faculty council meeting

friday, april 22, 2016 - 10:00pm
atac 3004 / oa 2005


date: april 22, 2016

 to: members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities

 subject: council meeting



there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:

friday, april 22nd,  2016 from 10:00 am to 11:30 am in atac 3004 / oa 2005.


 presentation:  sarah browne - 2015 cusc survey of graduating undergraduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛


  1. approval of agenda.

  2. election of chair and vice-chair of faculty council.

  3. approval of the following minutes:   march 3, 2016.

  4. business arising from the minutes.

  5. dean’s report.

  6. assistant dean’s report.

  7. departmental/school reports.

      i)  english:  calendar change:  2016-soc-5696.

     ii)  outdoor recreation:  calendar change:  2016-soc-5698.

  8. other business.

      i) undergraduate research internships

     ii) accelerated degrees

    iii) review of the student code

 9. next faculty council meeting:  friday, may 13th, 2016 at 10:00 am

10. adjournment.



faculty of social sciences and humanities council


 march 3, 2016


a meeting of the faculty council was held on thursday, march 3rd, 2016 at 10:00 am in atac board room 5035/oa 2005.


approval of agenda

it was moved by j. roth and seconded by i. lémee that the agenda be approved.



approval of minutes

it was moved by j. roth and a. guttman that the minutes from december 11, 2015 be approved.


it was moved by d. ivison and j. roth that the minutes from january 5, 2016 be approved.


 it was moved by d. ivison and r. maundrell that the minutes from january 12, 2016 be approved.



business arising from the minutes

 i) additional dean approval in navigator.

 a lengthy discussion regarding the “additional dean approval” stage in curriculum navigator ensued.


dean’s report

thursday, march 3, 2016

code review committee

as an item for information, i have been serving on a university-wide committee with a mandate to review all aspects of the current code of student behaviour and disciplinary procedures. the work of the committee will continue throughout the present academic year, with a goal to have a revised code passed by senate early in the fall.

loading sheets

many thanks to our chairs and director for their timely forwarding of loading sheets for my review; they will be passed on to scheduling by the end of the day today for further processing.

march break recruitment

i would like to express my sincerest thanks to all faculty and chairs/director who participated in the grade 11 preview day activities on friday, february 19, 2016. i would like to remind you of upcoming march break open house recruitment activities taking place in the agora between march 14 and 18th. jo krisko and her team will be asking units for their support for various events throughout the week, so please do all that you can to support these efforts.

additional support for international graduate ri-ships

as previously reported, the faculty of social sciences and humanities will offer two $10,000 support to international graduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 (renewable for the second year), commencing in the 2016/17 academic year. as a follow-up to a meeting with the graduate coordinators in our faculty, it was decided that additional $12,500 in support will be available for the 2016/17 academic year paid out from the faculty’s international fund.

laurentian university departure from barrie

the office of the registrar has identified 37 applicants that have applied to a social sciences & humanities program at both 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 and laurentian - barrie for this coming fall.  her recommendation would be that each one of these applicants is called personally to discuss the programs to which they have applied, from the dean or chair. i am waiting for more information from andrea and would ask that you consider assisting with this effort where appropriate. additionally, approx. 35 applicants from the gta have been invited for a “vip” experience on the orillia campus. faculty are also encouraged to become involved with this initiative, specifically a dinner event on thursday, march 17.


i will be absent from campus tomorrow, friday, march 4 until wednesday march 9attending a meeting of the council of deans of arts and science of ontario universities (codas), and a two day workshop sponsored by universities canada on the topic of the future of liberal arts in canada.


assistant dean’s report

a. guttman stated that the faculty banner for use at the orillia campus has been approved.  the same design will be used by both campuses.  a. guttman also reminded everyone about the sshrc lunch and encouraged everyone to try to attend if they were available.


departmental/school reports

 i)  interdisciplinary studies

 it was moved by d. west and seconded by c. lousley that the following calendar change requests be approved:  hbasc.evpc; hbascbed.encp.pj.

 motion:  it was moved by c. lousley and seconded by d. west that the calendar change request be approved.



other business

 i) formation of nomination’s committee for chair and vice-chair for the faculty of social sciences

and humanities.

 j. roth, i. lemée, and l. fiddick volunteered to be on the nomination’s committee.  a notice will

be sent out regarding interest to serve and the names of those interested will then be distributed

to faculty.  the voting will take place at the faculty council meeting on april 22, 1026.

 ii) executive committee for social sciences and humanities.

d. jobin-bevans spoke about the possibility of having an executive committee composed of chairs/director for the purpose of preparing items for faculty council.  it was suggested that we could also build on the working group already in place but without the power to make decisions.  it was decided to carry on as usual with a scheduled report once per term.

 iii) social justice studies.

j. roth stated that the social justice studies program has been approved.  d. jobin-bevans and

l. chambers will meet c. shahi, dean of graduate studies for further discussion of the program.


8. next faculty council meeting:  friday, april 22, 2016 at 10:00 am.



 it was moved by t. puddephatt and seconded by l. fiddick that the meeting be adjourned at 11:08 am.



 thunder bay campus

d. ivison

d. jobin-bevans

i. lemée

a. guttman

g. colton

j. roth

d. mcpherson

r. maundrell

t. puddephatt

 orillia campus

a. den otter

m. stevenson

l. fiddick

d. west

c. lousley


m. beaulieu

h. lemelin

k. holmes

b. vernier

faculty council meeting

thursday, march 3, 2016 - 10:00am
atac 5035 / oa 2005


date: march 3, 2016

to: members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities

subject: council meeting


 there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:

thursday, march 3rd,  2016 from 10:00 am to 11:30 am in atac 5035 / oa 2005.


 1. approval of agenda.

 2. approval of the following minutes:   december 11, 2015; january 5, 2016 (please click on link) ; january 12, 2016 (please click on link.)

 3. business arising from the minutes.

 4. dean’s report.

 5. assistant dean’s report.

 6. departmental/school reports.

  i)  interdisciplinary studies:  concentrations:  hbasc.evpc; hbascbed.encp.pj  (for discussion only)

 7. other business.

   i)  formation of the nomination’s committee for chair and vice-chair for the faculty of social sciences and    humanities faculty council.

  ii) executive committee for social sciences and humanities.

 8. next faculty council meeting:  friday, april 22, 2016 at 10:00 am

 9. adjournment.




faculty of social sciences and humanities council 


 december 11th, 2015


 a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, december 11th, 2015 at 1:00 pm in atac board room 5035/oa 3007.


approval of agenda

it was moved by j. roth and seconded by k. holmes that the revised agenda be approved.



approval of the minutes

 it was moved by j. roth and seconded by d. ivison that the minutes from november 6th, 2015 meeting be approved.



business arising from minutes



dean’s report

 faculty council dean’s report

friday, december 11, 2015

 budget 2016/17

the budget exercise is well underway with the deadline for budget submission of december 23. i have completed all individual discussions with chairs/director with a group consultation having taken place on wednesday, december 9, 2015. at this stage, i hope to be able to maintain the same level of funding for academic delivery as was in place for the 2015/16 budget. however, further consultation may be necessary as additional cost savings may need to be identified in order to meet the 3.65% reduction mandated across all units.

 faculty-based philanthropic priorities

on the topic of fundraising projects for our faculty, i would like to remind departments to forward suggestions for philanthropic support to my attention. items may include funds for student scholarships, bursaries and awards; visiting scholars in residence; or specific equipment needs. i will be happy to continue to receive suggestions over the next week or so.

 audit course enrolments for winter 2016

once again, i would like to remind chairs/director that they should be reviewing their winter course enrollments a view to close under-enrolled sections and, where necessary, open new or additional sections for over-subscribed courses.

 grade 12 preview day

 i would like to express my sincerest thanks to all faculty and chairs/director who participated in the grade 12 preview day activities on tuesday, december 8th, 2015. i am told that this event is one of the most effective ways to reach out to prospective 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in the thunder bay region, a catchment from which we typically receive 58-60% of our enrolments.

 support for international graduate ri-ships

in conjunction with the dean of graduate studies, i am happy to announce that the faculty of social sciences and humanities will be able to offer two $10,000 entrance scholarships renewable in the second year, commencing in the 2016/17 academic year. i will be calling a meeting between the chairs and graduate coordinators for departments with graduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to establish a protocol for distribution.


please be sure to review the email distributed by finance concerning “compulsory ancillary fees 2016/17” and andrea tarsitano’s “prospective student follow-up” email concerning the next steps in the prospect to conversion process.


assistant dean’s report

1. recruitment:  enewsletters for prospective 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 have gone out to chairs/director and they were asked to flag any revisions asap.  some departmental newsletters are still in development but watch for the drafts soon.

2. newsletter:  thanks to everyone who sent in books.  please let me know if that would there are any stories about your department in the community or alumni that you think would be worth featuring.

3. research and innovation week:  the graduate conference will no longer be competitive (monday and tuesday, march 7 and 8).  the undergraduate conference will still be competitive (wednesday, march 9).  there will be an opportunity to publish in the post.  social justice day will be held on monday with a roundtable discussion on the syrian refugee crisis and on trc.  there will also be a faculty research display.  there will be a lunch with ted hewitt, sshrc president, on monday, march 7 which faculty and 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 are encouraged to attend.


departmental/school reports

 i)  women’s studies

 it was moved by j. roth and seconded by i. lemée that the following calendar changes for women’s studies be approved: 2015-soc-5245; 2015-soc-5318; 2015-soc-5363; 2015-soc-5368.  a minor change was made to the request rationales in 2015-soc-5363.


 ii)  music

 it was moved by a. carastathis and seconded by j. roth that the following calendar changes for music be approved:  2015-soc-5340; 2015-soc-5388.


 iii)  english

 it was moved by d. ivison and seconded by i. lemée that the following calendar changes for english be approved:  2015-soc-5309; 2015-soc-5311; 2015-soc-5371.


 iv)  history

 it was moved by m. stevenson and seconded by r. maundrell that the following calendar changes for history be approved:  2015-soc-5228;; 2015-soc-5279; 2015-soc-5327; 2015-soc-5372, and that the following calendar changes be deferred to the next council meeting for clarification:  2015-soc-5235; 2015-soc-5300.


 v)  interdisciplinary studies

 it was moved by l. fiddick and seconded by c. lousley that the following calendar change for interdisciplinary studies be approved:  2015-soc-5322; 2015-soc-5323; 2015-soc-5324; 2015-soc-5376; 2015-soc-5383; 2015-soc-5384; 2015-soc-5385; 2015-soc-5386; 2015-soc-5387.


 vi)  political science

 it was moved by p. cain and seconded by t. puddephatt that the following calendar change for political science be approved:  2015-soc-5317.


 vii)  sociology

 it was moved by t. puddehpatt and seconded by d. ivison that the following calendar change for sociology be approved:  2015-soc-5346.  the following calendar change for sociology was relegated back to t. puddephatt for further revision:  2015-soc-5326.


viii) visual arts

the following calendar change for visual arts was relegated back to k. holmes for further revision:  2015-soc-5317.



other business

 1. university regulation timely feedback

d. jobin-bevans reminded everyone that we have a responsibility about timely feedback to 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 regarding marks to coincide with the drop dates for courses.  part marks must be given before these dates to allow 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 time to drop them if they wish.

 2. environmental community concentrations

 c. lousley outlined the difficulties that had been experienced in  developing new is concentrations, ie. environment and community.  it has been stated that the word, “environment” belongs to the faculty of science and environmental studies.  there are, however, many “environmental” classes already being offered in the faculty of social sciences and humanities.  d. jobin-bevans stated that there is a new committee, opcc, that has had two meetings so far to discuss the issues with what is to be offered.  he suggested that a meeting should be held to clarify the changes so they can go forward in january.



 it was moved by a. den otter and seconded by p. cain that the meeting be adjourned at 2:38 pm.



 thunder bay campus

 d. ivison

d. jobin-bevans

i. lemée

b. vernier

j. roth

d. mcpherson

r. maundrell

p. cain

t. puddephatt

k. holmes

a. carastathis

l. fiddick

orillia campus

 a. den otter

m. stevenson

c. lousely


m. beaulieu

r. koster

g. colton

faculty council meeting - cancelled

friday, february 5, 2016 - 1:00pm
atac 3004 / oa 2005


 date: february 5, 2016

to: members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities

 subject: council meeting


 there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:

friday, february 5th, 2016 from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm in atac 3004 / oa 2005.


  1. approval of agenda.

  2. approval of the following minutes: december 11, 2015; january 5, 2016; january 12, 2016.

  3. business arising from the minutes.

  4. dean’s report.

  5. assistant dean’s report.

  6. departmental/school reports.

  7. other business.

      i)  invitation to grade 11 day:  friday, february 19, 2016.

     ii) exceptional activities in our faculty

     iii) reminder to all 1st year 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 about health services as we approach mid-term exams.

  8. next faculty council meeting:  friday, march 4th, 2016 at 10:00 am

  9. adjournment.





faculty of social sciences and humanities council 


 december 11th, 2015


 a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, december 11th, 2015 at 1:00 pm in atac board room 5035/oa 3007.


approval of agenda

 it was moved by j. roth and seconded by k. holmes that the revised agenda be approved.



approval of the minutes

it was moved by j. roth and seconded by d. ivison that the minutes from november 6th, 2015 meeting be approved.



business arising from minutes



dean’s report

faculty council dean’s report

friday, december 11, 2015

budget 2016/17

 the budget exercise is well underway with the deadline for budget submission of december 23. i have completed all individual discussions with chairs/director with a group consultation having taken place on wednesday, december 9, 2015. at this stage, i hope to be able to maintain the same level of funding for academic delivery as was in place for the 2015/16 budget. however, further consultation may be necessary as additional cost savings may need to be identified in order to meet the 3.65% reduction mandated across all units.

 faculty-based philanthropic priorities

 on the topic of fundraising projects for our faculty, i would like to remind departments to forward suggestions for philanthropic support to my attention. items may include funds for student scholarships, bursaries and awards; visiting scholars in residence; or specific equipment needs. i will be happy to continue to receive suggestions over the next week or so.

audit course enrolments for winter 2016

once again, i would like to remind chairs/director that they should be reviewing their winter course enrollments a view to close under-enrolled sections and, where necessary, open new or additional sections for over-subscribed courses.

grade 12 preview day

i would like to express my sincerest thanks to all faculty and chairs/director who participated in the grade 12 preview day activities on tuesday, december 8th, 2015. i am told that this event is one of the most effective ways to reach out to prospective 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in the thunder bay region, a catchment from which we typically receive 58-60% of our enrolments.

support for international graduate ri-ships

in conjunction with the dean of graduate studies, i am happy to announce that the faculty of social sciences and humanities will be able to offer two $10,000 entrance scholarships renewable in the second year, commencing in the 2016/17 academic year. i will be calling a meeting between the chairs and graduate coordinators for departments with graduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to establish a protocol for distribution.


please be sure to review the email distributed by finance concerning “compulsory ancillary fees 2016/17” and andrea tarsitano’s “prospective student follow-up” email concerning the next steps in the prospect to conversion process.


assistant dean’s report

1. recruitment:  enewsletters for prospective 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 have gone out to chairs/director and they were asked to flag any revisions asap.  some departmental newsletters are still in development but watch for the drafts soon.

2. newsletter:  thanks to everyone who sent in books.  please let me know if that would there are any stories about your department in the community or alumni that you think would be worth featuring.

3. research and innovation week:  the graduate conference will no longer be competitive (monday and tuesday, march 7 and 8).  the undergraduate conference will still be competitive (wednesday, march 9).  there will be an opportunity to publish in the post.  social justice day will be held on monday with a roundtable discussion on the syrian refugee crisis and on trc.  there will also be a faculty research display.  there will be a lunch with ted hewitt, sshrc president, on monday, march 7 which faculty and 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 are encouraged to attend.


departmental/school reports

 i)  women’s studies

 it was moved by j. roth and seconded by i. lemée that the following calendar changes for women’s studies be approved: 2015-soc-5245; 2015-soc-5318; 2015-soc-5363; 2015-soc-5368.  a minor change was made to the request rationales in 2015-soc-5363.


 ii)  music

 it was moved by a. carastathis and seconded by j. roth that the following calendar changes for music be approved:  2015-soc-5340; 2015-soc-5388.


 iii)  english

 it was moved by d. ivison and seconded by i. lemée that the following calendar changes for english be approved:  2015-soc-5309; 2015-soc-5311; 2015-soc-5371.


 iv)  history

 it was moved by m. stevenson and seconded by r. maundrell that the following calendar changes for history be approved:  2015-soc-5228;; 2015-soc-5279; 2015-soc-5327; 2015-soc-5372, and that the following calendar changes be deferred to the next council meeting for clarification:  2015-soc-5235; 2015-soc-5300.


 v)  interdisciplinary studies

 it was moved by l. fiddick and seconded by c. lousley that the following calendar change for interdisciplinary studies be approved:  2015-soc-5322; 2015-soc-5323; 2015-soc-5324; 2015-soc-5376; 2015-soc-5383; 2015-soc-5384; 2015-soc-5385; 2015-soc-5386; 2015-soc-5387.


vi)  political science

 it was moved by p. cain and seconded by t. puddephatt that the following calendar change for political science be approved:  2015-soc-5317.


vii)  sociology

it was moved by t. puddehpatt and seconded by d. ivison that the following calendar change for sociology be approved:  2015-soc-5346.  the following calendar change for sociology was relegated back to t. puddephatt for further revision:  2015-soc-5326.


viii) visual arts

the following calendar change for visual arts was relegated back to k. holmes for further revision:  2015-soc-5317.



other business

1. university regulation timely feedback

d. jobin-bevans reminded everyone that we have a responsibility about timely feedback to 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 regarding marks to coincide with the drop dates for courses.  part marks must be given before these dates to allow 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 time to drop them if they wish.

2. environmental community concentrations

c. lousley outlined the difficulties that had been experienced in  developing new is concentrations, ie. environment and community.  it has been stated that the word, “environment” belongs to the faculty of science and environmental studies.  there are, however, many “environmental” classes already being offered in the faculty of social sciences and humanities.  d. jobin-bevans stated that there is a new committee, opcc, that has had two meetings so far to discuss the issues with what is to be offered.  he suggested that a meeting should be held to clarify the changes so they can go forward in january.



 it was moved by a. den otter and seconded by p. cain that the meeting be adjourned at 2:38 pm.



 thunder bay campus

 d. ivison

d. jobin-bevans

i. lemée

b. vernier

j. roth

d. mcpherson

r. maundrell

p. cain

t. puddephatt

k. holmes

a. carastathis

l. fiddick

orillia campus

 a. den otter

m. stevenson

c. lousely


 m. beaulieu

r. koster

g. colton


faculty of social sciences and humanities council
 january 12th, 2016

presentation:   amp (aboriginal mentorship program)
ms. lisa harris, amp coordinator, made a short presentation about the aboriginal mentorship program at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 .

a meeting of the faculty council was held on tuesday, january 12th, 2016 at 10:00 am in atac board room 5035/oa 2005.

approval of agenda
it was moved by j. roth and seconded by d. ivison that the agenda be approved.


departmental/school reports

i)  english

it was moved by d. ivison and seconded by a. guttman that the following calendar changes for english be approved:  2016-soc-5532; 2016-soc-5533; 2016-soc-5534.


ii) outdoor recreation, parks and tourism

it was moved by h. lemelin and seconded by r. maundrell that the following calendar changes for outdoor recreation, parks and tourism be approved:  2015-soc-5449; 2015-soc-5452; 2015-soc-5514; 2015-soc-5516; 2015-soc-5517.


iii) visual arts

it was moved by s. shasahabi and seconded by i. lemée that the following calendar change for visual arts be approved:  2016-soc-5531.


iv)  women’s studies

it was moved by j. roth and seconded by i. lemée that the following calendar changes for women’s studies be approved:  2016-soc-5535; 2016-soc-5536-a; 2016-soc-5536-b.


next faculty council meeting:  1:00 pm on friday, february 5th. 2016 – atac 3004 / oa 2005.

it was moved by j. roth and seconded by everyone that the meeting be adjourned at 11:45 am.

thunder bay campus

d. ivison
d. jobin-bevans
i. lemée
b. vernier
h. lemelin
s. shahsahabi
a. guttman
g. colton
j. roth
d. mcpherson
r. maundrell
p. cain
t. puddephatt

orillia campus

a. den otter
m. stevenson
l. fiddick


m. beaulieu
r. koster
r. martin

faculty council meeting

tuesday, january 12, 2016 - 10:00am
atac 5035 / oa 2005

date: january 12, 2016

to: members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities

 subject: council meeting


 there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:

tuesday, january 12th, 2016 from 10:00 am to 11:00 am in atac 5035 / oa 2005.


 presentation: amp (aboriginal mentorship program) – ms. lisa harris – amp coordinator

  1. approval of agenda.

  2. departmental/school reports.

 i)  english - calendar changes:  2016-soc-5532; 2016-soc-5533; 2016-soc-5534; 2015-soc-5427.

 ii) outdoor recreation, parks and tourism – calendar changes:  2015-soc-5449; 2015-soc-5452; 2015-soc-5474; 2016-soc-5514; 2016-soc-5516; 2016-soc-5517; 2016-soc-5518.

iii) visual arts - calendar change:  2016-soc-5531.

 iv) women’s studies - calendar changes:  2016-soc-5535; 2016-soc-5536-a; 2016-soc-5536-b.

 3. next faculty council meeting:  1:00 pm on friday, february 5th. 2016 – atac 3004 / oa 2005.

 4. adjournment.


faculty council meeting

tuesday, january 5, 2016 - 10:00am
atac 3004 / oa 2005

deadline for submission of agenda items is wednesday, december 23, 2015 at 4:30 pm.


date:        january 5, 2016

to:            members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities

subject:     council meeting         

there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:

tuesday, january 5th, 2016 from 10:00 am to 11:30 am in atac 3004 / oa 2005.


 1.    approval of agenda.

 2.    departmental/school reports.

    i)  english - calendar changes:  2015-soc-5401; 2015-soc-5402; 2015-soc-5410; 2015-soc-5411; 2015-soc-5425; 2016-soc-5512; 2016-soc-5513; 2016-soc-5458.

    ii)  history - calendar changes: 2015-soc-5235; 2015-soc-5300; 2015-soc-5426.

    iii)  interdisciplinary studies - calendar changes:  2015-soc-5321; 2015-soc-5322; 2015-soc-5323; 2015-soc-5324; 2015-soc-5389; 2015-soc-5390; 2015-soc-5430; 2015-soc-5431; 2015-soc-5432; 2015-soc-5433; 2015-soc-5428; 2015-soc-5429; 2015-soc-5435; 2015-soc-5436; 2015-soc-5437; 2015-soc-5438; 2015-soc-5439; 2015-soc-5440; 2015-soc-5442; 2015-soc-5444.

    iv)  languages – calendar changes:  2015-soc-5418; 2015-soc-5419.

    v) music - calendar change:  2015-soc-5424.

    vi) outdoor recreation, parks and tourism – calendar changes:  2015-soc-5449; 2015-soc-5452; 2015-soc-5514; 2015-soc-5516; 2015-soc-5517; 2015-soc-5518.

    vii)  political science – calendar changes:  2015-soc-5453.

    viii)  sociology - calendar changes:  2015-soc-5306-a; 2015-soc-5306-b; 2015-soc-5326; 2015-soc -5391; 2015-soc-5392.

    ix) visual arts - calendar change:  2015-soc-5373; 2015-soc-5420; 2015-soc-5421; 2015-soc-54232015-soc-5434.

    x) women’s studies - calendar changes:  2015-soc-5394.

3.    next faculty council meeting (calendar changes only):  tuesday, january 12, 2016 at 10:00 am; location:  tba

4.    adjournment.    

faculty council meeting

friday, december 11, 2015 - 1:00pm
atac 5035 / oa 3007

deadline for agenda items is tuesday, december 8th at 4:30 pm.



date: december 11th, 2015

to: members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities

subject: council meeting


 there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:

friday, december 11th, 2015 from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm in atac 5035 / oa 3007.


  1. approval of agenda.

  2. approval of the november 6th, 2015 minutes.

  3. business arising from the minutes.

  4. dean’s report.

  5. assistant dean’s report.

  6. departmental/school reports.

 i)  english - calendar changes:  2015-soc-5309; 2015-soc-5311; 2015-soc-5371.

 ii)  history - calendar changes: 2015-soc-5228; 2015-soc-5235; 2015-soc-5279; 2015-soc-5300; 2015-soc-5327; 2015-soc-5372.

 iii)  interdisciplinary studies - calendar changes:  2015-soc-5322; 2015-soc-5323; 2015-soc-5324; 2015-soc-5376; 2015-soc-5383; 2015-soc-5384; 2015-soc-5385; 2015-soc-5386; 2015-soc-5387.

 iv)  political science - calendar changes: 2015-soc-5317.

 v)  music - calendar change:  2015-soc-5340; 2015-soc-5388.

 vi)  sociology - calendar changes:  2015-soc-5326; 2015-soc-5346.

 vii) women’s studies - calendar changes:  2015-soc-5245; 2015-soc-5318; 2015-soc-5363; 2015-soc-5368.

 viii) visual arts - calendar change:  2015-soc-5373.

  7. other business.

 i) university regulation timely feedback.

  8. next faculty council meeting:  tuesday, january 5th, 2016 at 10:00 am.  (last meeting for calendar changes for 2016/2017.  deadline for submissions is december 23rd at 4:30 pm)



faculty of social sciences and humanities council
 november 6th, 2015

note:  due to a power outage at the orillia campus, d. ivison chaired our faculty council meeting.


dr. scott pound made a short presentation about the writing centre.  he gave a brief description of its objectives.  the committee asked that chairs/director forward on any information they currently have with regard to guides that may currently be in place to help 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .  he suggested that if there is not one in place, it would be a good idea to make one.  handouts were provided and distributed to all chairs/director.

a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, november 6th, 2015 at 10:00 am in atac board room 5037/oa 2005.

approval of agenda
it was moved by j. roth and seconded by i. lemée that the revised agenda be approved.


approval of the minutes

it was moved by j. roth and seconded by i. lemée that the minutes from october 2nd, 2015 be approved.

business arising from minutes


introduction of new colleagues

j. roth introduced dr. jennifer chisholm, a nine-month term appointment in women’s studies

r. martin introduced professor sam shahsahabi as the new tenure-track faculty member in the department of visual arts.  he has been with the department for six years.

dean’s report

dean’s report to faculty council meeting – friday, november 6th, 2015
budget 2016/17

to date, all academic units have viewed a budget presentation given by the vp academic and the vp finance and are awaiting further details about the 2016/17 budget exercise. the deadline for budget submission is december 15 and in advance of the specifics, i would like to ask all units in the faculty of social science and humanities to think about strategic hiring proposals for upcoming round. i will have more details about deadlines for the receipt of proposals once the budget guidelines become available.

dean’s working committee

the first meeting of the dean’s working committee took place on october 19. the items for discussion broadly included: recruitment, enrolment and retention (including new program offerings); support for research; faculty-based fundraising indicatives.

on the recruitment front, the establishment of international ras was suggested, and as a follow-up to this item i have spoken to christine gottardo and she is hopeful that we might be able to establish a program for matching funds for two 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .

additionally, on the topic of fundraising projects for our faculty, i would like to invite departments to consider forwarding suggestions for philanthropic support to my attention. items might include funds for student scholarships, bursaries and awards; visiting scholars in residence; or specific equipment needs. i will be happy to receive suggestions over the next couple of weeks.

audit course enrolments for winter 2016

i would like to remind chairs/director that they should be encouraging their 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to register for winter courses as soon as possible and that an informal audit should take place on under subscribed courses before the end of this month with a view to close under enrolled sections and, where necessary, open new or additional sections.

heather saaltink award – call for applicants

awarded to a 4th year student athlete, who is active at the varsity or club level and demonstrates a commitment to environment protection and social justice, inspiring others to make a difference. preference will be given to a student in the faculty of social sciences and humanities.

research profiles

just a reminder to department chairs to forward research profiles for faculty members in their units. the purpose for collecting this information is to familiarize myself with our faculty’s research interests at the level of individual faculty so that i might become more conversant on this front.

grade 12 preview day

i would like to close my report with a round table discussion on the topic of our faculty’s response to participation in the grade 12 preview day scheduled for tuesday, december 8th, 2015. (see ‘toolkit’)

assistant dean

i am happy to announce that dr. anna guttman has been appointed the assistant dean for the faculty of social sciences and humanities effective immediately and until june 30, 2016.

departmental/school reports

i)  history

it was moved by m. stevenson and seconded by a. den otter that the following calendar changes for history be approved:  2015-soc-5229; 2015-soc-5230; 2015-soc-5231; 2015-soc-5232; 2015-soc-5307.


ii)  interdisciplinary studies

it was moved by l. fiddick and seconded by t. puddephatt that the following calendar change for interdisciplinary studies be approved:  2015-soc-5284.


iii)  philosophy

it was moved by r .maundrell and seconded by j. roth that the following philosophy calendar changes be approved:  2015-soc-5287; 2015-soc-5288; 2015-soc-5268.


iv)  political science

it was moved by p. cain and seconded by i. lemée that the following calendar change for political science be approved:  2015-soc-5314.


vi)  sociology

the following calendar change for sociology was relegated back to t. puddephatt for further revision:  2015-soc-5306-a.


vii)  women’s studies

it was moved by j. roth and seconded by r. maundrell that the following calendar changes for women’s studies be approved:  2015-soc-5319.

other business

1.    disclosure of personal information and student marks

    d. jobin-bevans stated that some faculty members have been posting marks that everyone can
view.  as everyone is aware, this is not an acceptable practice.  as well, graded student work
should not be left in a public place such as outside an office.  he mentioned that the wording in the current policy should be brought up to date.

2.    visual arts open house

    s. shahsahabi spoke about the visual arts annual open house taking place on december 4th
    from noon to 5:00 pm. in the music and visual arts building.  there will be many items for sale at this event made by our 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , faculty and local artists.  a portion of the sales, with the exception of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , will go toward the visiting artists lecturer series.

it was moved by p. cain and seconded by i. lemée that the meeting be adjourned at 11:36 am.

thunder bay campus

d. ivison
d. jobin-bevans
i. lemée
b. vernier
s. shahsahabi
g. colton
j. roth
d. mcpherson
r. maundrell
p. cain
t. puddephatt
r. martin
j. chisholm

orillia campus

a. den otter
m. stevenson
l. fiddick


m. richardson
k. holmes

m. beaulieu

faculty council meeting

friday, november 6, 2015 - 10:00am
atac 5037 / oa 2005


date: november 6th, 2105

to: members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities

subject: council meeting


there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:

friday, november 6th, 2015 from 10:00 am to 11:30 am in atac 5037 / oa2005.




dr. scott pound - writing initiatives committee


  1. approval of agenda.

  2. approval of the october 2nd, 2015 minutes.

  3. business arising from the minutes.

  4. introduction of new colleagues.

  5. dean’s report.

  6. departmental/school reports.

 i)  history - calendar changes:  2015-soc-5229; 2015-soc-5230; 2015-soc-5231; 2015-soc-5232; 2015-soc-5307.

 ii)  interdisciplinary studies - calendar change:  2015-soc-5284.

 iii)  philosophy - calendar changes:  2015-soc-5287; 2015-soc-5288; 2015-soc-5268.

 iv)  political science - calendar changes:  2015-soc-5314.

 v)  sociology - calendar changes:  2015-soc-5306-a.

 vi)  women's studies - calendar changes:  2015-soc-5319.

  7. other business.

  8. next faculty council meeting:  friday, december 11th, 2015 at 10:00 am

  9. adjournment.



faculty of social sciences and humanities council
october 2nd, 2015

a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, october 2nd, 2015 at 10:00 am in atac board room 5035/oa 2005.

approval of agenda
it was moved by a. den otter and seconded by m. beaulieu that the agenda be approved.


approval of the minutes
it was moved by j. roth and seconded by i. lemée that the minutes from april 21st, 2015 be approved.

it was moved by m. beaulieu and seconded by d. ivison that the minutes of may 19th, 2015 be approved.  


business arising from minutes


introduction of new colleagues

r. koster introduced dr. ryan howard, a new faculty member in the school of outdoor recreation, parks
and tourism.

j. roth stated that she will introduce the new faculty member in the department of women’s studies at our next council meeting.

k. holmes introduced professor sam shahsahabi as the new tenure-track faculty member in the department of visual arts.  she stated that professor shahsahabi has been with the department for some years.

m. stevenson stated that the department of interdisciplinary studies had hired two new tenure-track members, dr. ryan mcveigh and dr. beth visser.

dean’s report

dean’s report to faculty council meeting – friday, october 2nd, 2015
interim position
in a rapid turn around, i began as the interim dean of the faculty of ss&h on september 15, 2015 with a mandate to continue until june 30, 2016. during this time, there will be an external search for the position early in the new calendar year with a start date of july 1, 2016.

my sincere thanks to members of our faculty who attended the ouf over last weekend in toronto; early reports from the office of recruitment suggest that overall attendance numbers at the fair where up this year over last year, and specifically numbers of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 that visited the lu booth. chairs can expect to receive contact information collected at the fair to be used for more targeted recruitment activities later in the fall.

the following is information concerning the 50th anniversary homecoming events over this coming weekend. there will be a table set up in the agora tomorrow populated with articles from our faculty departments between 9.00 am and 3.00 pm. chairs form our faculty have been asked to drop off any objects for this purpose to the office of the dean before the end of the afternoon today.  the second event for our faculty will take place on sunday afternoon in the mva building between 1:00 and 3.00 pm. all faculty members have been invited to attend a mixer around the theme of art and music. kristy holmes has been the principle organizer for this event, and i would like to thank faculty who have sent their rsvp for this event.

dean of ss&h task force
i would like to make a call out to our chairs/director for interest to serve on the dean of ss&h task force, a working group to begin meeting sometime this month. the business of this taskforce will be to discuss and develop an action plan around, but not exclusive to three broad issues, including: recruitment, enrollment and retention (including new program offerings); support for research; faculty-based fundraising indicatives. i will be circulating a call out to our chairs/director this afternoon, and would encourage you all to think about your participation on this committee.

request for tightening process
i would like to request that chairs/director supported requests for student overloads must include the student’s average (min. of 70%) and must not exceed 1 fce per year. all requests should be forwarded to sue viitala’s attention and in the case of an email, to myself with sue cc’d. additionally, please be sure to include the total number of fces that the student has enrolled in for the academic year, this will assist sue and i in turning these around these requests more efficiently.
research profiles
i would like to create a research profile for our faculty, and would like to ask that chairs/director work with our faculty members to forward a 3-5 sentence brief on current research initiatives in our faculty. these do not need to be long, but there is a need for the dean to become more conversant on the topic of research both in general terms, and at the level of each individual faculty member. may i ask that this information is forwarded directly to me via email over the coming days.

annual reports
having just completed my first round of annual report reviews for the faculty of ss&h, i am truly amazed at the level of productivity in our faculty, this process gave me insights into faculty research, teaching, and most specifically into the high level of service activities that our faculty members are engaged in throughout the university and the greater community. one request that i would like to encourage faculty to consider for next year would be to use part iv “general comments” to list 3-5 of your top hit accomplishments that you are most proud of for that year. the format of the annual report template really doesn’t allow for any contextualization or elaboration of entries, so by making this more obvious, my hope is that i can produce an more accurate and helpful review of individual accomplishments listed in the body of the report.
departmental/school reports

i)  history
it was moved by m. beaulieu and seconded by i. lemée that dr. peter raffo be reappointed as an external adjunct professor in the department of history effective july 1, 2015 for a four-year period.


ii)  philosophy
it was moved by r .maundrell and seconded by m. beaulieu that the philosophy calendar change, 2015-soc-5205, be approved.


other business


it was moved by d. ivison and seconded by j. roth that the meeting be adjourned at 10:30 am.

thunder bay campus

d. ivison
d. jobin-bevans
i. lemée
b. vernier
k. holmes
g. colton
j. roth
m. beaulieu
r. maundrell
p. cain
r. howard

orillia campus

a. den otter
m. stevenson


m. richardson
d. mcpherson

faculty council meeting

friday, october 2, 2015 - 10:00am
atac 5035 / oa 2005

add body text




date:    october 2nd, 2105

to:    members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities

subject:     council meeting         

there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:

friday, october 2nd, 2015 from 10:00 am to 11:30 am in atac 5035 / oa2005.


 1.    approval of agenda.

 2.    approval of the may 19th, 2015 minutes and april 21st, 2015 minutes.   
 3.    business arising from the minutes.
 4.    introduction of new colleagues.

 5.    dean’s report.

 6.    departmental/school reports.

    i)  history - renewal of dr. peter raffo as external adjunct professor of history.  recommendation memo and    letter of application.
    ii)  philosophy - calendar change - new course:  philosophy research methods (2015-soc-5205).

 7.    other business.
 8.    next faculty council meeting:  friday, november 6th, 2015 at 10:00 am

 9.    adjournment.  


faculty of social sciences and humanities council


 may 19th, 2015


a meeting of the faculty council was held on tuesday, may 19th, 2015 at 2:30 pm in atac board room 5037/oa 2005.


approval of agenda

it was moved by j. roth and seconded by i. lemée that the revised agenda be approved.



election of chair and vice-chair of faculty council

dr. michael stevenson was acclaimed as chair of faculty council and dr. doug ivison was acclaimed as vice-chair of faculty council.


approval of the minutes


approval of the april 21st, 2015 minutes was deferred to the fall council meeting (posted on website).



business arising from minutes



dean’s report


dean’s report to faculty council meeting – tuesday, may 19th, 2015

orillia visit

 at the end of last month, i traveled to orillia for a day of meetings on the orillia campus and to run a choral workshop sponsored by the orillia vocal ensemble on saturday, april 25. the day-long workshop was supported by lakehead with an in kind donation of the use of the commons and cafeteria with over 80 participants from the orillia community and surrounding area.

 crc tier ii chair

 "the crc tier ii chair search committee reconvened to discuss options following the refusal of the position by our first candidate. the committee in communication with the office of the vp research, has drafted a second ad for circulation with the hope that interviews will take place in august. we are still aiming for the crc october deadline to submit a recommended candidate.


china visit

 batia and i returned from a 16 day mini-lecture recruitment tour of china this past week where we visited 3 cities, 4 schools and delivered 16 lectures on the interdisciplinary topic of the use of choral music in anne rice's vampire narrative film adaptation of interview with the vampire. we reached over 1,000 grade 11 and 12 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in the maple leaf schools and cisgg high schools with the mini-lecture format, followed by a q&a on the topic of life at university specific to 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 programs.


assistant dean’s report

 assistant dean’s report – may 2015

our faculty was well represented during research and innovation week. beginning on saturday, the departments of languages and visual arts participated in the interactive display at the intercity shopping centre in thunder bay. isabelle lemee ran the language lab, and the work of mavourneen trainor and visual arts 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 was featured. there was a lot of interest in seeing “artists at work,” and some 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 sold their paintings as a result. many thanks to isabelle, moe, the 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , and roly martin for participating and making the event a success.

 on monday morning, our faculty hosted an informal breakfast session with dr. antonia maioni to discuss issues and questions specific to sshrc researchers. it was a lively discussion with 18 faculty members attending (on both campuses through videoconferencing). many thanks to michael stevenson for taking care of the details for the event in the orillia campus.

 dr. maioni, in her role as president of the federation for the humanities and social sciences, officially opened the ceremonies, and gave the keynote address over lunch later on monday. the lunch was well attended. she spoke about the value of research in the social sciences and humanities, which is an important message to the university community as well as to the community at large.

 on tuesday, our faculty hosted an event celebrating innovation in the arts featuring the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 chamber choir, conducted by our acting dean, dean jobin-bevans, and the work of choreographers edgar zendejas and hari krishnan. the event was well attended by 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , faculty, and community members, and during their stay edgar and hari also offered four workshops to local dance studios.


all of these events were co-sponsored by the office of the vice-president research and innovation.

 on wednesday, the undergraduate research conference took place at the agora and senate chambers in the thunder bay campus. it was a successful conference, with participants in the poster and oral categories peer-evaluating and voting for their favourites from each faculty. the winners from our faculty were sarah shruiff, from orpt, in the poster category, and andrea nahachewsky, from english, in the oral category. the winners attended a lunch with the president, the vp (research and innovation), and members of the organizing committee.


departmental/school reports



other business

  i)  annual reports

d. jobin-bevans reminded faculty members to submit their annual report by may 31st.  he stated that he would be reviewing them in july.  there was going to be a workshop on annual reports as they pertain to merit, etc.  it will make the criteria clear to deans for the merit process.

 ii)  convocation

 d. jobin-bevans stated that convocation this year is on may 30th in the afternoon.  he encouraged faculty members to attend.

 iii)  sister cities in finland

m. beaulieu was the representative from 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 for the sister cities visit to finland.




 the meeting adjourned at 3:00 pm moved by j. roth and i. lemée.




 thunder bay campus

 d. ivison

d. jobin-bevans

i. lemée

r. martin

b. vernier

a. carastathis

g. colton

b. stolar

j. roth

m. beaulieu


orillia campus


s. islam

m. stevenson


 r. koster

d. mcpherson

faculty council meeting

friday, october 2, 2015 - 10:00am

faculty council meeting

tuesday, may 19, 2015 - 1:00pm
atac 5037 / oa 2005

1. approval of agenda.

2. election of chair and vice-chair of faculty council.

3. approval of the april 21st, 2015 minutes.

4. business arising from the minutes.

5. dean's report.

6. assistant dean's report.

7. departmental/school reports.

8. other business.

9. next faculty council meeting: september 2015

10. adjournment.


faculty of social sciences and humanities council


 april 21st, 2015


 a meeting of the faculty council was held on tuesday, april 21st, 2015 at 12:30 pm in atac board room 5035/oa 2005.

 d. ivison was appointed as acting chair of faculty council in m. beaulieu’s absence.


approval of agenda

 it was moved by i. lemée and seconded by t. dufresne that the revised agenda be approved.



approval of the minutes

 it was moved by r. martin and seconded by g. colton that the minutes of march 23rd, 2015 be approved as amended.



business arising from minutes



dean’s report

 dean’s report to faculty council meeting – tuesday, april 21st, 2015

crc chair tier ii

 negotiations are currently underway with the preferred candidate for the crc tier ii chair in digital humanities. if the candidate accepts our offer, we will still try to make the very tight april 27 deadline to the crc.


orillia travel

 tomorrow afternoon, i will be traveling to orillia to meet with colleagues on that campus and participating as a clinician in an all-day workshop hosted by the orillia vocal ensemble to be held on the orillia campus.

 china recruitment trip

 batia stolar and i will be leaving for china on thursday, april 30 for a two-week recruitment tour of two maple leaf schools and two schools in the canadian international school guangxi gaojie in nanning. we will be co-teaching in classes of grade 10 through 12 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , delivering “lakehead mini-lectures” on the topic of the use of choral music in popular film.


assistant dean’s report

 assistant dean’s report – april 2015

as you already know, during her visit during r&i week, dr. maioni declined her honorarium and asked that it be used instead to support a student from our faculty attending congress in ottawa.

we developed the criteria for selection, and asked that any 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 who are attending this year, or are interested in attending, write a letter to apply for this one-time award. to date, we have received no applications and no indication that any of our 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 are attending congress this year. also, nobody has volunteered to serve on the selection committee. the deadline for applications is april 24.

if we do not receive any applications in the next three days, we will hold the award for next year. if this is the case, please encourage your 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 (graduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in particular) to submit abstracts to their corresponding societies to present a paper at congress in calgary. we will then ask for volunteers to form a selection committee, and grant the award to a student in our faculty attending congress next year. in the meantime, we will also let dr. maioni know of this process.

the second reminder is that undergraduate recruitment is hosting a special event on wednesday, april 22: the thunder bay applicant reception. the event is from 7:00 – 9:00 pm at the agora, and each faculty will have a break-out session from 8:15 – 8:45 pm. thank you to all of those who have responded so far and will attend the event tomorrow. it will be a great opportunity for applicants to lakehead to meet representatives of our units in the thunder bay campus. if you have not yet responded but would like to attend to represent your department or school, or have a designate attending in your place, please let me know as soon as possible.


departmental/school reports



other business

  i)  tesl

 d. jobin-bevans stated that he had received information (pamphlets) on tesl training from d. kerr in education.  d. kerr would like to ramp up teaching as a second language for the summer program.  it was suggested that it may be offered in orillia.

 ii)  research course release proposal

 a number of members of the department of english have put together a proposal for course release which was supported by the departments of english and interdisciplinary studies.  (a copy was provided.)  a very lengthy discussion followed.  concerns were raised about the resources to fund the course releases and the criteria to determine the recipients.  it was decided to send out the document provided at faculty council to all colleagues as a “working document” for further comments/suggestions.

 iii)  appointment of nominations committee

 it was moved by t. dufresne and g. colton that the faculty council nominations committee to oversee the election of the chair and vice-chair will consist of dr. michael stevenson, chair, and dr. isabelle lemée and dr. tony puddephatt.




 the meeting adjourned at 1:30 pm moved by t. dufresne and i. lemée.



 thunder bay campus

 t. puddephatt

d. ivison

d. jobin-bevans

i. lemée

t. dufresne

b. stolar

r. martin

b. vernier

a. carastathis


orillia campus


s. islam

c. fogel

a. den otter

m. stevenson





r. koster

d. mcpherson

j. roth

m. beaulieu

b. stolar

l. fiddick
