catalyst grant : environments, genes and chronic disease


eligibility criteria for all cihr research funding programs apply. the business office of the institution of an eligible nominated principal applicant generally administers cihr funds. refer to the individual eligibility requirements regarding the eligibility requirements for individuals and institutions.


eligibility to apply

for your application to be eligible:

  1. the nominated principal applicant must be an independent researcher.
  2. the application must include at least one other principal applicant, who is an independent researcher with expertise in a different discipline than the nominated principal applicant (team leader).
  3. the nominated principal applicant must be appointed at an eligible institution (see institutional eligibility requirements for eligibility process and associated timelines.


note: applicants may only apply to the funding opportunity once as a nominated principal applicant. they can, however, participate on other applications in other roles such as "other principal applicant", "co-applicant" or "collaborator".


randomized controlled trials

randomized controlled trials (rct) will not be considered under this funding opportunity.

how to apply: 

the objective of this catalyst grant program is to fund catalyst grants that will generate preliminary data and facilitate research collaborations. these catalyst grants will:

  • provide researchers with financial support to synthesize knowledge and develop state-of-the-art approaches to address the contributions of environment-gene interactions to chronic disease with the goal of defining opportunities for targeted research initiatives.
  • develop inter-disciplinary collaborations between researchers of different backgrounds (including, but not limited to, basic scientists, geneticists, environmental scientists, epidemiologists, biostatisticians, and social scientists) in order to integrate the tools, research designs, and methods currently used in studies addressing the roles of environment and genes on chronic disease.
external deadline: 
tuesday, april 2, 2013
funding source: 
funding level: 

idea to innovation grants

how to apply: 


the objective of the idea to innovation (i2i) grants is to accelerate the pre-competitive development of promising technology originating from the university and college sector and promote its transfer to a new or established canadian company. the i2i grants provide funding to college and university faculty members to support research and development projects with recognized technology transfer potential. this is achieved through defined phases by providing crucial assistance in the early stages of technology validation and market connection.

four distinct funding options are proposed, which are characterized by the maturity of the technology or the involvement of an early-stage investment entity or an industrial partner. in the market assessment, nserc will share costs of an independent and professional market study with the institutions (including the industry liaison office [ilo]). in phase i, the direct costs of research will be entirely supported by nserc; in phase ii, they will be shared with a private partner. the technology development may begin with a phase i project (reduction-to-practice stage), followed by a phase ii project (technology enhancement) or, if the development is at a later stage, it can start directly with a phase ii project. in any case, the combination of phase i and phase ii will be limited to a maximum of three years' funding for any given project.

eligible research and development activities include (but are not limited to):

  • refining and implementing designs;
  • verifying application;
  • conducting field studies;
  • preparing demonstrations;
  • building prototypes; and
  • performing beta trials.

external deadline: 
tuesday, april 2, 2013
funding source: 
funding level: 

discovery frontiers call for proposals: advancing big data science in genomics research

funding year(s): 
four years

for your application to be eligible, the applicant and co-applicants must meet nserc, genome canada and cihr eligibility criteria and be at an institution eligible to receive nserc, genome canada, and cihr funds. applicants applying for infrastructure funding must be affiliated with an institution that is eligible to receive cfi funds. applicants are reminded that the cfi provides research infrastructure funds to institutions, not individual researchers or teams of researchers. applicants applying for infrastructure funding must therefore contact the cfi liaison officer at their institution prior to drafting letters of intent.


in addition to meeting the funders’ general eligibility criteria, proposals must demonstrate that the project responds to the objectives of the discovery frontiers initiative.


how to apply: 

discovery frontiers (df) grants support a limited number of large international activities, opportunities or projects that are of high priority in the context of advanced research in canada. these will be led by teams of world-class canadian researchers and will generate substantial benefits for canada.


this initiative aims to bring together groups of researchers in new ways to address a major research challenge. the teams will incorporate new and emerging ideas and will combine their complementary expertise to conduct transformative, paradigm-changing research.


massive amounts of data are being generated by genomics1 research across all life science sectors. the lack of efficient tools and methodologies available to effectively mine, rapidly access and efficiently analyse vast quantities of genomic information and integrate it with other data sets is a major challenge for the research community.


to address this global research challenge, the natural sciences and engineering research council of canada (nserc), genome canada, the canadian institutes of health research (cihr) and the canada foundation for innovation (cfi) will partner on this 2013 df call for proposals, which will focus on advancing big data science in genomics research. this initiative will support the development of tools and methodologies to integrate currently available complex data sets in the fields of ‘omics sciences with each other, as well as with phenotypic data and data from other related fields of biological sciences. this df call for proposals will build on past and ongoing investments in this area, the most recent being the bioinformatics and computational biology request for applications launched in june 2012 by genome canada and cihr.




 the objective of this 2013 df call is to support the establishment of a major initiative with strong international linkages. the initiative will develop tools and methodologies for integrating various types of ‘omics data (e.g., genomics, proteomics, metabolomics) with: 1) each other; 2) phenotypic data collected from different organisms of study; or 3) data sets originating from diverse scientific disciplines/fields, including but not limited to imaging, ontology/semantics, biophysics, environmental science and evolution.


as appropriate for the proposed research, this initiative will bring together experts from a wide range of disciplines, including computer science, engineering, mathematics, machine learning, statistics, genomics and the relevant scientific disciplines being studied.


together, they will focus on exploring and developing diverse computational and mathematical approaches and techniques, including, but not limited to, creating new algorithms, information systems, web technologies, artificial intelligence, software engineering, data mining, image processing, modeling and simulation. clear linkages to the international community must be demonstrated through, for example, the participation of international scientists in the initiative, in international collaborations or in relevant international initiatives.

approaches used will emphasize bold initiatives and interdisciplinary thinking, with potential for major breakthroughs and impact across a range of scientific disciplines.

external deadline: 
wednesday, may 1, 2013
funding source: 
funding level: 

collaborative and thematic resources support in mathematics and statistics (ctrms) program

ctrms grants assist national or international (based  in canada) thematic research resources in the mathematical and statistical sciences  to cover their operating and maintenance costs. the grants assist resources  that have broad reach and provide significant value in advancing the state of  knowledge in mathematics and statistics and related interdisciplinary research.  supported resources must be used by researchers from different institutions  across canada.

funding year(s): 
up to 5 years

the applicant and all co-applicants must be eligible for nserc funding. you are invited to consult nserc’s eligibility criteria – for faculty before submitting a letter of intent.

how to apply: 


the objective of the collaborative and thematic resources support in mathematics and statistics (ctrms) program is to enable the development of research activities and foster training and collaboration, within and among national or international (based in canada) thematic research resources in mathematical and statistical sciences.


collaborative and thematic resources are defined as research resources that promote and trigger national and international interactions within the mathematical and statistical sciences and provide a place where researchers meet, collaborate and exchange ideas. these resources provide an environment that serves to accelerate research in the mathematical and statistical sciences, as well as to develop partnerships and interactions with different disciplines, thus fostering interdisciplinary research.



ctrms grants assist national or international (based in canada) thematic research resources in the mathematical and statistical sciences to cover their operating and maintenance costs. the grants assist resources that have broad reach and provide significant value in advancing the state of knowledge in mathematics and statistics and related interdisciplinary research. supported resources must be used by researchers from different institutions across canada.


ctrms applications will be evaluated through a two-stage process. initially, applicants must submit a letter of intent (loi) that will be evaluated by an institute review committee. nserc must receive the required material for the loi by the deadline date. nserc will communicate with all applicants by the beginning of june to inform them of the status of their letter of intent. successful applicants will be invited to submit a full application and will be given further instructions regarding submission details.

external deadline: 
wednesday, may 1, 2013
funding source: 
funding level: 

canada-china joint initiative on human vaccine research and development application information for canadians


all teams must be comprised of at least a cihr eligible independent researcher, an istpcanada eligible canadian industry leader, and eligible chinese academia and enterprise leaders.  

the canadian portion of the team must be co-lead by an independent researcher registered at a cihr eligible institution and an eligible canadian industrial partner.  

notes on canadian industrial partner:

  • canadian industrial partners will be for-profit companies which operate and are headquartered in canada.   they may be incorporated entities, partnerships, cooperatives, or any trustee or legal representative thereof, or groups or alliances of eligible recipients, where a lead recipient has been identified.
  • they must be legal entities and capable of entering into legally binding contracts.
  • a company may not be proposed as the industrial partner if the academic applicant of the same proposal is its sole proprietor or if it is the academic applicant’s own consulting company in which his or her financial interest holdings are greater than 5 per cent. situations, where the academic applicant is a part owner (less than 5 per cent) of, or is affiliated with, the company proposed as the industry partner, must be disclosed and will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
how to apply: 

the department of foreign affairs and international trade canada (dfait)  and the canadian institutes of health research (cihr) in partnership with the ministry of science and technology (most) of the people’s republic of china have established a joint funding opportunity to support industrial-academic collaborative research and development (r&d) in the area of vaccines against infectious diseases in humans. the focus of this initiative is on the translation of innovations with high potential for down-stream commercialization.

the funding will be awarded through a competitive call for proposals (cfp) process. international science and technology partnerships canada (istpcanada) will manage the canadian portion of the cfp for projects on behalf of dfait and cihr.

this funding opportunity will support vaccine r&d projects involving canadian researchers from academia and industry in collaboration with chinese partners from both industry and academia.

tentative competition timeline

  • expression of interest (eoi) deadline:  friday, march 22nd, 2013
  • eoi notice of decision: friday, april 5th, 2013
  • official application deadline: friday, june 28th, 2013
  • notice of decision: tuesday, april 1st, 2014
  • funding start date: tuesday, april 1st, 2014

the specific objectives of this funding opportunity are to:

  • stimulate innovative r&d projects in the field of vaccine research against infectious diseases in humans that demonstrate high commercial potential that could not be done as effectively and efficiently in the absence of this canada-china collaboration.
  • encourage domestic competitiveness through the transfer of technology and knowledge resulting from international s&t partnerships;
  • foster international s&t partnerships and collaborative research from industry, academia and government with an emphasis on outcomes for near-term commercialization;
  • strengthen overall bilateral s&t relations.
external deadline: 
friday, march 22, 2013
funding source: 
funding level: 

call for proposals: clean automobile transportation r&d with china


all teams must be comprised of at least one nserc-eligible academic researcher, an istpcanada-eligible canadian industry leader, and eligible chinese academic and enterprise leaders.  

notes on the canadian industrial partner:

  • canadian industrial partners will be for-profit companies which operate and are headquartered in canada. they may be incorporated entities, partnerships, cooperatives, or any trustee or legal representative thereof, or groups or alliances of eligible recipients, where a lead recipient has been identified.
  • they must be legal entities and capable of entering into legally binding contracts.
  • a company may not be proposed as the industrial partner if the academic applicant of the same proposal is its sole proprietor or if it is the academic applicant’s own consulting company in which his or her financial interest holdings are greater than 5 per cent. situations, where the academic applicant is a part owner (less than 5 per cent) of, or is affiliated with, the company proposed as the industry partner, must be disclosed and will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
how to apply: 

expressions of interest are due at istp by march 22, 2013.

the department of foreign affairs and international trade canada (dfait) and automotive partnership canada (apc), an initiative of the natural sciences and engineering research council of canada (nserc), in partnership with the ministry of science and technology (most) of the people’s republic of china have established a joint funding opportunity to support industrial-academic collaborative research and development (r&d) in the domain of clean automobile transportation. the focus of this initiative is on the translation of innovations with high potential for down-stream commercialization.

the funding will be awarded through a competitive call for proposals (cfp) process. international science and technology partnerships canada (istpcanada) will manage the canadian portion of the cfp for projects on behalf of dfait and nserc-apc.

this funding opportunity will support r&d projects in clean automobile transportation involving canadian researchers from academia and industry in collaboration with chinese partners from both industry and academia.

the specific objectives of this funding opportunity are to:

  • stimulate innovative r&d projects in the field of clean automotive transportation that demonstrate high commercial potential that could not be done as effectively and efficiently in the absence of this canada-china collaboration.
  • encourage domestic competitiveness through the transfer of technology and knowledge resulting from international s&t partnerships;
  • foster international s&t partnerships and collaborative research from industry, academia and government with an emphasis on outcomes for near-term commercialization;
  • strengthen overall bilateral s&t relations.
external deadline: 
friday, march 22, 2013
funding source: 
funding level: 

collaborative research and training experience program

funding year(s): 
up to six years
how to apply: 

nserc collaborative research and training experience (create) program:  2014 competition - internal call for proposals


1.  goals of the create program

nserc's create program supports the training of teams of highly qualified 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and postdoctoral fellows from canada and abroad through the development of innovative training programs that:

•encourage collaborative and integrative approaches that address significant scientific challenges

•facilitate the transition of new researchers from trainees to productive employees in the canadian workforce

these innovative programs must include the acquisition and development of important professional skills among 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and postdoctoral fellows that complement their qualifications and technical skills.

in addition, these programs should encourage the following as appropriate:

  • student mobility, nationally or internationally, between individual universities and between universities and other sectors;
  • interdisciplinary research within the natural sciences and engineering (nse), or at the interface between the nse and health, or the social sciences and humanities. however, the main focus of the training must still lie within the nse;
  • increased collaboration between industry and academia; and
  • with the addition of the industrial stream, an additional objective is to support improved job-readiness within the industrial sector by exposing participants to the specific challenges of this sector and training people with the skills identified by industry.

2.  the create program encourages:

•job readiness – prepare for an easier transition

•industrial collaboration

•student mobility between universities (even internationally) or to industry/government settings to gain valuable experience

•interdisciplinary research

3.  create program priority areas
to build on canada’s research strengths and priorities and to enhance our success, at least 60 percent of the create funding will be directed to the following priority areas:


*environmental science and technologies;

*natural resources and energy;

*manufacturing, and

*information and communications technologies.


4.  general create program information
successful applicants will consist of a group of accomplished researchers, who will work collaboratively to offer a defined research training program to a group of trainees. this environment will provide trainees with experience relevant to both academic and non-academic careers. 

the research training experience should focus on providing an enriched training experience for graduate (master’s and doctoral) 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 . undergraduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 can be supported and integrated into the training program as potential future graduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , but a proposal that is focused solely on support of undergraduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 will not be considered.

create projects should be recognized for:
-innovative nature
-excellence of the researchers and their training success
-capacity to raise the standard for best practices in training
-encouraging student mobility

eligibility conditions for applicants, co-applicants and institutions apply. create grants are tenable only at nserc-eligible canadian universities and the applicant must hold an eligible position at that university. researchers at non-eligible organizations may participate as collaborators. as with last year's competition, applicants can submit proposals through the industrial stream.


5.  how to apply/internal deadline/additional requirements

applying to the create program involves a two phase application process:

phase 1: letter of intent

phase 2: application (if invited only)

the create program is highly selective, with pre-screening based on the letter of intent. only applicants successful at the letter of intent stage will be invited to submit a full application.

internal process/quota
a yearly quota has been established for each university and only those researchers selected at their university can submit letters of intent.  under its assigned quota, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 can submit up to two letters of intent to the create  program.  therefore, researchers are asked by march 15 to indicate to the office of research services (e-mail to if they plan to submit a letter of intent to nserc. if more than two applicants indicate that they intend to submit a letter of intent, an internal competition will need to be held to determine which two lois are submitted by the nserc deadline of may 1. competition.

more information on the program can be found at:

please note the create program guidelines for the 2014 competition have not yet been posted.  the updated guidelines will be posted on during march 2013.  researchers should consult the new guidelines and loi form/instructions once nserc has posted them to ensure that they have completed their lois properly.

external deadline: 
wednesday, may 1, 2013
funding source: 
funding level: 

cihr open operating grant

the cihr open operating grant program (oogp) provides operating funds to support research proposals in all areas of health research including randomized controlled trials. a randomized controlled trial (rct) is an experiment in which investigators randomly assign eligible human research participants or other units of study (e.g., classrooms, clinics, playgrounds) into groups to receive or not receive one or more interventions that are being compared. the results are analyzed by comparing outcomes in the groups.

funding year(s): 
from one to five years
how to apply: 

important: please read all instructions to familiarize yourself with the application process before applying. for new applicants or for those wanting a reminder of the main application procedures, an overview of cihr's application processes can be found under apply for funding. note that these are general instructions only as the specific application instructions for this funding opportunity are located below.

external deadline: 
friday, march 1, 2013
funding source: 
funding level: 

discovery frontiers call for proposals: advancing big data science in genomics research

discovery frontiers (df) grants support a limited number of large international activities, opportunities or projects that are of high priority in the context of advanced research in canada. these will be led by teams of world-class canadian researchers and will generate substantial benefits for canada.

this initiative aims to bring together groups of researchers in new ways to address a major research challenge. the teams will incorporate new and emerging ideas and will combine their complementary expertise to conduct transformative, paradigm-changing research.

the objective of this 2013 df call is to support the establishment of a major initiative with strong international linkages. the initiative will develop tools and methodologies for integrating various types of ‘omics data (e.g., genomics, proteomics, metabolomics) with: 1) each other; 2) phenotypic data collected from different organisms of study; or 3) data sets originating from diverse scientific disciplines/fields, including but not limited to imaging, ontology/semantics, biophysics, environmental science and evolution.

$1 500 000.00
external deadline: 
wednesday, may 1, 2013
funding source: 
funding level: 
