new investigator salary award : krescent / cihr new investigator award (2016)
the krescent program new investigator award is awarded to individuals who have clearly demonstrated excellence during their pre-doctoral and post-doctoral training in kidney disease. the award provides salary support for up to three years of the faculty appointment at the rank of assistant professor or its equivalent at a canadian university.
the purpose of this award is to assist such an individual to become established as a fully independent investigator in the field of kidney disease.
preference may be given to candidates who have been awarded and successfully completed a krescent program post doctoral fellowship or allied health doctoral scholarship.
application for this award must be initiated by the university or the institution at which the candidate will conduct the proposed research. the university or institution is expected to guarantee the applicant appropriate academic rank and to provide adequate space and facilities for the investigator’s research, commensurate with the status of the individual in terms of experience and level of support by the program.