competition open for canadians: foreign government awards program - korea, 2018-2019

how to apply: 

the government of the republic of korea is offering scholarships at the master’s and phd level for study or research in a variety of fields including korean studies, humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and engineering. scholarships are tenable from september 1, 2018.


·         program name: foreign government awards program - korea

·         funding organization: government of the republic of korea

·         target audiences: canadian 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and researchers

·         number of scholarships: 3

·         duration: 2 years at the master’s level and 3 years at the doctoral level plus up to 12 months for language training

·         inclusions: airfare, tuition fees, language training, living allowance, and other eligible expenses

·         deadline: march 21, 2018


for program and application details, visit: foreign government awards program - korea. read a testimonial from a former recipient.


all inquiries regarding this scholarship program should be directed to: or 613-237-4820.


subscribe to the international scholarships rss feed to be kept informed of competition launch dates and other news relating to the international scholarships program of global affairs canada.

external deadline: 
wednesday, march 21, 2018
funding source: 
funding level: 

team grant : transnational cardiovascular research projects

how to apply: 

cardiovascular diseases (cvd) are a leading cause of death, one of the major causes of long-term sickness; chronic disease and loss to the labor market, and thus represent a major health and socioeconomic problem. development of new and innovative medicinal products and improvement in medical technology requires innovative research based on scientific excellence founded on a better understanding of the causes of cvd. cardiovascular research and its translation into better preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic outcomes are fundamental for patients.

funded under horizon 2020, the european research area network on cardiovascular diseases (era-cvd) is a relatively new consortium comprising 23 partners from 18 countries/regions. icrh is partnering with the era-cvd partners to fund canadian researchers through jtc2018.the aim of era-cvd is to foster transnational collaboration of european countries and beyond, and to coordinate research efforts and funding programs of its partner countries.

jtc2018 is the third joint transnational call from era-cvd, and this call aligns with several icrh mandate areas. the call is designed to enable early career scientists, in different countries to build an effective collaboration on common multidisciplinary research projects in cvd by joining in transnational consortia (i.e., teams). the call aims to promote co-operation and interchange between early career scientists and thus enable international collaboration and new consortia establishment in cardiovascular research.

applications will be complementary and contain novel, ambitious ideas to answer key questions or lead to a step-wise change in understanding of cvd topics. there should be a clear added value in funding the collaboration over individual projects by sharing of resources (e.g., models, databases, diagnosis etc.), harmonization of data, sharing of specific know-how and/or innovative technologies, etc. the research proposals should be built on an effective collaboration among the different research participants from different countries. each transnational consortium should represent the critical mass necessary to achieve ambitious scientific goals.

research areas

this funding opportunity will support projects relevant to the following research areas:

  • under jtc 2018, cvd research can comprise hypertensive, ischaemic, pulmonary heart diseases and diseases of pulmonary circulation, other forms of heart disease, diseases of arteries, arterioles and capillaries and congenital malformations of cardiac chambers and connections and cardiac septa (analogues to icd-10).
  • excluded from the call are interventional clinical trials, building up of new cohorts, registries and/or biomaterial banks, cerebrovascular and rheumatic diseases, research that primarily leads to cardiovascular risk management as long term health improvement and/or cvd prevention, and the conduct of screenings.
external deadline: 
friday, june 15, 2018
funding source: 
funding level: 

team grant : nutrition and the epigenome

how to apply: 

the aim of this joint programme initiative call is to support transnational, collaborative research projects that gain a better understanding of the diet-epigenome relationships and their effect on human health.

for more information, please consult the joint programme initiative healthy diet for a healthy life (jpi hdhl) website.

external deadline: 
thursday, april 12, 2018
funding source: 
funding level: 

team grant : e-rare-3 joint transnational call (2018)

how to apply: 

the aim of the call is to enable scientists in different countries to build an effective collaboration on a common interdisciplinary research project based on complementarities and sharing of expertise, with a clear translational research approach.

the research projects have to focus on hypothesis-driven use of multi-omic integrated approaches for discovery of disease causes and/or on functional validation in the context of rare diseases.

external deadline: 
tuesday, june 19, 2018
funding source: 
funding level: 

team grant : canada-eu data flagship collaboration

how to apply: 

the goal of this funding opportunity is to build a collaboration of stakeholders in europe and canada in the domain of repositories storing and sharing human –omics data that will create a framework for long-term cooperation. in order to do so, this program aims to enhance and standardize data deposition, curation and exchange procedures thus ensuring better data reuse and increased benefit to the scientific communities worldwide.

projects should develop approaches that integrate data from disparate sources and include one or more of the following elements:

  • data models that guarantee the interoperability of human health research data from different repositories and integrate different types of –omics data and, where relevant, clinical research and lifestyle data. the data models should take into account sex/gender differences where relevant. the projects should build on existing research infrastructures such as –omics repositories, biobanks and registries.
  • reference architecture for data and process interoperability.
  • technologies and methodologies for data harvesting, data access, data transfers, and archiving complex datasets.
  • bioinformatics toolbox to support the analysis and management of data on diseases from a personalized medicine standpoint.
  • international ethical and legal governance model for a research data management and storage infrastructure and an associated data management plan compliant with the required level of data security and privacy that is aligned with the recent recommendations of the oecd council on health data governance.

for complete information on the challenge to be addressed, scope, expected impact, and cross-cutting priorities, please refer to the european commission funding opportunity.

external deadline: 
wednesday, april 18, 2018
funding source: 
funding level: 

operating grant : sickkids-cihr-ihdcyh new investigator grants in child and youth health (2018)

how to apply: 

the sickkids foundation-cihr-ihdcyh new investigator research grants in child and youth health program seeks to strengthen canada’s capacity and knowledge to respond to children’s health challenges and needs. the grants are jointly sponsored by sickkids foundation and the cihr institute of human development, child and youth health (ihdcyh). new investigators (also referred to by cihr as early career investigators) may obtain up to three years' support for research in biomedical, clinical, health systems and services, population and public health sectors that has the potential for significant impact on children’s health outcomes.

research areas

this funding opportunity will support projects relevantto both sickkids foundation’s mission and ihdcyh’s mandate:

sickkids foundation’s mission is to improve the lives of children and their families in canada and around the world.

ihdcyh’s mandate is to support research that ensures the best start in life for all canadians and the achievement of their potential for optimal growth and development. this broad mandate covers defined time periods and a wide range of issues pertaining to human development: pre-conception; fertilization; embryonic and fetal development; the health of the mother and father; and the health and development of infants, children and youth (up to 25 years of age).

external deadline: 
friday, april 20, 2018
funding source: 
funding level: 

operating grant : network environments for indigenous health research

how to apply: 

the purpose of the network environments for indigenous health research (neihr) is to build on previous efforts of the network environments for aboriginal health research (neahr), initially launched in 2007, and the indigenous mentorship network program (imnp), initially launched in december 2016, by establishing a solid foundation for indigenous health research driven by, and grounded in, indigenous (i.e., first nations, inuit and metis) communities in canada. while neahr was revolutionary for its time, neihr will take a broader and more sophisticated approach to indigenous health research and capacity building not just by focusing on individuals (e.g., supporting trainees and researchers), but also by concentrating on indigenous communities, and social structures (e.g., educational systems, institutions, research infrastructures, policy apparatus, etc.).

the objectives of the neihr are seven-fold:

  1. to engage indigenous peoples in canada in leading and conducting health research and knowledge translation (kt);
  2. to support indigenous community-based health research based upon the priorities and values of indigenous peoples;
  3. to build awareness of and capacity for advancing indigenous research paradigms within a health research context;
  4. to develop an indigenous community-based health research network environment that will support indigenous leadership and research-related organizations with existing and new research infrastructures and platforms;
  5. to heighten the relevance of indigenous health research and augment the capacity of such research to improve the health of first nations, inuit and métis across all health research domains;
  6. to improve understanding of indigenous health research and indigenous research paradigms through ethical and impactful partnerships between indigenous communities and health researchers, scholars, professors and instructors, research administrators, policy and decision makers, and other parties with an interest in indigenous health research; and
  7. to develop an enduring neihr with a sustainable mandate to build research capacity, conduct research, advance indigenous research paradigms, and carry out kt activities.

development grants

the focus of this funding opportunity (fo) is to support development grants to bring together indigenous peoples/communities/organizations and other members of the research team, including researchers, knowledge-users and/or partners, to undertake initial planning and proposal development in preparation of an anticipated future cihr full neihr network grant fo. indigenous elders and knowledge holders are encouraged to play a lead role on the research team (e.g., nominated principal knowledge user, co-investigator, etc.).

the development grants will provide support for proposal preparation activities, community personnel support, and travel support to attend gatherings of indigenous communities, researchers, knowledge users, stakeholders, and/or partners. the expected development activities include a preliminary review of the literature, and other information sources, along with a local and/or regional assessment to determine readiness, priority areas of interest and capacity within the community to develop a full neihr application to cihr.

external deadline: 
thursday, april 26, 2018
funding source: 
funding level: 

operating grant : eci grants in maternal, reproductive, child & youth health

how to apply: 

the objective of this funding opportunity is to build research capacity by supporting early career investigators in initiating and conducting independent research in the area of maternal, reproductive, child and youth health.

external deadline: 
tuesday, april 17, 2018
funding source: 
funding level: 

impact grants

how to apply: 

the impact grant program is intended to contribute to the scientific idea ‘pipeline’ by supporting significant progression in cancer research programs that are anywhere in the continuum from basic high impact discovery to translational work of direct relevance to the clinic and beyond. impact grants will accelerate and focus the knowledge gained from scientific findings, in the short or long term, into outcomes that will significantly advance understanding of cancer and improve scientific knowledge, which will result in optimized patient care, improved cancer treatment or reduced cancer burden. impact grants are to provide funding to support ideas that promote major advancements in research programs, whether at the fundamental discovery stage (such as studies involving model organisms that demonstrate potential for impact) through to applied research (such as patient or population based proposals). in addition to biomedical research, applications from prevention, health services, social and population health researchers are encouraged. note that these grants are notintended to support incremental scientific advances and should not be considered a “regular” research grant and are not intended to solely support research infrastructure.

external deadline: 
tuesday, april 10, 2018
funding source: 
funding level: 

ams doctoral completion award

how to apply: 

the ams doctoral completion award exists to support full-time dissertation writing leading to dissertation completion for a doctoral student in the humanities or social sciences, writing on a history of medicine/health care topic.

external deadline: 
friday, april 6, 2018
funding source: 
funding level: 
