other : centres for hiv/aids, hepatitis c and other stbbis research

how to apply: 

the centres for hiv/aids, hepatitis c and other stbbis research are expected to improve health and access to effective programs and services for people living with and at risk of hiv, hepatitis c and other stbbis, particularly for populations most affected. the specific objectives of the centres are to:

  • foster coordination of research efforts by developing and supporting a network of collaborative centres;
  • develop and/or strengthen high quality infrastructure for implementation science, health services and population health research to enable canadian hiv, hepatitis c and other stbbi researchers to conduct innovative, high quality, collaborative research;
  • facilitate implementation science, health services and population health research training and mentoring initiatives to strengthen the capacity of trainees; and
  • accelerate the translation and uptake of knowledge and implementation of evidence to inform practices, policies and programs through models of integrated knowledge translation and innovative strategies that engage stakeholders and partners (including people living with hiv, community organizations, clinicians, policy makers and relevant networks).
external deadline: 
tuesday, december 11, 2018
funding source: 
funding level: 

operating grant : understanding the health impact of inactivity

how to apply: 

the ultimate goals of this call are to develop solutions for:

  • older adults experiencing periods of inactivity in order to inform transitions in care and/or improve their quality of life.
  • astronauts in order to stay in good health during spaceflights and during their extended stays in the international space station, as well as in the foreseen deep space exploration program.

the objectives of the understanding the health impacts of inactivity funding opportunity are to:

  1. enhance our understanding of the
    • health impacts of inactivity by:
      • identifying impact through biological measures
      • identifying relevant biological measures to support care transitions
      • identifying biological changes that may inform our mechanistic understanding of pre-frailty and progression to frailty


    • impact and effectiveness of a specific countermeasure protocol by:
      • identifying biological changes induced by its use
      • evaluating the effectiveness of the countermeasure
      • generating new knowledge to further inform the development of interventions and rehabilitation solutions to counteract the adverse effects of inactivity

      for older people and individuals who experience inactivity or reduced activity over an extended period, and for astronauts during space missions.

  2. build capacity of the next generation of researchers through the meaningful involvement of trainees and/or early career investigators in the research program.
external deadline: 
tuesday, july 24, 2018
funding source: 
funding level: 

department of defense autism research program

how to apply: 

fy18 arp program announcements and general application instructions for the following award mechanisms are posted on grants.gov. 


as directed by the office of the assistant secretary of defense for health affairs, the defense health agency (dha) j9, research and development directorate manages the defense health program (dhp) research, development, test, and evaluation (rdt&e) appropriation.  the managing agent for the anticipated program announcements/funding opportunities is the congressionally directed medical research programs (cdmrp).



clinical trial award – preapplication due july 5, 2018

  • investigators at or above the level of associate professor (or equivalent), or

·         early-career investigator partnering pi option: investigators at or above the level of associate professor (or equivalent) may collaborate on a single application with a young investigator (at the level of postdoctoral fellow up to early-career independent faculty) who meets the following criteria at the application submission deadline date:

·         must be in a current postdoctoral training position or have completed postdoctoral training by the  application deadline

·         is no more than 7 years from the receipt of a terminal degree

  • has the freedom to commit at least 50% time to the project

·         supports research with the potential to have a major impact on the treatment and/or management of asd.

·         applications in the following areas are strongly encouraged:

o   behavioral cognitive, and other non-pharmacological therapies.

o   pharmacological, genetic, and other biological treatments in asd.

o   dissemination/implementation of clinically validated interventions.

o   therapies to alleviate conditions co-occurring with asd (i.e., sleep disturbances, gastrointestinal issues, inflammation, aggression, depression, anxiety, attention deficit, seizures).

o   interventions promoting success in key transitions to adulthood for individuals living with asd.

o   healthcare provider-focused training or tools to improve healthcare delivery for individuals with asd across the lifespan and the continuum of care (i.e., primary care, urgent/emergent care, and disaster relief).

o   improve diagnosis across the lifespan.

o   cultural and socioeconomic factors in treatment efficacy, delivery, and access to services.

·         preliminary data relevant to the proposed clinical trial are required.

·         pre-application is required; application submission is by invitation only.

  • early-career investigator partnering pi option: supports the development of young investigators pursuing or wishing to clinical trial.

·         the maximum allowable funding for the entire period of performance is $1,000,000 in direct costs (plus indirect costs)

·         the maximum period of performance is years

·         early-career investigator partnering pi option:

·         maximum funding of $1,155,000 in direct costs (plus indirect costs)

  • maximum period of performance is years


clinical translational award – preapplication is due july 5, 2018

  • investigators at or above the level of assistant professor (or equivalent)

·         supports early-phase, proof-of-principle translational studies with the potential to have a major impact on the treatment and/or management of autism spectrum disorder (asd).

·         applications in the following areas are strongly encouraged:

o   behavioral cognitive, and other non-pharmacological therapies.

o   pharmacological, genetic, and other biological treatments in asd.

o   dissemination/implementation of clinically validated interventions.

o   therapies to alleviate conditions co-occurring with asd (i.e., sleep disturbances, gastrointestinal issues, inflammation, aggression, depression, anxiety, attention deficit, seizures).

o   interventions promoting success in key transitions to adulthood for individuals living with asd.

o   healthcare provider-focused training or tools to improve healthcare delivery for individuals with asd across the lifespan and the continuum of care (i.e., primary care, urgent/emergent care, and disaster relief).

o   improve diagnosis across the lifespan.

o   cultural and socioeconomic factors in treatment efficacy, delivery, and access to services.

·         preliminary data relevant to the proposed project are required.

  • pre-application is required; application submission is by invitation only.

·         the maximum allowable funding for the entire period of performance is $500,000 in direct costs (plus indirect costs)

  • the maximum period of performance is 3 years


idea development award – preapplication is due july 5, 2018

·         investigators at or above the level of assistant professor (or equivalent) or

  • multiple pi option: 
    up to two investigators may collaborate on a single application, each of whom will be recognized as a principal investigator and receive a separate award. 

·         supports the development of innovative, high-impact ideas that advance the understanding of asd and ultimately lead to improved outcomes.

·         applications in the following areas are strongly encouraged:

o    preliminary behavioral cognitive, and other non-pharmacological therapies.

o   pharmacological, genetic, and other biological treatments in asd.

o   dissemination/implementation of clinically validated interventions.

o   therapies to alleviate conditions co-occurring with asd (i.e., sleep disturbances, gastrointestinal issues, inflammation, aggression, depression, anxiety, attention deficit, seizures).

o   interventions promoting success in key transitions to adulthood for individuals living with asd.

o   healthcare provider-focused training or tools to improve healthcare delivery for individuals with asd across the lifespan and the continuum of care (i.e., primary care, urgent/emergent care, and disaster relief).

o   improve diagnosis across the lifespan.

o   cultural and socioeconomic factors in treatment efficacy, delivery, and access to services.

·         preliminary data are required.

·         pre-application is required; application submission is by invitation only.

·         multiple principal investigator (pi) option: up to two investigators may collaborate on a single application, each of whom will be recognized as a pi and receive a separate award.

·         the maximum allowable funding for the entire period of performance is $500,000 in direct costs (plus indirect costs)

·         for multiple pis, the combined funding for all pis for the entire period of performance may not exceed $500,000 in direct costs (plus indirect costs)

  • the maximum period of performance is 3 years

a pre-application is required and must be submitted through the electronic biomedical research application portal (ebrap) at https://ebrap.org prior to the pre-application deadline.  all applications must conform to the final program announcements and general application instructions that are available for electronic downloading from the grants.gov website.  the application package containing the required forms for each award mechanism will also be found on grants.gov.  a listing of all cdmrp funding opportunities can be obtained on the grants.gov website by performing a basic search using cfda number 12.420. 


applications must be submitted through the federal government’s single-entry portal, grants.gov.  for email notification when program announcements are released, subscribe to program-specific news and updates under “email subscriptions” on the ebrap homepage at https://ebrap.org.  for more information about the arp or other cdmrp-administered programs, please visit the cdmrp website (http://cdmrp.army.mil).

point of contact:

cdmrp help desk


external deadline: 
thursday, july 5, 2018
funding source: 
funding level: 

operating grant : epigenetics clinical translation

how to apply: 

the specific objectives of this funding opportunity are to:

  • evaluate applications of epigenetics in the clinical setting, including through clinical trials, demonstrating proof-of-concept utility of epigenetic changes as biomarkers, diagnostics and targets for potential therapeutics;
  • support and build upon existing canadian research expertise in epigenetics for clinical translation outcomes;
  • build capacity for epigenetics clinical research through training and mentoring.
external deadline: 
wednesday, september 5, 2018
funding source: 
funding level: 

department of defense prostate cancer research program

how to apply: 

the fy18 defense appropriations act provides $100 million (m) to the department of defense prostate cancer research program (pcrp) to support innovative, high-impact prostate cancer research. as directed by the office of the assistant secretary of defense for health affairs, the defense health agency, research, development, and acquisition (dha rda) directorate manages the defense health program (dhp) research, development, test, and evaluation (rdt&e) appropriation. the managing agent for the anticipated program announcements/funding opportunities is the congressionally directed medical research programs (cdmrp).


fy18 pcrp program announcements and general application instructions for the following award mechanisms are posted on grants.gov.


the mission of the pcrp is to fund research that will lead to the elimination of death from prostate cancer and enhance the well-being of service members, veterans, and all men experiencing the impact of the disease.  applications submitted to the fy18 pcrp must addresses one or more of the overarching challenges (revised for fy18):

·         develop treatments that improve outcomes for men with lethal prostate cancer

·         reduce lethal prostate cancer in african americans, veterans, and other high-risk populations

·         define the biology of lethal prostate cancer to reduce death

·         improve the quality of life for survivors of prostate cancer




impact award – preproposal due july 19, 2018

  • independent investigators at or above the level of assistant professor (or equivalent)

·         preproposal is required; application submission is by invitation only.

  • supports research projects that have the strong potential to make a major impact on scientific and clinical prostate cancer issues.
  • must address at least one of the fy18 pcrp overarching challenges.
  • the potential impact of the research is expected to be near-term, with the potential to transform the clinical management of prostate cancer within 5 years after the end of the award.
  • proposed projects may include basic, translational, or clinical research, including small scale clinical trials.
  • detailed transition plan to describe the pathway for moving the project’s findings to the next phase of development after the award is required.
  • preliminary data to support feasibility are required.

·         maximum funding of $750,000 for direct costs (plus indirect costs).

  • maximum period of performance is years.



idea development award – preproposal due july 6, 2018

  • established investigators:  independent investigators at or above the level of assistant professor (or equivalent)
  • or new investigators:  investigators that meet the following criteria at the application submission deadline date:

·         have the freedom to pursue individual aims without formal mentorship

·         have not previously received a pcrp health disparity research award and/or idea development award

·         have completed at least 3 years of postdoctoral training or fellowship and are within 10 years after completion of terminal degree (excluding residency or family medical leave)

·         preproposal is required; application submission is by invitation only.

·         supports new ideas that represent innovative, high-risk/high-gain approaches to prostate cancer research and have the potential to make an important contribution to eliminating death and enhancing the well-being of men with prostate cancer.

·         emphasis is equally placed on innovation and impact.

·         preliminary data are encouraged, but not required.

·         clinical trials are not allowed.

·         new investigator option supports applicants early in their faculty appointments or in the process of developing independent research careers.

·         maximum funding of $600k for direct costs (plus indirect costs).

·         maximum period of performance is years.


physician research award – letter of intent due august 16, 2018

·         at the time of application submission, the pi must be either:

·         in the last year of an accredited graduate medical education program, either as a resident or fellow:

  • or
  • within 3 years of having initiated an appointment as instructor, assistant professor, or equivalent

·         supports a mentored research experience to prepare physicians with clinical duties for careers in prostate cancer research.

·         pis must demonstrate a commitment to a career at the forefront of prostate cancer research and clinical practice.

·         pis must have a designated mentor with an established research program in prostate cancer.

·         institutions must provide at least 40% protection of pi’s time for research.

  • projects that focus on basic research are highly encouraged.
  • must address at least one of the fy18 pcrp overarching challenges.

·         maximum funding of $750,000 for direct costs (plus indirect costs).

  • maximum period of performance is 4 years.


early investigator research award- letter of intent due august 16, 2018

by march 31, 2019

postdoctoral ph.d. or m.d. pis:

  • must have successfully defended a doctoral thesis or possess an m.d. degree
  • have 3 years or less of postdoctoral research experience

·         supports research opportunities focused on prostate cancer for individuals in the early stages of their careers.

  • pis must have a designated mentor who is an experienced prostate cancer researcher.
  • must address at least one of the fy18 pcrp overarching challenges.

·         maximum funding of $200,000 for direct costs (plus indirect costs).

  • maximum period of performance is 2 years.


a pre-application is required and must be submitted through the electronic biomedical research application portal (ebrap) at https://ebrap.org prior to the pre-application deadline.  all applications must conform to the final program announcements and general application instructions that will be available for electronic downloading from the grants.gov website.  the application package containing the required forms for each award mechanism will also be found on grants.gov.  a listing of all cdmrp funding opportunities can be obtained on the grants.gov website by performing a basic search using cfda number 12.420. 


applications must be submitted through the federal government’s single-entry portal, grants.gov.  for email notification when program announcements are released, subscribe to program-specific news and updates under “email subscriptions” on the ebrap homepage at https://ebrap.org.  for more information about the pcrp or other cdmrp-administered programs, please visit the cdmrp website.

point of contact:

cdmrp help desk


external deadline: 
friday, july 6, 2018
funding source: 
funding level: 

department of defense neurofibromatosis research program

how to apply: 

fy18 nfrp program announcements and general application instructions for the following award mechanisms are posted on the grants.gov website.  the managing agent for the anticipated program announcements/funding opportunities is the congressionally directed medical research programs (cdmrp).

areas of emphasis: the nfrp encourages applications that specifically address the critical needs of the nf community in one or more of the fy18 areas of emphasis.  not all areas of emphasis are applicable to each award mechanism offered by the fy18 nfrp.  if the proposed research project does not address one of the fy18 areas of emphasis, justification that the proposed research project addresses an important problem related to nf research and/or patient care should be provided.

  • ·         health services research

○                    evidence-based best clinical practices

○                    implementation and access to nf-specific health care

○                    utilization of technology and informatics

  • ·         heterogeneity of neurofibromas and other nf-related tumors
  • ·         nontumor manifestations

○                    cognitive, behavior, sleep, pain, hypotonia, communication, etc., including quality of life measures, self-reported and underreported manifestations

  • ·         novel disease and treatment response markers using genomics, epigenetics, systems biology, metabolomics, or similar approaches

○                    transition from benign to malignant

  • ·         nutritional, environmental, and other modifiers of nf
  • ·         post-adolescent manifestations
  • ·         preclinical efficacy studies
  • ·         target identification, drug discovery, targeted and immunotherapies
  • ·          



clinical trial award – letter of intent due 7/26/18

  • independent investigators at or above the level of assistant professor (or equivalent)
  • fund phase 0, i, or ii clinical trials relevant to nf and/or schwannomatosis; combinations of phases are permitted.
  • funding must support a clinical trial and may not be used for preclinical studies.
  • scientific rationale and preliminary data required for phase i, ii clinical trial applications.
  • ·         maximum funding of $800,000 for direct costs (plus indirect costs)
  • ·         maximum funding of $1,000,000 for direct costs (plus indirect costs) for applications including a collaborator
  • maximum period of performance is years


exploration – hypothesis development award – letter of intent due 7/26/18

  • all academic levels (or equivalent)
  • ·         fund the initial exploration of innovative, high-risk, high-gain and potentially. groundbreaking concepts in nf research
  • ·         projects involving human subjects or human biological substances must be exempt under 32 cfr 219.101(b) or eligible for expedited review under 32 cfr 219.110 or 21 cfr 56.110.
  • ·         preliminary and/or published data is encouraged but not required.
  • ·         maximum funding of $100,000 for direct costs (plus indirect costs)
  • clinical trials not allowed
  • maximum period of performance is 2 years


investigator-initiated research award – letter of intent due july 26, 2018

  • independent investigators at or above the level of assistant professor (or equivalent) and must plan to commit at least a 10% level of effort for each budget period throughout the entirety of the award
  • fund highly rigorous, high-impact research projects that have the potential to make an important contribution to nf research and/or patient care.
  • ·         optional feature:  applications that include a qualified collaborator who meets criteria identified in the announcement may apply for a higher level of funding.
  • ·         preliminary and/or published data required.
  • ·         maximum funding of $525,000 for direct costs (plus indirect costs)
  • ·         maximum funding of $575,000 for direct costs (plus indirect costs) for applications including an optional qualified collaborator
  • clinical trials not allowed.
  • maximum period of performance is 3 years


new investigator award – letter of intent due july 26, 2018

  • independent investigators at or below the level of assistant professor (or equivalent) or an established investigator at or above the level of assistant professor seeking to transition into a career in nf research
  • ·         support the continued development of promising independent investigators and/or the transition of established investigators into a career in the field of nf research
  • ·         experience in nf research is allowed, but not required
  • ·         preliminary and/or published data required
  • ·         maximum funding of $450,000 for direct costs (plus indirect costs)
  • clinical trials not allowed
  • maximum period of performance is 3 years


early investigator research award – letter of intent due july 26, 2018

  • ·         postdoctoral ph.d. or m.d. pis:
  • ·         supports research opportunities focused on nf for individuals in the early stages of their careers.
  • ·         maximum funding of $200,000 for direct costs (plus indirect costs)
  • must have successfully defended a doctoral thesis or possess an m.d. degree and
  • have at least 3 years and up to 6 years of consecutive postdoctoral fellowship
  • pis must have a designated mentor who is an experienced nf researcher
  • maximum period of performance is 2 years

a pre-application is required and must be submitted through the electronic biomedical research application portal (ebrap) at https://ebrap.org prior to the pre-application deadline. all applications must conform to the final program announcements and general application instructions available for electronic downloading from the grants.gov website.  the application package containing the required forms for each award mechanism will also be found on grants.gov.  a listing of all cdmrp funding opportunities can be obtained on the grants.gov website by performing a basic search using cfda number 12.420. 


applications must be submitted through the federal government’s single-entry portal, grants.gov.  for email notification when program announcements are released, subscribe to program-specific news and updates under “email subscriptions” on the ebrap homepage at https://ebrap.org.  for more information about the nfrp or other cdmrp-administered programs, please visit the cdmrp website (http://cdmrp.army.mil).

point of contact:

cdmrp help desk


external deadline: 
thursday, july 26, 2018
funding source: 
funding level: 

department of defense tick-borne disease research program

how to apply: 

fy18 tbdrp program announcements and general application instructions for the following award mechanisms are posted on grants.gov. pre-application and application deadlines will be available when the program announcements are

as directed by the office of the assistant secretary of defense for health affairs, the defense health agency (dha) j9, research and development directorate manages the defense health program (dhp) research, development, test, and evaluation (rdt&e) appropriation. the managing agent for the anticipated program announcements/funding opportunities is the congressionally directed medical research programs (cdmrp).

applications submitted to the fy18 tbdrp must address at least one of the following specific focus areas in lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases:

  • diagnosis
    • accurate diagnostics for lyme disease and co-infections and/or other tick-borne diseases
    • biomarkers to identify tick-borne diseases or their products in humans
    • diagnostic biomarkers for lyme disease that distinguish between active infection and previous exposure, and/or monitor response to treatment
  • pathogenesis
    • immunological mechanisms of immune protection for lyme disease or other tick-borne diseases
    • complex biology of lyme borrelia in the host (beyond in vitro studies), including its survival, evasion of the host immune system, and subversion of the effectiveness of antibiotics
    • biomarkers that aid in exploring underlying mechanisms of persistent symptoms associated with lyme disease
  • prevention
    • identification, validation, and/or improvement of tick-targeted prevention and control interventions
    • human vaccines for tick-borne diseases
  • treatment
    • antibiotic combinations and/or therapeutic options for treating acute and persistent illness



investigator-initiated research award – preproposal due june 25, 2018

independent investigators at or above the level of associate professor (or equivalent).

  • to fund highly rigorous, high-impact studies that have the potential to make important contributions to lyme disease and other tick-borne disease research, patient care, and/or quality of life.
  • applications should articulate both the short and long-term impact of the proposed research, including the potential impact of the research on reducing the public health burden of the disease being addressed.
  • preliminary or published data to support feasibility are required.
  • promotes any phase of research from basic through translational, including preclinical studies in animal models or human subjects, as well as correlative studies associated with an existing clinical trial to establish proof-of-principle for further development in future studies; however, clinical trials are not allowed.
  • maximum funding of $650k for direct costs (plus indirect costs).
  • maximum period of performance is 3 years.


idea award – preproposal due june 25, 2018


independent investigators at or above the level of assistant professor (or equivalent)

  • to fund conceptually innovative, high-risk/potentially high-reward research in the early stages of development that could lead to critical discoveries or major advancements that will accelerate progress in improving outcomes for individuals affected by lyme disease and/or other tick-borne illnesses.
  • applications should articulate the qualities that make the research innovative (not merely an incremental advance), as well as the potential impact of the research on reducing thr public health burden of the disease being addressed.
  • preliminary data that are relevant to the proposed research project are encouraged, but not required.
  • clinical trials are not allowed.

maximum funding of $250k for direct costs (plus indirect costs).

maximum period of performance is 2 years.


career development award – letter of intent due june 25, 2018


principal investigator (pi): 
early-career research or physician scientists within 10 year of completing terminal degree (excluding time in residency or on family medical leave) at the time of submission, working to become independent investigators who exhibit a strong desire to pursue careers in tick-borne disease research; time spent as a postdoctoral fellow is not excluded

mentor: independent investigators at or above the level of associate professor (or equivalent); must have a proven funding and publication record in tick-borne disease research

the pi and mentor do not need to be located at the same organization.

  • to fund early-career investigators to conduct impactful research under the mentorship of an experienced tick-borne disease researcher.
  • career development plan is required. plan should be prepared with appropriate guidance from the mentor, should clearly articulate a strategy for acquiring the necessary skills, competence, and expertise to establish a career at the forefront of tick-borne disease research, and should outline how the pi will gain experience in tick-borne disease research.

pi’s institution must demonstrate a commitment to the pi through a minimum of 30%    protected time for tick-borne disease research.

  • preliminary data are not required; however, logical reasoning and a sound scientific rationale for the proposed research must be demonstrated.
  • clinical trials are not allowed          
  • maximum funding of $300k for direct costs (plus indirect costs).
  • ·         maximum period of performance is 3 years.


a pre-application is required and must be submitted through the electronic biomedical research application portal (ebrap) at https://ebrap.org prior to the pre-application deadline. all applications must conform to the final program announcements and general application instructions available for electronic downloading from the grants.gov website. the application package containing the required forms for each award mechanism will also be found on grants.gov. a listing of all cdmrp funding opportunities can be obtained on the grants.gov website by performing a basic search using cfda number 12.420.

applications must be submitted through the federal government’s single-entry portal, grants.gov. for email notification when program announcements are released, subscribe to program-specific news and updates under “email subscriptions” on the ebrap homepage at https://ebrap.org. for more information about the tbdrp or other cdmrp-administered programs, please visit the cdmrp website (http://cdmrp.army.mil).

point of contact:

cdmrp help desk 

external deadline: 
monday, june 25, 2018
funding source: 
funding level: 

connection grants

how to apply: 

connection grants are expected to respond to the objectives of the connection program. they support events and outreach activities geared toward short-term, targeted knowledge mobilization initiatives. these events and activities represent opportunities to exchange knowledge and to engage on research issues of value to those participating. events and outreach activities funded by a connection grant may often serve as a first step toward more comprehensive and longer-term projects potentially eligible for funding through other sshrc funding opportunities listed in sshrc's funding search tool.

connection grants support workshops, colloquiums, conferences, forums, summer institutes, or other events or outreach activities that facilitate:

  • disciplinary and/or interdisciplinary exchanges in the humanities and social sciences;
  • scholarly exchanges between those working in the social sciences and humanities and those working in other research fields;
  • intersectoral exchanges between academic researchers in the humanities and social sciences and researchers and practitioners from the public, private and/or not-for-profit sectors; and/or
  • international research collaboration and scholarly exchanges with researchers, 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and non-academic partners from other countries.
external deadline: 
wednesday, august 1, 2018
funding source: 
funding level: 

nokia bell labs

building the foundation of the jpiamr virtual research institute

how to apply: 

jpiamr recognises a need to reinforce alignment of amr research. to promote this, the jpiamr will establish a virtual research institute in amr – a global network connecting research performing organisations, including institutes, centres, and infrastructures.

in partnership with ten member countries; canada, egypt, france, germany, italy, netherlands, norway, spain, sweden, and the united kingdom, jpiamr is launching the eighth joint call for transnational networks. the total budget of the call is approximately 1.1 million euro. this network call “building the foundation of the jpiamr virtual research institute” aims to identify research community needs and develop ideas to form the foundation for the jpiamr-vri. networks of motivated groups should develop catalytic ideas and strategic plans to help bring the jpiamr-vri to life!

up to 22 networks will be funded with up to €50 000 each coordinator to connect experts from research performing organisations and establish expertise clusters in the amr community. the formation of larger, multi-coordinator networks is possible according to national rules. this is an era-net jpi-ec-amr additional activity. note that jpiamr network calls do not fund research projects.

call procedure

the jpiamr-vri network call has a one-step procedure. the final funding decision will be announced in october/november 2018.


the proposal submission deadline is july 4th, 2018, (17.00 cet).

external deadline: 
wednesday, july 4, 2018
funding source: 
funding level: 
