lakehead r&i week special feature – ip issues in life sciences and high tech
event date:
wednesday, february 28, 2024 - 1:00pm to 2:45pm est
event location:
online event
keeping your new year’s intellectual property resolutions for 2024
life sciences • high tech • chemistry • ai • mechanics
's innovation, partnerships and economic development office (iped) invites staff, faculty, 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
, entrepreneurs and community members in the thunder bay region and simcoe county to learn about the benefits of protecting your intellectual property. no ip knowledge level required. small group sessions.
wednesday, february 28, 2024:
1:00 pm to 1:45 pm (life sciences and chemistry)
2:00 pm to 2:45 pm (high tech – software, data, ai, electronics)
• the key role of ip in life sciences and high tech
• myths and best practices
• ai and other emerging technologies
click here to register.
about the speakers
speaker: noel courage is a partner in bereskin & parr llp intellectual property law. he is a us and canadian patent agent and a canadian lawyer. noel focuses his practice on ip agreements and protecting new inventions with patents.
speaker: tony orsi is a partner in bereskin & parr llp intellectual property law and a us and canadian patent agent. his practice focuses on protecting high tech inventions, and he will address high tech issues in the february webinar.
moderator/host: ellen mackay, rttp, is the director, innovation development at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
, managing all technology transfer activities and the office of innovation, partnerships and economic development.
webinar instructions will be provided prior to the date of the event.
questions? email kelly fettes: