2014 call for extra program team applications

how to apply: 

collaborative learning for healthcare improvement

now celebrating its tenth year, cfhi’s extra program for healthcare improvement supports teams of up to four health leaders in the design, implementation and evaluation of an improvement project in their own organization(s), or with multi-site teams.  during their 14-month learning process, each team works collaboratively within their organization or ministry (or across jurisdictions) to achieve efficient, high quality services that improve healthcare of their population.

extra is designed to have short-term and long-term impacts at three levels: on the participants themselves, on their organizations, and on the overall healthcare system.

going the extra mile

an organization’s commitment to their extra team’s project is a pre-requisite. improvement teams come to cfhi with the spirit of a long distance runner. they’re ready to tackle their big problem and have begun the mental calisthenics to do whatever is required to ensure they cross the finish line. each team’s home organization is equally committed to the journey and takes on the dual role of virtual cheering squad and home-base facilitator. long before these teams come through our program, their respective organizations’ have done whatever is necessary to ensure the desired healthcare change is successful.

key dates

application deadline:                   february 5, 2014

results announced:                      april 1, 2014

first residency session:                 august 10-21, 2014

for complete details, including eligibility and application process, please download the extra 2014 guide for applicants from our website www.cfhi-fcass.ca/extra/apply  or contact cfhi staff at extra2014@cfhi-fcass.ca

cfhi’s extra program is supported by a group of partnering organizations:  the canadian college of health leaders (cchl), the canadian nurses association (cna), the canadian medical association (cma) and a consortium of 12 quebec partners represented by the initiative sur le partage des connaissances et le développement des compétences (ipcdc). 

external deadline: 
wednesday, february 5, 2014
funding source: 
funding level: 

canadian foundation for healthcare improvement


science policy fellowships (winter 2013 competition)

how to apply: 

in 2009, cihr released a new strategic plan, health research roadmap, which highlights the need to accelerate the capture of health and economic benefits of health research. to support this strategic direction, the cihr science, kt and ethics (skte) branch and the cihr institute of aboriginal people’s health have partnered with health canada, the public health agency of canada, the michael smith foundation for health research, the bc ministry of health, the bc first nations health authority, british columbia island health and the bc interior health authority to help foster positive exchanges between health researchers and policy makers, helping to bridge the gap between the worlds of science and policy making. support will be provided through short-term policy assignments for highly qualified individuals who are engaged in health research at the phd, post-doctoral and independent researcher levels to participate in and contribute to the policy making processes while learning first-hand about the science policy interface.

this program was designed with the goal of establishing and nurturing critical links between policy makers and external researchers in support of evidence-based public policy by providing short-term policy assignments. these short-term assignments will provide fellows with the opportunity to learn about how government works and how public policies are made. for their part, policy-makers will have immediate access to individuals, trained in a particular scientific area, and will be able to engage with them on the scientific/technical aspects of public policy issues.

the science policy interface is considered to be the juncture at which the technical world of describing evidence and the political world of making policy interact, using the best available evidence towards informed decision-making. a science policy interface occurs wherever ‘facts’ and ‘values’ are combined to inform decisions (where scientific evidence and the development of policy or risk management strategies meet).

provide highly qualified candidates at the doctoral, post-doctoral, new investigator and mid-senior investigator stages of health research with the opportunity to learn more about current health policy activities and the science/policy interface.

the specific objectives of this funding opportunity are to:

  • establish and nurture critical links and collaborations between policy-makers and health research trainees and investigators in addressing health challenges
  • help inform best practices for promoting the exchange and uptake of information between policy-makers and health researchers
  • provide trainees and investigators with exposure to how government works and how public policies are made
  • engage health research trainees and investigators in the policy-making process, including contributing to the development of effective policy responses, promoting national policy coordination, policy analysis and supporting a high-quality shared health knowledge base
  • encourage trainees and investigators to conduct policy-relevant research that addresses challenges facing society
  • assist policy-makers in gathering the external scientific expertise required to support increasingly complex scientific and technical issues, by encouraging their collaboration with health research scientists
  • encourage science-policy integration through knowledge translation
  • support evidence-based public policy that benefits the health of canadians
external deadline: 
monday, december 16, 2013
funding source: 
funding level: 

clean rail academic grant program

how to apply: 

transport canada is leading the government of canada’s efforts to reduce rail sector emissions by supporting research of new and emerging technologies.

the clean rail academic grant program provides federal funds to academic research programs currently developing technologies and practices which aim to reduce air emissions from the rail sector. the program also supports the communication of findings from funded research to other academic institutions or the rail industry.

the amount of funding being allocated for research and development projects (“r & d projects”) in this funding round is $250,000.  each application is eligible to receive $25,000.

for more information, please contact the development officer responsible for this program, lon nadler at lon.nadler@tc.gc.ca. the application deadline is november 29, 2013. 

external deadline: 
friday, november 29, 2013
funding source: 
funding level: 

2013-14 new directions research program call for full proposals – bee health and related best management practices in field crop production

how to apply: 

purpose of the new directions research program

the purpose of the new directions research program is to stimulate the sustainable growth and competitiveness of ontario’s agri-food sector and rural communities through investment in innovative and high quality research in partnership with industry, rural communities/organizations, other levels of government and research institutions.  this current call will address high priority needs in the areas of bee health and related best management practices in field crop production.  please note: a new directions call for proposals related to climate change, rural, and antimicrobial resistance was launched in august and closed on october 2, 2013.  the status of those letters of intent will be communicated in january 2014.

research priorities

proposals are currently being solicited that will generate new knowledge in the areas of bee health and related best management practices in field crop production.  specifically, research is sought in the following areas:

1)      the impacts to bee health from exposure to neonicotinoid insecticide seed treatments in ontario.

2)      development of best management practices in field crop production related to bee health, including integrated pest management.

more details on these priorities can be found here.

who may apply

this new directions call for proposals will be of interest to researchers that study pollinators as well as field crop researchers, particularly those with expertise in integrated pest management and production practices.

we invite applicants from colleges and universities, research institutes, business and industry, government agencies, non-governmental organizations and partnership networks with demonstrated capacity to perform quality research in the stated priority areas to submit a full proposal.  applicants outside the province of ontario are eligible but must clearly indicate how their proposed research will benefit ontario's agri-food system related to bee health and field crop best management practices. staff from ontario provincial ministries cannot apply as lead applicant to this program.

how to apply

the application process for the 2013/2014 new directions - bee health and related bmps in field crop production program follows a single stage application process (full proposals only).

researchers apply using the research management system (rms), omaf and mra’s on-line system for managing and administering ministries’-funded research programs. if you already have a rms user name and password, login to your researcher workbench to access the call documents and application form.

pre-submission consultation

date: thursday, october 24, 2013

time: 1:30-3:30

location: 1 stone road west, guelph.  boardroom 407

attendance: in person or by webex

to register: contact  wilma macfarlane and indicate if you will join in person or by webex

external deadline: 
wednesday, december 11, 2013
funding source: 
funding level: 

2014-15 fulbright chair in arctic studies

how to apply: 

the university of washington is pleased to announce the competition for the 2014-15 fulbright chair in arctic studies is open. the arctic chair position - the first in the nation - is for canadian scholars,

scientists, practitioners or community/political leaders to conduct research at the university of washington, lead an undergraduate seminar in arctic studies, present a public lecture on the arctic, and engage with uw colleagues on various arctic initiatives. the successful applicant will receive $25,000 u.s. for a two quarter residency at the university of washington, seattle.

external deadline: 
friday, november 15, 2013
funding source: 
funding level: 

pogo research fellowship program

how to apply: 

fellowships are awarded to applicants working toward a phd, pursuing a post doctoral degree, or to licensed clinicians and healthcare practitioners of any discipline working in the field of pediatric oncology. the phd/post doctoral fellowship includes a yearly salary of $45,000 and the ability to apply for $5,000 in project-specific one-time operating support. the clinician scholar award includes a yearly salary of $55,000 and the ability to apply for $5,000 in project-specific one-time operating support.

completed registration emails must be received by kathleen standring (kstandring@pogo.ca) by october 7, 2013.

full applications must be received at the pogo office by november 25, 2013.

external deadline: 
tuesday, october 15, 2013
funding source: 
funding level: 

call for proposals: new horizons for seniors program (pilot)

how to apply: 

the new horizons for seniors program (nhsp) invites eligible organizations to submit proposals to indicate their interest in being part of pilot projects that address seniors' isolation through building social support networks and resources as well as community interventions, and/or projects that address intergenerational learning.

eligible projects

for the purpose of this call for proposals (cfp), funding will be provided to successful applicants* to undertake projects with major activities that address an identified need focusing on one of the following project streams:

  • expanding on the continuum of integrated services for seniors experiencing, and at risk of, social isolation.
  • supporting social participation through intergenerational learning. these projects could, for example, encourage seniors mentoring others.
  • early warning/identification within the community of those seniors at risk of social isolation, and determining the existing programs and services which could support them.

priority consideration may be given to projects:

  • that approach hard-to-reach populations, such as, but not limited to aboriginal seniors, currently isolated seniors, or those at risk of isolation due to factors such as low-income, homelessness, new immigrants, living alone, living with physical or mental disability, and, seniors providing caregiving;
  • that ensure an appropriate regional distribution of funding across canada; and
  • that ensure an appropriate distribution of funding across the three (3) project streams listed above.

in addition, each of the following requirements must be met in order for projects to be considered eligible for funding:

  • projects must be seniors led or inspired.
  • projects must have a maximum duration of 24 months and all activities must be completed and results be achieved within this time period.
  • the total amount of funding requested from employment and social development canada (esdc), formerly human resources and skills development canada, must be between $50,000 and $100,000 over the life of the agreement.
  • cash contributions equal to or greater than 50% of the esdc contribution must be provided through other sources than the federal government.
  • applicants must provide letters of support from contributing partners with their application, confirming the amount of the cash contribution, the fact that the cash contribution will be provided at the beginning of the project period, and that it will be directly applied to project costs.

 all applications must include an evaluation plan and a sustainability plan, as per the requirements set out in this document.

 projects cannot support on-going or core organizational costs, nor projects that primarily deal with health interventions.

external deadline: 
wednesday, november 13, 2013
funding source: 
funding level: 

employment and social development canada


two calls for proposals for ontario (canada)-india collaborative r&d projects

how to apply: 

international science and technology partnerships canada (istpcanada), the ministry of research and innovation of the government of ontario, global innovation and technology alliance or gita (india), and the department of biotechnology or dbt (india) are hosting two calls for proposals (cfp) for r&d projects between ontario (canada) and india.

objective: the calls invite companies, technology developers and academics from ontario (canada) and india to propose collaborative r&d projects for the joint development of innovative products or processes in:

  • information and communications technologies (ict);
  • digital media;
  • cleantech including water purification, desalination, irrigation technologies, wastewater treatment and management, and smart grid technologies; and
  • all areas of biotechnology, including life sciences and medical devices.

the calls aim to stimulate innovative r&d projects (engaging small-to-medium-sized companies and/or larger, well established firms) that address a specific market need or challenge; demonstrate high commercial potential; and deliver benefit to all participants, and more broadly, to both regions.   

funding: on the ontario side, funding recipients are eligible to receive up to a maximum of cdn $300,000 up to 50 percent of the total r&d project value. the ministry of innovation of the government of ontario will award funding to ontario-based:

companies and university researchers as a non-repayable contribution; recipients are not required to repay this contribution.  

external deadline: 
tuesday, november 19, 2013
funding source: 
funding level: 
