strategic priority areas call for expressions of interest
the ccemc is now inviting expressions of interest for projects in any of the ccemc’s strategic priority areas. this invitation is intended for energy efficiency and conservation, carbon capture and storage, or cleaner energy production and utilization projects that have a strong potential to result in significant, verifiable and sustainable reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.
the total funding available for projects supported through this call for proposals is up to $65 million cad. the maximum ccemc contribution to a single project will be $25 million cad over the life of the project, and will support no more than one-half of the project’s eligible expenses.
the ccemc’s strategic priority areas are aligned with alberta’s 2008 climate change strategy, and are described as follows:
- energy efficiency and conservation: projects in this area include those that transform how energy is used, apply energy-efficient solutions, and conserve energy. energy efficiency refers to using energy more effectively to achieve the same outcome, and often involves new technology. energy conservation refers to reducing overall energy consumption, and often involves behavior change.
- carbon capture and storage: projects in this area relate to the implementation of carbon capture and storage to substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and include carbon capture technologies as well as both geological and biological sequestration opportunities.
- cleaner energy production and utilization: projects in this area reduce greenhouse gases through more sustainable approaches to energy production, and include cleaner fossil fuel production and processing, renewable energy, and alternative energy sources (e.g. fuel switching).
this call for proposals is open to applications in any or all of these three areas.