grant

how to apply: 

the objective of the canet commercialization grant is to accelerate the development of promising technology (device, software, smartphone app, therapeutic, diagnostic) originating from the university and/or college sector and promote its transfer into the canadian healthcare environment.

the commercialization grant provides funding to canet network investigators or chat members to support research and development projects with recognized technology transfer potential. this is achieved through defined phases by providing crucial assistance in the early stages of technology validation and market connection.

external deadline: 
friday, november 3, 2017
funding source: 
funding level: 

2017 catalyst grant competition medication optimization


applicants must hold an academic or research appointment at a cfn network member institution, and must also be eligible to receive grant funding from cihr, nserc or sshrc. individuals from any discipline are encouraged to apply.

how to apply: 

this competition will fund innovative research proposals that address the ongoing concern of polypharmacy and related medication issues in older canadians living with frailty. they are intended to be the first step in building capacity in the area of improving medication prescribing/deprescribing and overall medication management in older canadians living with frailty.

projects with multidisciplinary, multi-institutional teams will be funded for up to 16 months and to a maximum of $100,000. proposals must include partners who have committed cash or eligible in-kind contributions on a 1:1 basis to cfn funding. to be clear, as an example, if you request $100,000 from cfn you will need to secure an additional minimum $100,000 in partner cash or in-kind contributions.

external deadline: 
friday, october 6, 2017
funding source: 
funding level: 

launch of a competition for nce networks

how to apply: 

the networks of centres of excellence (nce) is pleased to announce the launch of a competition for nce networks. the funding available is $75 million over five years.

networks must be challenge-focused and solution-driven. they are expected to foster innovative research, training and the co-creation of new knowledge on critical issues of intellectual, social, economic and cultural significance. they must engage partners in the design and execution of all network activities, including knowledge creation, mobilization and exploitation.

both new and established networks are eligible to apply for funding in this competition. established networks are defined as nce networks that have been awarded nce funds for all available funding cycles and whose final nce funding term has ended or will end by march 2019.

networks are expected to promote equity, diversity and inclusion within the structure of the proposed network and its activities.

by august 23, 2017, all potential applicants must indicate their intention to submit a letter of intent (loi) by email to please include the following information:

  • the name, affiliation and email address of the scientific director, and co-scientific director if applicable;
  • the name of the proposed host institution;
  • the working title of the network;
  • the challenges the proposed network will address and its anticipated impacts (250 words or less); and
  • the subject line of the email should be: nce loi

the nce secretariat will use this information to inform potential applicants of planned webinars in late august and again in mid-september, and for other important communications about the competition.

the deadline for letters of intent is november 15, 2017.

external deadline: 
wednesday, november 15, 2017
funding source: 
funding level: 


how to apply: 

to enhance the pru’s mandate, goals, and research agenda, pogo has established two research fellowships (phd/post doctoral fellowship and clinician scholar award). this award includes a yearly salary of $55,000 (clinician scholar), $45,000 (post-doctoral), or $30,000 (phd) and the ability to apply for $5,000 in project-specific one-time operating support.

external deadline: 
friday, october 6, 2017
funding source: 
funding level: 

seed grant

how to apply: 

seed funding grant
pogo offers annual seed funding grants of up to $15,000 to facilitate or support feasibility studies, the development of preliminary data to enable applications to other granting agencies, or self-contained studies.

deadline for registration
the deadline for registration is october 6, 2017 by 5:00 pm. interested applicants should email dina skvirsky ( by the deadline expressing their intent to submit a full application. applicants must provide the following information in the registration email:

  • project title
  • name of the primary investigator and all co-investigators
  • a half page lay summary of the proposed project

deadline for submission
the deadline for submitting the full application is november 17, 2017 at 5:00 pm. please note that applications must be received by the deadline.

external deadline: 
friday, october 6, 2017
funding source: 
funding level: 

allied health research grant

how to apply: 

the intent of the kfoc is to fund the best kidney research conducted at canadian universities or other recognized canadian academic institutions. the kfoc will, therefore, allow as many qualified researchers in canada as possible to compete for its grants and will accept applications from principal applicants (see definition below, under applicant categories) from various communities and sectors. to be eligible for this competition, the primary applicant must be an allied health professional.

external deadline: 
sunday, october 15, 2017
funding source: 
funding level: 

notice of 2017 ontario pork call for research proposals

how to apply: 

ontario pork is pleased to announce a call for letters of intent (loi) for swine research projects that focus on the ontario swine industry.

highest priority and consideration will be given to research proposals and projects that address issues and questions that are specific to the ontario pork industry or that will specifically provide benefits or improve the competitiveness of ontario producers. consideration for other projects will be given, if they address priorities outlined in the ontario pork research priorities and outcomes report. other project funding partners and collaborations are strongly recommended for all submissions.

external deadline: 
friday, september 29, 2017
funding source: 
funding level: 

ontario pork

other : patient-oriented research collaboration grants (2017)

how to apply: 

the strategy for patient-oriented research (spor) collaboration grants are expected to catalyze patient-oriented research that aligns with the spor capacity development framework and the spor patient engagement framework by:

  • building capacity in canada’s health system for patient-oriented research through projects conducted by teams comprised of researchers, patients, health care professionals and/or policy-makers; and,
  • increasing the number of new/early career investigators meaningfully involved in patient-oriented research by integrating them in patient-oriented research teams.
external deadline: 
tuesday, november 14, 2017
funding source: 
funding level: 

catalyst grant : indigenous approaches to wellness research

how to apply: 

the indigenous approaches to wellness funding opportunity is expected to:

  • build evidence through the application of indigenous ways of knowing to understand factors and concepts related to indigenous wellness;
  • begin the mobilization of this evidence towards assisting indigenous peoples and communities to achieve wellness;
  • support the development of future applications for more comprehensive community-based research that explores existing, unique and/or novel ideas that promote indigenous wellness;
  • increase indigenous health research leadership capacity and development by engaging communities to establish strong and sustainable community partnerships; and
  • support high quality cbr processes that foster transformational outcomes and knowledge mobilization activities.
external deadline: 
tuesday, september 19, 2017
funding source: 
funding level: 
