faculty meeting thursday, april 30, 2009

thursday, april 30, 2009 - 12:00am
atac 5035
����������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� fax (807) 766-7155
date:� ����������� april 29, 2009
to:����������������� members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities 
from:������������ victor smith, chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council
subject: ������� council meeting ������������
������������������ ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������
there will be a meeting of the council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
on thursday, april 30, 2009 at 9:00 am to 11:00 am in�atac 5035.
����������������������������������������������������������� agenda �
�1.������� approval of agenda.
�2.������� approval of the april 3, 2009 minutes. ��
�3.������� business arising from the minutes.�����������
�4.������� registrar�s report.
�5.������� dean�s report.
�6.������� departmental/school reports.
����������� i) department of aboriginal education �� calendar changes
���������������1.�revised proposal december 12 2008
���������������2. revised proposal january 23, 2009
�7.������� other business.
����������� i) proposed strategic plan
�8.������� orillia report.
�9.������� adjournment.�����������
victor smith, chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council.
faculty of social sciences and humanities council
 friday, april 3, 2009
a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, april 3, 2009 at 10:30 am in the atac board room 5035.
v. smith welcomed dr. g. siddall as dean of the faculty of social sciences and humanities effective april 1, 2009.
approval of agenda
it was moved by m. beaulieu and seconded by m. nisenholt that the agenda be approved.
approval of the minutes
it was moved by m. beaulieu and seconded by h. smith that the minutes of april 3, 2009 be approved.
business arising from minutes
registrar’s report
there was none. 
dean's report
1.       budget.  i have now been asked to transfer the full 6% cut from our budget.   i hope to be able to let you know by the end of today what your own budget situations will be.
2.       low enrolled classes.   need to think about the classes that have been flagged, but also classes that are likely to be lower than 15.  there will be a change in registration process this year.  two week registration period in june, and then one more period in august.  it is important for us to be as accurate as possible about the courses we open for registration, so that they are not cancelled later on. 
3.       economics.   the department of economics has indicated that they wish to join the faculty of science and environmental studies and leave the faculty of social sciences and humanities.   it is my understanding that the department made a presentation to the ses faculty council, and that ses has had a vote and has approved the request.  i am now asking this council how it would like to respond.
respectfully submitted by dr. gillian siddall, dean, social sciences and humanities.
departmental/school reports
i)  it was moved  by j. leggatt and seconded by h. smith that the changes to the m.a. program in english, (as per the ocgs), be approved.
orillia report
i)  it was moved by a. den otter and seconded by j. leggatt that the orillia calendar changes for english only be approved.
a lengthy discussion followed about academic programming at the orillia campus.
it was moved by s. stone and seconded by r. ariss to form a sub-committee to identify issues that would be taken into consideration for strategic planning for our faculty.
other business
i) honours programs
this item was deferred to the next meeting.
the meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m.
thunder bay campus
b. cuthbertson
s.d. stone
g. colton
r. berg
m. maclean
r. ariss
m.n. rinne
p. jasen
h. smith
m. beaulieu
l. paquette
j. leggatt
v. smith
s.s. islam
g. munro
a. carastathis
m. nisenholt
j. nicholas
g. siddall
orillia campus
a. den otter
k. holmes
d. jobin-bevans
m. ryks-szelekovszky

faculty meeting thursday, april 5, 2012

thursday, april 5, 2012 - 12:00am
atac 5035
date:      april 5, 2012
to:           members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities        
from:       victor smith, chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council
subject:    council meeting                          
there will be a meeting of the council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities on thursday, april 5, 2012 at 10:30 am to 12 noon in atac 5035.                     


annette schroeter - aboriginal research facilitator

 1.    approval of agenda.

 2.    approval of the january 10, 2012 minutes.   
 3.    business arising from the minutes.

 4.    registrar's report.
 5.    dean's report.

 6.    departmental/school reports.
     i) philosophy - calendar change - new third year course
                           - calendar change - new undergraduate course - phil 3713 - cyberethics
    ii) political science - renewal of kevin cleghorn - adjunct professor - cv
   iii) history - calendar change - deletion of history courses

 7.    orillia report.

 8.    other business.

 9.    adjournment.    

victor smith, chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council.

faculty of social sciences and humanities council
 january 10, 2012

a meeting of the faculty council was held on tuesday, january 10, 2012 at 3:30 pm in the atac board room 5035.

approval of agenda
it was moved by m. maclean and seconded by r. martin that the agenda be approved.

approval of the minutes
it was moved by m. maclean and seconded by r. martin that the minutes of december 16, 2011, be approved.

business arising from minutes

 i) m. maclean raised the question about the requirements for the ba general.  b. winter stated that as long as the student was in social sciences and humanities and had the average to graduate, it was not a problem.

registrar's report


dean's report for faculty council


departmental/school reports

i)  philosophy

the philosophy calendar changes were deferred to the next faculty council meeting.

ii)  women's studies

it was moved by l. chambers and seconded by d. jobin-bevans that the change in wording of the collaborative masters program for women's studies be approved.
page 2

orillia report

1.     orillia is in the process of coming up with a procedure for new course proposals from our faculty members. until the details are sorted out, please hold any course proposals originating from orillia's members cross appointed with any of the ssh departments.

2.     request: any calendar changes from ssh's departments that may have an impact on
    is department's programs, please keep us informed. this would be helpful for us to
    keep the integrity of our programs by making necessary changes.

3.     as mentioned (by sree) at the last ssh council meeting, calendar change forms on our     specialisations are sent to the respective deans/chairs. sree has obtained verbal/written approval from all the ssh chairs concerned. we are hoping that the forms will be signed and submitted to the senate office by the deadline (tomorrow). thank you to everyone for your support!

4.     orillia's plans on research & innovation week, as mentioned at the last meeting, is
    moving forward. there will be a mini-conference. details will be shared as and when     available.

5.     humanities 101 in orillia is launched on jan 3rd.

other business

the meeting adjourned at 4:00 pm. moved by d. jobin-bevans and seconded by a. carastathis.
thunder bay campus
b. vernier-larochette
m. maclean
t. potter
d. mcpherson
d. jobin-bevans
b. winter
d. ivison
t. puddephatt
l. chambers
r. martin
v. smith
g. siddall
a. carastathis

page 3

orillia campus

a. den otter
m. stevenson


p. jasen
r. koster
s. kurissery
p. wakewich


faculty meeting thursday, february 14, 2008

thursday, february 14, 2008 - 12:00am
atac 5035
there will be a meeting of the council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
on thursday, february 14, 2008 at 9:30 a.m.  in room 5035 (atac building).
1.       approval of agenda.
2.       approval of the january minutes.   
3.       business arising from the minutes.
4.        items for information.
possibility of the school of outdoor recreation, parks & tourism joining the faculty -  brent cuthbertson.
ss&h research and innovation display - dean jobin-bevans 
5.       registrar's report.
6.       dean's report.
7.       departmental reports.
for information only-modular degrees. (doc. 1a-entry, 1b-history)
indigenous learning - internal adjunct professor - dr. kristin burnett
8.       other business.
review of current practices in the university concerning the presentation of sensitive/emotionally charged courses material - t. dunk
policy establishing a maximum for peer evaluation as a component of final course mark - t. dunk
9.       adjournment.
victor smith
chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council.
faculty of social sciences and humanities council
thursday, january 10, 2008
a meeting of the faculty council was held on thursday, january 10, 2008 at 9:00 a.m. in the atac board room 5035.
v. smith welcomed orillia colleagues and then called the meeting to order.
approval of agenda
it was moved by m. maclean and seconded by a. den otter that the agenda be approved.
approval of the minutes
it was moved by j. leggatt and seconded by p. jasen that the minutes of october 18th be approved with the following correction:
under 7. ii) "committee for a prorposed program in cultural or film or media studies" add b. stolar to the list of volunteers.
business arising from the minutes
changes to the concurrent education program.
t. dunk reminded members that as noted at the november council meeting, departments should be discussing the required electives for the new hba/bed program that was passed at the last senate meeting. 
registrar's report
a. foshay distributed an additional list of november graduands that were approved after the december senate meeting.
a. foshay thanked departments for their prompt submission of grades.  she noted that this year was a successful experience and that there were no outstanding marks in the faculty.
dean's report
thanks to all for their hard work involved in marks submission before christmas.
questionnaire from b. sabourin
thanks to chairs who have responded to the survey regarding aboriginal course content from the vice-provost of aboriginal affairs. 
modular degree initiative
t. dunk, b. strang and chairs met in december regarding the faculty modular degree submission.  next week work will begin on refining wording changes and terms to ensure consistency.  
decanal hiring process
the short-listed candidates and their interview schedules in the search for the dean of education, the dean of  science and environmental studies and the vice-provost of student affairs have been communicated and posted on the vice-president (academic)'s web site.  all are encouraged to attend and participate in the open meetings and process. 
orillia program submission
k. fedderson and a. den otter have been contacting chairs with regard to fine-tuning their orillia package on governance.
the ad hoc orillia governance committee will be meeting with the expectation to better organize the orillia campus.  all those interested are encouraged to get involved.  a revised version of a submission was not distributed due to technical difficulties.  the document will be distributed to departments.
k fedderson provided a brief explanation. 
he noted that a major problem for the orillia campus was that of role clarity and reporting. 
a proposal will be brought forward to senate to deal with the orillia administration and budget. the submission should create an administrative framework for the campus.  this will provide a context for such things as hirings and budget preparation.  阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 should be regarded as one university with two campuses.  orillia is not separate, but part of a corporate whole.
the submission is based on four basic principles.
the orillia model should have practices that are in place on the main campus.
consultation with colleagues from thunder bay will assist in adapting local student services to ensure a strong commitment.
role clarity and reporting relationships
there are two kinds of supervision - i) immediate supervision, (i.e., director supervision) and ii) functional supervision (hiring, ptr, etc.).  currently, matters related to the collective agreement for full-time faculty in orillia still need clarification.  the establishment of a department of interdisciplinary studies at the orillia campus will assist in resolving these issues.  to allow for an informed dialogue and consultation, a model for such a department with back-up material will be brought forward to senate.
related functional matters
reporting relationships, budget links, both direct and indirect, should contain the support required for orillia.
feedback is necessary to develop the organizational framework for orillia.  k. fedderson will be meeting with chairs and t. dunk of social sciences and humanities with regard to budgets, etc. to refine and adapt current practices.  there will also be consultation with all other university faculties.
a lengthy discussion followed. 
departmental reports 
modular degrees
there was nothing more to bring forward at this time.
it was moved by m.n. rinne and seconded by j. leggatt that the calendar change for french 4810 be approved.
native languages
it was moved by m.n. rinne and seconded by h. smith that the native language calendar change be approved.
any other business
research week
t. dufresne asked about faculty participation in the upcoming research week in february.  a discussion followed and a request for the establishment of a permanent subcommittee to deal with such events was made.
it was moved by h. smith and seconded by t. dufresne that a permanent social sciences and humanities public relations committee of three be established with a membership review in september 2008.
d. jobin-bevins volunteered to serve as chair and t. dufresne and s.d. stone volunteered to sit on the committee until september 2008.
the meeting adjourned at 10:15 a.m.
thunder bay campus
e. auger
c. conteh
t. dufresne
t. dunk
a. foshay
g. hayman
p. jasen
d. jobin-bevans
s. islam
j. leggatt
m. maclean
b. moazzami
m.n. rinne
s.d. stone
h. smith
v. smith
orillia campus
d. bodnar
l. clement
a. den otter
k. fedderson
e. irwin
k. willison

faculty meeting thursday, january 10, 2008

thursday, january 10, 2008 - 12:00am
atac 5035
there will be a meeting of the council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
on thursday, january 10, 2008 at 9:00 a.m.  in room 5035 (atac building).
1.       approval of agenda.
2.       approval of the november minutes.   
3.       business arising from the minutes.
changes to the concurrent education program
4.       registrar's report.
5.       dean's report.
6.       departmental reports.
departmental calendar changes - modular degrees.
languages - french 4810 (doc. 1)
native languages.
7.       other business.
8.       adjournment.
victor smith
chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council.
faculty of social sciences and humanities council
thursday, november 29, 2007
a meeting of the faculty council was held on thursday, november 29, 2007 at 1:30 p.m. in the atac board room 5035.
v. smith welcomed orillia colleagues and called the meeting to order.
approval of agenda
it was moved by j. leggatt and seconded by p. jasen that the agenda be approved.
approval of the minutes
it was moved by c. southcott and seconded by k. yu that the minutes of october 18th be approved with the following corrections:
under "attendance" add m.n. rinne and e. auger.
under "dean's report" correct the date of lisa richardson's memorial
business arising from the minutes
there was none. 
registrar's report
a. foshay distributed the list of november graduands.
it was moved by h. smith and seconded by g. munro that the list of november graduands be approved.
enabling motion
it was moved by c. southcott and seconded by m. maclean that the dean of the faculty, the chair/director of the department/school and the registrar be empowered to approve graduands who do not appear on the convocation list, but who are found to have completed all of the requirements for their undergraduate degrees and diplomas by the day of convocation; and similarly, the dean of graduate studies and research, the chair/director of the department/school and the registrar be empowered to approve graduate degrees and diplomas; and that such graduands be placed on record by senate at the next senate meeting following the meeting at which graduands are normally approved.
dean's report
faculty restructuring
deans' council discussion regarding restructuring is ongoing.  t. dunk will be meeting with the department of psychology on friday regarding restructuring.  there are many different approaches and departments should be reviewing them.
changes to the concurrent education program
changes to the concurrent education program will be brought before senate.  the calendar changes will encourage concurrent 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to consult with their respective ss&h program advisors.
discussion regarding acceptable electives for 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 followed.  it was agreed that this be deferred to the next faculty council.  this will allow for departmental discussion and preparation for a motion to be brought to the floor.
celebration of research and scholarly activity
a celebration of ss&h research and scholarly activity took place on november 16th from 1-3 pm in the agora.  t. dunk thanked all who had participated.  m. beaulieu received special mention for his assistance.
research week
this year's research office 'research week' will provide a higher profile for  social sciences and humanities. 
at the last deans'council meeting, budget materials which included guidelines and time-lines, were distributed.  the final budget package will be sent to the vice-president (academic) in early january.  she will then forward budget packages to aec. 
durable requests this year will not include computer upgrades.  it is suggested that departments implement a three-year computer life plan (with an approximate cost of $1300 per computer) for full-time faculty.  this figure should then be incorporated into departmental budget requests.  part-time faculty requirements cannot be included in these projections.
aboriginal initiatives
b. sabourine, vice-provost (aboriginal initiatives), will be distributing a fact-finding questionnaire to departments regarding courses or programs that have a significant aboriginal component.  chairs must decide which of their courses or programs fit into this category.  this is for inventorial purposes only.
student overload requests
chairs should check carefully to ensure that 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 requesting overload have a 70% average.
departmental reports
inquiry into interprofessional health
t. dunk welcomed ian newhouse, dean of professional schools, to the meeting.
i. newhouse spoke to the calendar change noting that the orillia inquiry course could be used as a credit towards the hba/ hbsc programs.
it was moved by t. dufresne and seconded by j. leggatt that the orillia "inquiry into interprofessional health education" calendar change be approved.
modular degree calendar changes
b. strang explained that modular degrees will give more choices and flexibility to 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 ' programs.  the high demand for such programming was noted at the ontario university fair and the university wishes to respond.  a lengthy discussion followed.
it was moved by b. strang and seconded by h. smith that the faculty council approve the modular degree changes in principle and delegate an ad hoc committee consisting of chairs, b. strang and the dean to meet in the month of december to seek to harmonize and modify calendar changes based on the principle of the discussion of faculty council.
on behalf of the faculty council, v. smith thanked the chairs and b. strang  for all their hard work.
native languages
to allow for a clearer understanding of the proposed calendar changes,
it was moved by h. smith and seconded by j. leggatt that the native languages changes be deferred to the next faculty council meeting.
it was moved by j. leggatt and seconded by s. islam that the philosophy calendar changes be approved.
political science
after discussion and revision suggestions,
it was moved by s. islam and seconded by h. smith that the political science calendar changes be approved.
visual arts
after discussion and revision suggestions,
it was moved by m. nisenholt and seconded by e. auger that visual arts calendar changes be approved.
women's studies
it was moved by h. smith and seconded by j. leggatt that the women's studies calendar changes be approved.
any other business
upcoming on-campus prospective recruitment events
the following dates were noted:
.november 30th - program day
.february 22nd    - "it's about you" (for grade 11 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 ).
questions should be directed to andrea.huillery@lakeheadu.ca.
committee for a proposed program in cultural or film or media studies
it was moved by j. leggatt and seconded by s. islam that a committee composed of the following volunteers meet to discuss a proposed program in cultural or film or media studies.
t. dufresne
d. ivison
j. roth
j. nicholas
m. beaulieu
m. nisenholt
d. west
anyone else who may be interested in participating will be invited.
on behalf of faculty council, v. smith wished everyone the complements of the season.
the meeting adjourned at 4:05 p.m.
thunder bay campus
e. auger
t. dufresne
t. dunk
a. foshay
g. hayman
s. islam
p. jasen
j. leggatt
m. maclean
d. mcpherson
b. moazzami
g. munro
j. nicholas
m. nisenholt
t. puddephatt
m.n. rinne
j. roth
v. schonberger
g. siddall
b. stolar
c. southcott
s.d. stone
b. strang
h. smith
v. smith
k. yu
orillia campus
e. irwin
a. den otter
l. clement
l. rotenberg
special guest
i. newhouse
g. colton
d. ivison
r. martin

faculty meeting thursday, january 3, 2013

thursday, january 3, 2013 - 12:00am
atac 3004

date:        january 2, 2013

to:            members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
from:       victor smith, chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council

subject:     council meeting         
there will be a meeting of the council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
on thursday, january 3, 2013 at 9:00 am to 11:00 am in atac 3004.

presentation:     ms. karen chan - student health and counseling services

 1.    approval of agenda.

 2.    approval of the december 5, 2012 minutes.   
 3.    business arising from the minutes.

  4.    registrar's report.
  5.    dean's report.

  6.    departmental/school reports.

          i) women's studies - calendar changes
  7.    orillia report.

  8.    other business.

  9.    adjournment.    

victor smith, chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council.

faculty of social sciences and humanities council
 december 5, 2012

a meeting of the faculty council was held on wednesday, december 5, 2012 at 1:30 pm in atac board room 5035.

approval of agenda
it was moved by g. colton and seconded by a. carastathis that the agenda be approved as amended.
approval of the minutes
it was moved by r. martin and seconded by a. carastathis that the minutes of november 7, 2012, be approved.
business arising from minutes


registrar's report


dean's report for faculty council

1.    update on budget:  the provost has indicated, as has the president, that the university will be taking a cautious approach to the budget because of the uncertainty about the tuition framework.  that is going to have an impact on hiring, both in terms of timing and in terms of how many positions are approved.

2.    our enrolment is down--so we need to continue to be vigilant about our recruitment activities, and continue to come up with strategies to address retention--partly to retain the vibrancy of our programs and partly because our ability to get faculty positions is so dependent on it.

3.    i have submitted two proposals on behalf of the faculty for 2 tier 2 crcs.  one is from the department of women's studies and is focused on social justice studies.  the other is from the department of english and is focused on writing and digital humanities.  both are very strong, and i am very pleased to be forwarding them.  my thanks to glenn and sharon for serving on the subcommittee that vetted the proposals.
page 2

departmental/school reports

i)  history

it was moved by m. beaulieu and seconded by l. chambers that the following calendar changes be approved:  1 to 41, (tracking number 2012-soc-158).


it was moved by m. beaulieu and seconded by l. chambers that the following calendar changes be approved:  1 to 6, (tracking number 2012-soc-159).


it was moved by m. beaulieu and seconded by r. koster that the following calendar changes be approved: 1 to 2, (tracking number 2012-soc-161).


ii) outdoor recreation

it was moved by r. koster and seconded by l. chambers that the calendar changes from 1 to 2 be approved:  (tracking number 2012-soc-151).

iii) northern studies

the following motion was moved by m. beaulieu and seconded by d. ivison:

motion:  council approves the recommendation that northern studies negotiate with science and environmental studies to discontinue the hbsc. in northern studies.


iv) visual arts

it was moved by r. martin and seconded by a. carastathis that the calendar changes for visual arts be approved:  (tracking number 2012-soc-152-157).

page 3

departmental/school reports - con't

 v)  women's studies

it was moved by l. chambers and seconded by r. martin that the minor calendar changes to existing courses for women's studies be approved:  items 1 to 10.

it was moved by l. chambers and seconded by d. mcpherson that the following calendar changes for women's studies be approved:  deletion of wome 2112, 2317, 3010, 3131, 3360 and 4115.

it was moved by l. chambers and seconded by g. colton that the following calendar changes for women's studies be approved:  addition of core courses: wome 2xxx, 2xxx-1, 2xxx-2, 2xxx-3, 3xxx, 3xxx-1, 3xxx-2, 3xxx-3, and 4xxx.

it was moved by l. chambers and seconded by a. carastathis that the following calendar changes for women's studies be approved:  removal of cross-listed courses: hist 2335/wome 2335, hist 2336/wome 2336, hist 3106/wome 3106, hist 4101/wome 4115.

it was moved by l. chambers and seconded by d. ivison that the calendar changes for women's studies be approved:  wome 3819 (correction of anomaly).

it was moved by l. chambers and seconded by r. martin that the calendar changes for women's studies be approved:  (changes made to requirements for 2nd year).

orillia report

no report.

other business

a. carastathis asked if instructors were allowed to have exams during the last day of class.  a short discussion followed.

the meeting adjourned at 2:50 pm. moved seconded by everyone.

page 4

thunder bay campus

m. beaulieu
d. ivison
r. martin
l. chambers
r. koster
d. mcpherson
g. colton
a. carastathis
b. vernier-larochette
g. siddall
v. smith

orillia campus

a. den otter
m. stevenson


p. carr
s. kurissery
i. lem©e


faculty meeting thursday, january 6, 2011

thursday, january 6, 2011 - 12:00am
atac 5035

date:  january 6, 2011

to: members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
from: victor smith, chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council

subject:  council meeting   
there will be a meeting of the council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
on thursday, january 6, 2011 at 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm in room 5035 (atac building).


 1. approval of agenda.

 2. approval of the october 25, 2010 minutes.  
 3. business arising from the minutes.

 4. registrar's report.

 5. dean's report.

 6. departmental/school reports.
 i)  sociology - dr. curtis fogel - external adjunct
 ii)  languages - calendar changes - italian;  french; algonquian "a";  algonquian "b";  algonquian "c";  algonquian "d"  (click on link to access document)
iii)  visual arts - calendar changes - new course
iv)  women's studies - calendar changes - third year; second year (click on link to access document)
 v) music - calendar change - new course
  7. orillia report.
 8. other business. 
9. adjournment. 
victor smith, chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council.


faculty of social sciences and humanities council
 october 21, 2010

a meeting of the faculty council was held on october 21, 2010 at 10:00 am in the atac board room 5035.

1. a)
approval of agenda
it was moved by l. chambers seconded by l. paquette that the agenda be approved.

1. b)
approval of acting chair

as v. smith has been appointed acting chair of the department of history, it was moved by j. leggatt and seconded by g. munro that a. carastathis be appointed acting chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council, for this meeting.  


1. c)
announcement - term appointment in sociology

s.d. stone introduced dr. jennifer jarman, associate professor, in the department of sociology.

approval of the minutes
it was moved by s.d. stone and seconded by l. paquette that the minutes of april 26, 2010, be approved.

business arising from minutes


registrar's report

b. winter stated that the registrar's office was now in the process of reviewing the november grads.  we should now be able to view minors and attach them to any degree.
the installation of the president is being held on november 5th at 11:00 am.  there will be limited seating.  a supply of black gowns will be available.  there will be a shuttle service leaving the university beginning at 10:00 am and every 10 minutes after that.  a get-together will be held after the ceremony on the 3rd floor of paci.  the installation will be streamed live to the agora and the orillia campus.  
registrar's report - continued

b. winter informed council that there is now a registrar's advisory group which has been formed to find out what is most important to the end users.  
there is also a pilot project underway to develop a degree audit online for 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .  hopefully, this will help 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 prepare for graduation.  kelli gray is the orillia rep on this committee.  as we now have only one programmer, no timeframe was given for completion of this task.
some discussion followed with regard to access to information.  b. winter noted that the risk was to high to allow everyone access to over 200,000 files in the database.  there are also policies in place that cover who can have access and who cannot.
b. winter addressed r. berg's concern with regard to incomplete grades entered through my info and will have the software checked.

dean's report for faculty council

october 21, 2010  atac 5035
1.    organizational changes:  ppg (priorities and planning group--meet every week), smt (senior management team) and deans' council.  the president has, on a number of occasions, articulated his commitment to transparency, consultation, and decentralization of the management of the university.  that means that we will be given more responsibility for the management of our own units, and that decisions that should be made at the departmental and faculty level will be made there and not at the senior administrative level.  

2.    hiring.  at this point we are being told that there should not be any cuts this year.  i don't yet have any information about hiring, but i don't anticipate much this year.  however, we will be asked to identify our hiring priorities.  i expect hiring decisions to be made on the basis of our priorities, which i will communicate to the vp, and strategic priorities that would be determined by the vp academic and the president.

3.    integrated planning and budgeting, and faculty revenue allocation.  a committee has been struck to develop a formula for an equitable and rational allocation of revenue.  the committee has not yet met, and so i don't yet know what its work will look like, but my understanding is that it will take into account not only the number of majors in a faculty but also the amount of service teaching (ie the idea that revenue would be returned to the faculty in compensation for service teaching done for another faculty), long-term discrepancies between enrollment and faculty growth, and using multi-year commitments to rectify significant long-term problems.

4.    strategic planning.  the president has said that he will use the strategic plan that was passed in senate last year, but it is becoming quite clear that the way in which he plans to implement it is quite different from the way it would have been implemented under the former administration.  gerry munt, special advisor to the president, is overseeing the implementation, and he clearly has a lot of experience with this and knows what he is doing.  he pointed out that strategic plans wouldn't normally have the level of detail that ours has, and he has gone through the plan and identified 15 goals plus one that was not in the plan, and that is "a great place to work."  the other goals
dean's report for faculty council - continued

5.    are things like increasing enrollment, enhancing revenue, increasing research productivity and funding, increasing the number of aboriginal 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .  

6.    potential re-organizing of university structure.  the president has hired external consultants to consult with various stakeholders on campus in order to review our organizational structure and make recommendations to the president.  they are looking at both governance and management structures--faculty organization, senate and senate committees, the governance and management relationships between orillia and thunder bay.  i expect there to be considerable consultation about any recommended changes coming forward.

7.    we will be having a day with the president as a faculty on november 15 and are working on identifying a second day for that. your chairs will give you more information about that as we get closer to the date.  i had a discussion with the chairs about this last week, and we agreed that there are really two key points we want to get across to him that day.  one is the tremendous value we bring to the university and the other is the tremendous need we have for resources that will allow us to do our jobs in the way that we believe we need to do them--for us, that means first and foremost new full-time faculty positions.

8.    faculty strategic planning.  the faculty strategic planning committee is now working with gerry munt, who is facilitating our planning process.  we have met with him twice, and are finding him very helpful in helping us articulate what our current situation is in terms of what we believe we should be doing as a faculty and what we are able to do with our current resource allocation--and what our priorities are in terms of addressing the gap that exists between those two things, and in terms of articulating our strategic goals with the university's strategic plan.  we are not yet ready to make a presentation to faculty council, but you should be looking for that perhaps by the end of the fall term.

respectfully submitted by dr. gillian siddall, dean, social sciences and humanities.

departmental/school reports

i) women's studies - calendar changes

it was moved by l. chambers and seconded by j. roth that the amended graduate calendar change be approved.

ii) philosophy - calendar changes

it was moved by r. berg and seconded by v. smith that the calendar changes be approved.

departmental/school reports - continued

iii) outdoor recreation, parks and tourism -  calendar changes

it was moved by b. cuthbertson and seconded by r. berg that the calendar changes be approved.
iv) outdoor recreation, parks and tourism - renewal external adjunct professor - dr. l.

it was moved by b. cuthbertson and j. roth the dr. l. hunt be renewed as an external adjunct professor.


v) a. sociology - external adjunct professor - dr. r. ariss    

it was moved by s.d. stone and seconded by g. munro that dr. r. ariss be appointed as external adjunct professor.

   b. sociology - calendar changes

it was moved by s.d. stone and seconded by j. leggatt that the calendar change be approved.


vi) english-  calendar changes

it was moved by j. leggatt and seconded by s.d. stone that the calendar changes be approved.

viii) history-  calendar changes

it was moved by v. smith and seconded by r. berg that the third year calendar change be approved.

it was moved by v. smith and seconded by r. berg that the second year calendar change be approved.

orillia report

a. den otter thanked everyone involved in the hiring process.  orillia hired 5 full time joint appointments:  dr. valerie hebert, history; dr. cheryl lousely, english; dr. paul carr, sociology; dr. j. munro, english; and, dr. s.s. islam, political science.  she also commented on how nice the new building was and that although they had some problems with technology, they were now fixed.  plans are underway for programming criminology and media studies.  they will be set up as minors, and will start in september.  a. den otter thanked all the thunder bay participants.  the spring/summer course planning was now getting underway and it was hoped to coordinate efforts this year.  a. den otter stated that at most, they would offer 3.5 fce's. g. siddall suggested that the chairs/director send their course offerings to a. den otter for spring/summer on electronic forms.

other business

i) my info - incomplete grades - r. berg

this matter was discussed with b. winter during her report.

ii) research week

d. jobin-bevans has asked that faculty members get their ideas for research week in soon.  the deadline is late january and wednesday is the usual day for displays in the agora.

the meeting adjourned at 11:00 am.

thunder bay campus
v. smith
v. schonberger
a. carastathis
b. cuthbertson
j. leggatt
j. roth
k. holmes
g. munro
s.d. stone
j. jarman
l. paquette
j.m. richardson
a. nabarra
b. winter
l. chambers
g. siddall
r. berg
t. potter
d. jobin-bevans

orillia campus
a. den otter

p. wakewich
t. dufresne
d. west
m. beaulieu
r. holmes
p. das
m. johnston
m. maclean
g. colton


faculty meeting thursday, january 7, 2010

thursday, january 7, 2010 - 12:00am
atac 5035
date:              january 7, 2010
to:                  members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities 
from:             victor smith, chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council
subject:         council meeting             
there will be a meeting of the council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
on thursday, january 7, 2010 at 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm in room 5035 (atac building).
 1.        approval of agenda.
 2.        approval of the november 13, 2009 minutes.   
 3.        business arising from the minutes.
 4.        registrar's report.
 5.        dean's report.
 6.        report on meeting of sshrc leaders.
 7.        departmental/school reports.
             i)  history - calendar changes - undergraduate
            ii)  history - calendar changes - graduate (see support documents)
           iii)  indigenous learning - calendar changes
           iv) northern studies  - calendar changes (see support documents)
 8.        orillia report.
 9.        other business.
10.       adjournment.           
victor smith, chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council.
faculty of social sciences and humanities council
 friday, november 13, 2009
a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, november 13, 2009 at 10:00 am in the atac board room 5035.
approval of agenda
it was moved by h. smith and seconded by d. mcpherson that the revised agenda be approved.
approval of the minutes
it was moved by r. koster and seconded by d. mcpherson that the minutes of october 16, 2009, be approved.
business arising from minutes
registrar's report
registrar's report
faculty of social sciences and humanities
november 11, 2009
·         scheduling workshop
o    a workshop for scheduling representatives in academic units will be held on monday, december  7th (location to be verified once numbers are known)
o    a choice of two sessions is available - 9-10:30 or 10:30 to noon
o    departments who have not yet responded are encouraged to do so
o    loading sheets for 2010 will be available for distribution at that workshop
·         graduation lists
o    since the council did not meet to approve graduands for the november 6th meeting of senate, is it your intention to discontinue the practice of reviewing /approving graduation lists in the future?
o    please advise us prior to the may meeting of senate in 2010
·         academic schedule for 2010-2011
o    senate has approved a monday, september 13th start date for classes in fall 2010
o    the complete schedule will be posted very soon
o    the registrar will be forming a working group to look at a generic academic schedule policy
o    if there are volunteers from council please call brenda at 8615
·         examinations at paci
o    all 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 who are writing at paci have been sent an email giving directions to the building
o    signs will be posted at entrances to the gym
o    lusu has arranged with thunder bay transit to add more direct routes between the main campus and paci during the hour before each exam period
o    entry to the gym will be from waverley street as the  main building is still a construction site
o    there will be a member of security present at the start of examinations
o    since there is not yet a telephone in the gym, instructors who have exams there are asked to take along a cell phone; if one is not available please contact scheduling and we will arrange for one
dean's report for faculty council 
dean's report for faculty council
november 13, 2009 atac 5036
1.            calendar changes.  calendar changes must be submitted in time for the january senate meeting.  that meeting is january 29 and the senate executive meeting at which the changes would come forward is january 15. 
2.            fall preview day.  we need to set up a schedule for staffing the booth.  please let sue know who will be staffing the booth for your academic unit over the 10:00 am to 1:50 pm period.   again, i encourage you to give some thought to whether you would like to have an interactive session of facility tour. 
3.            graduate studies brochure.  please have a look at the brochure and make sure you are satisfied with the way in which your program is being represented.  these blurbs are taken from what is on the graduate studies website, so if you are not happy with what you see here, you should check the grad studies website to see how your program is described there, and let grad studies know if you would like changes.  you might also review how your graduate program is described on your own departmental website.
4.            budget:  judith attended the deans' council meeting on my behalf this week--budget was discussed at that meeting.  enrolment numbers are better than anticipated on both campuses, and consequently there is still talk of hiring this year, but still no details.  there is talk of a 3% cut as well, but it is not yet clear whether this will be a horizontal cut.  part of the context for the cut is the assumption that there will be no increases in government funding in the next few years, and that, in fact, there may be a decrease in per/student funding from the government.  please be working on your requests for positions--you can help me make a strong case, not only for your own unit, but for our faculty as a whole.  i've finally been successful in getting the printouts of enrolment numbers to break out the con-ed numbers to reflect how many of those 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 are actually getting degrees from our units.  i'm going to be making a very strong case for our need for resources relative to the actual numbers of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 we teach.
5.            h1n1--you received an email from me reiterating the current policy that we not require doctors' notes and that faculty report any significant decreases in attendance. 
respectfully submitted by dr. gillian siddall, dean, social sciences and humanities.
departmental/school reports
i) department of sociology - calendar change - major's average for ba/bed p/j psychology
   or sociology
this item was deferred.
graduate calendar change
it was moved by s.d. stone and seconded by h. smith that the amended graduate calendar change be approved.
ii) philosophy - internal adjunct - dr. michel beaulieu
it was moved by r. berg and seconded by s.d. stone that dr. m. beaulieu be appointed as internal adjunct in the department of philosophy.
iv) department of languages
it was moved by m.n. rinn© and seconded by m. beaulieu that the calendar change be approved.
special topics
it was moved by m.n. rinn© and seconded by h. smith that the calendar change be approved.
v) northern studies - calendar changes
it was moved by m. beaulieu and seconded by a. carastathis that the calendar changes be approved.
vi) department of women's studies - calendar changes
it was moved by h. smith and seconded by m.n. rinn© that the calendar changes be approved.
departmental/school reports - continued
vii) department of music - calendar changes - restructuring of music history courses
it was moved by g. colton and seconded by a. carastathis that the calendar changes be approved.
other business
 i)  report from the promotion and recruitment committee
m. nisenholt reported that the committee has met twice and is working with individual departments and schools to review and update their promotional material.
ii)  course evaluations
s. viitala spoke about the new process for course evaluations.  we will no longer be hiring course evaluators but rather have a student from each class conduct the review.  the completed evaluations will be brought directly to the dean's office or in the case of night courses, left at security.  a memo and a package of course evaluation forms will be sent to each faculty member who require fall evaluations as well as shared courses.  there was a concern raised that there might not be enough evaluation forms.
iii) ballots for elections to ss&h strategic planning steering committee
there was concern about those faculty members who have cross-appointments being listed separately on the ballot as it might split the vote.  it was also noted that a faculty member could be elected and not want to serve on the committee.  a draft ballot was reviewed and discussion followed.
orillia report
a.den otter reported that she will have the list of spring/summer courses soon.  there will be the same number of courses as last year which will be 3 or 3.5 fce's.  she will be contacting all chairs/directors that might be affected by those courses that will be running.  they took a survey of what 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 were interested in. the proposal is due next thursday, and postings for instructors will follow after the courses are chosen.  a. den otter now has a chart with enrolment numbers for fall/winter and will send that along tomorrow.  it has data from the last two years.  there are a number of fce's that are sustainable, and 3.5 or 4 that depend on class size.  she will talk to each chair/director with regard to course offerings.
there are some calendar changes. there is an indigenous topics course and an environmental sustainability course.  there are 6 or 7 faculty members from thunder bay campus on the planning committee.  these should be ready for december.  r. koster wanted to know if the courses were existing or new.  a. den otter stated that they were existing.
the meeting adjourned at noon.
thunder bay campus
v. smith
r. koster
h. smith
g. colton
a. carastathis
r. berg
m. nisenholt
g. siddall
d. mcpherson
m.n. rinn©
s.d. stone
d. ivison
m. beaulieu
orillia campus
a. den otter
d. jobin-bevans
j. nicholas
s.s. islam
b. stolar
orillia campus
k. willison

faculty meeting thursday, march 12, 2009

thursday, march 12, 2009 - 12:00am
atac 5035
                                                                                                  office of the dean of social sciences and humanities

                                                                                                                                                tel. (807)343-8167
                                                                                                                                                tel. (807)343-8202
                                                                                                                                                fax (807) 766-7155
date:              march 3, 2009
to:                  members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities 
from:             victor smith, chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council
subject:         council meeting             
there will be a meeting of the council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
on thursday, march 12, 2009 at 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm in room 5035 (atac building).
 1.        approval of agenda.
 2.        approval of the january minutes.   
 3.        business arising from the minutes.
 4.        2006 & 2008 nsse surveys.
            sarah browne, research analyst/survey specialist
            institutional analysis/government relations
 5.        registrar's report.
 6.        dean's report.
 7.        departmental reports.
            i)  political science - calendar changes
                - undergraduate - hba pre law
                - 4xxx special seminar on law
                - 3xxx the politics of food in the north
            ii) northern studies - calendar changes
            iii) outdoor recreation, parks and tourism - calendar changes
                - 3410 calendar change
                - 3230 calendar change
            iv) women's studies - calendar change

 8.        research week/display.

 9.        orillia report.
10.       other business.
            i) discussion of orillia expansion programs
11.       adjournment.           
victor smith, chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council.
faculty of social sciences and humanities council
 monday, january 26, 2009
a meeting of the faculty council was held on monday, january 26, 2009 at 11:30 am in the atac board room 5035.
approval of agenda
it was moved by l. paquette and seconded by g. siddall that the agenda be approved.
approval of the revised minutes
it was moved by j. leggatt and seconded by d. ivison that the revised minutes for november 21, 2008 be approved.
business arising from minutes
registrar's report
there was none.  it was noted by g. siddall that a. foshay will be leaving her job as registrar at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 effective january 30, 2009.
dean's report
departmental reports
philosophy - renewal of dr. jaro kotolik as adjunct professor
it was moved by r. berg and seconded by m. beaulieu that dr. j. kotolik be reappointed as adjunct professor in the department of philosophy.
history - renewal of dr. geoffrey hudson as adjunct professor
it was moved by p. jasen and seconded by s.d. stone that dr. g. hudson be reappointed as adjunct professor in the department of history.
proposed strategic plan
there was much discussion about the draft strategic plan.  g. siddall took note of people's concerns so that she could forward them to dean's council and to the strategic planning committee.  she also indicated that faculty members were welcome to submit their own comments to the committee.
other business
d. jobin-bevans made a presentation to council of the draft banner to be used for research and innovation week.  discussion followed.  g. siddall asked for a show of hands at the meeting and it was decided that this will be the version that will be used.
orillia report
a. den otter stated that 3.5 fce`s were being offered for the summer with d. jobin-bevans teaching one.   the 2009/10 course planning is ongoing for the next couple of weeks.  the orillia strategic plan was being revised and would then be shared with the lu community which should be in a few weeks.
the meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m.
thunder bay campus
b. cuthbertson
s.d. stone
g. colton
r. berg
m. maclean
j. blahuta
d. mcpherson
r. ariss
d. hannah
b. vernier-larochette
m.n. rinne
p. jasen
n. mcintyre
h. smith
d. ivison
m. beaulieu
s. pound
l. paquette
r. warburton
j. leggatt
v. smith
s.s. islam
j.m. richardson
d. jobin-bevans
orillia campus
a. den otter
a. foshay
k. holmes
t. potter
b. stolar

faculty meeting thursday, march 13, 2008

thursday, march 13, 2008 - 12:00am
atac 5035
there will be a meeting of the council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
on thursday, march 13, 2008 at 9:00 a.m.  in room 5035 (atac building).
1.       approval of agenda.
2.       approval of the february minutes.   
3.       business arising from the minutes.
4.       registrar's report.
5.       dean's report.
6.       departmental reports.
7.       other business.
8.       adjournment.
victor smith
chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council.
faculty of social sciences and humanities council
thursday, february 14, 2008
a meeting of the faculty council was held on thursday, february 14, 2008 at 9:30 a.m. in the atac board room 5035.
v. smith welcomed orillia colleagues and then called the meeting to order.
approval of agenda
it was moved by j. leggatt and seconded by s. islam that the agenda be approved.
approval of the minutes
it was moved by s.d. stone and seconded by j. leggatt that the minutes of january 10th be approved.
business arising from the minutes
there was none.
items for information
possibility of the school of outdoor recreation, parks & tourism joining the faculty
t. dunk welcomed b. cuthbertson to the meeting.  he explained that the current faculty restructuring process seems to indicate that the following changes may occur:
the department of psychology may be joining a proposed faculty of health.
the school of outdoor recreation, parks & tourism may join the social sciences and humanities faculty.
b. cuthbertson provided the outdoor recreation, parks & tourism perspective on the possibility of becoming a part of the faculty of social sciences and humanities.  he detailed the initial responses from the school to joining the forestry faculty, the science & environmental studies faculty or a proposed faculty of the environment.  after a careful review of these scenarios, the school has decided that its best option would be to join the social sciences and humanities faculty.  the main reasons for this are:
double honours degrees already exist in history and women's studies.
the faculty, 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and program are already connected with social sciences and humanities.
the school is interested in modular degrees and what they could bring to their program.
the school has sensed informally that they might be welcomed into the faculty.
the school is aware of the significant challenges with regard to the calendar changes and general regulations.
a discussion followed. 
it was noted that currently the date for structural change has not been set.  b. cuthertson added that the school of outdoor recreation, parks and tourism is unanimous in its wish to join the faculty.  the school would prefer that a joint voice to go forward to deans' council with such a recommendation.
t. dunk thanked b. cuthertson for coming.  he felt council should discuss such a change and play an active role.
ss&h research and innovation display
dean jobin-bevans brought two main items to the attention of council.
the process of pamphlet production.
he noted a small committee (public relations sub committee) has been struck that will report to council on specific directions for research and innovation week.  the committee will also deal with other future opportunities such as book launches, etc.
the committee has been approached by eleanor abaya of communications to produce a short pamphlet that lists faculty publications over the last 10 years.  it is hoped that the pamphlet will be published by the end of the month.  in the short term, information must be made available by tuesday, february 19th.  after that, it is hoped that there will be a continuous update and posting on the web page of the faculty.  the pamphlet will include items such as the publication list, sshrc chairs, distinguished researchers, etc.
the look of the display scheduled for february 27th.
the february 27th session between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. will include two tables for social sciences & humanities with two posters and a display of other work.  other work will include a visual arts dvd loop with works of art and an audio presentation provided by aris carastathis.
d. jobin-bevans asked for volunteers.  they would work in groups of two and rotate in 1 ½ hour time slots between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.  those wishing to volunteer can send an email to s.d. stone or t. dufresne.  graduate student volunteers will be welcome.
registrar's report
a. foshay noted the possible structural changes and reported the following.
.coding of student information is moving forward slowly due to technical problems. 
.convocation in thunder bay will be held on may 31st and in orillia, it will be held on june 7th.
.february 15th is the due date for loading sheets.
.an additional late graduand, whitney bragnalo, was approved.
.passwords should not have been sent via email to access colleague and benefactor.
dean's report
the budget process is underway in aec.  budget summary packages are being reviewed.  until this process in finalized, chairs should assume they have what was in place for last year when finalizing loading sheets for the registrar.  the final decision for nine-month term appointments will not be made for another few weeks. to avoid problems with the collective agreement, numbers can be used to identify sessionals.  also, chairs should check with k.
fedderson and a. den otter regarding orillia budgetary matters.   
t. dunk will try to assist departments from his budget carry-over for important durable items that were not funded.  chairs will be contacted over the next few weeks to establish appropriate decisions regarding the contingency fund.
budget computer requests
departmental computer requests seem to be viewed positively.  tsc has been contacted for cost estimates to finance mac/micro-soft lab tops for a one-time only expenditure.
end of term chairs
those chairs whose terms end on june 30, 2008 should be working on the internal process for appointment or reappointment of chairs.
library - 1st floor
a committee of ten has been established to investigate the set-up of a learning common on the first floor of the library.  the investigation will look at changing the floor's primary focus into a learning centre accommodating such things as a writing centre and common spaces for 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to hang about.  it is envisioned as a one-step area for learning needs.
a discussion followed.
visit on february 27th of dominican college, ottawa
the senate academic committee has organized a visit of representatives from the dominican college in ottawa on february 27th.  the college offers undergraduate and graduate philosophy courses and hopes to receive government funding through university affiliation.  they have had previous contact with the department of philosophy.  a discussion followed.  attendance was encouraged.
susc request for information by march 31st
susc, as deemed by the academic plan, will be approaching departments to provide information on course offerings.   outdoor recreation has used a template/chart format to provide the requested information.  departments may follow this example if they wish.
macleans magazine
阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 's ranking in macleans magazine is now available.  the survey this year seems to be more professional.
departmental reports 
modular degrees
for information, t. dunk noted that the calendar entries for modular degrees have not yet been completed, but are on their way.  checking departmental entries for language will take place over the next little while.  discussion followed.
indigenous learning - internal adjunct professor - dr.kristin burnett
it was moved by d. mcpherson and seconded by j. leggatt that dr. kristin burnett be appointed an internal adjunct professor in the department of indigenous learning.
any other business
review of current practices in the university concerning the presentation of sensitive/emotionally charged course material.
policy establishing a maximum for peer evaluation as a component of final course mark.
t. dunk explained that the senate academic committee has asked for information on these two issues from departments and would like to collect this information for review and debate.  j. vogrig will send out an email request to departments for their responses.                                      
the meeting adjourned at 11:05 a.m.
thunder bay campus
e. auger
t. dufresne
t. dunk
a. foshay
d. ivison
g. hayman
p. jasen
d. jobin-bevans
s. islam
j. leggatt
d. mcpherson
m.n. rinne
v. schonberger
h. smith
v. smith
s.d. stone
orillia campus
a. den otter
e. irwin
invited guest
b. cuthbertson
g. colton
m. maclean
b. stolar

faculty meeting thursday, may 14, 2009

thursday, may 14, 2009 - 12:00am
atac 5035
                                                                                                                                                tel. (807)343-8167
                                                                                                                                                tel. (807)343-8202
                                                                                                                                                fax (807) 766-7155
date:              may 13, 2009
to:                  members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities 
from:             victor smith, chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council
subject:         council meeting             
there will be a meeting of the council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
on thursday, may 14, 2009 at 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm in room 5035 (atac building).
 1.        approval of agenda.
 2.        approval of the april 30, 2009 minutes.   
 3.        business arising from the minutes.           
 4.        registrar's report.
 5.        dean's report.
 6.        departmental/school reports.
            i) department of aboriginal education  - calendar changes
 7.        other business.
 8.        orillia report.
 9.        adjournment.           
victor smith, chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council.
