new investigator salary award : krescent / cihr new investigator award (2015)

how to apply: 

the krescent program new investigator award is awarded to individuals who have clearly demonstrated excellence during their pre-doctoral and post-doctoral training in kidney disease. the award provides salary support for up to three years of the faculty appointment at the rank of assistant professor or its equivalent at a canadian university.

the purpose of this award is to assist such an individual to become established as a fully independent investigator in the field of kidney disease.

preference may be given to candidates who have been awarded and successfully completed a krescent program post doctoral fellowship or allied health doctoral scholarship.

external deadline: 
sunday, february 15, 2015
funding source: 
funding level: 

catalyst grant : hiv/aids community-based research (2015)

how to apply: 

the cihr hiv/aids community-based research (cbr) program is one of five research funding streams of the cihr hiv/aids research initiative. the cihr hiv/aids research initiative is responsible for the research components of the two major government of canada initiatives in hiv/aids, namely the federal initiative to address hiv/aids in canada and the canadian hiv vaccine initiative.

the cihr hiv/aids cbr program supports the partnered work of community leaders and researchers in knowledge development and capacity-building initiatives of relevance to communities engaged in the fight against hiv/aids. all opportunities offered through the cbr program are available in two distinct funding streams: aboriginal and general.

community leaders play an integral role in the research processes to ensure that the research will lead to useful and practical outcomes that will directly benefit the community. for the cihr hiv/aids cbr program, a community leader is defined as an individual who has direct involvement with a community affected by hiv/aids, understands the needs of the community and how research can lead to useful practical outcomes for the community, and can facilitate the involvement of the community in the research process. researchers from academic and other research institutions bring to community groups their research expertise in methodology, scientific rigor and experience in the supervision of future researchers.

the aim of the catalyst grant component of the cbr program is to provide seed money, for up to one year, to support hiv/aids cbr research activities which represent a first step towards the pursuit of more comprehensive funding opportunities (e.g., operating grants).

external deadline: 
wednesday, april 15, 2015
funding source: 
funding level: 

allied health doctoral fellowships

how to apply: 

the kidney foundation of canada offers a limited number of fellowships designed to provide for full-time academic and research preparation at the doctoral level. the objective of this program is to promote and enhance the development of nephrology allied health investigators in canada. the award is for up to $31,000/year and is tenable in canada or abroad (for programs outside canada, the applicant must provide a statement indicating the intention to return to canada).

external deadline: 
sunday, march 15, 2015
funding source: 
funding level: 

nserc prizes

how to apply: 
canadian natural scientists and engineers make stellar contributions in their fields and are respected around the world. each year, nserc is proud to celebrate their accomplishments.

do you know researchers who deserve one of nserc’s top prizes?

the gerhard herzberg canada gold medal for science and engineering celebrates sustained excellence and overall influence of research.

the brockhouse canada prize for interdisciplinary research in science and engineering rewards important achievements by a team of researchers from different disciplines.

the nserc john c. polanyi award honours a recent outstanding advance in the natural sciences and engineering.

nominations of outstanding woman scientists and engineers are encouraged.

submit your nominations on-line using the secure submissions for nserc’s innovative collaborations and science promotion programs web site.

deadline march 1, 2015.

external deadline: 
sunday, march 1, 2015
award category: 
funding source: 
funding level: 

summer program in aging – "more years, better lives: cihr-ia: summer program in aging – "more years, better lives: the health, wellness and participation of older adults in the world of work"

how to apply: 

the cihr institutes of aging (ia), gender and health (igh) and musculoskeletal health and arthritis (imha) have partnered with the institute for work & health to host this exciting and innovative training event. the summer program in aging (spa) 2015 will be focused on the theme of health, wellness and participation of older adults in the world of work this is the focus of a new large-scale cihr strategic initiative on work and health and is an area in which building the future community of scientists is a strong priority for all of the partners.

trainees who are conducting or who have an interest in learning about the area of health, wellness and participation of older adults in the world of work and specifically in areas and/or with the perspective that is relevant to the mandate of any of the partner institutes, are encouraged to apply to this program.

research areas of interest include but are not limited to:

  • health, safety and productivity issues in the aging workforce;
  • gender differences and needs of the aging workforce;
  • motivating, managing, retaining and accommodating the aging workforce;
  • innovations in accommodation for the aging workforce (e.g., flexible employment strategies, new technologies, automation);
  • understanding and enabling older workers' musculoskeletal health;
  • understanding and enabling older workers' mental health;
  • current and future demographics of the aging workforce;
  • economic and social drivers of delayed retirement; and
  • intergenerational communication and collaboration in the workplace, among other topics.

the 2015 summer program in aging will take place from june 1 to 5, 2015 at:

osgoode professional development
osgood hall law school of york university
1 dundas street west suite 2602, p.o. box 42
toronto, on canada  m5g 1z3

external deadline: 
monday, january 26, 2015
funding source: 
funding level: 

marie tremaine fellowship


the fellowship is open only to members of the bibliographical society of canada.

how to apply: 

the tremaine fellowship is offered in memory and through the generosity of marie tremaine (1902-1984), the doyenne of canadian bibliographers. the fellowship was instituted in 1987 and is offered annually to support the work of a scholar engaged in some area of bibliographical research, including textual studies and publishing history and with a particular emphasis on canada. the fellowship, which is in the amount of $2,000.00, is open only to members of the bibliographical society of canada.

external deadline: 
saturday, february 28, 2015
funding source: 
funding level: 

bibliographical society of canada


multi-investigator research initiative (miri) competition

how to apply: 

the purpose of the multi-investigator research initiative (miri) grants is to support multidisciplinary teams and to accelerate novel and transformative research that will fundamentally change our understanding of nervous system function and dysfunction and their impact on health. the ultimate goal is to reduce the social and economic burden of neurological and mental health problems by prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment.

proposals can address any aspect of nervous system function or dysfunction that has relevance to neurological and/or psychiatric diseases and conditions, including those of the special senses and the peripheral nervous system. the focus of proposals must be on investigating commonalities among multiple or related neurological and/or psychiatric conditions. the proposal must show how the research will generate findings applicable to multiple nervous system diseases or conditions.

letters of intent are due february 9, 2015.

external deadline: 
monday, february 9, 2015
funding source: 
funding level: 

impact awards

how to apply: 

sshrc impact awards are designed to build on and sustain canada’s research-based knowledge culture in the social sciences and humanities. the awards recognize outstanding researchers and celebrate their achievements in research, research training, knowledge mobilization and outreach activities funded partially or completely by sshrc.

award funds are to be used for activities that promote and extend the work being honoured. in recognition of the crucial role that postsecondary institutions play as researchers’ knowledge mobilization partners, a minimum of 10 per cent of each award must be used to promote the research achievements of the recipient. individual recipients and their institutions may choose to devote additional funds, including a higher percentage of the award funds, to these activities.

a multidisciplinary jury made up of distinguished individuals from academia, as well as the private, not-for-profit and public sectors, from canada and abroad, will select award recipients using the three weighted selection criteria outlined in each of the award descriptions below.

institutions eligible to administer sshrc funding are invited to put forward nominations for the following awards: the gold medal ($100,000); the talent award ($50,000); the insight award ($50,000); the connection award ($50,000); and the partnership award ($50,000).

gold medal ($100,000)

the gold medal is sshrc’s highest research honour. it is awarded to individuals whose sustained leadership, dedication and originality of thought have inspired 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and colleagues alike.

recipients’ achievements in research will have significantly advanced understanding in their research fields in the social sciences and humanities. the exceptional quality of their research, the impact of their work and their ongoing efforts to share the results of this work will have greatly enriched canadian society and contributed to social, cultural, economic and intellectual life in canada and/or internationally.

gold medal funds must be used within one year for research, knowledge mobilization or other research-related activities. a minimum of 10 per cent of the award must be used to promote the impact and outcomes of the recipient’s research achievem

talent award ($50,000)

the talent award recognizes outstanding achievement by an individual who, on april 30, 2015, holds a sshrc doctoral or postdoctoral fellowship or scholarship (including, but not limited to, a canada graduate scholarship, vanier canada graduate scholarship or banting postdoctoral fellowship).

the talent award is given to an individual who maintains academic excellence, has a talent for research and knowledge mobilization and has demonstrated clear potential to be a future leader within and/or outside the academic sector.

the talent award may be taken up as a fellowship to fund the recipient’s doctoral or postdoctoral research over a one-year period, or may be used, within one year of receiving the award, in the form of a grant to support research, knowledge mobilization or other research related activities. a minimum of 10 per cent of the award funds must be used to promote the recipient’s research


insight award ($50,000)

the insight award recognizes outstanding achievement arising from a research project funded partially or completely by sshrc. it is given to an individual or team whose project has resulted in significant contribution to knowledge and understanding about people, societies and the world. the project’s research outcomes must have led to demonstrable impact within and/or beyond the academic community.

in the case of a team project, the nominee must be the applicant for the research project and, if successful, will receive the award on behalf of the team. the nomination package must include cvs for the applicant as well as the project’s co-applicants (for a total of up to five cvs).

insight award funds must be used within one year to extend the project being recognized, through research, knowledge mobilization or other research-related activities. a minimum of 10 per cent of the award funds must be used to promote the recipient’s research achievements.

connection award ($50,000)

the connection award recognizes an outstanding sshrc‑funded initiative to facilitate the flow and exchange of research knowledge within and/or beyond the academic community. it is given to an individual or team whose project has engaged the campus and/or wider community, and has generated intellectual, cultural, social and/or economic impacts.

in the case of a team project, the nominee must be the applicant / project director for the initiative and, if successful, will receive the award on behalf of the team. the nomination package must include cvs for the applicant / project director as well as the project’s co applicants (for a total of up to five cvs).

connection award funds must be used within one year to extend the knowledge mobilization activity being recognized, or to support other research-related activities. a minimum of 10 per cent of the award funds must be used to promote the recipient’s research achievements.

partnership award ($50,000)

the partnership award recognizes a sshrc‑funded formal partnership for its outstanding achievement in advancing research, research training or knowledge mobilization, or developing a new partnership approach to research and/or related activities. it is awarded to a formal partnership that, through mutual co operation and shared intellectual leadership and resources, has demonstrated impact and influence within and/or beyond the social sciences and humanities research community.

for the partnership award, the nominee must be the project director. if successful, this person will receive the award on behalf of the partnership. the nomination package must include cvs for the project director as well as the project’s co applicants (for a total of up to five cvs).

partnership award funds must be used within one year to extend the research, knowledge mobilization or research-related activities being recognized. a minimum of 10 per cent of the award funds must be used to promote the recipient’s research achievements.

 if you are interested in submitting a nomination for any of the above awards, please contact the office of research services by march 1, 2015.

external deadline: 
wednesday, april 8, 2015
award category: 
funding source: 
funding level: 

knowledge synthesis grants

how to apply: 

canada, like many other countries, is focusing critical attention on the way its education system, especially higher education, is conceptualized, structured and delivered in light of the knowledge and skills required for the 21st century. debates are emerging in the research community and other sectors regarding effective methods of teaching and learning with a focus on learning outcomes. the breadth of resources, perspectives and areas of inquiry within this topic call for a synthesis of the current state of knowledge, including assessment and evaluation of its overall quality, accuracy and rigour, and identification of knowledge gaps where more research is required.

sshrc is therefore launching a knowledge synthesis grants funding opportunity, to which the social sciences and humanities can contribute insights focusing on the future challenge area addressed in the question: what new ways of learning, particularly in higher education, will canadians need to thrive in an evolving society and labour market?

this topic is one of six future challenge areas identified in sshrc’s imagining canada’s future initiative. these complex issues were identified following an extensive foresight exercise and reflect key challenges that canada is likely to face in an evolving global context over the coming decades, and to which the social sciences and humanities research community can contribute its knowledge, talent and expertise.

in support of the objectives noted below, these knowledge synthesis grants will foster a deeper understanding of the knowledge, delivery mechanisms and learning outcomes necessary for the canadian education system to support and sustain an innovative, resilient and diverse society. they will help to identify the roles that  the public, private and not-for-profit sectors may play in creating and sustaining new ways of learning, and teaching  and will pave the way for developing robust policies, practices and tools.


the objectives of this funding opportunity are three-fold, as noted below:

  • state of knowledge and research gaps:
  • research data:
    • assess the quality, accuracy and rigour of current work in the field; and
    • identify gaps in the quantitative and qualitative data available.
  • knowledge mobilization:
    • mobilize knowledge related to promising policies and practices within the academic, private and public policy sectors; and
    • facilitate dialogue between academic researchers, cross-sectoral stakeholders and education-related policy-makers in government.

knowledge synthesis grants are not intended to support original research. rather, they are intended to support the synthesis of existing research knowledge and the identification of knowledge gaps. this call is particularly focused on the state of research knowledge emerging over the past 10 years.

the purpose of this funding opportunity is to support researchers, teams of researchers and knowledge users to produce knowledge syntheses and scoping reviews that will contribute to the use of synthesized evidence in decision-making and practice.

the call for proposals invites applications from researchers in any discipline that may inform and contribute to the objectives of this funding opportunity, including contributing to educational policies regarding learning and teaching. our educational system, including higher education and the role of universities and other postsecondary institutions in imparting skills, knowledge, and resources, will shape our future society. the imagining canada’s future foresight initiative highlighted three major drivers for change and social transformation in a variety of areas, domestically and internationally:

  • changing demographics;
  • increased global forces; and
  • rapidly evolving and emerging technologies.
external deadline: 
thursday, february 19, 2015
funding source: 
funding level: 
