employment prospects

dr. fralick providing advice to a studentemployment prospects for scientists trained in water related fields look excellent. governments from municipal to federal are becoming much more proactive in dealing with water quality and protection of the environment. this is leading to employment opportunities with both government organizations and private firms engaged in environmental monitoring and cleanup.

scientists working on water related problems for government organizations and private companies were consulted when the courses for this program were being put together. their suggestions on what should be taken to make 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 employable upon graduation were used to design the program. the knowledge and skills you will receive taking water resource science will enable you to qualify for jobs in both the private and public sectors. the course of study is designed to train people to be scientists. you will gain an understanding of how natural systems operate and the effects various human activities can have on these natural systems. you will also learn how rehabilitation of natural systems can be accomplished

the knowledge and skills you acquire in this program are needed by a wide variety of organizations that include: provincial departments of the environment and natural resources; municipalities requiring trained individuals to monitor their water supplies; and private sector environmental engineering firms. the cleaning up of contaminated areas, and the rehabilitation of disused mine sites are just two examples of endeavours requiring scientists skilled in evaluating and restoring wetland areas. as an example, mine site reclamation usually involves creating a stream draining from the contaminated area into a manmade pond-marsh system which will biofilter the contaminants and bind them with the organic matter. the skills you acquire in water resource science will give you the opportunity to participate in a field in which forecasters predict high employment growth. successfully completing an honours degree in water resource science also provides you with the opportunity to continue on to masters and ph.d. level studies.