faculty council meeting - friday, june 26, 2020 - deadline for agenda items - friday, june 19 at 4:00 pm

friday, june 26, 2020 - 10:00am
to be held via zoom - tba

memorandum - revised
date:        june 23, 2020
to:            members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
subject:   council meeting         
there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:
friday, june 26th, 2020 at 10:00 am via zoom.


 zoom link:

join zoom meeting https://lakeheadu.zoom.us/j/93314412750

meeting id: 933 1441 2750
 1.    approval of agenda.
 2.    approval of the following minutes:   may 29th, 2020.
 3.    business arising from the minutes.
 4.    dean’s report.
 5.    assistant deans’ report.
 6.    calendar changes.

    i)  english
    2020-soc-7345:  course modification ug, cross-list course english with indi.

    ii)  indigenous learning
    2020-soc-7362-b: department of indigenous learning navigator request to cross-list a course with political science.

    2020-soc-7376: department of indigenous learning course deletions.
    2020-soc-7377:  department of indigenous learning course modification (indi-3235)(existing non-type e).

    2020-soc-7378:  department of indigenous learning course additions (7 new non-type e courses).

    2020-soc-7381-a:  department of indigenous learning course modifications (existing type e courses).

    2020-soc-7381-b-b:  department of indigenous learning indi-4901 addition.

    2020-soc-7383:  department of indigenous learning credit weight change (2 courses).

    2020-soc-7384:  department of indigenous learning cross list courses (engl-1116 & wome-2119).

    iii)  interdisciplinary studies
    2020-soc-7366:  criminology 2313--cross-list with political science 2313.

    iv)  languages
    2020-soc-7386:  cross list french 3603 (type e course) with women's studies.

    iv)  political science
    2020-soc-7331:  poli 2313 cross calendared with criminology 2313 and indigenous learning 2319.

    v)  gender and women’s studies
    2020-soc-7361:  department of gender and women's studies undergrad cross-listing request of indi-2119 &        wome-2119.

    2020-soc-7385:  course cross-list ug department of gender and women's studies (fren-3603).

 7.    department/school reports.
 8.    other business.
 9.    next faculty council meeting:  tba
10.    adjournment.    


faculty of social sciences and humanities council
friday, may 29th, 2020
a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, may 29th, 2020 at 11:00 am via zoom.
approval of agenda
it was moved by i. lemée and seconded by s. jobbitt that the agenda be approved.

approval of minutes
approval of the minutes from april 24th, 2020.
        the minutes were reviewed and accepted as amended.
business arising from the minutes

dean’s report
friday, may 29th, 2020

•    reminder of link to chairs/director/assistant deans for the weekly ss&h leaders meetings; open discussions on how to move forward as a faculty in the current climate at lakehead.
•    timetable will be out soon, either today or monday; dean’s will approve before going online.
•    keep working on converting 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .
•    all courses will be available online with some exceptions.
•    thank you to all our faculty for their hard work during this challenging time.

assistant deans’ report
j. roth:  assistant dean’s report - thunder bay campus
thank you to all departments/school for the opportunity to meet with everyone.  

l. fiddick:  assistant dean’s report – orillia campus
currently working on academic standings and advising 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .

calendar changes
none were submitted.  m. stevenson reminded everyone about the new deadlines for calendar changes that came into effect this year.

departmental/school reports
i)  indigenous learning
it was moved by k. burnett and seconded by l. chambers that dr. travis hay be appointed as external adjunct professor for the department of indigenous learning.
other business

next faculty council meeting:  friday, june 26th 2020 at 10:00 am; via zoom. (it was decided that although our constitution does not require meetings in june, july or august, it would be good to meet during the summer months to discuss issues that might arise.  it was noted that any outstanding calendar requests could be dealt with as well.)

the meeting was adjourned at 12:04 pm.  

thunder bay campus
r. maundrell
s. jobbitt
k. holmes
d. ivison
b. birmingham
t. puddephatt
j. roth
m. johnston
l. chambers
a. carastathis
e. chugonov
k. burnett
l. ray
b. vernier
i. lemée
b. parker
p. cain
c. sanders
s. shahsahabi

orillia campus
m. stevenson
l. fiddick
j. jarman
d. west
s. islam
a. den otter

a. saulnier

faculty council meeting - friday, may 29, 2020 - revised deadline for agenda items - monday, may 25, 2020 at 4:00 pm

friday, may 29, 2020 - 11:00am
to be held via zoom - details to follow soon


date:   may 25th, 2020
to:       members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
subject:     council meeting         

there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:
friday, may 29, 2020 via zoom at 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.

join zoom meeting https://lakeheadu.zoom.us/j/95815294706

 1.    approval of agenda.
 2.    approval of the following minutes:   april 24th, 2020.
 3.    business arising from the minutes.
 4.    dean’s report.
 5.    assistant deans’ report.
 6.    calendar changes.
 7.    department/school reports.
    i)  indigenous learning
    recommendation:  dr. travis hay as external adjunct professor - department of indigenous learning. (recommendation

    memo.) cv available upon request; please contact s. viitala.
 8.    other business.
 9.    next faculty council meeting:  tba (september 2020)
10.    adjournment.  


faculty of social sciences and humanities council


friday, april 24th, 2020

a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, april 24th, 2020 at 10:00 am via zoom.

approval of agenda
it was moved by j. roth and seconded by s. jobbitt that the agenda be approved.

approval of minutes
approval of the minutes from march 13th, 2020.
        the minutes were reviewed and accepted.
business arising from the minutes

p. cain brought his department’s concerns regarding the possible development of an elective list for law 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 at the fourth-year level, and the possibility of increasing the interdisciplinary character of its pre-law program.  a discussion followed.  it was decided that the department would schedule a meeting with the dean of the faculty of law to talk about how to move forward on this.

dean’s report
friday, april 24th, 2020
1. please turn in grades
2. come to the virtual office hours, if you want to chat about anything: https://lakeheadu.zoom.us/j/96324533880 (please don't post the link)
3. i will be sending an email to chairs with a request concerning planning for fall and challenges concerning delivery online, should that be needed.

assistant deans’ report

j. roth:  assistant dean’s report - thunder bay campus

will be reaching out to chairs/director re: enrolment and retention.  you can choose to meet one-on-one or as a department.  there is also a webpage available to faculty regarding retention.  the email to request a meeting will be sent out today.  it was also mentioned that g. galvin from the library can help get your request for electronic reading placed on reserve and is willing to help out in any way he can.

l. fiddick:  assistant dean’s report from orillia
no report at this time.

calendar changes
no calendar changes were submitted.

departmental/school reports

i)  english
it was moved by d. ivison and seconded by l. chambers that dr. linda rodenburg be appointed as external adjunct professor for the department of english.

other business
i)  report from the nomination committee for the election of chair and vice-chair – faculty council
j. roth, chair of the nomination committee, announced that m. stevenson was nominated for chair of faculty council and s. jobbitt for vice-chair of faculty council.  the committee received no other nominations and council voted unanimously to approve the election of both.

ii)  name change for native access program (nap)
j. orr and d. baxter outlined the proposed name change of the native access program to the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 indigenous transition year program.  this would bring the program in line with the current wording being used and would cover all backgrounds.  (inuit, metis and indigenous peoples.)

it was moved by j. roth and seconded by p. cain that the name change be approved.

next faculty council meeting:  friday, may 29, 2020; via zoom.

the meeting was adjourned at 10:52 am.  


thunder bay campus
r. maundrell
s. jobbitt
k. holmes
d. ivison
b. birmingham
t. puddephatt
j. roth
m. johnston
l. chambers
a. carastathis
t. rollo
b. vernier
i. lemée
b. parker
g. colton
p. cain
c. sanders
e. chugunov
z .wai
s. islam

orillia campus
a. saulnier
m. stevenson
l. fiddick
j. jarman
d. west

l. forbes
a. den otter

faculty council meeting - friday, april 24, 2020 - deadline for agenda items - april 17 - election of chair and vice-chair

friday, april 24, 2020 - 10:00am
to be held via zoom -link: https://lakeheadu.zoom.us/j/98127998596%c2%a0


date:          april 17th, 2020
to:             members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
subject:     council meeting         
there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:
friday, april 24th, 2020  from 10:00 am to !!:30 am   via zoom.


zoom meeting details:
 1.    approval of agenda.
 2.    approval of the following minutes:   march 13th, 2020.
 3.    business arising from the minutes.
 4.    dean’s report.
 5.    assistant deans’ report.
 6.    calendar changes.

 7.    department/school reports.
    i)  english
 recommendation:  dr. linda rodenburg as external adjunct professor for the department of english. (recommendation memo.)  cv available upon request; please contact s. viitala.

    ii)  native access program

         nap name change - proposal brief

 8.    other business.
    i)  election of chair and vice-chair of faculty council.
 9.    next faculty council meeting:  tba ( may).
10.    adjournment.  


faculty of social sciences and humanities council

friday, march 13th, 2020
a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, march 13th, 2020 at 10:00 am in atac board room 5036 / orillia 3007 – teleconference/polycom/videoconferencing.

guest speaker:
dr. d. barnett, provost and vice-president (academic), spoke to faculty council regarding sem.  he also thanked faculty members for their hard work and dedication to the university and especially to the 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 . discussion followed on topics such as spring/summer courses; challenges with technology; accommodation for faculty; co-vid 19 update; and upcoming events.

approval of agenda
 it was moved by j. roth and seconded by a. saulnier that the agenda be approved.

approval of minutes
approval of the minutes from february 14th, 2020.
        the minutes were reviewed and accepted.
business arising from the minutes

dean’s report
friday, march 13th, 2020

1.    convert 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 (i will get some lists and post cards—but maybe we will put off the pizza party.)
2.    roll out around employee engagement survey. send this to all and have some listening groups. faculty staff and mixed. (when things settle down. . . . )
3.    budget meeting (as soon as i have a budget i will involve those interested.)
4.    dean of law school.
.    if you have 4th year level courses you would like on the law 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 ’ elective list, please send those to me.
.    if you have or could have 4th year level courses in things like: law and pop culture, law and film, law and culture, philosophy of law, indigenous governance and would like to cross list for law 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , the faculty is interested. please send me any courses already on the books that could be taught to these topics, if you are interested.  
.    we would like an end of term meeting with any chairs who would like to work on an interdisciplinary pre-law program and any advisors who would like to learn about helping our 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 prepare for lsat.
5.    covid-19.   
.    if people need to be home with kids, have sick or immune compromised folks in their house, etc., we must go through ohre and request an accommodation. it will be granted. but please do not go online (or cancel courses) as a rogue actor. (this point is moot only an hour after meeting).
.    be prepared to go on line. i hope we get news soon.  if you need help going on line, i have suggested some folks who might help the teaching commons. (we are now online.)
.    be prepared to deliver your final electronically.  
.    be sure to not come to work if you are sick.  we must insist that all faculty, staff, and 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 stay home if sick: fever, sore throat, cough. we are working on a “self-declare” doctors note for 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , but consider just letting folks stay home if stick.
.    if faculty, staff, live with folks who are high risk, or are high risk themselves, please support work from home. do let sue and me know, but that is informational only, so that we know where people are.
6.    good news.  we have received permission for several hires.

assistant deans’ report
j. roth:  assistant dean’s report - thunder bay campus
the retention data will be rolling out soon for review.

l. fiddick:  assistant dean’s report from orillia
continuing to advise 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .

calendar changes
no calendar changes were submitted.

departmental/school reports
i)  political science
it was moved by t. rollo and seconded by l. chambers that mr. adam schenk be appointed as external adjunct professor for the department of political science.

other business
i)  selection of nomination committee for the election of chair and vice-chair – faculty council

the nomination committee was struck with the following faculty members volunteering:
j. roth  - committee chair – women’s studies
a. den otter – interdisciplinary studies/english
t. puddephatt – sociology
elections will be held at the next council meeting on friday, april 24, 2020.
next faculty council meeting:  tba (may).
 the meeting was adjourned at 11:35 am.  

thunder bay campus
r. maundrell
s. jobbitt
d. ivison
b. birmingham
t. puddephatt
j. roth
m. johnston
l. chambers
k. holmes
a. carastathis
t. rollo
b. vernier
i. lemée
k. burnett
b. parker

orillia campus
a. saulnier
m. stevenson
a. den otter
l. fiddick
j. jarman
b. visser
c. lousley
r. mcveigh
s. jeppesen

l. forbes
g. colton

faculty council meeting - friday, march 13, 2020 - deadline for agenda items - friday, march 6, 2020

friday, march 13, 2020 - 10:00am
atac 5036 / oa 3007


date:        march 6th, 2020
to:            members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
subject:    council meeting         
there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:
friday, march 13th, 2020 from 10:00 am to noon in atac 5036 / oa 3007.

guest speaker:
dr. david barnett, provost and vice-president (academic) will be speaking to council at 10:00 am.


rpd #:  8863230

toll free:

passcode:  63230# <== please remember the # key.
  1.    approval of agenda.

  2.    approval of the following minutes:   february 14th, 2020.

  3.    business arising from the minutes.

  4.    dean’s report.

  5.    assistant deans’ report.

  6.    calendar changes.

  7.    department/school reports.
    i)  political science
 recommendation:  mr. adam schenk as external adjunct professor for the department of political science. (recommendation memo.) cv available upon request; please contact s. viitala.

 8.    other business.
  i)  selection of nomination committee for the election of chair and vice-chair of faculty council.

 9.    next faculty council meeting:  friday, april 24th, 2020 at 10:00 am; atac 3004  /oa 3007.

10.    adjournment.  


faculty of social sciences and humanities council


 february 14th, 2020
a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, february 14th, 2020 at 10:00 am in atac board room 5036 / orillia 3007 – teleconference/polycom/videoconferencing.

approval of agenda
 it was moved by r. maundrell and seconded by d. ivison that the agenda be approved.

approval of minutes
approval of the minutes from january 6th, 2020.
        the minutes were reviewed and accepted.
business arising from the minutes

dean’s report

february 14th, 2020
down 54% on thunder bay campus
holding steady at orillia
work on conversions, work on retention
down 26% across all programs (domestic)

down in commitments, overall, and down from sma3 targets.

budget implications:
still waiting to hear from the provost. sue will send out a special budget meeting request. we need to work together to prioritize strategies for cuts.

my goal is to manage as much of our cuts from my office as possible.  we will meet to discuss other options.

look for:
♣    meeting with chairs and other interested folks to discuss budget.
♣    meeting with grad coordinators, current and future, to discuss sma3 targets.
♣    pizza and conversation lunch in bb1072 to write postcards to 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 we hope to convert.

assistant deans’ report

j. roth:  assistant dean’s report - thunder bay campus
there are no numbers available yet but they should be available toward the end of february with meetings beginning in mid-march.  if anyone has knowledge of systems in place for student mentoring, please let me know.  mentoring is very important for retention.  we will be rolling out different kinds of resources to help with this very soon.

l. fiddick:  assistant dean’s report from orillia
there is no news to report at this time.  
continuing to advise 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 as well as working with international regarding course outlines.

calendar changes
no calendar changes were submitted.

departmental/school reports

i)  political science
the following item was deferred to our next council meeting on march 13, 2020.

recommendation:  mr. adam schenk as external adjunct professor for the department of political science. (recommendation memo.) cv available upon request; please contact s. viitala

other business

i)  changes to the senate approval process for navigator
r. maundrell outlined the new senate approval process for navigator.  with the formation of the new advisory panel, it is hoped that the process will be less frustrating and more streamlined.  there will be new deadlines for submission of changes which will roll out this july 1, 2020.  a short discussion followed.

ii)  distinguished researcher award
b. birmingham announced that t. puddephatt was chosen to receive the distinguished researcher award.  she expressed her congratulations.

next faculty council meeting:  friday, march 13th, 2020:  atac 5036 / oa 3007; 10:00 am to noon.

the meeting was adjourned at 11:30 am.  

 thunder bay campus
r. maundrell
s. jobbitt
d. ivison
b. birmingham
t. puddephatt
j. roth
m. johnston
l. chambers
k. holmes
a. carastathis

orillia campus
a. saulnier
m. stevenson
a. den otter
l. fiddick
j. jarman

l. forbes
i. lémee

faculty council meeting - february 14, 2020 - deadline for agenda items - friday, february 7/2020

friday, february 14, 2020 - 10:00am
atac 5036 / oa 3007


date:        february 9th, 2020

to:    members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities

subject:     council meeting         

there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:
friday, february 14th, 2020 from 10:00 am to 11:30 am in atac 5036 / oa 3007.


rpd #: 8862052

toll free:

passcode:  62052# <== please remember the # key.
 1.    approval of agenda.
 2.    approval of the following minutes:   january 6th, 2020.
 3.    business arising from the minutes.
 4.    dean’s report.
 5.    assistant deans’ report.
 6.    calendar changes.
 7.    department/school reports.
    i)  political science
recommendation:  mr. adam schenk as external adjunct professor for the department of political science. (recommendation memo.) cv available upon request; please contact s. viitala.

 8.    other business.
    i)  changes to the senate approval process for navigator.

 9.    next faculty council meeting:  friday, march 13th, 2020 at 10:00 am; atac 5036 /oa 3007.
 10.    adjournment.  


faculty of social sciences and humanities council
january 6th, 2020
a meeting of the faculty council was held on monday, january 6th, 2020 at 10:00 am in atac board room 5036 / orillia 3041 – teleconference/polycom/videoconferencing.

approval of agenda
it was moved by a. den otter and seconded by j. jarman that the agenda be approved.


approval of minutes
approval of the minutes from november 15th, 2019 and december 5th, 2019 (as amended).

        the minutes from november 15th, 2019 were reviewed and accepted.
        the minutes from december 5th, 2019 were reviewed and accepted as amended.

business arising from the minutes

dean’s report
january 6th, 2020

1.    i will be meeting with each chairs/director in february to further discuss budget implications and the outlook for lakehead for the next two years.    as well, the call for rfps has been placed on hold pending more information regarding the upcoming budget.

2.    j. roth will be meeting with a. tarsitano next week to discuss sem.  please keep an eye on those courses that have low marks and high rates of drop-outs.  i would like to review this  information during my meetings with you in february.  we can look at those courses with marks higher than the mean to find out what was done correctly and also what we might be doing     incorrectly if they are lower.

3.    i will be away this week starting tomorrow, tuesday, january 7 until friday, january 10, 2020. during this time, j. roth will be acting dean.

assistant deans’ report

j. roth:  assistant dean’s report - thunder bay campus
none submitted for this meeting.

l. fiddick:  assistant dean’s report from orillia
none submitted for this meeting.

calendar changes
i)  english
it was moved by d. ivison and seconded by s. jobbitt that the following calendar changes for english be approved.
2019-soc-7211:  admission requirements-major modification-gr-english.
2019-soc-7212:  program-major modification-gr-english-specialization in social justice studies.
ii)  history
it was moved by s. jobbitt and seconded by k. burnett that the following calendar change for history be approved.
2019-soc-7196:  history course deletions and additions.

iii)  indigenous learning
it was moved by k. burnett and seconded by j. roth that the following calendar change for indigenous learning be approved.
2019-soc-7206:  change title of indigenous learning 4411.

iv)  languages
it was moved by s. jacoba and seconded by j. roth that the following calendar changes for languages be approved.
2019-soc-7135:  course modifications & deletions -ug-french.
2019-soc-7136:  course modification-ug-french 3650.
2019-soc-7148:  discontinuing french 2615.
2019-soc-7182:  course modifications-ug-languages-two french courses.
2019-soc-7183:  new courses-ug-french courses.


v)  outdoor recreation, parks and tourism
it was moved by m. johnston and seconded by s. jobbitt that the following calendar change for outdoor recreation, parks and tourism be approved as amended.
2019-soc-7217:  school of orpt changes to general regulations


vi)  social justice studies
it was moved by k. burnett and seconded by j. roth that the following calendar change for social justice studies be approved.
2019-soc-7210:  discontinue social justice 5101.


vii)  sociology
it was moved by t. puddephatt and seconded by k. burnett that the following calendar change for sociology be approved.
2019-soc-7165:  six graduate programs be removed from the academic calendar.


viii)  women’s studies
it was moved by l. chambers and seconded by d. ivison that the following calendar changes for women’s studies be approved.
2019-soc-7138:  name change for cross-listed course (wome-3517).
2019-soc-7198:  women's studies grad level course name change.
2019-soc-7209:  course addition for women's studies.


departmental/school reports
i)  outdoor recreation, parks and tourism

it was moved by m. johnston and seconded by t puddephatt that dr. mike walton be appointed as an external adjunct professor for the school of outdoor recreation, parks and tourism for a four-year term.


ii)  women’s studies

l. chambers put forward a motion to change the name of the department of women’s studies to the department of gender and women’s studies.  this change is being requested to bring their current name more inline or to be equal with other universities.


other business

next faculty council meeting:  friday, february 14th, 2020:  atac 5036 / oa 3007; 10:00 am to noon.

 the meeting was adjourned at 11:29 am.  

thunder bay campus
r. maundrell
s. jobbitt
k. burnett
d. ivison
b. birmingham
t. puddephatt
j. roth
m. johnston
s. jacoba
l. chambers

orillia campus
a. saulnier
m. stevenson
a. den otter
l. fiddick
j. jarman

l. forbes
i. lemee

faculty council meeting - monday, january 6, 2020 - deadline for agenda items - monday, december 16/2019

monday, january 6, 2020 - 10:00am
atac 5036 / oa 3041


date:        december 17, 2019
to:            members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
subject:    council meeting         
there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:
monday, january 6th, 2020 from 10:00 am to 11:30 am in atac 5036 / oa 3041.


rpd #: 8861699

toll free:

passcode: 61699# <== please remember the # key.
 1.    approval of agenda.
 2.    approval of the following minutes:   friday, november 15h and thursday, december 5th, 2019.
 3.    business arising from the minutes.
 4.    dean’s report.
 5.    assistant deans’ report.
 6.    calendar changes.
    i)  english
    2019-soc-7211:  admission requirements-major modification-gr-english.
    2019-soc-7212:  program-major modification-gr-english-specialization in social justice studies.
    ii)  history
    2019-soc-7196:  history course deletions and additions.

    iii)  indigenous learning
    2019-soc-7206:  change title of indigenous learning 4411.

    iv)  languages
    2019-soc-7135:  course modifications & deletions -ug-french.
    2019-soc-7136:  course modification-ug-french 3650.
    2019-soc-7148:  discontinuing french 2615.
    2019-soc-7182:  course modifications-ug-languages-two french courses.
    2019-soc-7183:  new courses-ug-french courses.

    v)  outdoor recreation, parks and tourism

    2019-soc-7217:  school of orpt changes to general regulations.

    vi)  social justice studies
    2019-soc-7210:  discontinue social justice 5101.

    vii)  sociology

    2019-soc-7165:  six graduate programs removed from academic calendar.

    viii)  women’s studies
    2019-soc-7138:  name change for cross-listed course (wome-3517).
    2019-soc-7198:  women's studies grad level course name change.
    2019-soc-7209:  course addition for women's studies.

 7.    department/school reports.
    i)  outdoor recreation, parks and tourism:
recommendation:  dr. mike walton as external adjunct professor for the school of outdoor recreation, parks and tourism. (recommendation memo.) cv available upon request; please contact s. viitala.

    ii)  women’s studies:
    motion to change name of department from women’s studies to gender and women’s studies.

 8.    other business.
 9.    next faculty council meeting:  february 14, 2020 at 10:00 am; atac 5036/oa 3007.
10.    adjournment.  


faculty of social sciences and humanities council
december 5th, 2019

a meeting of the faculty council was held on thursday, december 5th, 2019 at 10:00 am in atac board room 3004 / orillia 3041 – teleconference/polycom/videoconferencing.

approval of agenda
 it was moved by j. roth and seconded by j. jarman that the revised agenda be approved.

approval of minutes
approval of the minutes from november 15th, 2019 was deferred to the january 6, 2020 meeting.
business arising from the minutes

dean’s report
december 5th, 2019

1.    research and innovation week is being held from march 2 to 5, 2020 with opening ceremonies on friday, february 28 and activities in the mall on saturday, february 29. c. sanders. is on the undergrad research committee and i am going to invite up to six more people to participate in a subcommittee.  chairs/director, please send a name asap by monday.  interactive displays are preferred.
2.    i will be in orillia january 10th, 2020.
3.    thanks to all chairs/director for the great scheduling meetings.
4.    trying to accept changes on rfp document—sorry so slow on this and emails.   
5.    the holiday gatherings for thunder bay and orillia will be held in the new year.

assistant deans’ report
j. roth:  assistant dean’s report - thunder bay campus (december 5th, 2019)
i have had two meetings with leslie and adam.  we are looking at different interfaces for collecting retention data.  ipa has the student numbers flowing through each program over the past five to seven years; however, we might not get the information until february 2020.

l. fiddick:  assistant dean’s report from orillia (december 5th, 2019)
the dean and i met with people in the international office to discuss the process for setting up international transfer programs. the meeting was very useful for clarifying parts of this process, especially the role / assistance that the international office can provide.

to begin with, the international office is very interested in setting up such transfer programs. in this process they play a key role in liaising with the foreign institution, and setting up formal agreements with the other institution. however, the international office does not work with complete independence on these matters.

first, there is the obvious constraint that they need the cooperation of 2022世界杯美洲杯预选赛 in setting up such programs. departments need to take the initiative in setting up such programs and so far not many departments have done so.

second, the international office relies on various on-the-ground contacts both for gaining information about the foreign institutions and for establishing contact with them. these include personal connections with the institutions. has someone in the department visited the institution, have a research connection with the institution, studied at the institution, etc.? have of any your 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 come from there, gone there? failing these connections, does anyone from lakehead in general have these connections? international also relies on canadian diplomatic resources. does canada have a trade commissioner for the area – not all areas are covered.

the upshot of the second point is that the international office prefers to work in some regions rather than others. some of the regions that they are working in are china, india, malaysia, the persian gulf (dubai), and they also appear to be open to working in turkey and morocco. these are not the only regions, just the ones that were discussed in the meeting. the point though is to discuss with the international office where they might be able to provide assistance in setting up a transfer program because they don’t have the resources to work in every region.

the meeting also helped to clarify some other points related to the approval process. last time i mentioned that we have two main routes that we can go in setting up a transfer program. the easiest, given that it would not require senate or ministry approval, is to devise a table of course equivalencies such that 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 taking courses on the table can enter a program with many of a program’s required courses already completed at their home institution. the more time-consuming route is to set up a calendared program, like the pathways programs for college transfers that many departments offer. these require senate (and possibly ministry) approval. at the last faculty meeting i had mentioned that the recommendation was to use the latter route if you are successful in attracting 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , but it wasn’t clear what constitutes success. according to the international office, success means 10 or more 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 a year. the international office also indicated that if your program requires 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to possess a degree, certificate, etc. as an entry requirement (as opposed to a specified list of courses), then that would likely require ministry approval.

the bottom line is to reach out to the international office early in the process of setting up a transfer program. you might also wait until i’ve worked my way through one of these programs myself. based on my experience doing so i’ll be putting together a document with step-by-step instructions and advice on how to go about setting up such programs.

calendar changes
i)  interdisciplinary studies
it was moved by a. saulnier and seconded by j. roth that the following calendar changes for criminology be approved.
2019-soc-7149:  criminology program--new and cross-listed courses.
2019-osoc-7150:  criminology program--updating 2nd year and 4th year course pre-requisites.
2019-soc-7151: criminology program--update to average calculation and 4th year course requirements.

it was moved by a. den otter and seconded by d. ivison that the following calendar change for mfac (media studies) be approved.
2019-soc-7155:  media, film, and communications program updates.
        carried as amended.

it was moved by l. fiddick and seconded by t. puddephatt that the following calendar changes for interdisciplinary studies be approved.
2019-soc-7156:  hbasc/bed with concentration degree updates.
2019-soc-7157:  hbasc with concentration degree updates.
2019-soc-7158:  basc 4 yr with concentration program average calculation updates.
2019-soc-7159:  basc 4 yr/bed with concentration degrees update.
2019-soc-7160:  intd 1010--course deletion.
2019-soc-7161:  hbasc and basc program updates.
2019-soc-7162:  basc college transfer degree updates.
2019-soc-7163:  hbasc, basc 4 yr, and basc concurrent education degree updates.

ii)  languages:
the following calendar changes for languages was deferred to the meeting in january, 2020 as there was no one to speak to them.
2019-soc-7135:  course modifications & deletions-ug-french.
2019-soc-7136:  course modifications-ug-french 3650.
2019-soc-7148:  discontinuing french 2615.

iii)  political science:
it was moved by p. cain (via a. saulnier) and seconded by a. den otter that the following calendar change for political science be approved as amended.
2019-soc-7142:  cross-list poli 2311 with crim 2311.

iv)  sociology:
it was moved by t. puddephatt and seconded by s. jobbitt that the following calendar changes for sociology be approved.
2019-soc-7164:  program modifications-ug-sociology-adding university regulation to our portion of the calendar.
2019-soc-7166:  course modifications-ug-sociology-adding prerequisites.
2019-soc-7167:  new sociology graduate course.
2019-soc-7168:  program modification-ug-sociology concurrent education-adding university regulation to our portion of the calendar.
2019-soc-7169:  program modification-ug-sociology with gerontology-addition university regulation to our portion of the calendar.

v)    women’s studies:
the following calendar change for women’s studies was deferred to the meeting in january 2020.
2019-soc-7138:  name change for cross-listed course (wome-3517).

departmental/school reports
i)  sociology
it was moved by t. puddephatt and seconded by k. burnett that dr. kevin willison be appointed as an external adjunct professor for the department of sociology for a four-year term.

other business
 i) distinguished teaching awards

d. ivison congratulated e. chugunov, department of music, s. jacoba, department of languages, and b. visser, departments of interdisciplinary studies/psychology, on receipt of the distinguished teaching awards.

d. ivison mentioned that nominations were now open for a new teaching support award.  阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 ’s teaching support award recognizes the support provided for teaching by employees of the university. one award will be given annually with the deadline this year of december 15, 2019.  nominations are to be submitted to the chair, senate teaching and learning awards sub-committee, c/o the teaching commons.

next faculty council meeting:  monday, january 6th, 2020:  atac 5036 / oa 3041; 10:00 am to noon.

 the meeting was adjourned at 11:25 am.  

thunder bay campus
r. maundrell
k. holmes
s. jobbitt
k. burnett
d. ivison
b. birmingham
e. chugunov
t. puddephatt
j. roth
m. johnston

orillia campus
a. saulnier
m. stevenson
a. den otter
l. fiddick
j. jarman

l. forbes
i. lemee
s. jacoba
l. chambers

faculty council meeting - thursday, december 5, 2019 - deadline for agenda items - thursday, november 28/2019

thursday, december 5, 2019 - 10:00am
atac 3004/oa 3041

date:        november 28, 2019
to:            members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
subject:    council meeting         
there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:
thursday, december 5th from 10:00 am to 11:30 am in atac 3004 / oa 3041.


toll free:  1-888-892-7292

  61581# <== please remember the # key.
 1.    approval of agenda.
 2.    approval of the following minutes:   friday, november 15th, 2019.
 3.    business arising from the minutes.
 4.    dean’s report.
 5.    assistant deans’ report.
 6.    calendar changes.
    i)  interdisciplinary studies
    2019-soc-7149:  criminology program--new and cross-listed courses
    2019-soc-7150:  criminology program--updating 2nd year and 4th year course pre-requisites
    2019-soc-7151:  criminology program--update to average calculation and 4th year course requirements
    2019-soc-7155:  media, film, and communications program updates
    2019-soc-7156:  hbasc/bed with concentration degree updates
    2019-soc-7157:  hbasc with concentration degree updates
    2019-soc-7158:  basc 4 yr with concentration program average calculation updates
    2019-soc-7159:  basc 4 yr/bed with concentration degrees update
    2019-soc-7160:  intd 1010--course deletion
    2019-soc-7161:  hbasc and basc program updates
    2019-soc-7162:  basc college transfer degree updates
    2019-soc-7163:  hbasc, basc 4 yr, and basc concurrent education degree updates

    ii)  languages
    2019-soc-7135:  course modifications & deletions -ug-french.
    2019-soc-7136:  course modification-ug-french 3650.
    2019-soc-7148:  discontinuing french 2615.

    ii)  political science
    2019-soc-7142:  cross-list poli 2311 with crim 2311

    iii) sociology
    2019-soc-7164:  program modifications-ug-sociology-adding university regulation to our portion of the     calendar.
    2019-soc-7166:  course modifications-ug-sociology-adding prerequisites
    2019-soc-7167:  new sociology graduate course
    2019-soc-7168:  program modification-ug-sociology concurrent education-adding university regulation to our portion of the calendar.
    2019-soc-7169:  program modification-ug-sociology with gerontology-addition university regulation to our portion of the calendar

    iv)  women’s studies
    2019-soc-7138:  name change for cross-listed course (wome-3517)

 7.    department/school reports.
    i)  sociology:
recommendation:  renewal of dr. kevin willison as external adjunct professor for the department of sociology.  (recommendation memo.) cv available upon request; please contact s. viitala.

 8.    other business.
 9.    next faculty council meeting:  january 6, 2020 at 10:00 am; atac 5036/oa 3041
        (last meeting to approve calendar changes for the 2020/2021 academic year)
10.    adjournment.  


faculty of social sciences and humanities council
november 15th, 2019
a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, november 15th, 2019 at 10:00 am in atac board room 5036 / orillia 3007 – teleconference/polycom/videoconferencing.

mr. joel symons, manager of student conduct and case management, gave a presentation on the new code of student conduct.  a lengthy discussion followed the powerpoint presentation.

approval of agenda
it was moved by i. lemée and seconded by j. roth that the revised agenda be approved.

approval of minutes
approval of minutes from october 11th, 2019.
        the minutes were reviewed and accepted.  
business arising from the minutes

dean’s report
november 15th, 2019
1.    there is now a meal card at coffee kiosk in orillia for those who would like to get something before our faculty council meetings.
2.    research and innovation week at the mall—please do this. end of february.  i would love to see every thunder bay department participate in this event.
3.    i will be in orillia next week.
4.    i shall be meeting all chairs/director about scheduling.  i will talk with you about last year’s numbers, available fces, etc.
5.    holiday party? maybe in january 2020.

assistant deans’ report
j. roth:  assistant dean’s report - thunder bay campus (november 15th, 2019)
the conference i attended was very informative and provided a lot of information with regard to managing enrolment and sem.

l. fiddick:  assistant dean’s report from orillia (november 15th, 2019)
i’m currently working on three projects: a support group for first generation 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , the development of international transfer programs, and exploring the potential for framing interdisciplinary studies concentrations as meta-majors.
1)    first gen support group – simcoe county has one of the lowest percentages of university graduates in the province, so a lot of the 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 at the orillia campus are first generation 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 . the orillia campus also doesn’t have as many student supports as the thunder bay campus does and many of the supports that are available are not particularly designed to meet the specific needs of first gen 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 . for example, first gen 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 do not necessarily face academic challenges. more often the challenges often revolve around the university culture – how things are done -- but also a lack of support / understanding from family members. for example, first gen 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 who are struggling are more likely to be encouraged by family members to drop out and seek employment instead. to address this need i’m working on putting together a support group with orillia faculty members who themselves were first gen 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 . the group might have informal meeting with first gen 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to answer questions that they have about how things are done – e.g., how to apply to grad school; how best to position themselves, study-wise to prepare for grad school, etc. – and share common experiences. 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 attending such meetings might then be recruited to act as mentors in their later years of study for incoming first gen 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .

2)    international transfer programs – following on feedback from the deputy provost, there are two ways that departments might consider setting up international transfer programs. the first and easiest is to create an equivalency table that spells out which courses at a foreign institution are equivalent to those in the departments’ programs so that 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 from that institution can easily transfer credits on entering the department’s programs. this not need either senate or ministry approval, but the department should work with the international office to develop a memorandum of understanding between the two institutions. the second option, which does require senate approval, but not ministry approval, is to design a pathway program with a prescribe set of courses at the foreign institution, then the last two years at lakehead. no ministry approval would be required if the transfer is into a degree that already exists. if you are proposing to establish a degree that doesn’t already exist, then that is a different matter. the two-two option is the preferred method if there is a significant number of transfer 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 (more on this to follow).

3)    is meta-majors – georgia state university, a historically black university in the us has historically had a problem with student retention and graduation. at least one of the problems is that 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 don’t know what they want to study, so they drift somewhat aimlessly from program to program, taking courses without much rhyme or reason. to address this, gsu introduced meta-majors and with some changes to scheduling formed freshman learning communities, within which 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 tend to see the same classmates again and again. the meta-majors don’t require 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to pick a specific major from the beginning. instead, they pick a general area of study, like social sciences, stem, or business. the meta-majors thereby guide 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in a general area that they are interested in, without forcing them to make a specific choice. the meta-majors are also designed to be very forgiving to indecision – i.e., 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 can explore somewhat without being put off track by taking courses that don’t contribute towards graduation. on the scheduling side, the freshman learning communities enable 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to develop friendships with their classmates and peer supports that help them to get through the programs. the end result of these innovations is that gsu’s retention and graduate rates have increased substantially, as have student’s grades. consequently several other universities and colleges in the us have started to implement the same changes.

these innovations might also be implemented in orillia. the is major is also very forgiving to 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 as it allows them to explore different disciplines without setting them back for doing so. in part this is because the is major is requires fewer courses in each of two disciplines, but also because the is major has no required courses within a discipline, beyond year requirements. in other words, there is no requirement that 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 take specific classes. however, this has also meant that 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in the is major often take an incoherent collection of courses. the is major concentrations were introduced to address this problem, at least in part. they were meant to encourage 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to pursue a coherent stream of courses, while still providing them with opportunity to explore the stream across several related disciplines.  in other words, the is concentrations function very similarly to meta-majors in guiding 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 towards a coherent cluster of courses within a flexible and forgiving program. the problem is has faced with its concentrations is that 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 do not tend to enroll in them (which is not a problem because the concentrations have solved other problems as well). however, if we recognize that the concentrations are similar to meta-majors, then we might encourage more 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to enroll in them by drawing their attention to the benefits of meta-majors in terms of graduation and academic performance. this might, however, also require some scheduling adjustments to build complementary freshman learning communities. this would not likely translate well to the programs in thunder bay, but it seems well suited to the sort of programs offered in orillia.

calendar changes

i)    history
it was moved by s. jobbitt and seconded by r. maundrell that the following calendar change for history be approved.
2019-soc-7108:  ma history program regulations

ii)    languages:
it was moved by i. lemée and seconded by j. roth that the following calendar changes for languages be approved.
2019-soc-7079:  course modification-ug-languages-change to french 2101
2019-soc-7119:  specify the title to reflect what is being taught

iii)    music:
it was moved by e. chugonov and seconded by g. colton that the following calendar change for music be approved as amended.
2019-soc-7117:  new music appreciation course

iv)    outdoor recreation, parks and tourism:
it was moved by m. johnston and seconded by r. maundrell that the following calendar changes for outdoor recreation, parks and tourism be approved.
2019-soc-7010:  course changes in hbor transfer program
2019-soc-7067:  discontinuation of outdoor recreation 4920
2019-soc-7068: new course outdoor recreation
2019-soc-7082:  program modifications-ug-outdoor recreation
2019-soc-7083:  program modifications-ug-outdoor recreation w/ fac of science
2019-soc-7084:  program modifications-ug-outdoor recreation w/ fac of education
2019-soc-7100:  change to bor4 program.

v)    women’s studies:
it was moved by l. chambers and seconded by s. jobbitt that the following calendar changes for women’s studies be approved.
2019-soc-6949:  new course-ug-women's studies
2019-soc-7107:  new course-gr-women's studies

departmental/school reports
i)  indigenous learning
it was moved by k. burnett and seconded by s. jobbitt that dr. angie wong be appointed as an external adjunct professor for the department of indigenous learning for a four-year term.

other business

 i) scheduling
d. ivison stated that 20-25% of courses are to be offered at night commencing the academic year 2020/2021.  he stated his concern about the process as it does not require senate approval nor was there any consultation with faculty.  b. birmingham stated that our faculty was already at 21% for this academic year and stated that she was also unaware that this was mandated.  j. roth stated that she had reached out to the register and n. maronese but has not yet had a reply.  a brief discussion followed.

next faculty council meeting:  thursday, december 5th, 2019:  atac 3004 / oa 3041; 10:00 am to noon.

 the meeting was adjourned at 12 noon.  

thunder bay campus
r. maundrell
k. holmes
s. jobbitt
k. burnett
l. chambers
d. ivison
b. birmingham
e. chugunov
m. stevenson
t. puddephatt
s. jacoba
j. roth
g. colton
m. johnston
i. lemée

orillia campus
a. den otter
l. fiddick
j. jarman

a. saulnier

faculty council meeting - friday, november 15, 2019 - deadlilne for agenda items - friday, november 8/2019

friday, november 15, 2019 - 10:00am
atac 5036 / oa 3007

date:        november 8, 2019
to:            members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
subject:     council meeting         
there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:
friday, november 15th from 10:00 am to 11:30 am in atac 5036 / oa 3007.


new code of student conduct
(faculty flowchart - academic integrity)

ms. amiee juan, associate vice-provost 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
mr. joel symons, manager of student conduct and case management

toll free:

60648 # <== please remember the # key.
 1.    approval of agenda.
 2.    approval of the following minutes:   friday, october 11th, 2019.
 3.    business arising from the minutes.

 4.    dean’s report.

 5.    assistant deans’ report.

 6.    calendar changes.

    i)  history
    2019-soc-7108:  ma history program regulations

    iii)  languages
    2019-soc-7079:  course modification-ug-languages-change to french 2101

    2019-soc-7119:  specify the title to reflect what is being taught

    ii)  music
    2019-soc-7117:  new music appreciation course

    iv)  outdoor recreation, parks and tourism
    2019-soc-7010:  course changes in hbor transfer program
    2019-soc-7067:  discontinuation of outdoor recreation 4920
    2019-soc-7068: new course outdoor recreation
    2019-soc-7082:  program modifications-ug-outdoor recreation
    2019-soc-7083:  program modifications-ug-outdoor recreation w/ fac of science
    2019-soc-7084:  program modifications-ug-outdoor recreation w/ fac of education
    2019-soc-7100:  change to bor4 program.

    v)  women’s studies
    2019-soc-6949:  new course-ug-women's studies
    2019-soc-7107:  new course-gr-women's studies

 7.    department/school reports.
    i)  indigenous learning:
recommendation:  dr. angie wong as external adjunct professor for the department of indigenous learning. (recommendation memo.) cv available upon request; please contact s. viitala.

 8.    other business.
 9.    next faculty council meeting:  thursday, december 6, 2019 at 10:00 am; atac 5036/oa 3007
10.    adjournment.  


faculty of social sciences and humanities council

october 11, 2019

 a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, october 11, 2019 at 1:00 pm in atac board room 3004 / orillia 2005 – teleconference/polycom/videoconferencing.  

s. jobbitt chaired the meeting for m. stevenson who was travelling.

approval of agenda
 it was moved by i. lemée and seconded by k. burnett that the agenda be approved.

approval of minutes
approval of minutes from september 12, 2019.
        the minutes were reviewed and accepted.  
business arising from the minutes

dean’s report
october 11, 2019
important dates:

ptr: departmental review—october 16th-30th
merit:  merit is due on tuesday, october 15th, at 4:30 pm.

grad recruitment begins now.  please have your grad coordinators talk to graduate admissions about setting up direct offers. this was very effective for us institutionally last year, and even if 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 do not attend, this helps cement a positive feeling about lakehead.

fall potluck:
thunder bay, october 18th, friday, 431 ambrose street, 6-10, open house, bring a dish to share.
orillia, october 24th, thursday, cheryl: 19 borland street east, orillia, l3v 2b5.

invited h. murchison to our next faculty council meeting to discuss sma 3, the new funding model (as far as we know).

assistant deans’ report
j. roth:  assistant dean’s report - thunder bay campus (october 11th, 2019)
retention initiative:  working with larry to develop a package accessible to chairs/director and faculty members based on best-practice for retention.  if you anyone has any suggestions or tips, please send them along.  we’ll keep you posted.

ontario universities’ fair:
阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 received 3,500 follow-requests, up from our 2018 total of 3,067.  recruitment will be sending faculty-specific information as soon as they collate the specific information.

dean’s funding imitative:  
the committee has been struck (isabelle lemée, michael stevenson, lori chambers, doug ivison, and phebeann wolframe-smith from the research office).  the committee will be meeting soon to finalize the details of the funding initiatives.  thanks to everyone who volunteered for this important role.

l. fiddick:  assistant dean’s report from orillia (october 11th, 2019)
enrollments are up in orillia. on last year’s nov. 1 census date, there were 570 ssh 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in orillia. this year’s number is 672, an 18% increase. half of this increase is due to an uptick in the concurrent education programs. last year there were 133 concurrent education 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 . this year there are 192, a 44% increase.

numbers are also up across all year levels. the incoming cohort increased from 197 to 220, a 12% increase. second year 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 increased from 148 to 203, a 37% increase. third year is up from 147 to 155, and fourth year is up from 70 to 94. (if these numbers don’t seem to square with those reported above, that’s because they don’t take into account the few 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in their 5th year of study).

i am continuing to help with the advising of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 on the orillia campus, though there have been few requests from first year 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 for advising. likewise, there have been almost no requests for advising on is’s concentration programs. these remain under-enrolled, but they continue to give coherence to is’s programs even without 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 officially enrolled in the concentrations. given that the concentrations impose no additional financial burden on the department, their under-enrollment poses little concern. one of the things that i would like to accomplish as assistant dean is promoting the concentrations, especially as a means of differentiating our programs from those found elsewhere. the environment in politics and culture and human nature concentrations in particular are unique in canada, as best i can determine. if anyone has any suggestions for promoting the distinctiveness of these and the faculty’s other programs as a means of recruiting 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , i’d appreciate your sharing them with me. i’d also appreciate it if faculty passed along any information they might have regarding student retention. have any 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 mentioned they or their fellow 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 leaving or considering leaving lakehead for elsewhere, dropping out, etc.? in particular, have they mentioned their reasons for doing so? any information along these lines, even if anecdotal, would be appreciated.

calendar changes
i)    english:
it was moved by d. ivison and seconded by k. burnett that the following calendar change for english be approved.
(2019-soc-6972 b – hba english transfer from con. college film production diploma)

ii)    languages:
it was moved by i. lemée and seconded by k. burnett that the following calendar changes for languages be approved.
(2019-soc-7037:  discontinuing module - french 4533)
(2019-soc-7038:  discontinuing module - french 3815)
(2019-soc-7039:  discontinuing module - french 4517)
(2019-soc-7040:  discontinuing module – french 3835)
(2019-soc-7042:  discontinuing this module - french 4515)
(2019-soc-7043:  discontinuing this module - french 2611)

departmental/school reports

i)  english
d. ivison mentioned that linden macintyre will be giving a master class on november 5 as part of this year's lit on tour visit to thunder bay.

ii)  music
e. chugunov stated that the next lumina concert will take place on tuesday, october 22 from 12:30 to 1:30 pm and will feature eva aronian on violin and dina vainshtein on piano.

iii)  visual arts
k. holmes stated that there will be an art installation at the airport which will be unveiled soon.

iv)  women’s studies
l. chambers mentioned that heather hillsburg has produced a book called urban captivity narratives.  she also introduced j. jurgutis who was in attendance at the meeting.

v)  philosophy
r. maundrell stated that t. dufresne has a new book out and there will be a presentation at chapter’s on saturday, october 19th at 2:00 pm.  this is his 14th book.

other business

next faculty council meeting:  friday, november 15th, 2019 at 10:00 am; atac 5036/oa 3007.

 the meeting was adjourned at 2:30 pm.  


thunder bay campus
r. maundrell
k. holmes
s. jobbitt
k. burnett
l. chambers
d. ivison
b. birmingham
e. chugunov
i. lemée
j. jurgutis

m. stevenson
t. puddephatt

orillia campus
a. den otter
l. fiddick
j. jarman

m. johnston
j. roth
w. curthoys
s. jacoba

new date: faculty council meeting - friday, october 11, 2019 - deadline for agenda items - friday, october 4, /2019

friday, october 11, 2019 - 1:00pm
atac 3004 / oa 2005


date:        october 4, 2019
to:            members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
subject:     council meeting         
there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:
friday, october 11 from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm in atac 3004 / oa 2005 .



toll free:

60248 # <== please remember the # key.
 1.    approval of agenda.
  2.    approval of the following minutes:   thursday, september 12, 2019.
  3.    business arising from the minutes.
  4.    dean’s report.
  5.    assistant deans’ report.
  6.    calendar changes.

    i)  english
   2019-soc-6972-b:  hba english transfer from con. college film production diploma.

    ii)  languages
    2019-soc-7037:  discontinuing module (french 4533).
    2019-soc-7038:  discontinuing module (french 3815).
    2019-soc-7039:  discontinuing module (french 4517).
    2019-soc-7040:  discontinuing module (french3835).
    2019-soc-7042:  discontinuing this module (french 4515).
    2019-soc-7043:  discontinuing this module (french 2611).
 7.    department/school reports.

 8.    other business.

 9.    next faculty council meeting:  friday, november 15, 2019 at 10:00 am; atac 5036/oa 3007

10.    adjournment.  


faculty of social sciences and humanities council
september 12, 2019

 a meeting of the faculty council was held on thursday, september 12, 2019 at 10:00 am in atac board room 5036 / orillia 3041 – teleconference/polycom/videoconferencing.  

m. stevenson, chair of faculty council, welcomed everyone to the meeting followed by a round of introductions.  
introduction of new faculty
l. chambers introduced dr. jessica jurgutis, a new faculty member in the departments of indigenous learning and women’s studies and the social justice program.  dr. jurgutis is on a three-year term appointment.

approval of agenda
it was moved by j. jarman and seconded by g. colton that the agenda be approved.

approval of minutes
approval of minutes from thursday, may 2, 2019.
        the minutes were reviewed and accepted.  
business arising from the minutes
dean’s report

l. fiddick:  assistant dean’s report - orillia campus (sept. 12, 2019)
enrollments are up in orillia. on last year’s nov. 1 census date, there were 570 ssh 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in orillia. this year’s number is 672, an 18% increase. half of this increase is due to an uptake in the concurrent education programs. last year there were 133 concurrent education 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 . this year there are 192, a 44% increase.

numbers are also up across all year levels. the incoming cohort increased from 197 to 220, a 12% increase. second year 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 increased from 148 to 203, a 37% increase. third year is up from 147 to 155, and fourth year is up from 70 to 94. (if these numbers don’t seem to square with those reported above, that’s because they don’t take into account the few 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in their 5th year of study).

i am continuing to help with the advising of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 on the orillia campus, though there have been few requests from first year 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 for advising. likewise, there have been almost no requests for advising on is’s concentration programs. these remain under-enrolled, but they continue to give coherence to is’s programs even without 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 officially enrolled in the concentrations. given that the concentrations impose no additional financial burden on the department, their under-enrollment poses little concern. one of the things that i would like to accomplish as assistant dean is promoting the concentrations, especially as a means of differentiating our programs from those found elsewhere. the environment in politics and culture and human nature concentrations in particular are unique in canada, as best i can determine. if anyone has any suggestions for promoting the distinctiveness of these and the faculty’s other programs as a means of recruiting 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , i’d appreciate your sharing them with me. i’d also appreciate it if faculty passed along any information they might have regarding student retention. have any 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 mentioned they or their fellow 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 leaving or considering leaving lakehead for elsewhere, dropping out, etc.? in particular, have they mentioned their reasons for doing so? any information along these lines, even if anecdotal, would be appreciated.

j. roth:  assistant dean’s report - thunder bay campus (sept. 12, 2019)

1.  sem meeting:  2 pieces:
retention:  our faculty has lowest retention rates across the board, and specific concerns with orillia first to second year last year (dropped from 84% to 73%).  jen will be digging into numbers to establish a faculty retention task force, hopefully developing a faculty-wide retention strategy / model.
differentiation:  what makes lu programs – and the university – different from other universities.  student enrolment is an ongoing concern, and not meeting the sem targets will have follow-on repercussions in terms of funding.

2.  numbers:
thunder bay:  down 11 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 from last year (to 948 from 959):  there is no clear trend where we’re losing or gaining 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .  some programs are up in one program stream, but down in others, for example.  
orillia:  see report from l. fiddick – assistant dean.

3. funding sources:
funding sources will be available from the dean’s office and is open to feedback and ideas: watch for an email calling for interested people to sit on the adjudication committee.  committee members would ideally have experience sitting on evaluation committees like ptr or merit, where they have to work with the collective agreement and evaluation metrics.

travel funds:
it was suggested that travel funds be available for all those who are members of the bargaining unit.

there was some discussion with regard to retention issues for the faculty.  j. roth is in the process of developing a faculty-wide plan to address the problem of retention.  she asked that if anyone has ideas/suggestions, to email her directly.

small research grants:
it was expressed by some faculty members that these funds should not be restricted to those with sshrc or other funding sources.  newer faculty members who have not yet achieved sshrc funding should be encouraged to apply. 

course releases:
it was suggested that no one faculty member get a course repeatedly; although it was stated that in certain situations, one might have to depending on what it was for.  these releases should be used to help as many faculty members as possible with the process being transparent and equitable.  there was discussion regarding the teaching focused positions and how the might also apply for the course releases.

calendar changes
i)    english:
it was moved by a. den otter and seconded by j. jarman that the following calendar change for english be approved.
(2019-soc-6972 a – hba english transfer from con. college film production diploma)

ii)    languages:
it was moved by s. jacoba and seconded by g. colton that the following calendar changes for languages be approved.
(2018-soc-6657:  courses modifications - ug- languages - french for beginners. changes of specification)
(2019-soc-7034:  deletion of lab hour)
(2019-soc-7035:  precisions about the course)

the following calendar changes for languages were deferred to the next faculty council meeting:

2019-soc-7037:  discontinuing module (french 4533.
2019-soc-7038:  discontinuing module (french 3815.
2019-soc-7039:  discontinuing module (french 4517.
2019-soc-7040:  discontinuing module (french3835.
2019-soc-7042:  discontinuing this module (french 4515.
2019-soc-7043:  discontinuing this module (french 2611.

iii)    outdoor recreation:
it was moved by m. johnston and seconded by l. chambers that the following calendar changes for outdoor recreation be approved.
(2019-soc-7010:  course changes in hbor transfer program)
(2019-soc-7014:  mes-nbrt no longer being offered)
departmental/school reports

i)  women’s studies
l chambers stated that her department was very happy to have dr. jurgutis as a member of their department.  she also stated that the “brown bag” series will be held again throughout the year which will include a talk from b. birmingham.

ii)  music

g. colton reminded everyone that the lumina concert series will be starting again with a performance by e. chugunov on tuesday, october 1, 2019.

iii)  interdisciplinary studies

j. jarman announced that a. den otter was the new coordinator for media studies replacing s. jeppesen.

other business

next faculty council meeting:   (revised date to be announced to accommodate reading week.)

the meeting was adjourned at 10:57 am.  

thunder bay campus
t. puddephatt
r. maundrell
k. holmes
m. johnston
s. jobbitt
g. colton
s. jacoba
k. burnett
l. chambers
j. roth

orillia campus
a. den otter
m. stevenson
a. saulnier
j. jarman

e. chugunov
d. ivison
i. lemée

faculty council meeting - thursday, september 12, 2019 - deadline for agenda items - thursday, september 5/2019

thursday, september 12, 2019 - 10:00am
atac 5036/oa 3041


date:        september 6, 2019

to:    members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities

subject:     council meeting         

there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:
thursday, september 12 from 10:00 am to 11:30 am in atac 5036 / oa 3041 .



toll free:

59592 # <== please remember the # key.

introduction of new faculty members
 1.    approval of agenda.
 2.    approval of the following minutes:   friday, may 2, 2019.
 3.    business arising from the minutes.

 4.    dean’s report.

         funding opportunities:  discussion document

 5.    calendar changes.

    i)  english

    2019-soc-6972-a – hba english transfer from con. college film production diploma.

ii)  languages

   2018-soc-6657:  courses modifications - ug- languages - french for beginners. changes of specification.
    2019-soc-7034:  deletion of lab hour.

    2019-soc-7035:  precisions about the course.

    2019-soc-7037:  discontinuing module (french 4533).

    2019-soc-7038:  discontinuing module (french 3815).

    2019-soc-7039:  discontinuing module (french 4517).

    2019-soc-7040:  discontinuing module (french 3835).

    2019-soc-7042:  discontinuing this module (french 4515).

    2019-soc-7043:  discontinuing this module (french 2611).

    iii)  outdoor recreation

    2019-soc-7010:  course changes in hbor transfer program

    2019-soc-7014:  mes-nbrt no longer being offered.

 6.    department/school reports.

 7.    other business.

 8.    next faculty council meeting:  friday, october 18, 2019 at 10:00 am; atac 5036/oa 2005

 8.    adjournment.  


faculty of social sciences and humanities council


 may 2, 2019
a meeting of the faculty council was held on thursday, may 2, 2019 at 10:00 am in atac board room 3004 / orillia 2005 – teleconference/polycom.  

universal design for learning:
dr. rhonda dubec, coordinator of instructional development, gave a presentation on universal design for learning.  

approval of agenda
it was moved by a. guttman and seconded by s. jobbitt that the agenda be approved.


approval of minutes

approval of minutes from thursday, may 2, 2019.

the minutes were reviewed and amended.  
they were accepted as amended.

business arising from the minutes

i)    course tagging

b. birmingham reported that h. murchison will be contacting chairs/director over the coming weeks to share the ontario government’s new criteria on experiential learning.  she will also be sharing all the data that has been captured for each department so far to ensure that it is correct.  any further updates with regard to government criteria will be communicated as well.

ii)    budget
a. guttman asked if there were any updates on the budget.  b. birmingham responded to say that budgets had been uploaded wednesday for each department/school.    she also mentioned that there would be more information forthcoming in the dean’s report.

election of 2019/2020 chair and vice-chair of faculty council.

t. rollo gave the results of the search for chair and vice-chair of faculty council.  m. stevenson, department of interdisciplinary studies/history was acclaimed as chair of faculty council.  s. jobbitt was acclaimed as vice-chair of faculty council.  everyone welcomed them to their new positions.  d. ivison thanked t. rollo and the nominations committee for their work.

dean’s report

dean’s report:  may 2, 2019

spring comes as a drunken father-----
late……bringing gifts. as winter's stern
children, we demand, where've you been?
he stumbles in, with his boozy grin,
spills the gifts here and there: daffodils,
crocuses, the red-wing blackbirds, their
ambassadorial sashes aflutter;
and then, in a tipsy twirl he unfurls
flocks of canada geese, scattering 
them in all directions at once, and then
sloshes longed for flashes of green.
all these gifts, turn our hearts
once again; win us over, enabling him.
charles wm. preble
dean’s report – may 2/2019

thank you:

1.    thank you to you all for the wonderful year, faculty, staff and 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .
2.    outgoing chairs and coordinators: a huge thank you to alice den otter, anna guttman, roly martin, steve jobbitt, kristin burnett, beatrice vernier, and sandra jeppesen who are ending their terms as chairs, acting chairs or coordinators.  patrick and aris are completing and re-upping, and next year our line-up will look like this:

♣    criminology: alana
♣    english: doug i.
♣    history: michel
♣    il: kristin
♣    is: jennifer
♣    languages: isabelle
♣    media studies (tbd)
♣    music: aris (will elect acting soon)
♣    orpt: rhonda
♣    philosophy: richard
♣    political science: patrick
♣    sjs: tbd
♣    sociology: tony
♣    visual arts: kristy
♣    women’s studies: lori

a sincere thank you to all who served, and to all of those willing to take up this leadership role.

3.    we have two newly elected, but not fully appointed assistant deans, larry fiddick and jenny roth.
4.    related: chairs meeting organized by provost’s office on the morning of may 23rd—please all departments/school have someone save the date to attend chairs meeting and to block off afternoon of 23rd/morning (until 2) of 24th. i will get an agenda for our faculty workshop to you all asap.
5.    grad recruiting: thank you to the grad coordinators. as of april 5th, we were up 20% over last year. we did great. thank our grad coordinators when you see them!

i’m interested in having advisory committees for our faculty on a few issues:
1.    graduate committee, where the grad coordinators meet to share info and develop programs and strategies
2.    undergrad committee (recruitment, retention, advising, teaching, etc.) led by assistant deans
3.    budget committee that also adjudicates requests for funding and develops calls for funding opportunities, advises on budget.
4.    awards and social committee—supporting our faculty members on award nominations, helping with a fall picnic, and a spring awards/thank you event.
5.    others?

1)    budgets loaded yesterday afternoon.  i don’t quite know where we are yet.  will try to update at retreat and through individual meetings with chairs.
2)    working on crc, great team, proposing a crc in disability studies, could be housed most anywhere, goal is to serve and help develop sjs
3)    student affairs professional development day in august and they are looking for any faculty members who have expertise in the following topics:
♣    generation z
♣    growth mindset
anyone with expertise in these topics who is willing to participate should contact andrea tarsitano directly.

calendar changes

departmental/school reports

i)  english
a. guttman reported that the confederation college pathways program was moving along well, and that there are already 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 from the college that have expressed interest in it.

other business

 i)  allocation of time for presentations to council

a concern was raised at the end of last faculty council about amount of time devoted to presentations at the beginning of some meetings, with the result that the formal business portion of the meeting is sometimes substantially delayed in starting. discussion ensued.

d. ivison stated that if there is more than one presentation at council, they can take up quite a bit of meeting time.  r. koster mentioned that perhaps we could allocate two hours for faculty council to accommodate this as presentations are valuable.  it was suggested by many that there should be a time limit on them; however, r. koster stated that it is hard as there is no way to predict the length of the discussion.  it was decided that faculty council meetings could be extended to two hours beginning in september 2019, with the approval of the chair and vice-chair of faculty council and the dean, and that there only be one presentation per meeting.

next faculty council meeting:  tentatively booked for friday, september 13, 2019; atac 5036/oa 2005 from 10:00 am to noon.


the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 pm.  


thunder bay campus

a. guttman
b. vernier
t. puddephatt
b. birmingham
t. rollo
t. potter
r. maundrell
r. martin
r. koster
s. jobbitt
b. parker
d. ivison
a. carastathis
r. robson

orillia campus
a. den otter
m. stevenson

s. jacoba
g. colton
a. saulnier
l. forbes
