cihr project grant application enhancement program 2018

the office of the vice president (research and innovation) at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 is pleased to announce the new cihr project grant application enhancement program. this program is designed to encourage and support researchers at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 to begin preparation of their cihr project grant applications well in advance of the internal deadline (two weeks before the cihr project grant deadlines in september and march), with the goal of increasing overall success rates.

learning objectives:
1) participants will learn how to frame their projects according to cihr’s mandate and application structure and apply this knowledge by composing drafts of key sections in the cihr project grant application
2) participants will gain an understanding of the history of knowledge translation (kt) and cihr requirements for kt and will apply this knowledge by developing a detailed kt plan
3) participants will gain an understanding of the adjudicator perspective from a panel of senior faculty who have adjudication experience. they will apply this knowledge by participating in a peer
review exercise where they give feedback on and evaluate other participants’ drafts.

participants in the program will be eligible for a research grant of up to $1500, distributed in two installments to aid in the development of their project grant applications. researchers may use this grant for costs associated with research, including but not limited to hiring research assistants and grant writers/editors, collecting preliminary data, meeting with research partners, and gathering materials for the literature review. participants may only receive this grant once but may audit future project grant enhancement programs if desired.

four in-person modules will be primarily led and facilitated by dr. phebeann wolframe-smith, sshrc/cihr research and knowledge mobilization facilitator, and dr. lexi haslehurst, nserc/cihr research facilitator, with active participation from faculty members experienced in cihr grant-writing and adjudication. the program will be held beginning the week of april 16 through the week of may 14, 2018. the topics and schedule of workshops will be finalized in consultation with participants who are accepted in this program.

all researchers engaged in research that falls under cihr’s mandate are welcome to participate.  the number of applicants selected to participate in this program will be capped depending on financial resources available and will total no more than 10 participants. evaluation will be based on originality, relevance to cihr’s mandate, project description cohesiveness, and background of the researcher.

in order to apply for the program, researchers should send to dr. phebeann wolframe-smith ( and dr. lexi haslehurst ( by april 9, 2018:
a) a brief 1-page description of their proposed research project, including title and abstract (250-500 words),
b) a short bio about the researcher (100-200 words), and
c) a budget for the $1500 research grant
the $1500 grant will be distributed in two allotments: 1) $750 following completion of the four modules; and 2) $750 after they have applied to a cihr project grant competition within one year.

at the commencement and conclusion of the workshops, participants’ feedback will be sought to assist in the development and evaluation of the program. for more information contact dr. wolframe-smith ( or dr. haslehurst (