centre for innovation and entrepreneurship research


the primary purpose of the centre for innovation and entrepreneurship research (cier) is to promote and support research on innovation and entrepreneurship at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 .

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the objectives of the cier are:

  • to facilitate interdisciplinary research collaborations among faculty members at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 related to innovation and entrepreneurship.
  • to support undergraduate and graduate research on innovation and entrepreneurship.
  • to identify and explore innovation and entrepreneurship-related research topics that are relevant to the university, the local community, and beyond.
  • to seek research funding from external sources for innovation and entrepreneurship-related research projects and programs.
  • to seek opportunities to augment the curriculum and programming for 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 related to innovation and entrepreneurship.


for the purposes of the cier, innovation and entrepreneurship are broadly defined to include: technological and science-based innovation, innovations in business operations, start-ups, new venture creation, social entrepreneurship, institutional entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, commercialization venture management, small and family-led business, economic development through business creation, start-up financing, service, healthcare innovation, and other related topics.

core values

the cier exists to promote scholarship in the area of innovation and entrepreneurship, guided by the following values:

  • integrity – we will maintain the highest ethical standards in research
  • curiosity – we will encourage intellectual curiosity
  • collaboration – we will promote interdisciplinary collaboration
  • capacity – we aim to build capacity within our members, 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , and the community through the centre activities


the membership of the cier is comprised of individuals who are engaged in research related to innovation and entrepreneurship. the nature of the research is broadly defined, to include a membership that is as diverse as possible.  this decision is intentional because the interaction of researchers with different interests may lead to the development of new research initiatives.

the criteria to become a member in the cier are:

  • an appointment at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 (limited term-appointments, tenured or tenure-track faculty members, post-doctoral fellows, contract teaching staff).
  • engagement in research related to some aspect of innovation and entrepreneurship.  this research may relate specifically to the study of innovation and entrepreneurship or it could involve research that relates to innovation associated with the development of technologies or intellectual property that may be studied in the context of commercialization. 

the criteria to become a student member in the cier are:

  • registration in a degree program at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 .
  • an interest or involvement in a research project related to innovation and entrepreneurship (broadly defined).

the criteria to become an academic or industry associate of the cier are:

  • reserved for individuals from outside 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 who are engaged in a project with a cier member that is related to innovation and entrepreneurship (broadly defined). 
  • an academic associate may be a community-based researcher, or a faculty member at another university.
  • an industry associate may be a member of a community organization, an entrepreneur, innovator, or another individual who is involved in the delivery of services to entrepreneurs

application process

individuals interested in becoming a member, a student member, or an associate of the cier must submit a letter of intent and a curriculum vita to the cier director.  the letter of intent should describe their involvement in relevant research and their interest in joining the research centre.  applications will be reviewed by the director and/or executive committee (tbd) and a decision provided to the applicant in writing.