other : network grant in transplantation research

how to apply: 

the network grant in transplantation research will support and promote a national network that enables and improves continuous collaboration and networking across the field of world class transplant research by sustaining necessary efficient human, scientific and technological research core infrastructure through leadership, as well as operational, administrative, coordinating professional resources and services.

this network is expected to:

  • maintain and strengthen, in cost-effective ways, the core infrastructures and services that support the administration of transplant research, scholarship, and collaborations, including resource and knowledge sharing, with the ultimate medium-term goal of sustainability;
  • facilitate and support the effective creation, translation, dissemination and application of new knowledge generated by the transplant research community (including programs and policies, social and economic benefits, and in-patient care and health);
  • mobilize, build, maintain and strengthen the continuous collaboration of a network of canadian and international stakeholders from across the full spectrum of transplant research (including but not limited to scientists, 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , collaborators, patient partners, knowledge-users, and the general public) by coordinating opportunities for interaction, exchange and mutual learning, independently-funded research projects and more broad and efficient use of resources and infrastructure;
  • promote the development of a service menu to foster transplant research that may include without being limited to management of clinical trials, support of clinical trials startup, ethics and health authorities’ regulatory approvals, training and mentoring programs, registries, health economics, biostatistics, data management, and knowledge translation.
  • strengthen efforts to attract and increase investments directed towards the canadian transplant research space;
  • promote the development of high quality talents and resources in the field of transplant research by establishing innovative multidisciplinary curricula and providing training opportunities for 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and professionals (scientific and/or clinical); and
  • establish and/or review national standards for clinical care for long-term follow-up in the field of transplantation that will support tailored transplantation policies and programs.
external deadline: 
thursday, february 15, 2018
funding source: 
funding level: 

travel awards

how to apply: 

a limited number of travel awards to phd or md/phd 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , and post-doctoral/medical/clinical fellows are available. the purpose of this program is to defray the travel costs associated with making a scientific presentation as a first author or presenter at a conference, symposium or other appropriate professional meeting.

external deadline: 
tuesday, may 15, 2018
funding source: 
funding level: 

gender-net plus era-net cofund – promoting gender equality


co-fund requirements

the rules for this joint call require that each applicant team include investigators from at least three consortium countries. for canadian investigators, this means you must establish partnerships with researchers from at least two other consortium partner countries (excluding canada). each partner must have a principal investigator (pi) considered eligible for funding by a gender-net plus funding organization in that country. these organizations are:

  • austrian science fund (fwf), austria
  • fonds national de la recherche scientifique (fnrs), belgium
  • technology agency of the cr (ta cr), czech republic
  • research promotion foundation (rpf), cyprus
  • estonian research council (etag), estonia
  • national research agency (anr), france
  • national center for scientific research (cnrs), france
  • irish research council (hea-irc), ireland
  • ministry of science, technology and space (most), israel
  • italian ministry of health (moh-it), italy
  • research council of norway (rcn), norway
  • ministry of economy, industry and competitiveness (mineco), spain
  • obra social “la caixa” (fblc), spain
  • swedish research council (src), sweden


the canadian institutes of health research (cihr), one of the gender-net plus partners, has established a linkage tool through which researchers and/or research groups can signal their interest in collaborating on this opportunity. to find potential partners before submitting your pre-proposal, consult the  linkage tool.

how to apply: 

equity, diversity and inclusion strengthen the scientific and engineering communities and the quality, social relevance and impact of research. increasing diversity and gender equity in the research enterprise are key priorities in nserc’s current strategic plan, nserc 2020, as part of the strategic goal of “building a diversified and competitive research base.” as a promoter of gender equity, nserc is pleased to participate in the  gender-net plus european research area network (era-net) cofund, which was launched september 15, 2017 and will run until 2022. gender-net plus brings together a consortium of 16 partners from 13 different countries including canada. it is an important opportunity to fund research projects that will promote the integration of sex and gender analysis into research at an international level. gender-net plus builds on the priorities identified by  gender-net, which ended in 2016.

call topics

gender-net plus is the first era-net cofund with the aim of fostering the integration of sex- and gender-based analysis into research and funding programs. the joint call will invite interdisciplinary applications exploring sex and gender effects and dimensions in research topics relating to one or more of the following  united nations sustainable development goals (sdgs):

  • good health and well-being (sdg 3)
    • sdg 3: gender-based violence (topic 1.1)
    • sdg 3: sex, gender and aging (topic 1.2)
    • sdg 3: sex, gender and health (topic 1.3)
  • infrastructure, industrialization and innovation (sdg 9)
    • sdg 9: gender and new technologies (topic 2.1)
    • sdg 9: gender in entrepreneurship and in the innovation system (topic 2.2)
  • climate action (sdg 13)
    • sdg 13: gender dimension in climate behaviour and decision-making (topic 3.1)
external deadline: 
thursday, march 1, 2018
funding source: 
funding level: 

genomic applications partnership program (gapp)

how to apply: 

the gapp funds public-private research collaborations focused on developing genomics-derived technologies that address opportunities and challenges identified by industry, government, not-for-profits or other “receptors” of genomics knowledge and tools. the program provides a unique opportunity for receptor organizations to collaborate with an ’omics researcher, and to leverage their r&d investments with public funding.

key program highlights:

  • budget: $300k – $6m (total)
  • co-funding: 1/3 genome canada (max), 1/3 receptor (min), 1/3 other
  • award duration: 1 – 3 years
  • stage: downstream r&d/validation/pilot
  • funding recipient: genome canada award to academic partner only
external deadline: 
monday, february 26, 2018
funding source: 
funding level: 

electric vehicle infrastructure demonstrations (evid)

how to apply: 

call for expressions of interest (eois)

starting on april 1, 2018, the government of canada has allocated $30 million over four years to support demonstrations of next-generation and innovative electric vehicle (ev) charging infrastructure projects, and your eois will allow for the submission of additional project concepts in this fast-evolving sector. 

external deadline: 
thursday, february 8, 2018
funding source: 
funding level: 

canada service corps – projects for youth-serving organizations

how to apply: 

the government of canada is currently accepting proposals from organizations interested in receiving financial assistance from the canada service corps for projects under the youth service opportunities stream - local and regional scale projects.

deadline: march 13, 2018 at 11:59 p.m. pacific standard time (pst)

youth-serving organizations with innovative ideas to engage young people in meaningful service opportunities can apply now for funding.

canada’s communities have a diverse set of needs and youth want to make meaningful contributions to addressing them.

the canada service corps is looking for projects that benefit young people – allowing them to grow on a personal level by building relationships, learning new skills and creating a lasting impact on their lives and on the communities they serve.

if you are a youth-serving organization with an innovative idea to get youth involved in meaningful service opportunities, apply now!

become a canada service corps partner and contribute to building a culture of service amongst canadian youth.

note: organizations can submit only one application under this call for proposals (cfp).

  • because of this restriction, interested applicant are asked to contact the office of research by february 12, 2018 if they are interested in applying to this opportunity.


external deadline: 
tuesday, march 13, 2018
funding source: 
funding level: 

2018 request for letters of intent: asf, pederson family, kfoc alport syndrome research funding program

how to apply: 

the principal goal of the alport syndrome foundation, inc. (asf), pedersen family, and the kidney foundation of canada (kfoc) funding program is to find novel treatments to prevent kidney failure and hearing loss in all patients with alport syndrome. 


types of projects sought

research projects with the potential to accelerate the development of new treatments to prolong kidney function and hearing loss including:


·        identification and investigation of target pathways in disease progression

·        drug repurposing or other novel approaches to improve the current standard of care.

it is anticipated that two research projects will be selected for funding, totaling us$100,000 each, over a one- to two-year timeframe. successful applicants will be notified in june 2018 in accordance with the asf, pedersen family, kfoc alport syndrome research funding program. there are no geographical limitations of this funding.

letters of intent (lois) will be evaluated by an independent peer review process.  lois should be no longer than 2 pages in length and must be in accordance with the instructions in the asf, pedersen family, kfoc alport syndrome research funding program. authors of the lois found to have the best merit for funding will be invited to submit a full proposal application 10–15 pages in length for further independent peer review. final grant recipients will be selected from this pool. the detailed schedule and instructions can be found at guidelines letter of intent.


the deadline for submission of a letter of intent is friday, february 9, 2018 by 5:00 pm arizona time/mst (no late submittals will be accepted).

for additional information, go to www.alportsyndrome.org or contact:

gina parziale,

executive director, alport syndrome foundation, inc.
telephone:  1-480-800-3510
email:  research@alportsyndrome.org


elisabeth fowler
national director of research, the kidney foundation of canada
telephone:  1-888-210-9894, ext. 104
email:  elisabeth.fowler@kidney.ca
website: www.kidney.ca

external deadline: 
friday, february 9, 2018
funding source: 
funding level: 

asf, pederson family, kfoc alport syndrome research funding program

allied health doctoral fellowship & scholarship 2018 competition

how to apply: 

each year the kidney foundation of canada awards funds for research grants, fellowships and scholarships to biomedical and allied health professionals across canada.

the application forms for the allied health doctoral fellowships and scholarships are available on the foundation’s website www.kidney.ca.



allied health doctoral fellowship

march 15, 2018

allied health scholarship

march 15, 2018

please note that the forms and guidelines have been revised.

allied health doctoral fellowships

the kidney foundation of canada offers a limited number of fellowships designed to provide for full-time academic and research preparation at the doctoral level. the objective of this program is to promote and enhance the development of nephrology/organ donation allied health investigators in canada. the award is for up to $31,000/year and is tenable in canada or abroad (for programs outside canada, the applicant must provide a statement indicating the intention to return to canada).

allied health scholarships

the purpose of the allied health scholarship award is to assist the student with a demonstrated interest in nephrology/organ donation in pursuing education at the masters level to promote and enhance the development of nephrology allied health investigators in canada.

external deadline: 
thursday, march 15, 2018
funding source: 
funding level: 

health system research fund (hsrf) targeted calls

how to apply: 

the ontario ministry of health and long-term care is excited to launch a new funding competition through the ministry’s health system research fund. the targeted call for patient-oriented research in mental health and addictions will support 24-month grants of up to $250,000 per year for research with the potential to improve ontario’s mental health and addictions system.

grants funded through this competition should demonstrate strong partnership with people with lived experience throughout the entirety of research project: from project conception and writing of the grant application through governance, implementation, data analysis and interpretation, and knowledge translation and exchange.

grant applications will be reviewed not only by scientific peer-reviewers, but also by people with lived experience and sector experts.

a mandatory notice of intent must be submitted by february 20, 2018, with full applications due march 14, 2018.

further details about the competition can be found on our website:


please share with others who may be interested in this funding opportunity.

external deadline: 
tuesday, february 20, 2018
funding source: 
funding level: 
