team grant : hiv cure research

funding year(s): 
up to five years

eligibility criteria for all cihr research funding programs apply. the business office of the institution of an eligible nominated principal applicant generally administers cihr funds. refer to the individual eligibility requirements regarding the eligibility requirements for individuals and institutions.


eligibility to apply

for your application to be eligible:

  1.     the nominated principal applicant must be an independent researcher appointed at an eligible institution (see institutional eligibility requirements for eligibility process and associated timelines).
  2.     at least two team members (i.e., co-principal applicants and/or co-applicants), other than the nominated principal applicant, must also be independent researchers.
    • a.    at least one team member must be an independent researcher who is also a health professional engaged in clinical hiv care.
    • b.    at least one team member must be a new investigator. a new investigator is defined as a researcher who has held a full time research appointment (e.g., faculty appointment providing eligibility to apply for grants and/or supervise trainees), for a period of 0 to 60 months as of the full application deadline.
  3.    the team must include individuals (listed as principal applicants and/or co-applicants) from at least two unaffiliated research institutions.


in addition to the mandatory eligibility requirements listed above, teams are encouraged to:

  • include international collaborators;
  • include investigators whose primary area of research is not hiv, and whose expertise will help accomplish the goals of the research program;
  • involve industrial partners to enable translational research and facilitate the application of findings into commercial applications;
  • involve other knowledge users and/or partners;
  • include a governance plan which outlines the oversight of the research program in terms of scientific conduct and priorities, administration and ensuring the relevance of the research to people living with hiv.
how to apply: 

this funding opportunity includes a registration deadline (may 24, 2013) and a full application deadline (june 26, 2013).  full applications are due in the office of research services two weeks prior to the external deadline.

the overall goal of this initiative is to contribute to the global search for a safe and effective cure for hiv.

the specific objectives of this funding opportunity are to:

  • transform hiv cure research in canada into a collaborative, interdisciplinary model of knowledge creation and application through the funding of research programs that actively engage hiv basic scientists and clinical investigators as well as experts from complimentary disciplines and sectors;
  • increase knowledge of hiv latency and persistence in areas that are not well covered by other research teams in canada or internationally;
  • effectively translate knowledge into clinical and/or commercial applications which contribute to the design, development and evaluation of curative strategies;
  • provide a high-quality training and mentoring environment; and,
  • create a critical mass of technical and scientific expertise in canada that engages meaningfully with one another, relevant national stakeholders and international research efforts.

relevant research areas

the cihr hiv/aids research initiative will provide funding for applications that are determined to be relevant to the following seven priorities for hiv cure research, as identified in the towards an hiv cure global scientific strategy. these priority areas are fully described in the full recommendations posted on the ias website. (note: access the full recommendations document by clicking on the link in the upper right hand side of the page.) it is not expected that programs will address all of the priority areas listed below, but rather, that they will target one or more of the priority areas.

  • cellular and viral mechanisms that maintain hiv persistence;
  • tissues and cellular sources of persistent hiv/siv in animal models and in long-term art-treated individuals;
  • origins of immune activation and dysfunction in the presence of art and their consequences for hiv/siv persistence;
  • host and immune mechanisms that control hiv/siv infection but allow viral persistence;
  • assays to study and measure persistent infection comparison and validation;
  • therapeutic agents or immunological strategies to safely eliminate latent infection in individuals on art;
  • strategies to enhance the capacity of the host response to control active viral replication.
external deadline: 
friday, may 24, 2013
award category: 
funding source: 
funding level: 

planning grants : spring 2013 competition


eligibility criteria for all cihr research funding programs apply. the business office of the institution of an eligible nominated principal applicant generally administers cihr funds. refer to the individual eligibility requirements regarding the eligibility requirements for individuals and institutions.


eligibility to apply

for your application to be eligible:

  1.     the nominated principal applicant must be one of the following:
    • a.    an independent researcher
    • b.    a knowledge user
    • c.    a trainee
    • e.    an activity/event coordinator affiliated with a canadian non-governmental not-for-profit organization, and/or a community leader.
  2.     the nominated principal applicant must be affiliated with:
    • a.    canadian post-secondary institutions and their affiliated institutions including hospitals and research institutes; or
    • b.    canadian non-governmental, not-for-profit organizations (including community or charitable organizations) with an explicit health research or knowledge translation mandate; or
    • c.    canadian non-federal government departments or agencies, including regional health authorities, when specific programs of those departments or agencies do not fund the activity that forms the subject matter of the grant.
  3.    if an organization or institution is uncertain about its eligibility for funding through this funding opportunity, it is encouraged to seek clarification from cihr staff designated in the contact information section.
  4.     activities/events starting or taking place before the funding start dates are not eligible for funding through this opportunity.
  5.     applicants are not eligible to apply for additional funding for an activity or event which has been previously funded by cihr. multiple applications (submitted by the same or different nominated principal applicant) are not allowable for the same activity or event. in such cases, the subsequent applications will be automatically withdrawn.
how to apply: 


the specific objective of this funding opportunity is to provide support for planning activities, partnership development and/or increasing the team's understanding of the health research landscape that will contribute to the advancement of research consistent with the mandate of cihr.

relevant activities:

activities may focus on, but are not limited to, the following:

  • activities that assist potential teams of researchers, knowledge-users and/or partners in working together to identify research questions or emerging issues and priorities that could form the basis of a grant application;
  • stakeholder consultations, including citizen engagement activities, regarding needs, gaps and opportunities in the health research landscape, priority policy issues and/or priority research questions, where such common understanding is currently lacking or requires further development;
  • initial planning and discussion of a research project among potential team members including researchers, knowledge-users and/or partners to assess the viability of the research project and the partnership;
  • conducting an environmental scan or preliminary synthesis of relevant literature, activities or programs;
  • early-stage planning to determine possible commercial viability of a discovery;
  • opportunities for knowledge exchange involving stakeholder linkages (to inform practice, care, and/or policy) that could potentially lead to an application to a funding opportunity;
  • gatherings of partners, health researchers, and/or knowledge users where the main objective is to facilitate regional/national and/or international collaboration among individuals or groups from a variety of backgrounds (for example, building new and existing multi-sectored partnerships that include a significant number of participants from outside the conventional scientific community, consensus meetings, networking and partnership development events) interested in applying to a funding opportunity.

note: this funding opportunity is not intended to support pilot testing. please also note that primary research or primary data collection will not be supported through this funding opportunity. any activity that may be perceived as such should be justified (e.g., surveying individuals for the purpose of the project).

external deadline: 
monday, june 17, 2013
funding source: 
funding level: 

knowledge synthesis grant : spring 2013 competition


eligibility to apply

for your application to be eligible:

it must include at least two principal applicants (including the nominated principal applicant), one who is an independent researcher and one who is a knowledge user.

    • if the nominated principal applicant is an independent researcher, you must also identify a principal applicant who is a knowledge user. in researchnet, this individual must be identified as having the principal knowledge user role.
    • if the nominated principal applicant is a knowledge user, you must also identify a principal applicant who is an independent researcher. in researchnet, this individual must be identified as having the principal applicant role.
  1. the definition of an independent researcher stipulates the requirement to have an academic or research appointment by the effective date of funding. the nominated principal applicant must be registered at an eligible institution (see institutional eligibility requirements for eligibility process and associated timelines.
  2. there is no maximum number of principal applicants or principal knowledge users who can be identified as participants on a grant.
  3. applications to undertake cochrane reviews are eligible only if the requested funds will not overlap with funding from the canadian cochrane centre (ccc) and the proposed review is not one of the 30 reviews already funded by cihr through its contribution to the ccc.
  4. cihr recognizes that updating out-of-date syntheses can be as important as conducting new ones. applicants wishing to do an update must clearly justify the need to do the update.
  5. syntheses with an international-focus are eligible.


     cihr strongly recommend that each team includes:

    • an expert in the content area covered by the synthesis;
    • an expert in synthesis methods; and
    • an information scientist/librarian.


    randomized controlled trials

    randomized controlled trials (rct) will not be considered under this funding opportunity.

    how to apply: 

    the specific objectives of this funding opportunity are:

    • to increase the uptake/application of synthesized knowledge in decision-making by supporting partnerships between researchers and knowledge users to produce scoping reviews and syntheses that respond to the information needs of knowledge users in all areas of health;
    • to extend the benefits of knowledge synthesis to new kinds of questions relevant to knowledge users and areas of research that have not traditionally been synthesized.
    external deadline: 
    tuesday, april 2, 2013
    funding source: 
    funding level: 

    china-canada joint health research initiative (2013)


    canada-based applicants: eligibility criteria for all cihr research funding programs apply. the business office of the institution of an eligible nominated principal applicant generally administers cihr funds. refer to the individual eligibility requirements regarding the eligibility requirements for individuals and institutions.

    china-based applicants must meet the qualifications for applying to programs and international cooperation programs of nsfc. starting from 2013, chinese pis who have been granted an nsfc's international research project in the previous year (2012) are not eligible to apply this program, with an exception for those whose grants in 2012 were nsfc's major international (regional) joint research program. please refer to nsfc website regarding the eligibility requirements. (updated: 2013-02-04)

    eligibility to apply

    each application must have a principal applicant from each of canada and china.

    for the canadian component of the application to be considered eligible:

    1. the nominated principal applicant must be an independent researcher registered at an eligible institution.
    2. at least one project participant must be an independent researcher from china (i.e., must hold a faculty position in a university or a research institute in china) and must be listed as a principal applicant.
    3. co-applicants must be one of the following (inclusion of one or more co-applicants is optional):
    • an independent researcher
    • a trainee

    for the chinese component of the application to be considered eligible, applicants must refer to the nsfc website for further details.


    1.     individuals cannot be a principal applicant on more than one on-going grant through the china-canada joint health research initiative.
    2.     individuals are only permitted to be listed as the nominated principal applicant on one application to this funding opportunity.
    how to apply: 

    the specific objective of this funding opportunity is to promote the development of canadian-chinese scientific co-operation between researchers located at universities, hospitals, research institutes or affiliated research organizations in canada and china through the support of collaborative research grants.

    relevant research areas

    cihr and nsfc will provide funding for applications that are determined to be relevant to the following research areas:

    • aging, gerontology and geriatrics: to encourage research on aging processes, on functional limitations in older adults as a consequence of disease, and on determinants of healthy aging within the context of one or more of the following priority areas: healthy and successful aging, biological mechanisms of aging, cognitive impairment in aging, aging and maintenance of functional autonomy, and health services related to older people.
    • cancer: to provide support for research on cancer genetics, biomarkers and epigenetics; tumour micro-environment, inflammation and metastasis.
    • cardiovascular system: to provide support for basic and translational research on the pathogenesis, treatment and ultimate cure of cardiovascular diseases, including myocardial infarction, stroke, cardiomyopathy and atherosclerosis.
    • child and youth health: to provide support for research on fertility, pregnancy, maternal health, healthy child development and the etiology, prevention, and treatment of diseases in infants, children and youth.
    • diabetes and obesity: to provide support for research on the measures, causes, prevention, treatment and consequences of diabetes and obesity.
    • gender and health: to provide support for research that addresses how sex (biological characteristics) and gender (socially constructed roles and relationships) influence the health of women and men, girls and boys throughout life.
    • genetics: to provide support for research on the human and other genomes and on all aspects of genetic, basic biochemistry and cell biology related to health and disease.
    • infection and immunity: to provide support for research in the field of infection and immunity.
    • musculoskeletal health and arthritis: to provide support on one or more of the three strategic priorities such as: physical activity, mobility and health; tissue injury, repair and replacement; pain, disability and chronic disease.
    • neurosciences: to provide support for basic research in neurosciences, mental health, addiction and the senses.
    • population and public health: to provide support for population and public health research that aims to compare how different policies and/or primary health care delivery models shift the distribution of health and illness in different contexts.
    • respiratory health: to support basic and translational research in respiratory disease including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and acute lung injury, with particular emphasis on better understanding the pathogenesis and facilitating the early detection of airway disease or lung injury.


    external deadline: 
    tuesday, march 19, 2013
    funding source: 
    funding level: 

    operating grant : canada-china human vaccines


    all teams must be comprised of at least a cihr eligible independent researcher, an istpcanada eligible canadian industry leader, and eligible chinese academia and enterprise leaders.

    the canadian portion of the team must be co-lead by an independent researcher registered at a cihr eligible institution and an eligible canadian industrial partner.

    notes on canadian industrial partner:

    • canadian industrial partners will be for-profit companies which operate and are headquartered in canada. they may be incorporated entities, partnerships, cooperatives, or any trustee or legal representative thereof, or groups or alliances of eligible recipients, where a lead recipient has been identified.
    • they must be legal entities and capable of entering into legally binding contracts.
    • a company may not be proposed as the industrial partner if the academic applicant of the same proposal is its sole proprietor or if it is the academic applicant’s own consulting company in which his or her financial interest holdings are greater than 5 per cent. situations, where the academic applicant is a part owner (less than 5 per cent) of, or is affiliated with, the company proposed as the industry partner, must be disclosed and will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
    how to apply: 

    this funding opportunity includes a registration deadline (march 22, 2013) as well as a full application deadline (june 28, 2013).  full applications are due in the office of research services two weeks prior to the external deadline.

    the specific objectives of this funding opportunity are to:

    • stimulate innovative r&d projects in the field of vaccine research against infectious diseases in humans that demonstrate high commercial potential that could not be done as effectively and efficiently in the absence of this canada-china collaboration.
    • encourage domestic competitiveness through the transfer of technology and knowledge resulting from international s&t partnerships;
    • foster international s&t partnerships and collaborative research from industry, academia and government with an emphasis on outcomes for near-term commercialization;
    • strengthen overall bilateral s&t relations.


    relevant research area

    the scope of this initiative encompasses basic and clinical health research which may also include health services research and population health research in the field of vaccines against infectious diseases. although not exclusive, applications in the following area are strongly encouraged:

    • approaches and optimized techniques used for polysaccharide protein conjugate vaccines
    • studies of novel vaccine adjuvants and delivery systems
    • mucosal immunology and mechanistic studies for vaccine development
    • influenza and existing and emerging viruses

    bioprocessing and production

    external deadline: 
    friday, march 22, 2013
    funding source: 
    funding level: 

    dissemination events : spring 2013 competition


    eligibility criteria for all cihr research funding programs apply. the business office of the institution of an eligible nominated principal applicant generally administers cihr funds. refer to the individual eligibility requirements regarding the eligibility requirements for individuals and institutions.


    eligibility to apply

    for your application to be eligible:

    1. the nominated principal applicant must be one of the following:
      1. an independent researcher
      2. a knowledge user
      3. a trainee
      4. a supervisor
      5. an activity/event coordinator affiliated with a canadian non-governmental not-for-profit organization, and/or a community leader.
    2. the nominated principal applicant must be affiliated with:
    • canadian post-secondary institutions and their affiliated institutions including hospitals and research institutes; or
    • canadian non-governmental, not-for-profit organizations (including community or charitable organizations) with an explicit health research or knowledge translation mandate; or
    • canadian non-federal government departments or agencies, including regional health authorities, when specific programs of those departments or agencies do not fund the activity that forms the subject matter of the grant.
  7. activities/events starting or taking place before the funding start dates are not eligible for funding through this opportunity.
  8. applicants are not eligible to apply for additional funding for an activity or event which has been previously funded by cihr. multiple applications (submitted by the same or different nominated principal applicant) are not allowable for the same activity or event. in such cases, the subsequent applications will be automatically withdrawn.

    randomized controlled trials

    randomized controlled trials (rct) will not be considered under this funding opportunity.

    how to apply: 


    the specific objective of this funding opportunity is to support events/activities that contribute to the dissemination, exchange and uptake of research evidence.


    relevant activities

    events/activities may focus on, but are not limited to, the following:

    • education of groups such as patients, health professionals, community organizations, policy-makers, the general public;
    • knowledge dissemination that will inform practice, clinical care, partnership best practices, policy and decision making;
    • dissemination and/or discussion of research findings at scientific meetings, workshops, conferences, congresses or symposia.


    note: please note that primary research or primary data collection will not be supported through this funding opportunity. any activity that may be perceived as such should be justified (e.g., surveying individuals for the purpose of the project).

    external deadline: 
    monday, june 17, 2013
    funding source: 
    funding level: 

    catalyst grant : secondary analysis of neuroimaging databases




    eligibility criteria for all cihr research funding programs apply. the business office of the institution of an eligible nominated principal applicant generally administers cihr funds. refer to the individual eligibility requirements regarding the eligibility requirements for individuals and institutions.

    eligibility to apply

    for your application to be eligible:

    1. the nominated principal applicant (npa) must be an independent researcher and be based at an eligible institution (see institutional eligibility requirements for eligibility process and associated timelines.)


    1. at least one project participant, other than the nominated principal applicant, must be one of the following:
      1. an independent researcher


      1. a knowledge user


    • in order to ensure collaborative research efforts between different research centres/groups, the nominated principal applicant (npa) must collaborate with at least one other project participant (independent researcher or knowledge user) from a different established neuroimaging centre/group or other established centres/group providing a contribution to neuroimaging. the project participant must be from a different eligible institution than the npa. the project participant can be from canada or abroad. either the npa or one of the project participants must have expertise in alzheimer's disease or related dementias (adrd) research.
    • submitting more than one application comprised of the same team members is not eligible.
    • while including knowledge users as applicants on the grant is not a requirement, it is encouraged, where appropriate, as it is a concrete demonstration of the importance of the research topic.
    how to apply: 

    this funding opportunity is made up of a registration deadline (august 30, 2013) and a full application deadline (october 1, 2013).  full applications are due in the office of research sevices two weeks prior to the external deadline.

    the specific objectives of this funding opportunity are:

    • to promote collaborative research between canadian research centres/groups working on neurodegenerative disorders having an impact on cognition;
    • to promote the use of publicly available alzheimer's disease neuroimaging initiative (adni) data, with possible links to other neuroimaging databases if relevant or possible, for research on alzheimer`s disease and related dementias;
    • to promote effective knowledge translation through continuous and sustained interactions between researchers and end-users of the research;
    • to encourage linkages between neuroimaging, biological and/or behavioral data.
    external deadline: 
    friday, august 30, 2013
    funding source: 
    funding level: 

    strategic project grants

    funding year(s): 
    1 to 3 years
    how to apply: 


    the goal of strategic project grants (spg) is to increase research and training in targeted areas that could strongly enhance canada’s economy, society and/or environment within the next 10 years.


    strategic project grants fund early-stage project research in targeted areas. to be funded, a research project must meet the following requirements:

    • the project must support the goal of spg and fall within one of the targeted areas defined below.
    • the objectives and scope of the project must be well-defined. the duration may be from one to three years.
    • at least one academic researcher and at least one supporting organization must collaborate in the project.
    • the supporting organization must be actively involved in all stages of the project; therefore, in-kind contributions are required, but cash is not.
    external deadline: 
    monday, april 1, 2013
    funding source: 
    funding level: 

    the digging into data challenge


    applicants must apply as an international research project partnership. each project must be a partnership among two to four national teams. each team must represent one of the four countries participating in the digging into data challenge (canada, the netherlands, the us or the uk).

    nserc will only fund projects in partnership with sshrc. to be eligible for funding from nserc, the team must include researchers in the natural sciences and engineering who are eligible to hold nserc funds. refer to nserc's eligibility guidelines for more details.


    subject matter eligibility

    given the nature of the digging into data challenge, it is expected that proposals will include collaboration and integration across several disciplines. nserc will partner with sshrc to fund projects with the potential to make significant contributions to the natural sciences and engineering and to the social sciences and humanities. successful canadian teams that include researchers from both the social sciences and humanities and natural sciences and engineering domains will be jointly funded by nserc and sshrc.

    each project is a partnership among two or more national teams, from at least two of the four participating countries. when a project is selected for funding, each of the teams will receive a grant from their respective country. depending on the composition of canadian teams, researchers will be funded by nserc and sshrc or sshrc only. nserc plans on providing support for a maximum of three projects where the contribution to the project by canadian nse researchers should be significant and in keeping with the objective of the discovery frontiers initiative. awards to canadian multidisciplinary teams will range from $75,000 and $250,000 over two years, with a maximum of $125,000 each from nserc and sshrc. each agency will only fund research in accordance with its respective mandate.

    how to apply: 


    in recognition of the international nature of cyberinfrastructure and e-science, the digging into data challenge brings together international research teams to advance research and to share their results openly, so that others may learn from these results.

    the digging into data challenge is an international competition sponsored by nine leading funders from four countries (canada, the netherlands, the united kingdom and the united states):

    • the social sciences and humanities research council of canada (sshrc) in collaboration with the natural sciences and engineering research council of canada (nserc) and the canada foundation for innovation (cfi);
    • the netherlands organisation for scientific research—humanities, physical sciences and social sciences (nwo) in collaboration with the netherlands escience center (nlesc);
    • the uk arts and humanities research council (ahrc);
    • the uk economic and social research council (esrc);
    • the uk joint information systems committee (jisc);
    • the us institute of museum and library services (imls);
    • the us national endowment for the humanities (neh); and
    • the us national science foundation (nsf).

    this competition is open only to international research projects.

    external deadline: 
    wednesday, may 15, 2013
    funding source: 
    funding level: 

    digging into data round three request for proposals


    applicants must apply as an international research project partnership. each project is a partnership among two to four national teams. each team represents one of the four nations participating in the digging into data challenge (canada, the netherland, the us, and the uk). each national team must be led by an eligible institution (for example, a university) with a designated principal investigator.


    if more than one institution from the same country is participating, they must work together and designate one of the institutions as the team “lead.” teams can receive grants only from a funder from their own country. however, please note that each funder has its own restrictions on the eligibility of potential applicants. please read the appropriate rfp addenda or contact us if you have questions about eligibility.

    how to apply: 

    the four overarching goals of the digging into data are to

    ● promote the development and deployment of innovative research techniques in large-scale data analysis that focus on applications in the humanities and social sciences;

    ● foster interdisciplinary collaboration among researchers in the humanities, social sciences, computer sciences, library science, archival science, information sciences, mathematical and statistical sciences, engineering, and other fields, around questions of text and data analysis;

    ● promote international collaboration among both researchers and funders; and

    ● ensure efficient access to and sharing of the materials for research by working with data repositories that hold large digital collections.

    in recognition of the international nature of cyberinfrastructure/e-science, the digging into data challenge will bring together international research teams to advance research and to share their results openly, so that others may learn from them.

    the digging into data challenge competition is sponsored by ten leading funders from four countries (canada, the netherlands, the united kingdom, and the united states):

    ● the social sciences and humanities research council of canada (sshrc) in collaboration with the natural sciences and engineering research council of canada (nserc) and the canada foundation for innovation (cfi);

    ● the netherlands organisation for scientific research – humanities, physical sciences and social sciences (nwo) in collaboration with the netherlands escience center (nlesc)

    ● the uk arts and humanities research council (ahrc);

    ● the uk economic and social research council (esrc);

    ● the uk joint information systems committee (jisc);

    ● the us institute of museum and library services (imls);

    ● the us national endowment for the humanities (neh); and

    ● the us national science foundation (nsf).


    this request for proposals (rfp) explains how to apply to the digging into data challenge. please note that each funder has also produced an rfp addendum with information specific to its respective rules, requirements, funding mandates, policies, and procedures. please consult the appropriate addenda prior to applying. all of these documents are available on the digging into data challenge website.

    this competition is open only to international research projects. each project will involve teams from two to four of the participating countries.

    external deadline: 
    wednesday, may 15, 2013
    funding source: 
    funding level: 
