ontario human capital research and innovation fund: call for proposals 2015-2016

how to apply: 

the ministry of training, colleges and universities (mtcu) is pleased to announce the 2015-16 call for proposals for the ontario human capital research and innovation fund (ohcrif).

the purpose of ohcrif is to support research and innovation projects that identify better ways to help people prepare for, return to or keep employment and become productive participants in the labour force. ohcrif is funded through the canada-ontario labour market development agreement and is being used to improve knowledge in the areas of postsecondary education, labour market, and employment and training policy.

this is an open call for proposals that will provide funding for faculty and non-faculty researchers at postsecondary institutions, graduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , and researchers affiliated with public and non-profit organizations or research firms.

mtcu will accept proposals in the following research areas:

·         skills and return on investment

·         postsecondary education (pse) and training policies

·         labour market programs, policy and service delivery

ohcrif will support short-term projects that must be completed before the end of the fiscal year on march 31, 2016. ohcrif will fund a mix of review projects (i.e. literature reviews and environmental scans) and original research projects. the application deadline is june 1, 2015.

additional information on ohcrif and the application process can be found in the following documents:

·         ohcrif 2015-16 call for proposals

·         ohcrif 2015-16 application form

·         ohcrif 2015-16 guidelines

these documents can be downloaded from the employment ontario partners’ gateway website at:


if you have any questions about the ohcrif application process, please email ohcrif@ontario.ca by may 15, 2015. all questions and responses will be posted on the employment ontario partners’ gateway website.

this e-mail is being distributed throughout the ontario research community, including vice presidents of research, research directors, deans of graduate studies, coordinators of university graduate programs and college graduate certificate programs, institutional planners, directors of centres for teaching and learning, research organizations and other stakeholders.

please share this information within your institution or organization.

external deadline: 
monday, june 1, 2015
funding source: 
funding level: 

idea to innovation grants

how to apply: 

the objective of the idea to innovation (i2i) grants  is to accelerate the pre-competitive development of promising technology originating from the university and college sector and promote its transfer to a new or established canadian company. the i2i grants provide funding to college and university faculty members to support research and development projects with recognized technology transfer potential. this is achieved through defined phases by providing crucial assistance in the early stages of technology validation and market connection.

if you are considering a submission to this program, please contact the economic development and innovation office (807-343-8871) far in advance of the deadline.

external deadline: 
monday, june 29, 2015
funding source: 
funding level: 

call for proposals – promotion of rural economic development in the dry corridor of honduras

how to apply: 


foreign affairs, trade and development canada (dfatd) is launching a call for proposals for promotion of rural economic development in the dry corridor of honduras. the total amount of funding available under this call is thirty-five million dollars ($35,000,000), to be disbursed over a period of up to six years between 2016 and 2022. all figures in this document are in canadian dollars.

based on the availability of funds, dfatd will fund projects valued at between five million dollars ($5,000,000) and twelve million dollars ($12,000,000) that will be implemented over a period of four to six years. selected projects must be fully completed, including all project-reporting requirements, by february 15, 2022.

dfatd may decide to fund any number or none of the proposals submitted for consideration.


the call for proposals is designed to increase the economic opportunities of small-scale entrepreneurs and producers in the dry corridor of honduras, especially women, youth and marginalized groups living in poverty.


projects funded under this call for proposals must contribute to the achievement of the following ultimate outcome:

  • ultimate outcome: improved economic well-being of small-scale entrepreneurs and producers in the dry corridor, especially women, youth and marginalized people living in poverty.

projects must also contribute to the achievement of at least one of the two following intermediate outcomes:

  • intermediate outcome 1: improved business, technical and/or financing practices by small-scale enterprises, especially those led by or mainly employing women, youth and/or marginalized people living in poverty.
  • intermediate outcome 2: increased productivity and sales by small-scale enterprises, especially those led by or mainly employing women, youth and/or marginalized people living in poverty.

in order to better communicate to canadians the key aggregate results of this call, dfatd has established a performance indicator to measure and demonstrate results achieved.

applicants must use the following indicator in the performance measurement section of their proposal:

  • intermediate indicator: change in net incomes of members of micro, small and medium enterprises (msmes) that are led by or mainly employ women, youth and/or marginalized people living in poverty in the dry corridor.

the applicant must also include additional indicators in the performance measurement section of the application form.

external deadline: 
wednesday, july 15, 2015
funding source: 
funding level: 

banting postdoctoral fellowships

how to apply: 

the banting postdoctoral fellowships program provides funding to the very best postdoctoral applicants, both nationally and internationally, who will positively contribute to the country's economic, social and research‑based growth.

the objective of the banting postdoctoral fellowships program is to:

  • attract and retain top-tier postdoctoral talent, both nationally and internationally
  • develop their leadership potential
  • position them for success as research leaders of tomorrow

the banting postdoctoral fellowships program is unique in its emphasis on the synergy between the following:

  • applicant – individual merit and potential to launch a successful research-intensive career
  • host institution – commitment to the research program and alignment with the institution's strategic priorities

an applicant to the banting postdoctoral fellowships program must complete their application in full collaboration with the proposed host institution.  the value of the fellowship is $70,000 per year for two years.

selection criteria

  1. research excellence and leadership in the research domain – demonstrated capacity for research excellence based on track record as defined by quality of applicant's research contribution, and demonstrated capacity for leadership in the research domain defined by the sphere of influence achieved to date by the applicant.
  2. quality of applicant's proposed research program – examined in terms of the potential of the proposed research program, executed in the proposed institutional environment, to position the applicant for significant impact through a research-intensive career (potential for significant impact).
  3. institutional commitment and demonstrated synergy between applicant and institutional strategic priorities
    • demonstrated commitment of the institution to support development of the applicant's research and leadership capacity through institutional support (funding, facilities, equipment, etc.) and professional development
    • demonstrated alignment and synergy between the applicant's research ambitions and the institution's potential to benefit strategically from engagement with the applicant (alignment with institution's strategic priorities)


although the banting deadline is september 23, 2015, applicants and their supervisors should contact research services (ahacquo1@lakeheadu.ca) far in advance of the deadline is they are submitting an application.

please note that for the purposes of your submission, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 is willing to make the following contributions:

if you are successful with a banting, the vp (redi) will contribute a minimum of $5,000.  in addition, the vp (redi) will contribute an additional $2,500 if matched by an additional $2,500 from the respective faculty dean for a potential institutional contribution of $10,000.  the match from the dean must be requested by pdf supervisors and confirmed in writing.


external deadline: 
wednesday, september 23, 2015
funding source: 
funding level: 

occupational health and safety (ohs) futures – research funding program

how to apply: 

ohs futures is a research funding program to help support a better understanding of occupational health and safety issues in alberta’s workplaces.  this program will enhance the partnership between the ohs program and experts across our province and canada to make better policy for the issues of today and the emerging issues of tomorrow.

ohs futures is accepting research applications for projects to support the prevention of injury, illness and occupational disease in alberta workplaces. the program is designed to increase the transparency of funding and assist in engaging researchers and other stakeholders in addressing the long term health and safety of alberta’s workers and workplaces.

ohs futures started in 2014 and is distributing up to $1 million per year for three years for approved research projects. results of the 2014 competition are posted on the ohs futures website: work.alberta.ca/ohsfutures.

for the 2015 competition, the ohs futures research priorities are grouped in two main categories: broad ohs themes and specific hazards, health outcomes, populations, and impacts.

the broad ohs themes are:

·         work-related surveillance, data, and metrics

·         programs, initiatives, and evaluation

the specific hazards, health outcomes, populations, and impacts are:

·         work-related chemical, biological and/or physical hazards

·         work-related psychological hazards

·         work-related health outcomes

·         interest populations

·         economic impact

external deadline: 
monday, june 1, 2015
funding source: 
funding level: 

ministry of jobs, skills, training and labour


idrc doctoral research awards

how to apply: 
deadline: 20/05/2015

this call is open to canadians, permanent residents of canada, and citizens of developing countries pursuing doctoral studies at a canadian university.

other eligibility requirements include:
  • your research proposal must be approved by your thesis supervisor. please provide proof.
  • your proposed field research must take place in one or more developing countries, be conducted for a doctoral dissertation, and correspond to idrc thematic priorities.
  • you must provide evidence of affiliation with an institution or organization in the developing region(s) in which the research will take place.
  • you must have completed coursework and passed comprehensive exams before taking up the award.
duration of field research: 3-12 months

number and value of awards: approximately 20 grants of a maximum of ca$20,000 each

scope: idrc doctoral research awards are intended to promote the growth of canadian and developing-country capacity in research to improve the lives of people in the developing world. these awards are intended for field research in one or more developing countries.

contact email: all additional questions should be addressed to awards@idrc.ca
external deadline: 
wednesday, may 20, 2015
funding source: 
funding level: 

science for peace and security

how to apply: 

the science for peace and security (sps) programme is a policy tool that enhances cooperation and dialogue with all partners, based on scientific research, innovation, and knowledge exchange. the sps programme provides funding, expert advice, and support to security-relevant activities jointly developed by a nato member and partner country.

  • the sps programme provides funding, expert advice, and support to security-relevant activities jointly developed by a nato member and partner country.
  • it enhances cooperation and dialogue with all partners, based on scientific research, innovation, and knowledge exchange.
external deadline: 
wednesday, july 1, 2015
funding source: 
funding level: 

advancinghealth program

how to apply: 

the advancinghealth program, managed by ontario centres of excellence (oce), is designed to bolster innovation in ontario’s public healthcare sector by matching healthcare needs with innovative products and services through partnerships between public healthcare organizations, companies and academic institutions. the aim is to advance healthcare innovation directed to improved health outcomes, enhanced patient experience and efficient use of resources through investments in collaborative demonstration projects that show clear potential for scaling-up to the system-level and establish a strong case for adoption.

external deadline: 
wednesday, june 3, 2015
funding source: 
funding level: 

innovation grants

how to apply: 

innovation grants have been created to support innovative, creative problem solving in cancer research. as competition for grant funding increases, peer review panels become more conservative and risk averse, emphasizing feasibility more than innovation. the goal of this ccsri grant program is to support unconventional concepts, approaches or methodologies to address problems in cancer research. innovation projects will include elements of creativity, curiosity, investigation, exploration and opportunity. successful projects may be based on “high risk” ideas, but will have the potential for “high reward” (i.e. to significantly impact our understanding of cancer and generate new approaches to combat the disease by introducing novel ideas into use or practice). 

external deadline: 
saturday, august 15, 2015
funding source: 
funding level: 
