thunder bay regional health research institute health research speaker series: "using billing data to describe physician practices for health human resource planning"
event date:
thursday, february 22, 2024 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm est
event location:
online event
meeting link
meeting number: (access code): 2341 234 6702
meeting password: ds22
tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only)
canada toll (ottawa)
canada toll (toronto)
presented by:
dr. david savage, md, phd, ccfp(em) emergency physician, thunder bay regional health sciences centre, assistant professor, northern
ontario school of medicine
ontario school of medicine
about the speaker
dr. david savage is a graduate of the northern ontario school of medicine and an emergency physician at thunder bay regional health sciences centre. his research is currently focused on northern and rural health and health human resource planning.