ontario-jiangsu industrial research and development program (ojirdp)

how to apply: 

the ontario-jiangsu industrial research and development program (ojirdp) will support joint industrial r&d projects focusing on the development of products or processes that may lead to commercialization in global markets.  a partnership of the jiangsu science and technology department (jstd)and the ontario ministry of research, innovation and science (mris), the ojirdp will support projects leading to commercial success and socio-economic benefits for both jurisdictions. applicants can apply for up to $150,000 in funding (inclusive of 20% overhead for academic applicants) for joint bilateral r&d projects with terms not exceeding three years, involving at least one jiangsu company and one ontario organization (company and/or publicly-funded post-secondary institution).

external deadline: 
monday, january 15, 2018

more details on ojirdp.

funding source: 
funding level: 

knowledge translation innovation incubator grant competition

how to apply: 
application deadline: 
fri, 02/16/2018 - 11:59pm

the purpose of the kt innovation incubator is to promote and facilitate innovative knowledge translation projects in childhood disability. the competition will award $20,000 to a winning knowledge translation project that aims to improve life outcomes for children with brain-based developmental disabilities and their families. applications must be received by february 16, 2018 for consideration. click here for more information.

external deadline: 
friday, february 16, 2018
funding source: 
funding level: 

2017 strategic investment program (sip) accelerator

how to apply: 

do you have an innovative idea that has the potential for real-world impact at the intersection of technology and aging? age-well is launching a new funding program called the “sip accelerator” to support innovative post-discovery projects focused on the commercialization and/or knowledge mobilization of solutions (e.g. technologies, services or policies) aligned with age-well’s mission and vision.

the program provides:

  • financial support;
  • training opportunities; and
  • strategic mentorship.

age-well is dedicated to the creation of technologies and services that benefit older adults and caregivers. our aim is to help older canadians maintain their independence, health and quality of life through technologies and services that increase their safety and security, support their independent living, and enhance their social participation.

external deadline: 
friday, march 2, 2018
funding source: 
funding level: 

indigenous community-based climate monitoring program

how to apply: 

about the program

this program was developed in response to needs that the national indigenous organizations identified through engagement on the pan-canadian framework on clean growth and climate change. the program provides funding to support indigenous communities in the development and implementation of community-based climate monitoring projects.

the goal of the program is to support indigenous peoples in monitoring climate indicators, which will provide the data required to inform community adaptation actions. in addition, the data can help address climate data gaps within canada and improve climate models and weather predictions.

who can apply?

  • indigenous communities and organizations
  • first nation band or tribal councils
  • indigenous individuals

eligible applicants can work with external partners such as:

  • other indigenous communities
  • federal, provincial, territorial or regional governments
  • non-governmental organizations
  • academic institutions
  • consultants
external deadline: 
friday, february 16, 2018
funding source: 
funding level: 

autonomous vehicle innovation network: av resarch and development (r&d) partnership fund (stream 2)


eligible projects

  • collaborative projects must be between two or more companies or between a company and another strategic partner such as a municipality, if applicable.
  • funded projects will require the lead applicant to have operations in ontario and conduct the project r&d and technology demonstration work in ontario
  • projects can be up to 24 months in duration
  • typical project activities include: technology development, demonstration, product validation, testing etc.
  • this program is not intended for research to prove feasibility or basic technology research
  • eligible project areas include development and demonstration of one or more enhancement(s) to either vehicles or the surrounding transportation systems and infrastructure, related to: commercially ready technologies for application in mass light vehicles (e.g., cars, trucks and vans), heavy duty vehicles (including commercial vehicles, trucks, buses, rvs and others used for goods movement), transportation infrastructure, intelligent transportation systems ("its"), and transit-supportive systems and vehicles
  • eligible projects must include demonstration of actual products that can include a pilot or a technology that has the ability to be showcased at events, at the demonstration zone in stratford, ontario, on the road, and/or at customer sites
  • participants are encouraged to demonstrate close collaboration and the proposed project should be scalable with a high potential for commercialization
  • proposed demonstrations must aim to provide a competitive advantage or other significant benefit
  • applicants and partners must provide project metrics and progress reports to oce
  • a company may only be a lead applicant on one avin stream 1 or stream 2 project at a time – they may be a project partner on multiple projects limits may be placed on the number of stream 2 projects in each respective year

eligible applicants​

  • applicant companies must be small- and medium-sized enterprises (generally defined as less than 500 full-time employees)
  • applicant companies must be for-profit and have operations in ontario.
  • applicant companies must aim to commercialize, demonstrate and/or implement the results of the project in ontario and for the benefit of ontario
  • applicant companies must be innovation-driven businesses developing products or services addressing industry challenges
  • applicant companies must have sound business plans and secure financial backing
  • applicant companies must be in good financial and reporting standing with oce

eligible partners​

eligible partnerships may be between two or more companies or between a company and another strategic partner such as a post-secondary institution or municipality, if applicable.

  • industry partner(s) must have a presence in ontario and the operations in ontario must be expected to commercialize, demonstrate and/or implement the results of the project.
    • industry partner(s) must be a company with sound business plans and secure financial backing
    • industry partner(s) must be an innovation-driven business developing products or services addressing industry challenges
    • industry partner(s) must be in good financial and reporting standing with oce
    • companies that have over $100,000 in active projects must complete those projects (including all final reporting) prior to oce considering other applications for funding. this excludes talentedge internships and fellowships
  • academic partner must be a principal investigator at an ontario-accredited post-secondary institution (college or university). for college projects, the applicant must be a representative of the college applied research office, with the primary researchers included as team members. the applicant must have an arms-length relationship with the industry partner.
  • municipalities in ontario.
how to apply: 

the av research and development (r&d) partnership fund fosters collaborations between large firms and small- and medium-sized enterprises (smes) in ontario. the fund supports collaborative development, prototyping, and validation projects, including technologies in vehicles or innovations in transportation systems- and infrastructure-related r&d. 

the av r&d partnership fund supports industry-led projects related to the development and demonstration of technologies in the connected and autonomous vehicle (c/av) sector, including infrastructure, related to: commercially ready technologies for application in mass light vehicles (e.g., cars, trucks and vans), heavy duty vehicles (including commercial vehicles, trucks, buses, rvs and others used for goods movement), transportation infrastructure, intelligent transportation systems ("its"), and transit-supportive systems and vehicles. the av r&d partnership fund will support these projects with up to $1,000,000 over a maximum of 24 months. 

projects must be in the area of c/av and should demonstrate an immediate benefit to either the vehicles themselves or supporting infrastructure and systems through the development and demonstration of novel products or services. 

benefits of the avin r&d partnership fund include:


  • increased road safety
  • better road condition monitoring
  • better collection and analysis of transportation-related information
  • innovative new products and services to reduce driver distraction
  • reduced environmental and carbon footprint

companies, publicly-funded post-secondary institutions and municipalities:

  • develop relationships with researchers to extend company r&d
  • create marketable solutions to current challenges
  • development of public/private partnerships
  • commercialize ontario-made technologies
  • demonstrate ontario-made technologies to potential customers

oce may support up to 50% of eligible r&d project expenditures, and the industry participant(s) must support at least 50% of the eligible r&d project costs.

  • stream 1: up to $100,000 in oce funding with projects up to 12 months in duration
  • stream 2: $100,001 to $1,000,000 in oce funding with projects up to 24 months in duration
external deadline: 
wednesday, january 10, 2018


funding source: 
funding level: 

call for proposals: ams phoenix fellowship

how to apply: 

each year in late spring, the project awards 5-8 ams phoenix fellowships, with the intent of the fellowship to facilitate the equivalent of $50,000 to support the work of the fellow in that fiscal year. ams will award $25,000 for one year and the applicant’s supporting organization (e.g., university, college, hospital, or employer) must provide a hard match of funding. (note: a second year extension may be granted based on approval of a renewal application and an assessment of progress achieved in year one.)

application process

this funding opportunity has a two-stage application process: stage 1 requires the completion of a brief letter of intent (loi) based on the submission guidelines. applicants who pass the stage 1 evaluation process will be invited to proceed to stage 2 which will require submission of a full proposal including letters at that time from sponsoring organizations/referees.

specific objectives for the ams phoenix project include:
1. develop compassionate care curricula for adoption in healthcare provider education at the undergraduate, graduate, post graduate and practice levels.
2. identify how healthcare providers can work with persons seeking care as partners and leaders in their care.
3. enable a compassionate culture in healthcare through supporting the development of individual and organizational resiliency and wellness.
4. develop leaders and leaderful practice to advance the development of compassionate healthcare practice. this includes consideration of how to develop compassionate organizations.

5. identify how healthcare providers can adapt their practices to incorporate technologies in patient-centred and compassionate ways. this includes how digital technology and ai will impact the evolving roles of healthcare providers.

submitting your application

please use this form to submit your application

external deadline: 
monday, february 12, 2018
funding source: 
funding level: 

2017 call for preliminary proposals - development impact window - canadian small and medium organizations for impact and innovation

how to apply: 

this call for preliminary proposals is part of global affairs canada’s five-year pilot initiative targeted at canadian small and medium organizations (smos). the pilot initiative seeks to engage canadian smos in international assistance efforts in areas consistent with canada’s feminist international assistance policy. it is a direct response to feedback we received during the international assistance review consultations to provide predictable opportunities to apply for funding to canadian smos. it seeks to diversify global affairs canada’s partnerships and enhance the impacts of our international assistance investments.

before beginning an application, be sure to read the instructions in how to apply for funding through a call for preliminary proposals.

we may fund any number of proposals, or none, up to the maximum funding available.

please note that we anticipate launching additional calls for preliminary proposals under the development impact window during the next three years.

objective of this call

under this call, preliminary proposals must contribute to the achievement of the objectives of canada’s feminist international assistance policy, which seeks to reduce extreme poverty and build a more peaceful, inclusive and prosperous world. the policy recognizes that promoting gender equality and empowering women and girls is the most effective approach to achieving this goal. proposed projects must align with at least one of the action areas outlined in canada’s feminist international assistance policy.

  • action area 1 (core action area): gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls
  • action area 2: human dignity  (please note that proposals for humanitarian assistance projects will not be considered under this call)
  • action area 3: growth that works for everyone
  • action area 4: environment and climate action
  • action area 5: inclusive governance
  • action area 6: peace and security

 please note that due to the fact that since organizations can only submit one application to this call, if you are interested in applying to this competition, you must contact the office of research services no later than january 5, 2018 (ahacquo1@lakeheadu.ca).

external deadline: 
wednesday, january 10, 2018
funding source: 
funding level: 

project grant : spring 2018

how to apply: 

the project grant program is expected to:

  • support a diverse portfolio of health-related research and knowledge translation projects at any stage, from discovery to application, including commercialization;
  • promote relevant collaborations across disciplines, professions, and sectors;
  • contribute to the creation and use of health-related knowledge.

project grant: spring 2018 priority announcement (specific research areas)

external deadline: 
tuesday, february 6, 2018
funding source: 
funding level: 

other : spor national data platform

how to apply: 

canada’s strategy for patient-oriented research (spor) was created after extensive consultation with governments, patients and care givers, researchers, health professionals, policy makers, academic institutions, charities and the private sector. spor reflects a commitment to deliver high quality care in canada by providing patients, health professionals and policy makers with the best available information to make decisions about health care by embedding patient-oriented research approaches throughout the research continuum.

patient-oriented research, which is foundational to evidence-informed health care, refers to a continuum of research that engages patients as partners, focuses on patient-identified priorities and improves patient outcomes. patient-oriented research is conducted by multidisciplinary teams in partnership with relevant stakeholders and aims to apply the knowledge generated to improve healthcare systems and practices.

the vision of the strategy is that canada will demonstrably improve health outcomes and enhance the health care experience for patients through the integration of evidence at all levels of the health care system.

a key component of spor is the development of specialized research service centres referred to as support for people and patient-oriented research and trials (support) units. to date, nine regional support units have been funded and are at various stages of implementation. while these units are facilitating data access locally, studies that require data from more than one province/territory (p/t) can be slow to progress as researchers are required to obtain the data from each region; moreover, these studies are labour intensive as the data obtained is not harmonized.

this funding opportunity will support one spor national data platform; therefore the community is strongly encouraged to work together. this data platform will:

  • address major barriers and inefficiencies in accessing or using multi-jurisdictional/ national data for patient-oriented research that cannot be addressed by the individual provincial and territorial (p/t) support units;
  • leverage unique canadian assets enabling international leadership in patient-oriented research;
  • be pan-canadian in scope.
external deadline: 
tuesday, april 17, 2018
funding source: 
funding level: 

other: indigenous component of healthy life trajectory (i-helti)

how to apply: 

the objectives of the development grants for the indigenous component of helti (i-helti) are to:

  • enable first nations, métis, inuit and urban indigenous communities to determine readiness, priority areas of interest and capacity within relevant communities to undertake a research project;
  • inform the design of i-helti through community engagement to identify community readiness, assess research priorities, and understand research capacity, relationships with other groups, sex and gender considerations, data capacity considerations and governance; and
  • enable self-determination of indigenous community-based intervention research by supporting relationship-building within and between indigenous communities and among other groups.
external deadline: 
tuesday, february 6, 2018
funding source: 
funding level: 
