hominin evolution

as canada research chair in human origins, dr. matthew tocheri’s research program contributes new, significant insights into human evolution, culture, and diversity. it also extends understanding about recent past human dispersals across southeast asia and the people of the indonesian island of flores.
photo of dr. matthew tocheri, crc in human origins

dr. matthew tocheri

canada research chair in human origins (tier 2)

areas of research

  • paleoanthropology
  • archaeology
  • functional morphology

overview of research

through new archaeological excavations, laboratory analyses and international collaborations, tocheri aims to substantially increase current understanding of the anatomy, biology and culture of homo floresiensis—the so-called “hobbits” of human evolution that disappeared 60–50 thousand years ago on flores—and whether modern humans played any role in their extinction. this research will increase our understanding of past human diversity, both biologically and culturally.
 thomas sutikna, matt tocheri, and wahyu saptomo (at right) discussing excavation strategy (liang bua, 2017).

dr. tocheri's research exemplifies 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 's commitment to advancing the following united nations’ sustainable development goals (sdgs):

 un sdg 15 - life on land
contact information:
dr. matthew tocheri
associate professor
department of anthropology
tel.: 807-343-8010 ext. 8568