faculty council meeting - deadline agenda items - wednesday, april 4/2018

friday, april 6, 2018 - 10:30am
atac 5036/oa 3041

date:           april 6, 2018
to:              members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
subject:      council meeting         
there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:

friday, april 6th from 10:30 am to noon in atac 5036 / oa 3041.


toll free:


49201# <= please remember the # key.


dr. heather murchison - vice-provost (institutional planning & analysis

 1.    approval of agenda.

 2.    approval of the following minutes:   february 2, 2018.

 3.    business arising from the minutes.

 4.    dean’s report.

 5.    assistant dean’s report.

 6.    departmental/school reports.
    i) social justice studies – calendar changes:
    2018-soc-6539 – ma social justice thesis option
    2018-soc-6541 – socj:  master’s thesis

 7.    other business.

i)  formation of nominations committee to consider nominations for chair and vice-chair of faculty  council – 2018/2019.

 8.    next faculty council meeting:    friday, may 4th, 2018 at 10:30 am. (last meeting of the year)
        rooms:  atac 5036/ orillia 3041

 9.    adjournment.


faculty of social sciences and humanities council

february 2nd, 2018
a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, february 2nd, 2018 at 10:30 am in atac board room 5036/ orillia 3041 – teleconference/polycom.

introduction of new faculty member:
a. den otter introduced dr. alana saulnier, a new faculty member in the department of interdisciplinary studies/criminology.

approval of agenda
 it was moved by j. roth seconded by g. colton that the agenda be approved.

approval of minutes
it was moved by j. roth and seconded by r. robson that the amended minutes from friday, january 5th, 2018 be approved.

business arising from the minutes

dean’s report
february 2018
highlights from january’s activities:
dr. douglas hayes has joined me this term as my assistant dean. i’d like to welcome doug and thank him for his assistance. he will be working on a number of activities for our faculty this term.

our winter 2018 newsletter has been completed and is posted on line. print copies will be forthcoming. my thanks to frances harding for her excellent story gathering and writing skills, and rusty brown for making it look professional – and sue for paying the folks, getting the newsletter to print and posting it online!

in early january we hosted guests from mid sweden university, who were here exploring partnership and exchange opportunities for undergraduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in the school of outdoor recreation, parks and tourism and graduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in the mes.

i have been working on exploring opportunities for the development of a ba general combined credential with georgian college with the deputy provost (this is part of the continued exploration of opportunities for our partnership with georgian). we have nothing concrete as yet, but when we do, i will be bringing it to faculty council for input and suggestions.

i presented the faculty of ssh budget to the executive team; i am hoping that we will have some news on our submitted hire requests in late february. the final budget is not approved by the board of governors until may.
i will be in orillia feb 26 to march 2nd, and again march 18-22.

assistant dean’s report
ss&h undergraduate research internship
again this year, the dean will be offering two internship awards, one in orillia and one in thunder bay.  a description of the award and outline of the process are currently posted on the social sciences and humanities website.  the committee will make it’s decision on the recipients of the awards on march 29.  those who have already been successful receiving the awards in the past are eligible to apply again.
there will be two lunches, one in orillia and one in thunder bay, for those faculty members and their interested 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .  the details will be sent out shortly. t. puddephatt suggested the program is very valuable in gearing 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 toward graduate school, and encouraged the faculty to offer a higher number of awards to encourage hands-on student training.

departmental/school reports
v)  women’s studies
it was moved by j. roth and seconded by k. holmes that the calendar changes for women’s studies be approved.

2018-soc-6500:  course-modification-ug-women’s studies-course title change.
2018-soc-6509:  course-modification-women’s studies – addition of offering information.
2018-soc-6510:  courses-modification-women’s studies-addition of offering information.

other business
i)  academic blocks and timetabling
a. guttman stated that the new loading sheets were a good idea but very time consuming as english has 70 programs that require service courses from english.  it was suggested that seats be set aside to cover all the requests.  it was stated that scheduling might not be award of all these requests.  a. guttman also asked if any other departments/school had the same problem.  she also suggested that a follow-up discussion after this initial process would be helpful to see how things are working out.

ii)  discussion of video seminars and online teaching
t. puddephatt spoke about online teaching and the revenue that was generated from them, wondering whether a system in which the money earned from these courses could be converted into online support resources.  a. guttman stated that we should be allowed to offer as many sections of over enrolled courses as possible in order to generate money.  a brief discussion followed regarding the technology that is currently in place for the online offerings and how they might be enhanced. it was decided that the dean would report back to faculty council about possibilities (hardware and software) to expand online and video-streamed course seminars across campuses and distance programming, like is done in other faculties such as health science. this might relieve pressure from competition for the telepresence room, and encourage higher quality learning.

8.  next faculty council meeting:  friday, march 2nd, 2018 at 10:30 am; room:  atac 5036/oa 3041.
 it was moved by all that the meeting be adjourned.    

 thunder bay campus
j. leggatt
k. holmes
a. carastathis
s. jacoba
d. hayes
m. johnston
r. robson
j. roth
a. guttman
t. puddephatt

orillia campus
s.s. islam
m. stevenson
a. den otter
a. saulnier
b. visser

i. lemée
m. beaulieu
d. ivison

s. jeppesen


faculty council meeting - cancelled

friday, march 9, 2018 - 10:30am
atac 5035/oa 2005

faculty council meeting - submission deadline for items for the agenda is wednesday, january 31/2018

friday, february 2, 2018 - 10:30am
atac 5036/oa 3041


date:        february 2, 2018
to:            members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
subject:     council meeting         
there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:

friday, february 2nd from 10:30 am to noon in atac 5036 / oa 3041.
toll free:
47924# <== please remember the # key.

introduction of new faculty member: 

dr. alana saulnier, interdisciplinary studies/criminology - orillia campus


 1.    approval of agenda.
 2.    approval of the following minutes:   january 5, 2018.
 3.    business arising from the minutes.
 4.    dean’s report.
 5.    assistant dean’s report.
 6.    departmental/school reports.

        women's studies:  calendar changes:

        2018-soc-6500 - course-modification-ug-women's studies-course title change.

        2018-soc-6509 - course-modification-women's studies-addition of the offering information.

        2018-soc-6510 - courses-modification-women's studies-addition of offering information.
 7.    other business.

       i)  academic blocks and timetabling.

      ii)  discussion of video-seminars and online teaching.

 8.    next faculty council meeting:    friday, march 2nd, 2018 at 10:30 am.
        rooms:  atac 5036/ orillia 3041
 9.    adjournment.


faculty of social sciences and humanities council
january 5, 2018

 a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, january 5th, 2018 at 10:30 am in atac board room 3004/ orillia 3041 – teleconference/polycom.

approval of agenda
it was moved by m. beaulieu seconded by d. ivison that the agenda be approved.
approval of minutes
it was moved by m. beaulieu and seconded by k. holmes that the amended minutes from friday, december 8th, 2017 be approved.
business arising from the minutes
dean’s report
departmental/school reports
i)  history
it was moved by m. beaulieu and seconded by r. robson that the calendar change for history be approved.  2018-soc-courses-modifications and new-ug-religious studies.

ii)  indigenous learning
it was moved by r. robson and seconded by d. ivison that the calendar changes for indigenous
learning be approved.  
2017-soc-6298:  discontinuing indigenous learning 3333.
 2017-soc-6382:  cross listing anthropology and indigenous learning courses.
 2017-soc-6391:  course title change for indigenous learning 3351.
 2017-soc-6446:  update language to current standards.  

 iii)  interdisciplinary studies
it was moved by d. west and seconded by s. islam that the calendar changes for interdisciplinary
studies be approved.
2017-soc-6460-a:  media studies course changes.
2017-soc 6460-b:  media studies course changes.
2017-soc-6442:  cross-list mdst 3410 with wome 3410.

 iv)  music

it was moved by a. carastathis and seconded by r. robson that the calendar change for music be
2018-soc-6471:  change requirements for artist certificate program to 1.0 fce.

iv)  outdoor recreation, parks and tourism: calendar changes:  
it was moved by h. lemelin and seconded by m. johnston that the calendar changes for outdoor
recreation, parks and tourism be approved.
2017-soc-5682-b:  programs-new-ug-outdoor rec-confederation college travel and eco-adventure diploma to hbor transfer (originally submitted under request number 2016-soc-5518).
2017-soc-6455:  modify outd 3715.
2017-soc-6456:  discontinuation of mes in nature-based recreation and tourism.
2017-soc-6457:  outd 3610 title change and course description.
2017-soc-6458:  outd 4611 title change and course description change.
2018-soc-646::  discontinuation of mes courses.
2018-soc-6465:  discontinuation of two mes courses.
2018-soc-6466-a-a:  addition of indigenous learning 1100 to year 1 in all hbor programs.
2018-soc-6475-a:  addition of indigenous learning 1100 as another elective choice in year 1.
2018-soc-6480:  addition of indigenous learning 1100 as an additional elective choice in year 1 under "(d) one of"
2018-soc-6481: outd 4920 name change and other modifications.

m. beaulieu assumed the position of vice-chair of faculty council.

v)  women’s studies
it was moved by j. roth and seconded by h. lemelin that the calendar change for women’s studies be approved.

2018-soc-6484:  cross list request with media studies in orillia.

j. roth resumed her position as vice-chair of faculty council.

other business

7.  next faculty council meeting:  friday, february 2nd, 2018 at 10:30 am; room:  atac 5036/oa 3041.

it was moved by m. beaulieu and seconded by h. lemelin that the meeting be adjourned.    

thunder bay campus
dr. k. holmes
dr. d. ivison
dr. a. carastathis
dr. s. jacoba
dr. d. hayes
dr. m. johnston
dr. m. beaulieu
dr. h. lemelin
dr. r. robson
dr. j. roth
dr. e. chugonov

orillia campus
d. west
s.s. islam
m. stevenson
a. den otter

i. lemée
r. koster

faculty council meeting - final meeting for calendar changes for 2018/2019 - deadline for submissions: 4:30 pm on january 3/2018

friday, january 5, 2018 - 10:30am
atac 3004/oa 3041

date:        january 5, 2018
to:            members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
subject:     council meeting         
there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:
friday, january 5th from 10:30 am to noon in atac 3004 / oa 3041.


toll free:
47311# <== please remember the # key.


rpd #: 8847311

 1.    approval of agenda.

 2.    approval of the following minutes:   december 8, 2017.

 3.    business arising from the minutes.

 4.    dean’s report.

 5.    departmental/school reports.
    i)  history:  calendar change:
    2017-soc-6292:  courses-modifications and new-ug-religious studies.

    ii)  indigenous learning:  calendar changes:  
    2017-soc-6298:  discontinuing indigenous learning 3333.
    2017-soc-6382:  cross listing anthropology and indigenous learning courses.
    2017-soc-6391:  course title change for indigenous learning 3351.
    2017-soc-6446:  update language to current standards.   

 iii)  interdisciplinary studies:  calendar changes:

   2017-soc-6460-a:  media studies course changes.

  2017-soc 6460-b:  media studies course changes.

  2017-soc-6442:  cross-list mdst 3410 with wome 3410.

 iv)  music:  calendar changes:

  2018-soc-6471:  change requirements for artist certificate program to 1.0 fce.

  iv)  outdoor recreation, parks and tourism:  calendar changes:

  2017-soc-5682-b:  programs-new-ug-outdoor rec-confederation college travel and eco-adventure diploma to hbor transfer (originally submitted under request number 2016-soc-5518).

 2017-soc-6455:  modify outd 3715. 

2017-soc-6456:  discontinuation of mes in nature-based recreation and tourism.

2017-soc-6457:  outd 3610 title change and course description.

2017-soc-6458:  outd 4611 title change and course description change.

 2018-soc-6464:  discontinuation of mes courses.

 2018-soc-6465:  discontinuation of two mes courses.

 2018-soc-6466-a-a:  addition of indigenous learning 1100 to year 1 in all hbor programs.

 2018-soc-6475-a:  addition of indigenous learning 1100 as another elective choice in year 1.

 2018-soc-6480:  addition of indigenous learning 1100 as an additional elective choice in year 1 under "(d) one of"

 2018-soc-6481:  outd 4920 name change and other modifications.

 v)  women's studies:  calendar changes:

  2018-soc-6484:  cross list request with media studies in orillia.

 6.    other business.

 7.    next faculty council meeting:    friday, february 2nd, 2018 at 10:30 am.
       rooms:  atac 5036/ orillia 3041

 8.    adjournment.


faculty of social sciences and humanities council
 december 8, 2017

a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, december 8rd, 2017, at 1:00 pm in atac board room 5036/ orillia 3041 – teleconference/polycom.

d. geer led a discussion regarding diversity and equity.  the possibility of a pilot project and training for our faculty was discussed.

approval of agenda
it was moved by k. holmes and seconded by r. maundrell that the agenda be approved.

approval of minutes

it was moved by r. maundrell and seconded by m. beaulieu that the amended minutes from friday, november 3rd, 2017 be approved.

business arising from the minutes


dean’s report

dean’s report to faculty council, friday, december 8th, 2017
preview day
all were thanked for their contribution to preview day on december 5th.  due to the weather conditions, there will be another event held for local 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in the new year.

a survey assessing student awareness and knowledge of indigenous peoples will be sent out to graduating 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 at lakehead early next year.  this follows after an initial conversation with denise baxter, vice-provost, aboriginal initiatives.  

survey re: accessibility study
the office of human rights and equity will be conducting an accessibility study. they will be sending out a survey to all faculty, 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and staff for them to complete. please respond to amna siddiqui, coordinator, sexual violence prevention and education, if you are interested in participating. r. koster has forwarded her email to all chairs/directors.

cedl update
all submissions for spring and summer courses have been accepted.  if, however, enrolment for these courses does not meet the required 15 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , they will be cancelled three weeks in advance of their start date.  
a memo to chairs/directors for fall/winter course offerings will be sent out shortly.  not all proposals will be accepted, and courses will be monitored carefully for enrolment.  a short discussion followed.

hiring proposals for 2018/2019 are due to the dean’s office by december 21 and will then be forwarded on the provost’s office for consideration.  replacement hires and deferred decisions will be considered first with strategic hires after that.  it was mentioned that there will not be many hires in this category but that it was/is important to submit requests now for consideration later.  a template will be sent out soon which will outline what criteria/information is required.

orillia visit
thank you to all in orillia for such a great visit..!

departmental/school reports

i)  indigenous learning:  calendar changes:
as there was no one from indigenous learning to speak to the calendar changes, they were tabled until the next faculty council meeting on january 5th, 2018.
2017-soc-6298:  discontinuing indigenous learning 3333.
2017-soc-6382:  cross listing anthropology and indigenous learning courses
2017-soc-6391:  course title change for indigenous learning 3351.
2017-soc-6446:  update language to current standards.

ii)  interdisciplinary studies:  calendar changes:  
it was moved by a. den otter and seconded by h. lemelin that the calendar changes for interdisciplinary studies be approved.
2017-soc-6337:  change to course list for hbasc human nature concentration.
2017-soc-6441:  cross-calendared soci 3811 and mdst 3811.


iii)  music: calendar changes:  
it was moved by a. carastathis and seconded by h. lemelin that the calendar changes for music be approved.
2017-soc-6433:  delete course musi 4951 ½ credit – change to music 4900 full credit course.
2017-soc-6434:  create new full credit course from previous half credit course.

v)  political science:  calendar change:
it was moved by z. wai and seconded by m. flegel that the calendar change for political science be approved.
2017-soc-6383:  poli 3351 – change description.

vi)  sociology:  calendar changes:
it was moved by t. puddephatt and seconded by m. flegel that the calendar changes for sociology be approved.
2017-soc-6404:  new course.
2017-soc-6408:  new course 3011 – islam and the west.
2017-soc-6411:  new course soci 2012.
2017-soc-6412:  new course soci 5011.
2017-soc-6443:  note added to soc. 3112, 4010,4114.

vii)  visual arts:  calendar changes:  
it was moved by k. holmes and seconded by m. flegel that the calendar changes for visual arts be approved.
2017-soc-6373: fce changes.
2017-soc-6374:  new/deleted courses.
2017-soc-6432:  add cross listed course.

vii) history:  calendar changes:
it was moved by m. beaulieu and seconded by r. maundrell that the calendar changes for history be approved.
2017-soc-6403:  courses-new-and-modifications-ug-history.
2017-soc-6488:  courses-modifications-ug-history-changes_second_year_prerequisitesw (global).


this course was tabled for further discussion until the next faculty council meeting on january 5th, 2018.
2017-soc-6292:  courses-modifications and new-ug-religious studies.

other business

1.    policies, exams and timely feedback
    r. koster reminded everyone that there are to be no exams in the last two weeks of classes.  she also mentioned the importance of timely feedback to 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .  she will be sending out information (policies) regarding these two items to all chairs.

2.    items for provost’s report
    r. koster stated the c. ridley is looking for items to put forward for the provost’s report.  she encouraged chairs/directors to submit a couple of lines with regard to what is happening within their departments/school to the provost’s office.

3.    united way
    m. flegel spoke about the annual giving for the united way.  she stated that the united way supports many groups and local charities and was hoping that lakehead would take on more of a leadership role.  she encouraged everyone to support this worthy cause.  an email will be sent out to reminding people of this.

7.  next faculty council meeting:  friday, november 3rd, 2017 at 10:30 am; room:  atac 5036/oa 3041.

it was moved by m. flegel and a. carastathis that the meeting be adjourned.

thunder bay campus
dr. m. flegel
dr. t. puddephatt
dr. r. maundrell
dr. k. holmes
dr. z. wai
dr. r. koster
dr. a. carastathis
dr. m. beaulieu
dr. h. lemelin

orillia campus
m. stevenson
a. den otter

a. guttman
l. chambers
j. roth
r. robson
i. lemée
s. jeppesen

d. ivison

faculty council meeting

friday, december 8, 2017 - 1:00pm
atac 5036/oa 3041 - deadline for submission of items for agenda - wednesday, december 6 at 4:30pm.


date:        december 8, 2017
to:            members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
subject:     council meeting         
there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:
friday, december 8th from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm in atac 5036 / oa 3041.

rpd#:   8846994
toll free:   1-888-892-7292
46994# <== please remember the # key.

    ms. dreeni geer – director, human rights and equity
 1.    approval of agenda.
 2.    approval of the following minutes:   november 3, 2017.
 3.    business arising from the minutes.
 4.    dean’s report.
 5.    departmental/school reports.
    i)  indigenous learning:  calendar changes:  
    2017-soc-6298:  discontinuing indigenous learning 3333.
    2017-soc-6382:  cross listing anthropology and indigenous learning courses.
    2017-soc-6391:  course title change for indigenous learning 3351.
    2017-soc-6446:  update language to current standards.

ii)  interdisciplinary studies:  calendar changes: 

  2017-soc-6337:  change to course list for hbasc human nature concentration.

  2017-soc-6441:  cross-calendar soci 3811 and mdst 3811.

iii)  music: calendar changes:  
    2017-soc-6433:  delete course musi 4951 ½ credit – change to music 4900 full credit course.
    2017-soc-6434:  create new full credit course from previous half credit course.

     v)  political science:  calendar changes:
    2017-soc-6383:  poli 3351 – change description.

    vi)  sociology:  calendar changes:
    2017-soc-6404:  new course.
    2017-soc-6408:  new course 3011 – islam and the west.

    2017-soc-6409:  title changes to existing courses
    2017-soc-6411:  new course soci 2012.

    2017-soc-6412:  new course soci 5011. 

    2017-soc-6443:  note added to soc. 3112, 4010, 4114.

    2017-soc-6435:  sociology 3811 - requested it be cross calendared with mdst 3811.

    vii)  visual arts:  calendar changes:  
    2017-soc-6373: fce changes.
    2017-soc-6374:  new/deleted courses.
    2017-soc-6432:  add cross listed course.
    viii)  history:  calendar changes:

    2017-soc-6292:  courses-modifications and new-ug-religious studies.

 6.    other business.

        i)  policies, exams, and timely feedback.

       ii)  items for provost's report.

      iii) united way.

 7.    next faculty council meeting:    friday, january 5th, 2018 at 10:30 am.
        room atac 5036/ orillia 3041

 8.    adjournment.


faculty of social sciences and humanities council
november 3, 2017

a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, november 3rd, 2017, at 10:30 am in atac board room 5036/ orillia 3041 – teleconference/polycom.

approval of agenda
it was moved by a. guttman seconded by j. chisholm that the revised agenda be approved.

approval of minutes

it was moved by d. ivison and seconded by m. stevenson that the amended minutes from friday, october 13th, 2017 be approved.

business arising from the minutes

1.    a. guttman inquired about contacting s. maloney for lists of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 that showed an interest in lakehead at ouf.  r. koster stated that they now have the lists electronically and were in the process of adding the hand written requests to the electronic files.

dean’s report

dean’s report to faculty council, friday, november 3rd, 2017

d. geer has been contacted and will be at our next faculty council meeting.  m. mcpherson will try to attend.  

provost – aboriginal initiatives

d. baxter is the new the new provost – aboriginal initiatives and has been meeting with all the deans.  she will be meeting with all the chairs and directors, and her office will be contacting the departments/schools to set them up.  d. baxter will be sending out a survey to assess 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 ’ understanding of aboriginal history.  she is currently looking at fourth year 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .  a. guttman suggested that they may want to look at second year as well as fourth year classes and also one aboriginal and one not.  a. den otter suggested second year as no fourth year 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 have taken any icr classes.  the survey would be based on the student’s current knowledge out of high school.

recruitment - preview day
a letter from c. o’halloran, manager of undergraduate recruitment, was sent out to all chairs/directors outlining recruitment dates.  preview day will be held on tuesday, december 5th.  all are free to contact them for ideas and suggestions as to what activities might be used, ex. bringing in alumni or recent graduates to speak with perspective 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .

research and innovation week
we have been asked by r. nicholas if anyone from our faculty is interested in participating at the mall on the saturday during research week.  a short discussion followed.  

visit from new dean
e. birmingham will be visiting our thunder bay campus next week.  she will be visiting with different departments during this trip, and all are on her list for her subsequent visits as well as orillia.

departmental/school reports
i)  indigenous learning

 as there was no one from indigenous learning to speak to this calendar change, (2017-soc-6298:
 discontinuing indigenous learning 3333), it was tabled for our next council meeting.

 ii)  philosophy

it was moved by r. maundrell and seconded by d. ivison that the calendar changes for philosophy be
2017-soc-6268 a:  programs-modifications-ug-philosophy-addition of compulsory courses;  
2017-soc-6269:  courses-new and discontinuation-ug-philosophy-retitling and changing year

iii)  political science: calendar changes:  

dr. zahir kolia was introduced as a term appointment in political science.
it was moved by z. kolia and seconded by a. guttman that the calendar changes for political science be
2017-soc-6222-a-a:  political science: poli 2110 is replacing 2212 and 2213 (both were discontinued to make 2011).  adding this change to all programs;    
2017-soc-62222-b:  economics: business 1056 and 1076 is replacing 1066 political science: poli 2110 is replacing 2212 and 2213 (both were discontinued to make 2011).

other business

hiring requests
a. guttman inquired about hiring requests for 2018/2019.  r. koster stated the next year’s hiring would be based on enrolment numbers in order to create a budget projection.  she will ask the provost to find out the timeline for hiring proposals.  a discussion followed regarding the timing of advertisements and the hiring process.

7.  next faculty council meeting:  friday, november 3rd, 2017 at 10:30 am; room:  atac 5036/oa 3041.

 it was moved by everyone that the meeting be adjourned.    carried.

thunder bay campus
dr. j. chisholm
dr. a. guttman
dr. t. puddephatt
dr. r. maundrell
dr. k. holmes
dr. d. ivison
dr. g. colton
dr. z. kolia
dr. s. jacoba
dr. r. koster

orillia campus
m. stevenson
a. den otter


l. chambers
j. roth
r. robson
h. lemelin
t. potter
i. lemée
m. beaulieu

faculty council meeting

friday, november 3, 2017 - 10:30am
atac 5036/oa 3041 - deadline for submission of items for agenda - tuesday. october 31 at 4:30 pm.


date:        november 3, 2017

to:            members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities

subject:    council meeting         
there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:
friday, november 3rd from 10:30 am to noon atac 5036 / oa 3041.

 1.    approval of agenda.
 2.    approval of the following minutes:   october 13, 2017.
 3.    business arising from the minutes.
 4.    dean’s report.
 5.    departmental/school reports.
      i)  indigenous learning:  calendar change:  2017-soc-6298:  discontinuing indigenous    
    learning 3333.

     ii)  philosophy:    calendar changes:
2017-soc-6268 a:  programs-modifications-ug-philosophy-addition of compulsory courses;  
2017-soc-6269:  courses-new and discontinuation-ug-philosophy-retitling and changing year level;  
2017-soc-6293:  courses-new-ug-philosophy.

 iii)  political science: calendar changes:  
2017-soc-6222-a-a:  political science: poli 2110 is replacing 2212 and 2213 (both were discontinued to make 2011). adding this change to all programs;    
2017-soc-6222-b:  economics: business 1056 and 1076 is replacing 1066 political science: poli 2110 is replacing 2212 and 2213 (both were discontinued to make 2011).

 6.    other business.

 7.    next faculty council meeting:    note:  change of date:
                                                            friday, december 8th, 2017 at 1:00 pm.
                                                            room atac 5036/ orillia tba
 8.    adjournment.


faculty of social sciences and humanities council
october 13th, 2017
a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, october 13th, 2017, at 10:30 am in atac board room 3004/orillia – teleconference/polycom.

introduction of new faculty member:

indigenous learning
dr. rob robson introduced their new faculty member, dr. lana ray. (tenure track)

approval of agenda
it was moved by d. ivison seconded by m. beaulieu that the revised agenda be approved.


approval of minutes
it was moved by j. roth and seconded by i. lemée that the amended minutes from friday, september 8th, 2017 be approved.


business arising from the minutes

1.    department of languages – calendar change update
i. lemee stated that calendar change regarding the discontinuation of minors in the department of languages has been cancelled. (2016-soc-5818)

2.    update on equity policy
s. jeppesen stated that it is important to have an updated equity policy for the upcoming round of hiring.  

dean’s report
dean’s report to faculty council, friday, october 13th, 2017

r. koster gave an update on ouf and thanked everyone who participated.  there were approximately 140,000 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 who attended this event this year.  information has been collected from those 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 who attended the fair and chairs/directors can get a list of those 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 who were interested in their programs from shannon maloney, recruitment coordinator.

classroom visits
r. koster visited selected first year classes with a representative from the student success centre the last week in september and the first week in october.  

the fall newsletter is now online with the hard copies to be distributed soon.  the process for preparing our newsletters begins months ahead of the release date, ie: july for the winter edition.  we are currently producing two per year with no more than eight pages per issue.  our current target is alumni and outreach.

cedl committee
the office of continuing education and distributed learning will no longer exist.  a committee has been formed to review the process and to decide on steps going forward.  calls for next spring/summer have been sent out, compiled and will be forwarded on the committee for discussion.  it is their goal to make all decisions equitable.  (a discussion followed regarding enrolment, courses offered and course cancellations.)

equity hiring
an update on the previous faculty council discussing concerns of equity with regard to hiring was provided.  r. koster had met with d. geer to discuss options and about the possibility of a pilot project to decide on best practices.  options as to what these would be and how to get there were discussed at length during the faculty council meeting; it was suggested that d. geer and m. mcpherson be asked to attend our next faculty council meeting to suggest what the next step might be.

departmental/school reports

i)  english
it was moved by d. ivison and seconded by m. beaulieu that the calendar change for english be approved.  2017-soc-6270 – 4-year ba english (non-direct).

ii)  history
it was moved by m. beaulieu and seconded by j. roth that the calendar change for history be approved.  2017-soc-6291 – course-discontinuation-ug-history.

other business


7.  next faculty council meeting:  friday, november 3rd, 2017 at 10:30 am; room:  atac 5036/oa 3041.

 it was moved by i. lemée and seconded by j. roth that the meeting be adjourned.

 thunder bay campus
r. robson
l. ray
r. koster
i. lemée
a. carastathis
r. maundrell
l. chambers
z. wai
t. puddephatt
s. jacoba
j. roth
e. chugunov
h. lemelin
d. ivison
m. beaulieu

orillia campus
m. stevenson
a. den otter
s. jeppesen

a. guttman
k. holmes
r. harpelle

faculty council meeting

friday, october 13, 2017 - 10:30am
atac 3004/tba


date:        october 13, 2017

to:            members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities

subject:    council meeting         
there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:

friday, october 13 from 10:30 am to noon atac 3004 / teleconference call:

toll free:
45674# <== please remember the # key.

 1.    approval of agenda.
 2.    approval of the following minutes:   september 8, 2017.
 3.    business arising from the minutes.
 4.    dean’s report.
 5.    departmental/school reports.
      i)  english:  calendar change:  2017-soc-6270:  4-year ba english (non-direct entry  degree option.

     ii)  history:  calendar change:  2017-soc-6291:  course-discontinuation-ug-history.
 6.    other business.
 7.    next faculty council meeting:    friday. november 3, 2017 at 10:30 am.
        room atac 5036 / oa 3041
 8.    adjournment.


faculty of social sciences and humanities council


  september 8, 2017

a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, september 8th, 2017, at 10:30 am in atac board room 5036/oa 3041.


 mr. chad o’halloran – manager, undergraduate recruitment

c. o’halloran gave an overview of his recruitment staff and activities for the coming year.

 dr. amy farrell-morneau – indigenous curriculum specialist

a. farrell-morneau gave a short presentation to let faculty members know that she is available to help with any questions/concerns with regard to icr courses and course content.

 dr. t. puddephatt introduced himself as the new chair of faculty council and dr. j. roth as the assistant chair.  he also introduced dr. r. koster as our new acting dean.

 introduction of new faculty members:


 dr. i. lemée introduced their new faculty member, dr. sarah jacoba. (tenure track)

 women’s studies

 dr. lori chambers introduced their new faculty member, dr. jennifer chisholm.  (tenure track)


 dr. aris carastathis introduced their new faculty member, dr. evgeny chugunov (limited term)

 indigenous learning

 dr. rob robson introduced their new faculty member, dr. lana ray (tenure track)


 dr. tony puddephatt introduced their new faculty member, dr. barbara parker (tenure track)

 dr. puddephatt welcomed all the new members to our faculty council.


approval of agenda

 it was moved by m. beaulieu and seconded by j. roth that the agenda be approved.



approval of minutes

 it was moved by a. guttman and seconded by j. roth that the minutes from friday, may 18th, 2017 be approved.



business arising from the minutes



dean’s report

 dean’s report to faculty council, friday, september 8th, 2017

r. koster reported that dr. d. hayes had been appointed as the assistant dean for the 2018 winter term. 

r. koster mentioned that dr. a. saulnier, a new tenure track faculty member for criminology, would be introduced at the faculty council meeting in january 2018. 

r. koster stated that 45 applicants were reviewed for the canada 150 research chair.  two were made to 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 with one from social sciences and humanities in the department of sociology.  it will know by november of this year as to the outcome of the candidate.

she also mentioned that homecoming weekend was just around the corner from september 28 to 30, 2017. 


departmental/school reports

 i)  history

it was moved by m. beaulieu and seconded by a. guttman that the calendar change for history be approved.  2017-soc-6256 – discontinuation of hba.nstu.


 ii)  languages

it was moved by i. lemée and seconded by j. roth that the calendar change for languages be approved.  2017-soc-6215 – programs-new-ug-languages-certificates in international languages be approved.


 it was moved by i. lemée and seconded by j. roth that the calendar change for languages be relegated back to the department for further review be approved.  2016-soc-5818 – programs discontinuing – ug- languages-delete minors.



other business

 1.  150 canada research chairs.

a. guttman asked if during the selection process for the 150 canada research chairs, there was any attempt with regard to equity.  r. koster responded by saying that those reviewing the applications were told to pay attention to gender equity.  a lengthy discussion followed about the need for equity at lakehead especially pertaining to the hiring process.  r. koster stated that she would mention it at the next deans’ council meeting.  she said she would also follow up with d. geer with regard to policy.

 2.  technology and classrooms.

several faculty members mentioned that they were struggling with the current technology in their classrooms.  in some classes, desktop mikes were not working and in some cases instructors were not able to use the podium for presentations.    it was mentioned that the ability to use the telepresence room was severely limited.  a. den otter stated that the teaching and learning committee now has some representation from technology services.  r. koster stated that she would speak to either a. brigham or m. mcpherson about these issues.

 7.  next faculty council meeting: friday, october 13th, 2017:  room atac 3004/oa 3041.



 it was moved by j. roth and seconded by z. wai that the meeting be adjourned.



 thunder bay campus

 r. robson

r. koster

i. lemée

a. guttman

a. carastathis

r. maundrell

j. chisholm

l. chambers

z. wai

t. puddephatt

b. parker

s. jacoba

j. roth

e. chugunov

k. holmes

d. ivison

m. beaulieu

 orillia campus

 m. stevenson

a. den otter


 s. jeppesen

september 8, 2017

friday, september 8, 2017 - 10:30am
atac 5036/oa 3041


date:        september 8, 2017

to:            members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities

subject:    council meeting         

there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:
friday, september 8 from 10:30 am to noon atac 5036 / oa 3041.


presentations:    mr. chad o’halloran, manager, undergraduate recruitment
                            dr. amy farrell-morneau – indigenous curriculum specialist

introduction of new faculty members.
 1.    approval of agenda.
 2.    approval of the following minutes:   friday, may 18, 2017.
 3.    business arising from the minutes.
 4.    dean’s report.
 5.    departmental/school reports.
      i)  history:  calendar change:  2017-soc-6256 – discontinuation of hba.nstu.
     ii) languages:  calendar changes:  2016-soc-5818 - programs discontinuing - ug  languages - delete minors;  2017-soc-6215 – programs-new-ug-languages-certificates in international languages.
    iii)  sociology:  approval of external adjunct - dr. mary ellen hill - recommendation memo from dr. t. puddephatt.  (please contact s. viitala to view dr. hill’s cv.)
6.    other business.
7.    next faculty council meeting:  friday, october 13, 2017 at 10:30 am; room: atac           3004/oa tba
 8.    adjournment.    


faculty of social sciences and humanities council
may 18, 2017
a meeting of the faculty council was held on thursday, may 18th, 2017, at 1:00 pm in atac board room 3004/oa 3041.

presentation:  2018-2023 strategic plan
h. murchison, vice provost (institutional planning and analysis) and g. munt gave a presentation on the 2018-2023 strategic plan.  a short question period followed.  faculty members were encouraged to submit their ideas and concerns.

approval of agenda
 it was moved by a. guttman and seconded by i. lemée that the agenda be approved.

approval of minutes
it was moved by a. guttman and seconded by i. lemée that the minutes from friday, april 21st, 2017 be approved.

business arising from the minutes
1.  d. jobin-bevans spoke about the idea of rejuvenating faculty council.  it had been suggested that there be one faculty council per term with monthly executive meetings.  he was unsure if that would help to boost attendance at council meetings and welcomed suggestions from everyone.  a brief discussion followed.

dean’s report
dean’s report to faculty council, thursday, may 18, 2017
update re: dean of faculty and social sciences search

at this point in time, i have no new information about the process to appoint a new dean for the faculty of social sciences and humanities. i will keep the faculty updated via email if there is any new information from the office of the provost.

new faculty fttt appointments
we are in the process of holding interviews for five fttt positions in the faculty of social sciences and humanities. it is expected that all appointments will be confirmed before the end of june and in time for the start of the fall term.

sem messaging
i have been made aware that the messaging around the sem process may not have been communicated as clearly as necessary, specifically around the theme of faculty/department/school resources. in my previous remarks to the faculty council, i gave a brief context for the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 exercise as in relationship to the larger issue of changing funding model currently in negotiation between ontario universities and the ministry. 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 has engaged in a sem process that will work to focus the work that every academic unit engages in around student recruitment and retention. the main purpose of the institutional strategy around a plan for strategic enrollment is to work together to improve student recruitment and retention, not to root out programs that have dropping enrollment numbers for the purpose to limiting existing recourses. in fact, the sem process is intended to better inform and engage all stakeholders in the creation of a unit-specific plan, and to work together to improve efforts around recruitment and enrollment.

just a quick reminder that the convocation for graduates from the faculty of social sciences and humanities will take place on saturday, june 3 starting at 2.00 pm in the thunder bay community auditorium. faculty are, as always, encouraged to attend.

assistant dean’s report
no report was submitted.

departmental/school reports
there were no departmental/school reports.

other business
1. election of new chair and vice-chair of faculty council.

i. lemée stated that there were two nominations for chair of faculty council.  j. roth and t. puddephatt both put their names forward after being seconded as per the rules of the constitution.  i. lemée told council that the committee had decided that as only two names were put forward, the person who was not elected to be chair of faculty council would fill the positon of vice-chair.  ballots were cast which resulted in t. puddephatt being elected as chair and j. roth elected as vice-chair.

2. 2017/2018 timetable.
m. stevenson talked about how late the loading sheets were this year in comparison with other years.  a. carastathis stated that the loading sheets were released in february and were still not complete.  a. guttman also mentioned that there were delays with the online calendar as well.  several individuals stated their concern regarding the revised registration dates in july.

7.  next faculty council meeting:  september 2017.
 it was moved by s. islam and seconded by r. martin that the meeting be adjourned.

thunder bay campus
r. robson
r. koster
i. lemée
b. vernier
d. jobin-bevans
a. guttman
a. carastathis
g. colton
r. maundrell
r. martin

orillia campus
m. stevenson
a. den otter
s. islam

m. beaulieu
c. sanders

september 8, 2017

friday, september 8, 2017 - 10:30am

faculty council meeting - september 2017

