faculty council meeting - friday, may 6, 2022; deadline for agenda items: friday, april 29/2022 at 4:30 pm

friday, may 6, 2022 - 10:00am
via zoom


date:           april 29, 2022
to:              members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
subject:     council meeting         
there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:
 friday, may 6th, 2022 at 10:00 am via zoom.

presentation:    mitacs programs in ssha (social sciences, humanities, and the arts)
                          ms. nancy cummings
                          business development specialist, ecampus ontario/thunder bay


zoom link:  https://lakeheadu.zoom.us/j/99843294856
meeting id:  998 4329 4856

 1.    approval of agenda.
 2.    approval of the following minutes:   april 8th, 2022
 3.    business arising from the minutes.
 4.    calendar changes.

     i)  gender and women’s studies
    2020-soc-7361:  department of gender and women's studies undergrad cross-listing request of indi-2119 &     wome-2119.

    ii)  indigenous learning
    2020-soc-7384:  department of indigenous learning cross list courses (engl-1116 & wome-2119)
    2020-soc-7456:  course-new-ug-indigenous learning-cross-listing engl-2510
    2022-soc-7902-a:  course-modification-ug-indigenous learning-indigenous story pedagogy (3501, 4015)
    2022-soc-7902-b:  new type e course-ug-indigenous learning-indigenous learning 2012

 5.    department/school reports.
 6.    dean’s report.
 7.    assistant dean’s report.
 8.    other business.
         i)  restoring funds for spring/summer marking support.  (t. puddephatt)  
 9.    next faculty council meeting:  september, 2022; day/time tba.   
10.   adjournment.  


faculty of social sciences and humanities council


friday, april 8, 2022

a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, april 8, 2022 at 10:00 am via zoom.

election:  chair and vice-chair of faculty council
m. stevenson, chair of the nominations committee, announced that the committee received two nominations for chair and vice-chair for the 2022/2023 academic year.  m. flegel was nominated for chair of faculty council and v. hébert was nominated for vice-chair of faculty council.  m. stevenson announced that both were acclaimed without a vote as per our faculty constitution.  both were looking forward to another year in their respective positions!    

approval of agenda
it was moved by l. chambers and seconded by j. roth that the agenda be approved.


approval of minutes
approval of the minutes from march 11, 2022.  (l. chambers; k. burnett)
the minutes were accepted as presented.
business arising from the minutes

calendar changes
i)  gender and women’s studies
it was moved by l. chambers and seconded by j. roth that the following calendar change for gender and women’s studies be approved:
2022-soc-7868:  course- modification-ug-gws-wome course name update to psyc-operated course.


ii)  indigenous learning
it was moved by k. burnett and seconded by a. den otter that the following calendar change for
indigenous learning be approved:
2022-soc-7502:  course-discontinuing-ug-indigenous learning -honours project i and ii.


iii)  social justice program
it was moved by k. burnett and seconded by t. puddphatt that the following calendar change for
indigenous learning be approved:
2021-soc-7712:  adding the orillia campus option to the ma in socj.


department/school reports.
i)  english
d. ivison stated that the english student association (esa) was having a zoom party which will include the launch a new edition of the artery.  please check out the information at //www.hsbcwebinars.com/academics/departments/english/english-student-a... if interested.

ii) indigenous learning
k. burnett announced the r. robson will be retiring on june 30, 2022.

iii)  interdisciplinary studies
j. jarman announced the media arts showcase an in-person event which will be held on tuesday, april 26, 2022 from 5:30 to 8:30 pm. the annual showcase is presented by the media, film and communications program at the orillia campus, and open to 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 from all disciplines with accomplishments in creative arts. this year’s showcase will feature video, sound, photography, interactive sculptures, digital media and more, depicting and emphasizing themes of personal, professional and social change, flexibility and resilience, faced over the last two years.  this is event is open to the public; however, registration is required.  to register email adenotte@lakeheadu.ca.

iv)  outdoor recreation
s. pound announced that t. potter will be retiring on june 30, 2022.

v)  music
a. carastathis stated that this was week two of public activities.  week three will be next week and the events will be posted on their web page as well as their facebook account.

vi)  visual arts
k. holmes announced that moe trainor was retiring this year.  please feel free to send her a message.  the department will miss her!
the fourth year visual arts 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 will have a pop-up art gallery on campus.  the last day is tomorrow and is located beside the cafeteria.  they were also interviewed about the situation in ukraine by superior morning.

dean’s report.
no exciting news to report at this time.  it has been a tough year and thank you to all for your hard work and dedication!  looking forward to next year!    

enrollment:  there are no new enrollment numbers yet but are expected the week of may 2.  please contact me if you are not receiving regular updates and i shall make sure they are sent to you. conversions are important at this time of year and one on one contact seems to work best.

march break was very successful this year with quite a few 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 committing to lakehead.

hiring:  our faculty received two tenure track replacements for next year.  the rest of the requested positions are on hold pending budget and enrollment.  

discussion points:
•    there are no new fces and we are trying to retain the ones we have.  
•    it was mentioned that senate needs to become more active and a place where faculty can discuss issues that concern them and their departments/schools as well as the university as a whole.
•    when planning for spring/summer courses, offer those that will serve 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 effectively but be aware of your budget.  
•    covid rules for on campus will change as of may 1, 2022.  please watch for updates.
•    the sharing of information between upper administration and faculties is an ongoing concern and should be addressed at some point if things are going to improve.

assistant dean’s report:
continue to advise 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in the ba general program.  
work continues contacting 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 who have “stopped out” in order to facilitate their return back to lakehead and try to put them in touch with their home departments/school.
working with b. perrault to confirm those sgei 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 who will be graduating from the ba general this year.
will be uploading templates on the faculty commons site for use when contacting potential 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .   

other business:

next faculty council meeting:  friday, may 6, 2022 at 10:00 am via zoom.

the meeting was adjourned at 11:15 am.  (k. burnett; t. puddephatt)

thunder bay campus
r. maundrell
d. ivison
l. primavesi
b. birmingham
t. puddephatt
b. maiangwa
r. robson
m. flegel
l. chambers
c. sanders
j. roth
a. carastathis
s. pound
k. burnett
k. holmes
e. chugunov
g. colton
s. viitala - recording

orillia campus
m. stevenson
a. den otter
j. jarman

v. hébert
i. lemée

faculty council meeting - friday, april 8, 2022; deadline for agenda items: friday, april 1/2022 at 4:30 pm

friday, april 8, 2022 - 10:00am
via zoom


date:        april 1, 2022
to:              members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
subject:     council meeting         
there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:
 friday, april 8th, 2022 at 10:00 am via zoom.



zoom link:  https://lakeheadu.zoom.us/j/91535914773
meeting id:  915 3591 4773

election:  chair and vice-chair of faculty council

1.    approval of agenda.
2.    approval of the following minutes:   march 11th, 2022
3.    business arising from the minutes.
4.    calendar changes.
    i)  gender and women’s studies
    2022-soc-7868:   course- modification-ug-gws-wome course name update to psyc-operated course.

    ii)  indigenous learning
    2020-soc-7502:  course-discontinuing-ug-indigenous learning -honours project i and ii.

    iii)  social justice program
    2021-soc-7712:  adding the orillia campus option to the ma in socj.

 5.    department/school reports.
 6.    dean’s report.
 7.    assistant dean’s report.
 8.    other business.
 9.    next faculty council meeting:  friday, may 6th, 2022 at 10:00 am; via zoom; last meeting for this academic year.
10.    adjournment.   



faculty of social sciences and humanities council

friday, march 11, 2022
a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, march 11, 2022 at 10:00 am via zoom.

mr. bill perrault:  associate director, curriculum development, seven generations education institute, introduced himself and gave a brief summary about his 26 years working with sgei. he took over the ba general from his colleagues and will also be working with the aboriginal transitional program.  he stated that he is looking forward to working with everyone.

dr. lana ray:   anishaabe kendaasiwin institute (aki):  introductory presentation
indigenous research chair in decolonial futures & assistant professor, indigenous learning department
dr. ray presented a slide deck outlining the purpose of the anishaabe kendaasiwin institute (aki).  topics covered included goals/purpose, membership, and how it will support both indigenous 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and communities.  a brief discussion followed.  anyone wanting more information should contact dr. ray directly.

approval of agenda
 it was moved by j. roth and seconded by b. maiangwa that the agenda be approved.
approval of minutes

approval of the minutes from february 4, 2022.  (i. lemée; a. carastathis)
the minutes were accepted as presented.
business arising from the minutes

calendar changes
none were submitted.

department/school reports.
i)  english
d. ivison congratulated m. flegel on receiving the distinguished researcher award.
the english department’s mcleod lecture series presents follow the water, stand with the land to be held virtually on friday, march 11, 2022 from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm. (this event is part of 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 ’s research & innovation week.)

ii) music
a. carastathis stated that evelyn davenport won first place in the piano competition and jessica hayes won first place in the voice competition.  both were both invited to perform at carnegie hall.  jessica performed in person (travelling to new york) and evelyn performed live remotely.  congratulations to both!  

iii)  visual arts
k. holmes stated that the annual student juried exhibition and honours exhibition of the graduating class of 2022, is running both virtually and in person this year at the thunder bay art gallery.  everyone is encouraged to attend.  both exhibits run until april 3, 2022, and you can cast your vote for the people’s choice award.
congratulations to i. lemée who won the alumni association award.  her art was purchased by the alumni association and will go into the alumni commons gallery/hallway. 
the online version of both exhibitions can be found here: https://theag.ca/lakehead-university-juried-exhibition-2022/

dean’s report.
the meeting with the ba general review team members will be held thursday and friday the week of april 4, 2022.
our march break day will be held on thursday, march 17, 2022 and planning of events is well underway.  
as we will be moving to complete the timetable for the 2022/2023 academic year, please bring forward any concerns/issues you might have to me for follow up.

assistant dean’s report
a meeting was held with d. barnett; h. murchison and e. stafford to discuss sem as well as the current 1001s and 105s reports.  
those departments interested in starting a mentorship program, please reach out for help in getting them set up.
in efforts to identify 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 who have "stopped out" and facilitate their return back to lakehead and their academic studies, enrolment services team has reached out to a first group of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 who may have the potential to return. based on this reach out, we have identified six (so far) interested in returning to our faculty either this spring/summer or fall 2022. these 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 will be contacted to help them decided what might work best for them.
work continues on the cyclical review for the ba general with b. birmingham and n. luckai as well as continuing to advise 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in this program.  

timetable issues:
•    discussion followed with regard to timetable schedules for the coming year.  some key issues were:
•    scheduling of night classes at 25%; use of zoom instead of face to face;
•    possibility of offering professional program at night to accommodate those who work during the day;
•    do 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 really want night classes?
•    issue of being told to how to plan and deliver our courses but are still responsible for our outcomes;
•    some programs are finding consistent or higher marks with the new course delivery options;
•    bring up scheduling issues at senate meeting;
•    survey 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 with regard to when classes are scheduled; possible survey and analysis of past enrolments.

other business:
i)  formation of nominations committee to consider nominations for chair and vice-chair of faculty council for 2022/2023
the following faculty members volunteered to serve on this committee:  m. stevenson; b. maiangwa; t. puddephatt.   the committee held an “email” meeting to elect the chair and to outline the process.  m. stevenson was elected as chair of the committee, and reviewed the process.  s. viitala will send out an email regarding “interest to serve” and collect names of those interested.

next faculty council meeting:  friday, march 11, 2022 at 10:00 am via zoom.

the meeting was adjourned at 10:59 am.  (a. den otter; j. roth)

 thunder bay campus
r. maundrell
l. ray
d. ivison
l. primavesi
b. birmingham
t. puddephatt
b. maiangwa
r. robson
m. flegel
i. lemée
l. chambers
c. sanders
j. roth
a. carastathis
s. pound
k. holmes
p. cain
l. forbes
s. viitala - recording

orillia campus
m. stevenson
v. hébert
a. den otter
j. jarman
l. fiddick
d. acka
d. mackinnon

g. colton

faculty council meeting - friday, march 11, 2022; deadline for agenda items: friday, march 4/2022 at 4:30 pm

friday, march 11, 2022 - 10:00am
via zoom

date:        march 6, 2022
to:    members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
subject:     council meeting         
there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:
 friday, march 11th, 2022 at 10:00 am via zoom.


mr. bill perrault:      associate director, curriculum development
                              seven generations education institute

dr. lana ray:        anishaabe kendaasiwin institute (aki):  introductory presentation
                              indigenous research chair in decolonial futures and assistant professor,
                              indigenous learning department


zoom link:  https://lakeheadu.zoom.us/j/98562463999
meeting id:  985 6246 3999

 1.    approval of agenda.
 2.    approval of the following minutes:   february 4th, 2022
 3.    business arising from the minutes.
 4.    calendar changes.
 5.    department/school reports.
 6.    dean’s report.
 7.    assistant dean’s report.
 8.    other business.
    i)  formation of nominations committee to consider nominations for chair and vice-chair of   
    faculty council for 2022/2023.
 9.    next faculty council meeting:  friday, april 8th, 2022 at 10:00 am; via zoom.
10.    adjournment.  


faculty of social sciences and humanities council

friday, february 4, 2022
 a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, february 4, 2022 at 10:00 am via zoom.

s. lewis, director, student success, and s. bagha, career services project officer, gave a short presentation summarizing the completion of the major maps for our faculty.  these maps are intended to: act as a resource development; support 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 with their career paths; helping 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to achieve success, and promote dialogue between faculty and 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .   s. bagha stated that 22 maps were ready for a soft launch.  after a two-week period, they will collect feedback and make any necessary changes/adjustments to the maps as requested.  these maps are currently available via printouts.  the full launch is slated for february 28, 2022.  they are working on making them accessible on the student success page and the link will be shared with all departments once they have been uploaded.

m. flegel thanked everyone for all their hard work!

approval of agenda
it was moved by j. roth and seconded by t. puddephatt that the agenda be approved.

approval of minutes
approval of the minutes from january 7, 2022.  (s. pound; a. den otter)
the minutes were accepted as presented.
business arising from the minutes

calendar changes
i)  history
it was moved by r. maundrell and seconded by m. stevenson that the following calendar changes for
history be approved.
2022-soc-7836:  courses-modifications-ug-history-changes to prerequisites
2022-soc-7859:  courses-new-gr-history
2022-soc-7861:  courses-removal from calendar-gr-history
2022-soc-7864:  courses-new-gr-history

ii)  music
it was moved by a. carastathis and seconded by a. den otter that the following calendar change for
music be approved.
2022-soc-7855:  opera studio course reinstated

department/school reports.
i)  english
d. ivison reported that the english department began its climate change book club on january 20 with a discussion of sarah broom’s memoir the yellow house, led by dr. cheryl lousley. the next discussion will take place via zoom on march 10: dr. judith leggatt will lead a discussion of joanne robertson’s the water walker and carole lindstrom and michaela goade’s we are water protectors. to register: https://bit.ly/climatecbc.

on february 17, the english department will be hosting an online screening of the new corporation and a q&a with its director, joel bakan. to register: https://tinyurl.com/thenewcorporationlu.

the english department is currently engaging in a curriculum review process, with the goal of creating new programs and renewing its course offerings.

the english department’s dr. sarah olutola, an assistant professor and successful ya author, writing as sarah raughley recently published an essay on why the sudden interest in black authors doesn't feel like a victory in the walrus.

ii)  interdisciplinary studies
j. jarman expressed congratulations to d. krupp who was granted tenure and promotion to associate professor effective july 1, 2022.

iii)  languages
i. lemée congratulated s. jacoba who was granted tenure and promotion to associate professor effective july 1, 2022.

iv)  political science
b. maiangwa announced that t. rollo was granted tenure and promotion to associate professor effective july 1, 2022.

v)  gender and women’s studies
l. chambers congratulated j. chisolm who was granted tenure and promotion to associate professor effective july 1, 2022.
she also stated that j. jurgutis was part of a group who were just awarded a large sshrc grant.

dean’s report.
b. birmingham announced that l. ray, indigenous learning, was granted tenure and promotion to associate professor effective july 1, 2022.

welcome back to the classroom!  many concerns from instructors in orillia have been sent forward with regard to using the hybrid kits and the current technology in the classrooms.  both tsc and the teaching commons have been notified.  please continue to send your concerns to our office so we can keep track of them, and remember that if you are having issues, to put in a ticket with tsc.  possible solutions and work arounds were also discussed.  m. flegel suggested that we might hold a workshop for hybrid courses to discuss best practices and share ideas.

please review the numbers of your student applicants, both the 101s and 105s.  enrollment is up at lakehead by approximately 1%.  the university is, however, down by 5.9% as first choice among applicants.  chairs/director need to review the student applications and share them with the incoming chairs in order to “keep the flow” going.  faculty are encouraged to reach out for strategies in order to help with this continued communication.

thank you to all departments for sharing their news. please continue to share your events with s. viitala so she can share them with our faculty and staff.

a discussion followed regarding the hiring cycle.  it was noted that there are now four cycles per year with the next one being april 15, 2022.  requests for replacement positions were submitted on october 15, 2021 but to date, nothing has been decided.  chairs/director are welcome to reach out with any questions regarding this new process.

covid updates were discussed briefly such as the availability of masks for staff, faculty and 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , and what to do when you or others are ill.  everyone has been instructed to continue to follow the updates using the university covid link.  this information will be discussed at the next deans’ council meeting.

assistant dean’s report

j. roth continues to work on the cyclical review for the ba general with b. birmingham and n. luckai as well as continuing to advise 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in this program.  
j. roth will reach out to m. tomlinson to find out the monthly deadlines for the provost’s report to senate.  once confirmed, she will email all chairs/director with the information.  she also plans to touch base with those departments who have not submitted lately.

other business:

next faculty council meeting:  friday, march 11, 2022 at 10:00 am via zoom.


the meeting was adjourned at 11:15 am.  (a. den otter; l. fiddick)


thunder bay campus
r. maundrell
b. vernier
d. ivison
l. primavesi
b. birmingham
t. puddephatt
b. maiangwa
r. robson
m. flegel
i. lemée
l. chambers
c. sanders
j. roth
a. carastathis
s. pound
k. burnett
s. viitala - recording

orillia campus

m. stevenson
v. hébert
a. den otter
j. jarman
l. fiddick
d. acka
d. mackinnon

k. holmes
g. colton

faculty council meeting - friday, february 4, 2022; deadline for agenda items: friday, january 28/2022 at 3:30 pm

friday, february 4, 2022 - 10:00am
via zoom


date:        january 28, 2022

to:             members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities

subject:     council meeting         
there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:
friday, february 4th, 2022 at 10:00 am via zoom.


ms. sarah lewis, director, student success and team:  major maps project wrap up


zoom link:  https://lakeheadu.zoom.us/j/92654158579
meeting id:  926 5415 8579

1.    approval of agenda.
 2.    approval of the following minutes:   january 7, 2022

 3.    business arising from the minutes.

 4.    calendar changes.

    i)  history
    2022-soc-7836:  courses-modifications-ug-history-changes to prerequisites
    2022-soc-7859:  courses-new-gr-history
    2022-soc-7861:  courses-removal from calendar-gr-history
    2022-soc-7864:  courses-new-gr-history

    ii)  music
    2022-soc-7855:  opera studio course reinstated

 5.    department/school reports.

 6.    dean’s report.

 7.    assistant dean’s report.

 8.    other business.

 9.    next faculty council meeting:  friday, march 11th, 2022 at 10:00 am; via zoom.
10.    adjournment.  


faculty of social sciences and humanities council

friday, january 4, 2022
a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, january 4, 2022 at 10:00 am via zoom.

moment of silence
a moment of silence was held in remembrance of dr. ryan mcinerney, contract lecturer in the philosophy department, who passed away in december 2021.  

introduction of new faculty members
j. jarman introduced two new faculty members in interdisciplinary studies/criminology.  both started their employment with lakehead on january 1, 2022.

dr. davut akca:
davut akca worked for the turkish national police as a ranked police officer for five years (2008-2013), before coming to canada to pursue a m.a. in criminology at ontario technical university.  there he wrote a thesis on spatial risk factors behind open-air drug markets in durham region, ontario. then, he went on to complete a forensic psychology ph.d., also at ontario technical university, examining the impact of personality on investigative interviewing performance of police officers.  most recently, he was working as a post-doctoral research officer and program evaluator for the centre for forensic behavioural science and justice studies at the university of saskatchewan. his research interests include investigative interviewing, missing persons, gangs, program evaluation, radicalization, and hate crimes.

dr. debra mackinnon:
debra mackinnon is an assistant professor at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 . previously, she was a  banting postdoctoral fellow at the university of windsor, postdoctoral fellow at the university of calgary (geography) and a visiting scholar the university of essex (sociology). i completed my phd in sociology at queen’s university. i hold a master of arts in sociology and bachelor of arts in sociology (hons) with an extended minor in criminology from simon fraser university.
her current project “in the business of policing” analyzes the convergence of public and private policing technologies used to patrol urban spaces and their implications for policing and community relations in windsor (ontario), detroit (michigan), toronto (ontario) and chicago (illinois). her doctoral dissertation “mundane surveillance: tracking mobile applications and urban accounting in canadian business improvement areas” explored how technologies are used to police, account for, render, and manage urban space and populations.
her general research interests are in urban studies; critical criminology; policing studies; socio-legal theory; surveillance studies; science and technology studies; smart cities; wearables, and qualitative research methodologies.

approval of agenda
it was moved by l. chambers and seconded by j. roth that the agenda be approved.

approval of minutes
approval of the minutes from december 3, 2021.
the revised minutes were accepted.

business arising from the minutes

calendar changes


it was moved by i. lemée and seconded by a. den otter that the following calendar changes for
languages be approved.
2022-soc-7837:  remove fren 4515 to leave space for a new version of this module.
2022-soc-7839:  courses - new - ug - languages - new course description to reflect what is taught in
the module.

department/school reports.

i)  languages
i. lemée stated that she and jeannette mundinger hardy are now tef (test d'evaluation en français) assessors. tef is an international benchmark test that measures a person’s level of knowledge and skills in french. the tef canada is a mandatory test in the context of economic immigration programs that require proof of language skills, at the request of canadian citizenship and immigration to canada. the tef canada is also an essential proof of french language proficiency level to obtain canadian citizenship.
so, on top of being assessors for all the levels of delf and dalf, we have added another test to evaluate!

ii)  outdoor recreation, parks and tourism
s. pound stated that he is now the acting director of the school of outdoor recreation, parks and tourism while l. potvin is on maternity/paternity leave.  he stated he was happy to be here.

iii)  music
a. carastathis stated that the concert series offered by the music department this winter has had to cancel two concerts due to covid.  the next concert will be held in march 2022.

dean’s report.
as our offices were closed for the holiday season, and the provost was away, there is no new information to report today.
work continues on the ba general cyclical review with n. luckai and j. roth.
meetings will be held with chairs/director in the new few weeks to discuss scheduling and fce request for the coming 2022/2023 f/w terms.  please contact s. viitala to book an appointment.  if you require more than one meeting, please let s. viitala know and these can be scheduled as well.
funding for online courses will be discussed once the budget is in place.
please continue to monitor and support 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 as we begin the winter term.  
any information or updates received with regard to covid will be shared as with everyone, including provincial guidelines, policy updates (mask wearing).
thank you to all and i hope you have a great new year!  hopefully we can guide each other through this.

assistant dean’s report.
the report to senate for our faculty has been submitted to the provost’s office.  please reach out if anything is missing.  j. roth continues to work on the cyclical review for the ba general with b. birmingham and n. luckai as well as student advising in this program.

other business:

next faculty council meeting:  friday, february 4, 2022 at 10:00 am via zoom.

the meeting was adjourned at 10:33 am.  (j. roth; l. chambers)

thunder bay campus
r. maundrell
k. holmes
d. ivison
l. primavesi
b. birmingham
t. puddephatt
b. maiangwa
r. robson
m. flegel
i. lemée
l. chambers
c, sanders
j. roth
a. carastathis
p. cain
s. viitala - recording

orillia campus
m. stevenson
v. hébert
a. den otter
j. jarman
l. fiddick


faculty council meeting - friday, december 3, 2021; deadline for agenda items: friday, november 26/2021

friday, december 3, 2021 - 10:00am
via zoom


date:        november 26, 2021
to:            members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
subject:    council meeting         
there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:
 friday, december 3 rd, 2021 at 10:00 am via zoom.

cathie o’connor - associate registrar - enrolment services
derek lawrence - student central lead - student central


zoom link:   https://lakeheadu.zoom.us/j/99903389584
meeting id:  999 0338 9584

1.    approval of agenda.

2.    approval of the following minutes:   november 12, 2021

3.    business arising from the minutes.

4.    calendar changes.

5.    department/school reports.
    i)  philosophy
recommendation for dr. jaro kotalik as internal adjunct for the department of philosophy.  recommendation memo. (cv available upon request; please contact s. viitala.)

 6.    dean's report.

 7.    assistant dean’s report.

 8.    other business.

 9.    next faculty council meeting:  friday, january 7th, 2022 at 10:00 am; via zoom.

10.    adjournment.  


faculty of social sciences and humanities council


friday, november 12th, 2021
a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, november 12th, 2021 at 10:00 am via zoom.

presentation:  ms. lynn hurrell - director, undergraduate recruitment

l. hurrell shared a slide deck entitled, undergraduate recruitment:  looking ahead:  2021-2022:  update for the faculty of social sciences and humanities - november 12, 2021.  

it was noted that the faculty of social sciences and humanities has a strong presence in recruitment.
l. hurrell explained the importance of building connections both internally and externally.  she stated the importance of faculty members reaching out and making that connection with the student and to follow up with them during the registration process and after.  it was also noted that those faculty members with particular experience and knowledge in a given area be matched with those 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 with the same interest.
a question and answer period followed.  
l. hurrell will send the two presentations to b. birmingham for distribution to all chairs/director.

approval of agenda
it was moved by j. roth and seconded by l. chambers that the agenda be approved.

approval of minutes
approval of the minutes from october 8th, 2021.
the minutes were accepted as posted.
business arising from the minutes

calendar changes
ii)  interdisciplinary studies
it was moved by j. jarman and seconded by l. chambers that the following calendar changes for
interdisciplinary studies be approved.

2021-soc-7772:  new transfer agreement--hbasc (criminology major) with sheridan college
           police foundations diploma

2021-soc-7773: new transfer agreement--hbasc (criminology major) with centennial college
          police foundations diploma

department/school reports.

i)  social justice studies program - update
k. brooks gave an overview with regard to the social justice studies program.  he encouraged faculty members who are interested to think about becoming involved.  there is currently an advisory committee and an admissions committee with three members each plus himself.
he is also looking to start a sjs events committee and an academic planning and curriculum committee.  if anyone is interested in becoming involved, please contact him directly.  please use the following link for more information regarding the process.: //www.hsbcwebinars.com/programs/departments/social-justice/faculty-res... .

ii)  outdoor recreation
l. potvin announced the following retirements:
dr. willow curthoys - december 31, 2021
dr. tom potter - june 30, 2022

iii)  gender and women’s studies
l. chambers announced the department’s recent newsletter.  this will be sent to everyone via email.

iv)  interdisciplinary studies
j. jarman announced that there will be a book launch for s. jeppesen coming up for her recent book entitled, transformative media: intersectional technopolitics from indymedia to #blacklivesmatter, has just come out with ubc press.

v) english
d. ivison stated that the department of english had a book launch on october 22, 2021 with five new books.  the event was hybrid with in person and zoom.
he also announced they will be hosting a climate change book club with four books beginning january 2022.  everyone is welcome to attend. there are three partners:  thunder bay and orillia campuses as well as the library. please see the department of english website for more details.

dean’s report.

open house
there will be an open house for our newly renovated office suite in december before we break for the holidays.

fall/winter timetable
we will begin reviewing the timetable for fall/winter 2022/2023 delivery very soon.  we will have to figure out where things are at but it should look quite similar to this year’s and last.

budget model
the new budget model will be based on the number of majors we have, enrolment, both international and local, and retention and graduation.  this will decide the number of fces we will receive.  we need to increase majors in our own programs.  our service courses continue to get funds for our faculty; however, we need to get credit for both kinds of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .

i will be meeting in the next week or so with all chairs/director/program coordinators to discuss budget and fce allocations for the 2022 s/s terms.  cedl money will be distributed to all faculties to manage as that department no longer exists.  further discussions regarding this budget are planned.  once all the issues have been sorted out, i will update everyone accordingly.

newly hired instructors for the winter term, as well as 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , need to be vaccinated.  no 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 were lost during due to the vaccine mandate.  only those 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 who were enrolled in on campus courses were contacted, and those were minimal.

retention and graduation of our 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 is very important.  please reach out if you require any resources.  peer mentoring is also available and there are different models to choose from.

assistant dean’s report
j. roth continues to advise the ba general 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .  
with regard to student mentoring, outdoor recreation matches 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 at the first-year level.  usually it is a fourth-year student who is automatically assigned. if anyone is interested in setting up a mentorship program in their department, please contact her.

other business:

next faculty council meeting:  friday, december 3rd, 2021 at 10:00 am via zoom.

the meeting was adjourned at 11:33 am.  (j. jarman and v. hébert)


thunder bay campus
r. maundrell
k. holmes
d. ivison
l. potvin
l. primavesi
r. robson
b. birmingham
m. flegel
b. maiangwa  
i. lemée
c. sanders
l. chambers
j. roth
k. brooks
t. puddephatt
e. chugunov
s. viitala - recording

orillia campus
m. stevenson
j. jarman
v. hébert
a. den otter

l. fiddick
b. vernier

faculty council meeting - friday, january 7, 2022; deadline for agenda items: december 23/2021 at 4:30 pm

friday, january 7, 2022 - 10:00am
via zoom


date:        january 3, 2021
to:             members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
subject:     council meeting         
there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:
 friday, january 7th, 2022 at 10:00 am via zoom.


introduction of new faculty members

dr. debra mackinnon - interdisciplinary studies/criminology

dr. davut akca - interdisciplinary studies/criminology


zoom link:   https://lakeheadu.zoom.us/j/94729254718
meeting id:  947 2925 4718

 1.    approval of agenda.
 2.    approval of the following minutes:   december 3, 2021
 3.    business arising from the minutes.
 4.    calendar changes.
    i)  languages
    2022-soc-7837:  remove fren 4515 to leave space for a new version of this module.
    2022-soc-7839:  courses - new - ug - languages - new course description to reflect what is taught in the     module.
 5.    department/school reports.
 6.    dean’s report.
 7.    assistant dean’s report.
 8.    other business.
 9.    next faculty council meeting:  friday, february 4th, 2022 at 10:00 am; via zoom.
10.    adjournment.


faculty of social sciences and humanities council

friday, december 3rd, 2021

a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, december 3rd, 2021 at 10:00 am via zoom.

presentation:  enrolment services and student central

ms. cathie o’connor, associate registrar, enrolment services, and mr. derek lawrence, student central lead, student central, shared an overview of their roles as well as what services are offered by each area.  student central works with student applicants from the moment they apply right through to graduation.  enrolment services handles more of the policies and regulations pertaining to the calendar.  as much as one-third of their staff support and advise faculty on various topics such as student degree audits, exam schedules/rules, etc.  

the following are some of the topics that were discussed:
•    concern with regard to the turnaround time for student central professionals to answer student emails
•    length of time to change programs.
•    academic advising with regard to some 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 receiving incorrect information.
•    possibility of academic advisor for faculty/each department, ie. psychology has its own advisor.
•    direct contact for advising for our faculty is d. lawrence.
•    more guidance/advising for access 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .
•    self-late withdrawal - possibility of system to notify chairs when student has applied to drop course to ensure student is aware of consequences and other options before going ahead with this.

for web resources, please use the following links:
student central//www.hsbcwebinars.com/studentcentral
enrolment services//www.hsbcwebinars.com/faculty-and-staff/departments/services/enrolmen...

approval of agenda
it was moved by j. roth and seconded by a. den otter that the agenda be approved.

approval of minutes
approval of the minutes from november 12th, 2021.
the minutes were accepted as posted.

business arising from the minutes

calendar changes
none were submitted.

department/school reports.
i)  philosophy
it was moved by r. maundrell and seconded by d. ivison that dr. jaro kotalik be appointed as external adjunct professor for the department philosophy.


ii)  j. roth asked all departments/school if they had any ongoing research activities or anything else related to the academic plan to report.  she asked that any reports be submitted to her at least two weeks before the senate meetings.

dean’s report.
there was no dean’s report as betsy was unable to attend the meeting.

assistant dean’s report
j. roth is currently working on the cyclical review for the ba general with b. birmingham and n. luckai.  it is due in january 2022.  she also continues to advise 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in this program.

other business:

next faculty council meeting:  friday, january 7th, 2022 at 10:00 am via zoom.

the meeting was adjourned at 11:26 am.  (j. roth; a. den otter)

thunder bay campus
r. maundrell
k. holmes
d. ivison
l. potvin
l. primavesi
r. robson
m. flegel
i. lemée
c. sanders
l. chambers
j. roth
a. carastathis
e. chugunov
p. cain
s. viitala - recording

orillia campus
m. stevenson
v. hébert
a. den otter

l. fiddick
j. jarman

faculty council meeting - friday, november 12, 2021- deadline for agenda items-friday, november 5/2021 at 4:00pm

friday, november 12, 2021 - 10:00am
via zoom

date:        november 6th, 2021

to:            members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities

subject:    council meeting         
there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on: friday, november 12th, 2021 at 10:00 am via zoom.

presentation:  ms. lynn hurrell - director of undergraduate recruitment


zoom link:   https://lakeheadu.zoom.us/j/99171864749
meeting id:  991 7186 4749

1.    approval of agenda.
 2.    approval of the following minutes:   october 8, 2021

 3.    business arising from the minutes.

 4.    calendar changes.

    i)  interdisciplinary studies
    2021-soc-7772:  new transfer agreement--hbasc (criminology major) with sheridan college
               police foundations diploma

    2021-soc-7773: new transfer agreement--hbasc (criminology major) with centennial college
              police foundations diploma

 5.    department/school reports.
    i)  social justice studies program - update. (dr. kevin brooks)

 6.    dean’s report.

 7.    assistant dean’s report.

 8.    other business.

 9.    next faculty council meeting:  friday, december 3rd, 2021 at 10:00 am; via zoom.
10.    adjournment.  


faculty of social sciences and humanities council


friday, october 8th, 2021
a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, october 8th, 2021 at 10:00 am via zoom.
approval of agenda
it was moved by l. chambers and seconded by i. lemée that the agenda be approved.

approval of minutes
approval of the minutes from september 17th, 2021.
the minutes were accepted as posted.
business arising from the minutes

calendar changes
i)  english
it was moved by d. ivison and seconded by i. lemée that the following calendar changes for english be
(2021-soc-7774:  course-new-ug-english)
(2021-soc-7775:  course-new-gr-english)


ii)  interdisciplinary studies
it was moved by j. jarman and seconded by l. chambers that the following calendar change for
interdisciplinary studies be approved.
(2021-soc-7764:  media, film, and communications course changes)


iii)  philosophy
it was moved by r. maundrell and seconded by l. chambers that the following calendar change for
philosophy be approved.
(2021-soc-7645:  certificate interdisciplinary health care ethics)


iv)  outdoor recreation, parks and tourism
it was moved by l. potvin and seconded by k. holmes that the following calendar change for outdoor
recreation, parks and tourism be approved.
(2021-soc-7779:  minor program modifications - ug - change to year 4 courses hbor with conc in

v)  social justice studies
it was moved by d. ivison and seconded by l. chambers that the following calendar change for social
justice studies be approved.
(2021-soc-7778:  cross list request with english 5018)


department/school reports.
i)  english
m. flegel stated that the department of english will be having a joint book launch on october 22, 2021.  

ii)  music
a. carastathis stated that the department continues to support its music 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 through the use of hybrid courses and technology.
it was also mentioned that e. chugunov had a concert in conjunction with the aurora borealis consortium on september 25 via zoom.

iii)  political science
b. maiangwa mentioned that the department of political science has several upcoming events planned.  please look for more information from them in the following weeks.

iv)  visual arts
k. holmes mentioned that there was an online exhibit called “unlocked - art by young canadians inspired by the pandemic” and one of our 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , alyson chasse won an honourable mention.  
here is the link to the online show:  https://unlockedproject.ca

dean’s report.
october 8th, 2021

1.    enrollment
there were no new numbers to report at this time.  updated enrollment numbers are expected sometime in november.

2.    vaccination letters
vaccination letters went out on wednesday from human resources to all those who are not fully vaccinated.  questions with regard to these letters can be directed to the me.

thanks to everyone for getting through a difficult semester!

assistant dean’s report

other business:

i)  new budget model
d. ivison asked if there was an update on the new funding model yet.  b. birmingham stated that there was no additional news yet but was hoping to hear something sooner rather than later.

ii)  student card issue
k. holmes asked if the student card issue had been resolved yet.  l. primavesi stated that the issue still remained.  also, if the library does start to mail student cards, there will be a fee associated with this.  k. homes asked b. birmingham if she could bring up this issue at dean’s council.  b. birmingham stated she would bring it to provost council for discussion at the next meeting on wednesday, october 13, 2021.

next faculty council meeting:  friday, november 12th, 2021 at 10:00 am via zoom.

b. birmingham wished everyone a fabulous long weekend and reading week, and to take time to relax!

the meeting was adjourned at 10:28 am.  


thunder bay campus
r. maundrell
k. holmes
d. ivison
a. carastathis
l. potvin
b. vernier
l. primavesi
r. robson
b. birmingham
m. flegel
b. maiangwa  
i. lemée
b. maiangwa
c. sanders
l. chambers
s. viitala - recording

orillia campus
m. stevenson
j. jarman
v. hébert

t. puddephatt
j. roth
l. fiddick

faculty council meeting - friday, october 8, 2021; deadline for agenda items-friday, october 1, 2021 at 3:30 pm

friday, october 8, 2021 - 10:00am
via zoom


date:        october 2th, 2021
to:            members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
subject:    council meeting         
there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:

 friday, october 8th, 2021 at 10:00 am via zoom


zoom link:    https://lakeheadu.zoom.us/j/94880537981
meeting id:  948 8053 7981

1.    approval of agenda.
 2.    approval of the following minutes:   september 17th, 2021

 3.    business arising from the minutes.

 4.    calendar changes.

    i)  english
    2021-soc-7774:  course-new-ug-english
    2020-soc-7775:  course-new-gr-english

    ii)  interdisciplinary studies
    2021-soc-7764:  media, film, and communications course changes

    iii) outdoor recreation, parks and tourism

    2021-soc-7779:  minor program modifications - ug - change to year 4 courses hbor with conc in nbtr

    iv)  philosophy
    2021-soc-7645:  certificate interdisciplinary health care ethics - support doc (wome); support doc (soci)

    v) social justice studies

    2021-soc-7778:  cross list request with english 5018

5.    department/school reports.

 6.    dean’s report.

 7.    assistant dean’s report.

 8.    other business.

 9.    next faculty council meeting:  friday, november 12th, 2021 at 10:00 am; via zoom.
10.    adjournment.  




friday, september 17th, 2021

a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, september 17th, 2021 at 10:00 am via zoom.

-- introduction of new faculty members --

d. ivison, chair, department of english, introduced their new faculty member, dr. sarah olutola.  she will be working at our orillia campus with a focus on writing.  d. olutola is a graduate of english and cultural studies at mcmaster university.

p. cain, chair, department of political science, introduced their new faculty member, dr. benjamin maiangwa.  dr. maiangwa is a recent graduate of the university of manitoba.  

approval of agenda
it was moved by j. roth and seconded by t. puddephatt that the agenda be approved.

approval of minutes
approval of the minutes from may 14th, 2021.
        the revised minutes were accepted.
business arising from the minutes

calendar changes

i)  english
it was moved by d. ivison and seconded by p. cain that dr. abhijit rao be appointed as external adjunct
professor for the department of english.

it was moved by d. ivison and seconded by j. roth that the following calendar changes for english be

(2021-soc-7696:  programs-major modifications-ug-english-adding 4 year babed is english/french &
(2021-soc-7753:  course-modification-ug-english-change to course title)

ii)  history
it was moved by m. stevenson and seconded by d. ivison that the following calendar changes for
history be approved.
(2021-soc-7677:  expansion of hba history programming to orillia campus)
(2021-soc-7687:  extension of hba english/history degree to the orillia campus)

it was moved by r. maundrell and seconded by m. stevenson that the following calendar change for
history be approved.
(2021-soc-7716:  minor in comparative religion)

iii)  interdisciplinary studies
it was moved by a. den otter and seconded by d. ivison that the following calendar change for
interdisciplinary studies be approved.
(2021-soc-7705:  renaming of minor in media studies to minor in media, film, and communications)

it was moved by j. jarman and seconded by p. cain that the following calendar changes for
interdisciplinary studies be approved.
(2021-soc-7706:  course-new-ug-interdisciplinary studies-required 2nd year intd)
(2021-soc-7708:  programs-major modifications-ug-interdisciplinary studies-new intd courses and
(2021-soc-7709:  programs-major modifications-ug-interdisciplinary studies-new intd courses and
disciplines for concurrent ed degrees)

iv)  philosophy
it was moved by r. maundrell and seconded by j. roth that the following calendar change for philosophy
be approved.
(2021-soc-7645:  certificate interdisciplinary health care ethics)


v)  political science
it was moved by p. cain and seconded by s. islam that the following calendar change for political
science be approved.
(2021-soc-7633:  ba/hba political science pre-law orillia)
vi)  social justice studies
it was moved by t. puddephatt and seconded by j. roth that the following calendar change for social
justice studies be approved.
(2021-soc-7650:  course-new-gr-social justice studies-cross list w/ soci 5116)

vii)  sociology
it was moved by t. puddephatt and seconded by j. roth that the following calendar change for sociology
be approved.
(2021-soc-7653:  cross listing soci 5116 with sjs 5116)

viii) psychology - for discussion only
(2021-soc-7707:  programs-major modifications-ug-psychology-adding orillia campus)
a brief discussion was held with everyone in support of this calendar change request.

department/school reports.
i)  gender and women’s studies
j. roth extended her congratulations to l. chambers for achieving the royal society of canada award.
on friday, nov. 19, dr. lori chambers will be elected as a fellow of the royal society of canada (rsc).  all members of faculty council share in congratulating her.

ii)  outdoor recreation, parks and tourism
l, potvin stated that they have hired a new technologist, joseph miller.  he has a lot of experience, and will be in charge of the equipment depot as well as the equipment rental program.
l. potvin announced the m. johnston will be retiring december 31, 2021.  she will be missed by all and we wish her well.

dean’s report.
september 17th, 2021
welcome everyone!  this has been a somewhat crazy start to this new academic year!  thank you to all for your efforts and hard work through this time.  please continue to be kind and supportive to each other as we move forward in this new reality.  the number of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in our classes are up by

1.    enrollment
last year, we were down in majors by 89 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .  this year, we are 24 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 over our count from last year, although we are still down.  the total number of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 taking our classes is up by 200 with many of our courses being funded by cedl.
we are now looking at winter enrollment, and want to encourage 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to register.  those with low enrolled classes, please contact me to discuss your options.

2.    request for fall recruitment activities
the deadline for recruitment activities is next wednesday, september 29.  all departments/school should be represented at these events.  that way, you can cover for each other for breaks, etc.

3.    new funding model
it has been announced that there will be a new funding model that will be used for next year’s budget.  the number of fces allotted will be based on the enrollment for our faculty.  as we serve more 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 throughout the university, this may be actually be in our favour.  it will be based on sma3 criteria.     it would be great to see a model first in order to discuss it before it is brought forward to senate.  we will prepare for next year’s funding but will need more specifics first.

4.    truth and reconciliation day
the week of september 27 has been designated for truth and reconciliation activities with september 30 being a national day for recognition.  should you have activities to share with our faculty, please send them to s. viitala who will distribute the information through our ssh@lakeheadu.ca email account.
if you plan to cancel your class, please be sure to send your 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to an alternate activity.
indigenous events will be held from september 27 to october 4, 2021.

5.    vaccines and vaccine policy - updates and questions
many faculty members have found themselves frustrated by the lack of messaging, the misinformation shared and the lack of any messaging at all.  this past while has been incredibly challenging with lots of information coming out in the last two weeks.  it is important to upload your vaccine status right away, using whichever method is easiest for you.  this information will be stored with human resources.  it was noted that there were a lot of mixed message when it came to checking the vaccination status of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .   a lengthy discussion followed with the hope that more information would be forthcoming.

assistant dean’s report
j. roth reported that she continues to advise 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in the ba general program and is reaching out to those who are struggling with averages under 60%.

other business:
i)  student cards
it was noted that off campus 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 could not get their student cards.  they could not access the information from the university due to security issues.  they could not pick them up or have them mailed.  b. birmingham will try to find out the issues.

next faculty council meeting:  friday, october 8th, 2021 via zoom.

the meeting was adjourned at 11:55 am.  

thunder bay campus
r. maundrell
k. holmes
d. ivison
a. carastathis
j. roth
l. potvin
b. vernier
l. forbes
t. puddephatt
l. primavesi
r. robson
t. rollo
b. birmingham
p. cain
m. flegel
s. olutola
b. maiangwa  

s. viitala - recording

orillia campus
m. stevenson
s. islam
j. jarman
a. den otter
v. hébert
l. fiddick

i. lemée

faculty council meeting - friday, may 14, 2021: deadline for agenda items - friday, may 7, 2021 at 4:00 pm

friday, may 14, 2021 - 10:00am
via zoom


date:         may 9th, 2020

to:             members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities

subject:     council meeting         
there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:
friday, may 14th, 2021 at 10:00 am via zoom.


zoom link:  https://lakeheadu.zoom.us/j/94211372597
meeting id:  942 1137 2597

 1.    approval of agenda.
 2.    approval of the following minutes:   april 9th, 2021.
 3.    business arising from the minutes.

 4.    calendar changes.

 5.    department/school reports.

 6.    dean’s report.

 7.    other business.
    i)  continuation of zoom for faculty council meetings
    ii)  provost’s task force - orillia

 8.    next faculty council meeting:  tba.  
 9.    adjournment.    


friday, april 9th, 2021
a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, april 9th, 2021 at 10:00 am via zoom.

dr. gautam das, president, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 faculty association, ms. debra gold, communications and copyright librarian, and dr. lynn martin, department of health sciences, attended faculty council to review the memorandum of settlement from the recent negotiations.  l. martin reviewed the entire document and elaborated on changes when necessary. d. gold reviewed changes in the memorandum that affected librarians only.
ongoing issues such as set (student evaluations of teaching), pension reform and benefit coverage, to name a few, will be reviewed during the next round of negotiations.
a question and answer session followed in which the following issues were raised/discussed:
•    set; possibility of peer review; ocufa has produced a detailed report on teaching evaluations that advocates for increased emphasis on peer review as a viable approach; and improved wording around what is meant by satisfactory or excellent; consistency of wording/meaning
•    collegial governance must be improved, ie: board of governors
•    clarification with regard to teaching focussed positions
•    responsibilities of chairs/directors with regard to liability relating to health and safety
•    review need for chairs/directors to sign off on forms; what is needed and what is not to reduce some of the work
m. stevenson thanked everyone for attending our faculty council meeting and for their review of the changes to the new agreement.

approval of agenda
it was moved by l. chambers and seconded by k. burnett that the revised agenda be approved.

approval of minutes
approval of the minutes from march 5th, 2021.
        the minutes were accepted as circulated.
business arising from the minutes

calendar changes
i)  indigenous learning:
it was moved by k. burnett and seconded by l. chambers that following calendar change for indigenous learning be approved.
(2021-soc-7617:  course-new-ug-indigenous learning-1xxx (special topics)

election of chair and vice-chair of faculty council
i. lemée, chair of the nominations committee, announced that the following three people have agreed to let their names stand for these positions:
dr. monica flegel - chair
dr. valerie hébert – vice-chair
dr. t. puddephatt – vice-chair
(all nominations were seconded.)

dr. t. puddephatt chose to withdraw his name at this time.  it was stated by i. lemée that with only two names, the faculty member with the most votes would be elected as chair and the second automatically vice-chair.  voting commenced by show of hands in the “chat” section of the zoom meeting.  s. viitala tabulated the votes once everyone was finished and announced the following results:
dr. m. flegel – elected as chair
dr. v. hébert – elected as vice-chair
m. stevenson thanked the committee for their work.

calendar changes - continued
ii)  english:
it was moved by d. ivison and seconded by a. carastathis that following calendar change for english be approved.
(2021-soc-7635:  courses-modification-gr-english 5215)


iii)  gender and women’s studies:
it was moved by l. chambers and seconded by k. burnett that following calendar change for gender and women’s studies be approved.
(2021-soc-7620:  course-modification-gr-gender&women's studies-wome-5010 & wome-5101)


iv)  social justice studies:
it was moved by d. ivison and seconded by i. lemée that following calendar change for social justice studies be approved.
(2021-soc-7636:  social justice grad course changes)
department/school reports.
i)  english
d. ivison mentioned that the upcoming english student conference to be held on friday, april 16, 2021 from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm.  there will be presentations from both undergraduate and graduate english 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .  everyone is welcome and the zoom link will be posted on the website.

ii)  history
r. maundrell stated that the department of history was a recipient of a large donation of $100,000 from dr. don wilson, a former professor in the department of history.  r. maundrell and the department will be meeting to discuss the donation and decide how best to use these funds.

iii) languages
i. lemée stated that one of their undergraduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 received an award for best poster during research and innovation week.

iv) music
a. carastathis spoke about the upcoming music recitals.  they can be accessed/viewed via the zoom link posted on the music website.

v)  outdoor recreation
l. potvin said that the repairs to the voyageur canoe would be completed soon and the canoe will be available for use once that is done.

vi)  visual arts
k. holmes announced that the student juried exhibition is online this year, and the website will go live next wednesday, april 14, on the thunder bay art gallery website.  the zoom link will be emailed and posted to the communications bulletin.  thanks to b. birmingham for supporting 5 student awards this year.

dean’s report.
april 9th report, 2021

a. saulnier will be leaving lakehead to pursue a career with queen’s university.  we all wish her luck in her new position and also a big thank you for her service and dedication while at lakehead.  a. saulnier stated that she hopes there will be opportunities for collaboration in the future.
z. wai will be leaving lakehead to pursue a career as a canada research chair at the university of toronto.  we thank him for all he has contributed to lakehead during his tenure here and wish him well in his new position.

permission to hire
we have been given permission to hire for a tenure track position in each of criminology and political science in order to continue the important work each department is doing.  those were the only hiring opportunities that were approved for our faculty this year.  as this has been a very tough year, we were fortunate to get them.  the hiring process will begin as soon as possible as it will be difficulty to hire for an august start date as well as during the pandemic.  
there was also a new hire for english at the orillia campus.  the successful applicant has accepted the position verbally and will be starting in august with all courses being taught online.
we also received approval for a one-year extension of our current term appointment in outdoor recreation.

student and faculty update
世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and faculty continue to be under horrible stress due to the challenges caused by the continued pandemic and online instruction.  with bargaining held during this time as well as the cyberattack in february, it is important to remain flexible with the 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and with each other.  everyone is feeling the burden of these challenging times which makes self-care so very important.  this is just a reminder that there are support services out there that can help, such as:  efap (information posted on the human resources website); various support groups both on and off campus, and student help and wellness.  concerns over the upcoming fall term have also been expressed by 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and faculty.  right now, we have no clear picture of how things will roll out but much of this will be dependent on what the government restrictions and plans are for return to work.  each department/school has specific program requirements that are needed for 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to graduate.  those concerned about this should reach out to me to discuss what can be done.

student numbers
there are no new numbers yet for 101 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .  h. murchison will be contacted for updates shortly.

other business:

i)  faculty council meetings:  change of date in may; additional meeting in june
d. ivison requested that the next faculty council meeting be moved from to friday, may 14th, 2021 due to the lufa annual general meeting to be held on may 7, 2021.  

ii) proposal of additional meeting in june
d. ivison proposed that there be an additional faculty council meeting in late june to ensure calendar changes, ie:  new programs and major modifications, including associated regulations and admissions requests, can be approved by july 1, 2021.  m. stevenson suggested the third friday in june, as a possible date.  everyone agreed and the date for the meeting was set for friday. june 17, 2021 at 10:00 am.

next faculty council meeting:  friday, march 14th, 2021 at 10:00 am via zoom. (revised date.)

the meeting was adjourned at 11:55 am.  

thunder bay campus
r. maundrell
k. holmes
d. ivison
b. birmingham
l. chambers
a. carastathis
i. lemée
c. sanders
g. colton
l. potvin
b. vernier
b. parker
l. forbes
e. chugunov
k. burnett
t. puddephatt
l. primavesi
s. viitala

orillia campus
m. stevenson
j. jarman
a. den otter
a. saulnier

faculty council meeting - friday, september 17, 2021; deadline for agenda items-friday, september 10 at 3:00 pm

friday, september 17, 2021 - 10:00am
via zoom


date:        september 17th, 2021

to:            members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities

subject:    council meeting         
there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:

friday, september 17th, 2021 at 10:00 am via zoom.


zoom link:    https://lakeheadu.zoom.us/j/94924051950

meeting id:  949 2405 1950

-- introduction of new faculty members --

    dr. sarah olutola - department of english
    dr. benjamin maiangwa  - department of political science

 1.    approval of agenda.
 2.    approval of the following minutes:   may 14th, 2021

 3.    business arising from the minutes.

 4.    calendar changes.

    i)  english

 recommendation:  dr. abhijit rao as external adjunct professor for the department of english.       (recommendation memo.)  cv available upon request; please contact s. viitala.

    (2021-soc-7696:  programs-major modifications-ug-english-adding 4 year babed is english/french & english/history)
    (2021-soc-7753:  course-modification-ug-english-change to course title)

    ii)  history

    (2021-soc-7677:  expansion of hba history programming to orillia campus) (proposal brief.)
    (2021-soc-7687:  extension of hba english/history degree to the orillia campus) (proposal brief.)
    (2021-soc-7716:  minor in comparative religion)

    iii)  interdisciplinary studies

    (2021-soc-7705:  renaming of minor in media studies to minor in media, film, and communications)
    (2021-soc-7706:  course-new-ug-interdisciplinary studies-required 2nd year intd)
    (2021-soc-7708:  programs-major modifications-ug-interdisciplinary studies-new intd courses and  disciplines)
    (2021-soc-7709:  programs-major modifications-ug-interdisciplinary studies-new intd courses and disciplines for concurrent ed degrees)

    iv)  philosophy
    (2021-soc-7645:  certificate interdisciplinary health care ethics)
    v)  political science
    (2021-soc-7633:  ba/hba political science pre-law orillia)
    vi)  social justice studies
    (2021-soc-7650:  course-new-gr-social justice studies-cross list w/ soci 5116)

    vii)  sociology
    (2021-soc-7653:  cross listing soci 5116 with sjs 5116)

    viii) psychology
    (2021-soc-7707:  programs-major modifications-ug-psychology-adding orillia campus)

 5.    department/school reports.

 6.    dean’s report.

 7.    assistant dean’s report.

 8.    other business.

 9.    next faculty council meeting:  friday, october 8th, 2021 at 10:00 am; via zoom.
10.    adjournment.  


faculty of social sciences and humanities council

friday, may 14th, 2021
a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, may 14th, 2021 at 10:00 am via zoom.

approval of agenda
it was moved by l. chambers and seconded by j. jarman that the revised agenda be approved.

approval of minutes
approval of the minutes from april 9th, 2021.
        the minutes were accepted as circulated.
business arising from the minutes

calendar changes

department/school reports.
i)  english
d. ivison gave an update from the council of ontario universities with regard to the upcoming academic year.  news from the sector showed that universities were all over the place on how courses would be offered in the fall.  he noted that queen’s was offering 100% f2f classes and other universities offering 25% in person, some mostly online, and others from 25% to 50% in person.  he noted that some universities were planning to offer 100% in person classes for first year 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 while other were asking for 100% online courses for the same group.  there does not seem to be any kind of centralized coordination although some universities did have ad hoc committees to deal with these issues.

universities are encouraging 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to move to the city for their winter classes which will be f2f with smaller classes, in person labs and seminars.  while there was no consistency among the twenty universities that are part of cou, all are promoting some kind of hybrid classes.  questions regarding social distancing, masks, room capacities, and tech support to name a few, still remain.  all this uncertainty makes for great levels of stress among faculty.

b. birmingham thanked d. ivison for his update and told everyone to do what works best for their particular programs, their faculty and their 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .

dean’s report.
may 14th report, 2021
fall delivery:
•    we have no real guidance from the province yet.
•    cou is sending a letter to the provincial government asking for clarification.
•    the sector all over the place.
•    lakehead: it is unlikely for full f2f delivery in fall if distancing guidelines remain in place—hoping for 50%.
•    i trust and support departments to make decisions that work for their faculty, their 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , and their pedagogies.
•    chairs/director, please talk with your faculty about the delivery options shared on thursday.
action items:
•    send sue and me, by tuesday, the names of folks interested in technology packs for hybrid classrooms.
•    please update changes to timetable, by may 19th, make no changes at this time, if that best suits your program.
•    please contact me by phone, or we can take a walk, if you want to talk about this individually, or let me know if you need me to come to a faculty meeting.  i am glad to do this.

budget news:
sessional (contract lecturer) budget
contract lecturer requests:
•    contract lecturer budget is just about the same as last year with a slight increase.
•    requests are up this coming year ,over our allotted contract lecturer budget.
•    cedl funding requests are up slightly over last year.

overall budget news
general budget info:
•    you may now spend $250 of your budgets without asking the provost or me for approval!
•    sue and i go through our 2020/2021 budget reconciliation next month. we will update chairs/director surrounding anything interesting.
•    action item: please get carry forward requests (for encumbered funds) to sue and me by end of month.

international budget:
•    expect to have this restored earlier than last year.
•    we do want sections filled, and i will ask chairs/director to closely monitor and check in every 2-3 weeks during the summer on low enrolled courses.

budget committee is working with:
•    guidelines for low enrollments (cancelling for fall and winter—we will bring these items to chairs/director)

return to campus:
•    action item: sue will reach out by end of month to ask about those already approved for instruction to be on campus; we need to update dates and times by june 1st.
•    we will try to roll forward those already approved where possible.
•    a one-pager has been sent to chairs/director on return to campus during lockdown procedures.

thank you:
thank you all for all your work this year as we managed to pull together through a very hard year.  you have been on the front lines with our 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , and i could not have asked for better colleagues.  we have come together this year to have discussions and solve real problems.  i can’t wait to see you all in person to say thank you!

teaching kits:
the technology services centre is proposing kits that include an auto-tracking usb camera, desk tripod, high-quality wireless microphone system, laptop (mac or pc) and if required, a document camera.  the purpose of this kit is to enable instructors an easy method to capture an asynchronous lecture or provide a synchronous bimodal class while teaching in the university’s classrooms.  this kit may also be utilized remotely, but its primary purpose is to extend in-class instructions to remote asynchronous or synchronous learners.
the equipment will effectively capture video and visually follow the instructor. the mic system will provide the best audio quality for the instructor. the kit may be connected to any existing classroom av system to share presentations and application information.  should the instructor wish, the laptop could even be connected to the existing audio system in the r to enable 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 at a distance the opportunity to be heard in the classroom space. however, the audio system is not capable of effectively capturing the 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in the classroom. the wireless microphone system may also act as a backup recording device for audio. all the accessories that connect to the laptop are usb devices which may be useful in applications outside of zoom.

 links to the accessories below:
•    obsbot tiny auto tracking camera
•    wireless go ii wireless microphone system
•    ipevo v4k portable document camera (optional)
 recommended laptops:
•    hp envy 15-ep0010ca 4k
•    macbook pro 13” m1 (ac-3)
•    macbook pro 16” intel i7 (ac-3)
depending upon the laptop selected, a portable usb-c dock may be required to provide enough ports for all the devices.  existing laptops may be utilized but the ability to support 3 usb devices simultaneously may be taxing on older devices.

other business:
i)  continuation of zoom for faculty council meetings.
v. hébert brought forward a motion to support the continuation of using zoom for our faculty council meetings as well as all senate business.  a discussion was held and the following points of support for this motion were noted:
•    meetings before the use of zoom were challenging using the current videoconferencing and teleconferencing.
•    speakers could not be identified; the sound quality was poor and not everyone could see powerpoint presentations.
•    zoom has been transformative; faculty on both campuses now feel engaged and integrated with their colleagues.
•    attendance at faculty council has increased significantly since the use of zoom and we have no trouble making quorum as we have in the past.
•    orillia campus and thunder bay campus have really come together this past year due to the use of this technology.

moved that the social sciences and humanities faculty council conducts its future meetings in a fully remote, synchronous format through electronic platforms such as zoom, and that a formal request be made to the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 secretariat to similarly conduct all senate meetings—including senate committee meetings—in a fully remote, synchronous on-line format.
moved by v. hébert and seconded by s. jobbitt.

ii)  provost’s task force – orillia.
m. stevenson mentioned the contents of the recently released report of the provost working group on orillia academic governance structure and indicated that it contained few concrete recommendations beyond the creation of a new orillia academic committee.  the 2013 report of the provost task force on academic structure and governance had been a transformational document revising the administration of programs on the orillia campus, but the 2021 report would likely not have the same impact.

next faculty council meeting:  tba:  september, 2021 via zoom.

m. stevenson stated that as our council does not have to approve any calendar changes before july 1, 2021, there was no need for the tentative meeting scheduled for june.

m. stevenson thanked all the council members for their support throughout the year.  he also welcomed the incoming chair, dr. monica flegel, department of english and the incoming vice-chair, dr. valerie hébert, departments of history and interdisciplinary studies.

the meeting was adjourned at 11:55 am.  

thunder bay campus
r. maundrell
d. west
k. holmes
d. ivison
b. birmingham
l. chambers
a. carastathis
i. lemée
c. sanders
g. colton
l. potvin
b. vernier
b. parker
l. forbes
e. chugunov
t. puddephatt
l. primavesi
r. robson
s. jobbitt
r. warburton
j. leggatt
s. viitala

orillia campus
m. stevenson
j. jarman
a. den otter
l. fiddick
v. hébert

a. saulnier
