summer student awards program

how to apply: 

tvn's summer student program has been designed to provide 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 with an interdisciplinary summer experience, which will develop a frame of reference for participants in examining health care for canada's seriously ill, frail elderly.

in the 2015 competition, funding of up to $4,500 each will be available to up to 10 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , with a 100% matching funds (to match tvn funding), and both paid as student salary and benefits only.  

undergraduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 are eligible to apply if they are canadian citizens or permanent residents currently enrolled full-time in an undergraduate degree program at an eligible canadian university at the time of application.  applicants must have completed all of the course requirements of at least the first year of study in their programs (two academic terms), and must be in good academic standing with their universities.

世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 from any discipline are encouraged to apply, so long as their proposed summer activities align with the strategic priorities of tvn related to improving health care for seriously ill, frail elderly canadians.


a pre-application indication of intent is required for this competition and must be submitted online by 12 noon est on friday, february 27, 2015. applications will not be considered unless an indication of intent to apply is received electronically using the online form.

external deadline: 
friday, february 27, 2015
funding source: 
funding level: 

canada first research excellence fund


only canadian postsecondary institutions that meet the eligibility requirements of one of the three federal research granting agencies may apply for and hold a canada first research excellence fund (fund) grant.

to be deemed an eligible canadian postsecondary institution for the purposes of fund competitions, an institution must:

  • be authorized by a provincial or territorial government to grant university degrees, applied degrees or postsecondary diplomas;
  • offer its own degrees or diplomas, and not simply certify that a student is qualified to receive a degree or diploma from another institution;
  • have awarded degrees or diplomas over the past two years, or have 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 registered in the current calendar year or the three subsequent years;
  • in the case of a public institution, receive operating funds directly from a provincial or federal government and not through another institution;
  • in the case of a private institution, hold formal not-for-profit status, and not receive its funding through another institution; and
  • meet the eligibility requirements of one of the three federal research granting agencies; institutions may be eligible to apply to university or college programs within a particular agency:

while there is no limit to the number of proposals in which it can be listed as a partner, an institution can be identified as the lead institution for only one proposal within any given competition. for example, an institution can identify itself as the lead institution in its own proposal while simultaneously being identified as a partner in one or more proposals led by other institutions.

researchers cannot apply to the fund directly.

how to apply: 

the canada first research excellence fund (the fund) helps competitively-selected canadian postsecondary institutions turn their key strengths into world-leading capabilities.

the fund helps institutions:

  • compete with the best in the world for talent, for partnership opportunities, and to make breakthrough discoveries;
  • seize emerging opportunities and strategically advance their greatest strengths on the global stage; and
  • implement large-scale, transformational and forward-thinking institutional strategies.

value and duration

there is no prescribed award size. it is expected that some institutions will submit proposals for large awards, to support complex institutional initiatives demonstrating the potential for global leadership in focus areas of strategic relevance for canada. other institutions may decide to submit proposals for smaller-scale initiatives, more narrowly-focused in scope, yet still potentially world-leading and capable of resulting in partnerships with other global leaders.

the amount of funding requested in a fund application should be established keeping in mind that each award is expected to support a broad, ambitious, institutional strategy that focuses on the areas in which the institution can realistically achieve global leadership.

the review process will consider the degree of originality and ambition of the proposal relative to the existing research capacity of the institution and, where applicable, its partners. it is expected that institutions awarded a fund grant will extensively invest their own resources and those of partners to support the proposed initiative.

all awards are for up to seven years, to allow recipient institutions enough time to achieve the initiative’s proposed objectives.

note: an institution can apply as the lead institution for only one award within a given competition.

all grants are nonrenewable. successful applicants, however, may submit an application in a subsequent fund competition, to support the evolution of initiatives previously supported through the fund, new initiatives, or a combination of the two.

fund awards will not be included in the calculation of credits to institutions for those tri-agency programs that allocate funding based on percentages of funding received from the federal research granting agencies (e.g., the research support fund [formerly indirect costs program] or canada research chairs program).


frequently asked questions on the canada first research excellence fund (please click here as well).

for more information about the program, please click here.

external deadline: 
monday, august 31, 2015
funding source: 
funding level: 

research grants

how to apply: 

research grants are provided for teams of scientists from different countries who wish to combine their expertise in innovative approaches to questions that could not be answered by individual laboratories.

emphasis is placed on novel collaborations that bring together scientists preferably from different disciplines (e.g. from chemistry, physics, computer science, engineering) to focus on problems in the life sciences.

the research teams must be international. the principal applicant must be from one of the eligible countries. however, other participating scientists and laboratories may be situated anywhere in the world.

applicants must submit a letter of intent to apply for a research grant via the hfsp web site with a deadline at the end of march, and after review, selected teams will be invited to submit a full application.

two types of research grant are available: young investigators' grants and program grants

young investigators' grants are awarded to teams of researchers, all of whom are within the first five years after obtaining an independent laboratory (e.g. assistant professor, lecturer or equivalent). applications for young investigators' grants will be reviewed in competition with each other independently of applications for program grants. program grants are awarded to teams of independent researchers at any stage of their careers. the research team is expected to develop new lines of research through the collaboration. up to $450,000 per grant per year may be applied for. applications including independent investigators early in their careers are encouraged
external deadline: 
thursday, march 19, 2015
funding source: 
funding level: 

human frontier science program


faculty research awards

how to apply: 

google research awards are one-year awards structured as unrestricted gifts to universities to support the work of world-class full-time faculty members at top universities around the world. faculty members can apply for research awards by submitting a proposal to one of our two 2015 funding rounds. our 2015 deadlines are april 15 and october 15. recipients are selected through a comprehensive internal review process and notified of their awards within 4 months of the initial submission. faculty members can apply for up to 150,000 usd in eligible expenses, but actual award amounts are frequently less than the full amount requested. most awards are funded at the amount needed to support basic expenses for one graduate student for one year. please see our faqs for more details on eligibility and budgets.

the intent of the google research awards is to support cutting-edge research in computer science, engineering, and related fields. we ask applicants to categorize their proposals into one of the following broad research areas of interest to google:

  • computational neuroscience
  • economics and market algorithms
  • geo/maps
  • human-computer interaction
  • information retrieval, extraction, and organization (including semantic graphs)
  • machine learning and data mining
  • machine perception
  • machine translation
  • mobile
  • natural language processing
  • networking
  • online education at scale
  • physical interactions with devices
  • policy and standards
  • privacy
  • robotics
  • security
  • social networks
  • software engineering and programming languages
  • speech
  • structured data and database management
  • systems (hardware and software)
external deadline: 
wednesday, april 15, 2015
funding source: 
funding level: 



new directions (nd) grants


regularly-appointed faculty members at academic institutions in countries where acs prf can administer grants are eligible. certain other long-term scientific appointments may be eligible. in addition, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • the non-profit institution submitting the nd proposal must certify that each individual listed as a principal investigator on the cover page qualifies as a principal investigator under the institution’s principal investigator policies.
  • in view of the long-standing policy of the acs petroleum research fund to give priority to support of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 (undergraduate, graduate, or postdoctoral), each principal investigator (lead and co-pi) must be eligible to serve as the formal, official supervisor of graduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in graduate degree programs. emeritus faculty who may supervise post-doctoral fellows are also eligible to apply.
  • the terms of appointment of the principal investigator (and, if appropriate, the co-pi) must promise reasonable continuity of service through the life of the grant.
how to apply: 

program goals

the goals of the american chemical society petroleum research fund are:

  • to support fundamental research in the petroleum field
  • to develop the next generation of engineers and scientists through support of advanced scientific education

the new directions grants program aims to stimulate a new direction of research for established faculty, and to support the careers of their student scientists and engineers.

new directions grants

the new directions (nd) grants program provides funds to scientists and engineers with limited—or even no—preliminary results for a research project they wish to pursue, who intend to use the prf-driven preliminary results to seek continuation funding from other agencies. nd grants are to be used to illustrate proof of concept/feasibility. accordingly, they are to be viewed as seed money for new research ventures.

a "new research direction" is something different from previous research performed by the lead principal investigator (lead pi). but, it may involve a field of science or engineering in which others are already working. therefore, the proposed research should not be in the same direction as—or overlap with—current projects in the lead pi’s research group. excluded from consideration will be

  • lead pis who have had previous support or current funding for the project
  • proposals presenting ideas that are a logical extension of ongoing research from the lead pi’s laboratory.

preliminary results and/or communications are not required.

external deadline: 
friday, march 13, 2015
funding level: 

american chemical society


new research call: scaling up food security and nutrition innovations - the canadian international food security research fund

how to apply: 

canada’s international development research centre (idrc) and foreign affairs, trade and development canada (dfatd) are pleased to announce the 2015 open call for proposals.

with a strong focus on taking effective, pilot-tested, innovations to a wider scale of use and application, this call will fund outstanding research-for-development projects that promise consistent and meaningful development outcomes (i.e. reaching important numbers of end-users) through the testing, demonstration and effective deployment of scaling up models, delivery mechanisms and approaches. 

this is an open, competitive call for proposals, and will fund projects submitted by strong partnerships between research, development, private sector and other business-oriented organizations from canada and from eligible countries. 

  • deadline for submission of proposals:  march 27, 2015
  • project budgets under this call will be in the range of cad $0.5 to $1.5 million


read the call for proposals here.

please note the application form will be available february 10, 2015 on the idrc website.

external deadline: 
friday, march 27, 2015
funding source: 
funding level: 

travel awards



applicants must be either a:

  • registered student in a phd or md/phd program
  • post-doctoral fellow (within 5 years of attaining their phd)
  • medical resident/clinical fellow (within 5 years of attaining their md)

trainee positions must be undertaken at an eligible canadian institution.

candidates must be attending a conference for the purpose of presenting data (paper or poster presentation) from a cancer-related project on a first-author or presenter basis. applications will be accepted for conference dates within 6 months of the competition deadline date. applications will not be accepted for conferences that have already taken place. note that acknowledgement of ccs funding must be included in the paper or poster.

how to apply: 

a limited number of travel awards to phd or md/phd 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , and post-doctoral/medical/clinical fellows are available. the purpose of this program is to defray the travel costs associated with making a scientific presentation as a first author or presenter at a conference, symposium or other appropriate professional meeting.


external deadline: 
friday, may 15, 2015
funding source: 
funding level: 
