innovation grants

how to apply: 

innovation grants have been created to support innovative, creative problem solving in cancer research. as competition for grant funding increases, peer review panels become more conservative and risk averse, emphasizing feasibility more than innovation. the goal of this new ccsri grant program is to support unconventional concepts, approaches or methodologies to address problems in cancer research. innovation projects will include elements of creativity, curiosity, investigation, exploration and opportunity. successful projects may be based on “high risk” ideas, but will have the potential for “high reward” (i.e. to significantly impact our understanding of cancer and generate new approaches to combat the disease by introducing novel ideas into use or practice).

there are two competitions per fiscal year. it is anticipated that 25 grants will be awarded from each competition (50 grants a year).

grant budgets may be up to $100,000 per year and a maximum of $200,000 per grant. grant expenditures may be extended over 3 years if justified in the application. grants will be non-renewable.

funding will be provided to support the direct costs of research, including supplies, salaries, and equipment associated with the proposed work. equipment requests cannot exceed 25% of the requested budget. indirect costs are not eligible.

a maximum of one application per principal investigator or co-principal investigator will be permitted in each competition. 

registration is mandatory and will require applicant details (principal investigator(s)/co-applicants/additional authors), scientific abstract, keywords, innovation statement, suggested reviewers and research tracking information.

external deadline: 
sunday, february 15, 2015
funding source: 
funding level: 

postdoctoral enrichment program

how to apply: 

the postdoctoral enrichment program (pdep) provides a total of $60,000 over three years to support the career development activities for underrepresented minority postdoctoral fellows in a degree-granting institution (an institution includes its affiliated graduate and medical schools, hospitals and research institutions) in the united states or canada whose training and professional development are guided by mentors committed to helping them advance to stellar careers in biomedical or medical research. bwf is committed to funding the next generation of scientists and researchers, thus we have an interest in advancing the careers of underrepresented minority postdoctoral fellows.  generally, up to 10 awards will be granted for enrichment activities annually. this grant is meant to supplement the training of postdocs whose research activities are already supported. it is not a research grant.

external deadline: 
thursday, january 15, 2015
funding source: 
funding level: 

2015-16 contributions program

how to apply: 

the office of the privacy commissioner of canada (opc) today issued a call for proposals under its 2015-16 contributions program, which funds independent privacy research and related knowledge translation initiatives.

the maximum amount that can be awarded for any single project is $50,000 and a maximum of $100,000 can be awarded per organization.  all proposals must be submitted by november 12, 2014.

for more information or to submit a funding proposal, see:

external deadline: 
wednesday, november 12, 2014
funding source: 
funding level: 

2015 alzheimer society research program competition

how to apply: 

the alzheimer society research program (asrp) is a successful collaborative initiative of our federation, within which all the provincial alzheimer societies, the alzheimer society of canada (asc), partners and donors pull together to support research directed at both eradicating dementia and ameliorating the lives of those affected by it.

the asrp provides grants and awards to support canadian studies that promise new insights into causes, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and management of alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.

doctoral awards provide an opportunity for promising individuals, pursuing a phd, to begin the process of becoming future independent investigators in the field of alzheimer's disease and other dementias.
postdoctoral awards are for graduates with a phd or md who wish to gain additional research experience within an established research environment.

young investigator grants are designed to help launch the careers of outstanding researchers who are within the first 2 years of their initial academic appointment.
regular grants are designed to fund established researchers.

external deadline: 
friday, november 28, 2014
funding source: 
funding level: 

call for proposals: tvn catalyst grant program 2014

how to apply: 

time sensitive – indication of intent to apply due friday, october 17

technology evaluation in the elderly network (tvn) is offering funding to catalyze creativity, novelty, and innovation in research to benefit canada’s seriously ill, frail elderly.
the catalyst grant program will fund projects of up to one (1) year in length and normally up to $100,000 each. for projects of exceptional merit and with adequate justification, there may be an opportunity to increase the budget to $150,000.
catalyst grants will support scalable research studies including pilot studies, feasibility studies, translation studies and novel and innovative approaches aligned with tvn strategic priorities and patient-centred research themes, and that demonstrate knowledge translational capacity aimed at improving care for the seriously ill elderly. for this competition, projects will be prioritized that are:

  • demonstration projects aiming to investigate system changes for the benefit of the seriously ill, frail elderly, or
  • knowledge mobilization projects that seek to improve the update or application of existing evidence to improve the care of the seriously ill, frail elderly.

as a national network, tvn seeks to support cross-provincial research teams from multiple disciplines and multiple institutions in funding research projects that fill gaps and address questions that would not normally be funded by existing agencies. catalyst grant projects are expected to be actively managed and have high requirements for partnerships, hqp and engagement with stakeholders and knowledge users.
pre-application indications of intent to apply are due friday, october 17, 2014 by 12 noon et. applications are due friday, october 31, 2014 by 12 noon et.  successful applicants will be informed in late january to early february 2015.
eligibility and requirements are outlined in the call for applications/program guidelines, which can be found on the network’s website at along with the forms required for application submission.

external deadline: 
friday, october 17, 2014
funding source: 
funding level: 

early-career faculty development program – call for proposals 2014

how to apply: 

the early-career faculty development program has four complementary aims:

- to provide a unique opportunity for early career faculty to contribute to and participate in meopar’s broad interdisciplinary, multi-institutional research effort thereby growing and extending their network of collaborators and interactions with stakeholders;

- to strengthen canada’s ability and expertise with respect to anticipation and preparation for marine environmental risk of the future;

- to increase the participation of interdisciplinary, social science and health researchers in the meopar network;

- to further integrate social science, health and natural science elements throughout the meopar network.

meopar will support 2-year research activities starting in january 2015.

external deadline: 
friday, november 7, 2014
funding source: 
funding level: 

fy14 peer reviewed alzheimer's research program (prarp)

how to apply: 

funding opportunities available under this call:

  • convergence science research award (csra) – pre-application due october 16, 2014, full application january 14, 2015
  • quality of life research award (qual) – pre-application due october 16, 2014, full application january 14, 2015
  • military risk factor research award (mrfa) – pre-application due october 16, 2014, full application january 14, 2015
external deadline: 
thursday, october 16, 2014
funding source: 
funding level: 

japan society for the promotion of science invitation fellowship programs

how to apply: 

the japan society for the promotion of sciences (jsps) conducts two programs (a short- and a long-term program) under the invitation fellowship heading. funded by a subsidy from the japanese government, these fellowship programs were established to promote international cooperation in and mutual understanding through scientific research. the programs allow scientists employed at japanese universities/research institutions to invite fellow researchers from other countries to japan to participate in cooperative activities. these programs presuppose the existence of contacts between scientists in japan and in other countries, a condition considered favourable to the promotion of future scientific cooperation and exchange. nserc is responsible for selecting canadian nominees for these fellowships.

external deadline: 
thursday, january 15, 2015
funding source: 
funding level: 

ihdcyh talks video competition

how to apply: 

the institute of human development, child and youth health (ihdcyh) supports research that ensures the best start in life for all canadians and the achievement of their potential for optimal growth and development.


ihdcyh is launching a unique funding opportunity to invite researchers from all pillars and career levels to produce a short 3-5 minute video to share their research and ideas in the area of reproductive, child and youth health. the “ihdcyh talks” competition is an opportunity to profile research within ihdcyh’s mandate to improve knowledge translation and help demonstrate the value of reproductive, child and youth health research in canada. the objective of this competition is to encourage the production of videos that present evidence-based research to a lay audience and that incorporate a message designed to have a positive impact on the health of children, youth and families.

successful videos will be posted on cihr and ihdcyh social media and other communications materials. it is important that the content be engaging, easily understood and accessible to a lay audience.

external deadline: 
monday, november 17, 2014
funding source: 
funding level: 

dr. r. k. dewar medical research grant fund

how to apply: 

dr. r. k. dewar medical research grant fund - amount for disbursement - $5,500

the dr. r. k. dewar medical research grant was established in 1987 by ms. helen dewar to honour the life and work of her brother dr. robert kerr dewar. dr. dewar had faith in the future and progress of medical science and had a keen interest in cutting edge research of his day. he was particularly interested in neuro-regeneration and molecular biology.
when selecting r. k. dewar grants our selection committee looks for the following elements in successful proposals:
o addresses a small research project or marketing for a health care charity
o makes an impact on health care in thunder bay
o seeks to assist in the future progress of medicine.
o are organized and well written.

external deadline: 
friday, october 10, 2014
funding source: 
funding level: 
