faculty meeting friday, january 13, 2006

friday, january 13, 2006 - 12:00am
atac 5035
there will be a meeting of the council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
on friday, january 13. 2006 at 2:00 p.m.  in room 5035 (atac building).
1.       approval of agenda.
2.       approval of the november 11th  minutes   
3.       business arising from the minutes.
4.       dean's report.
5.       departmental  and committee reports.
          i         history - calendar changes (doc. 1)
          ii        music - calendar changes (doc. 2)
          iii       native access - calendar changes (doc. 3)     
          iv        psychology - calendar changes (doc. 4)
          v       sociology -  (a) ph.d. proposal (doc. 5)
                   sociology - (b) calendar changes (doc. 5a)
6.       adjunct professors
        i           psychology - drs. mary donaghy, steven donaghy, paul johnston, 
                    scott sellick (three year term)
7.       other business.
        i            membership - faculty of graduate studies council
8.       adjournment.
bruce strang
chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council.
faculty of social sciences and humanities council 
friday, november 11, 2005
a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, november 11, 2005 at 10:30 a.m. in the atac board room 5035.
1.   approval of agenda
it was moved by p. wakewich and seconded by j. leggatt that the agenda be approved.
2.   approval of the minutes
it was moved by d. ivison and s. islam that the minutes of october 14th be approved.
3.         business arising from the minutes.
there was none.
4.         dean's report
i)          merit
the deadline for merit applications is november 15th.  for those who would like the dean to provide merit reference letters, a day's notice would be appreciated.
ii)         orillia
council has approved, in principle, the establishment of a new orillia program to  commence in the fall of 2006.    the proposal is now before the senate undergraduate studies committee and the senate budget committee. 
l. lovett-doust and k. fedderson will provide a presentation at the next susc meeting to harmonize the current working proposal from their respective faculties.  they hope there will be approval in principle.  a working task force will modify the program so that the ouac guelph website will provide a description for orillia 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 by december 1st.  the program will continue to be modified and revised for the senate budget committee and the three faculties participating, science & environmental studies, social sciences & humanities and education, would like to receive a positive recommendation at the end of the process.
iii)         budget process for 2006/07
k. fedderson thanked all chairs for providing their proposals last week.  the total requests would require a budget enhancement of 1 million dollars.  these requests were brought forward to deans' council last wednesday and those deans who were not yet ready, were given a one week extension by the vice-president (academic). 
it spoke well of the ss&h faculty to have met the deadline as well as to the chairs for following the four criteria of centrality, equality, uniformity and consistency.   reference to the charter emphasized that units do not have the resources necessary to do their work at an adequate level of quality.   science and environmental studies is in a similar same position.  it is crucial that the necessary catch-up be recognized.   hopefully, after discussions in deans' council, there will be a united agreement of priority.  if deans' council is not able to do this, the vice-president (academic) will. 
a discussion followed.
k. fedderson emphasized the need for transparency and openness in the process, along with a priority order of replacement positions, restoration of supplies consumables, sessional budgets and new growth positions.  
iv)        academic plan
the senate academic planning committee is asking for a new university academic plan for 2006-2010.  an information session was provided a week ago for social sciences and humanities chairs.    this was meant to assist chairs' understanding of the difference between learning objectives and outcomes.  this afternoon an instructional workshop will take place from 1 - 3 p.m. in conference room a of the bartley residence.  if any other information is required by chairs, please ask k. fedderson.  he will be happy to visit departments if necessary. 
units are being asked to articulate goals over the next four years.  the goals in the academic plan will serve as a benchmark for new resources and requests.  chairs should work collectively as a faculty to establish a new level of quality.  the deadline is december 15th.
v)         ba-hba/bed degree proposal
there has been a lot of discussion.  because the faculty of education is currently undergoing accreditation, the timing of this proposal is unfortunate and education has requested that the proposal be postponed until after the review has been completed.  it has been agreed that the proposal will now be discussed in december.  all chairs whose programs are concurrent education programs will participate in the process along with the deans of education, science & environmental studies and social sciences & humanities.  meetings will be arranged when everyone is available.
vi)        ss&h orillia task force
at the last meeting, it was agreed to establish a subcommittee that would develop the orillia proposal.  it was agreed that there would be 2 members from the humanities, 2 members from the social sciences and 1 member from an interdisciplinary program.  there is now a need to establish the committee and also to have a joint committee which includes the faculty of science and environmental studies working together. 
it was agreed by consensus that the dean would call for nominations to serve on the committee from the faculty and then establish a ballot based on the nominations received. 
5.         departmental reports
i)          calendar changes - english department
it was moved by j. leggatt and seconded by l. di matteo that the english calendar changes be approved.
v. smith agreed to act as council chair while b. strang spoke to the following motion.
ii)         calendar changes - history department
it was moved by b. strang and seconded by k. fedderson that the history calendar changes be approved with the following friendly amendment:
history 3xxx historiography 300; 3-0
2nd paragraph, end of 2nd sentence:
add:  "within shifting historical context."
b. strang resumed the role of chair.
iii)         native access status
k. fedderson informed council that s. rowe, councillor and native access coordinator was no longer with the university as his contract had not been extended. 
k. fedderson has met with dr. l. gilcrhist, vice-provost of aboriginal initiatives and connie hartviksen, coordinator of native nursing.  all have agreed that c. hartviksen will serve as acting coordinator for the native access program reporting to the faculty.  l. gilchrist is currently hiring a new councillor who should arrive by next week.
iv)        calendar changes - political sciences department
it was moved by g. munro and seconded by l. di matteo that the political sciences calendar changes be approved.
v)         calendar changes - psychology department
it was moved by r. davis and seconded by g. siddell that the psychology calendar changes be approved.
vi)        faculty recuritment committee report
h. smith updated council.   the process to plan a permanent joint faculty display is underway and all chairs will be asked for input.
with regard to a december 2nd visit by high school 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , robert perrier of academic advising has contacted department chairs regarding their displays.  academic advising will be asked to modify the focus on faculty resources in the morning session by giving equal respect to every department.  however the afternoon session will remain the same.
vii)        enrolment committee report
p. wakewich explained that the committee has not yet met and had nothing to report.
6.         any other business
there was none.
7.         adjournment.
the meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m.
a. carastathis
r, davis
l. di matteo
e. epp
r. farrell
k. fedderson
m. flegel
p. jasen
s. islam
d. ivison
j. leggatt
r. maundrell
g. munro
m. nisenholt
v. schonberger
m. shaw
g. siddall
h. smith
v. smith
b. strang
b. stolar
p. wakewich
g. colton
d. jobin-bevans
m. maclean
a. nabarra
c. southcott

faculty meeting friday, march 17, 2006

friday, march 17, 2006 - 12:00am
atac 5035
subject:        council meeting  
there will be a meeting of the council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
on friday, march 17, 2006 at 1:30 p.m.  in room 5035 (atac building).
1.       approval of agenda.
2.       approval of the february 17th  minutes   
3.       business arising from the minutes.
          i         dean's search update
          ii        cross-listed course designations - p. wakewich
4.       dean's report.
5.       departmental  and committee reports.
          calendar changes:
          i         education - calendar changes (doc. 1)
          ii        english - calendar changes (doc. 2 (a) and doc. 2 (b))
          iii       orillia - calendar changes (doc. 3) 
          iv       political science - calendar changes (doc. 4)
6.       other business.
          i         english affiliate - dr. philip allingham
7.       adjournment.
bruce strang
chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council.
faculty of social sciences and humanities council
friday, february 17, 2006
a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, february 17, 2006 at 1:30 p.m. in the atac board room 5035.
in the absence of b. strang, v. smith chaired the meeting.
1.   approval of agenda
it was moved by a.den otter and seconded by r. farrell that the agenda be approved with the following change:
add:  collaborative graduate program in women's studies - calendar changes under item 5 i 'history - calendar changes.'
2.   approval of the minutes 
it was moved by j. leggatt and seconded by h. smith that the minutes of january 13th be approved with the following changes:
i    p. 2, 4iii        .add:  "alice den otter" to the orillia opening attendees.
ii   attendance    .add:  a. carastathis
iii  p. 6, 7i, l. 1    .change: "faculty of graduate studies council" to "faculty of
                          graduate studies council membership committee."
3.         business arising from the minutes.
i)          budget
l. di matteo asked for clarification concerning a recent chronicle journal newspaper article indicating that the university had received a grant of money and there would be funding for new full-time faculty members.
k. fedderson responded noting a related discussion at wednesday's deans' council meeting.  he informed council that currently there are no changes in the staffing plans for next year.
g. hayman raised the issue of success in attracting applicants for the recently advertised two-year term contract positions.  he stated that there had been no applicants for the psychology positions and that there were no resources to fill these positions in the community.  he asked for guidance.
k. fedderson asked that he be updated on the status of applications being advertised in the faculty by e-mail or memo.  he noted that, if there is a lack of applicants, it is possible that aec will upgrade these positions.                  
ii)         ba-hba/bed degree proposal
k. fedderson reported that j. o'sullivan and he had come to an agreement at the last senate meeting with regard to this proposal.  he explained that in the absence of both deans, a meeting of the remaining subcommittee (g. siddell, b. strang from ss&h and f. blaikie, d. kerr of education) had taken place.  they have agreed to a revision of the first-year education course so that it will be regarded as a bonafide university course by both faculties. both councils will review the revision and, if they agree, a motion will go forward to the senate undergraduate studies committee. 
iii)         orillia
the joint orillia committee (both deans, alice den otter, j. blahuta, d. west, t. lariviere from ss& h and c. matheson, s. hamilton, j. hughes, c. mackinnon, j. fiadhi, t. randall, p. fralick, a. van tuyl from s&es along with g. wodja, a. deighton, g, boire and j.o'sullivan) have met to assist with arriving at the array of courses that will be offered in orillia in the fall.  it is expected that within two weeks the departmental offerings will be finalized and ready for posting.  hiring will be handled by departments in the usual manner.  aec will be reviewing the language for the secondment postings.  people who are interested should respond to these postings.  it is anticipated that the course timetable will be in place by march 27th to ensure that hiring will get underway.
there have been 192 applications in orillia to date with 68 1st choices and 8 acceptances.  of the 192 applicants, 51 have applied to the ba/bsc degree, 84 have applied to the hba/hbsc program, and 57 have applied to the hbsc program.   many did not take into account the ba/bed degree.
4.         dean's report
i           course evaluations
concerns have been raised that in some instances there is a discrepancy between the data sheets and the summary information forms in the course evaluation packages.  tsc staff have been contacted and they are investigating to determine how best to respond.it is crucial that faculty members hold on to their individual sheets (as they have the only copy) until tsc reports back to the dean.  there appears to have been a programming difficulty.
ii           faculty of graduate studies membership committee
k fedderson thanked the many colleagues who responded to the request to sit on this committee.  after consultation with the graduate dean, it was decided that dr. brian o'connor from the department of psychology should become the faculty representative.         
there is also a vacancy for a faculty student representative to sit on this committee.  those who have promising 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in their areas who are willing to serve should forward their names to kim fedderson for consideration.
iii)         timetable
departmental timetable representatives have attended a meeting to discuss how to implement new timetabling changes before the end of march.  there will be another meeting scheduled for those chairs and timetabling representatives who missed the initial meeting.
tuesday's meeting saw concerns raised regarding the current proposals and those attending were asked to be responsible for ways of accommodating these concerns.  representatives were asked to reconfigure the timetable sheets with the hope that a workable timetable can be created within the next three to four weeks.  there was a great deal of discussion regarding problems.  all deans are overseeing this process as they do not want registration to begin with a timetable that is flawed.  a lengthy discussion followed. 
k. fedderson asked members not to worry as the main objective is to accommodate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 ' pedagogical needs.  the  registrar's office is open to a whole area of suggestions.   
iv)        budget
the faculty budget has been submitted.  l. hayes and aec will determine how much money the faculty will receive based on our request.  the faculty request is reasonable and the amount received will be known sometime next month.
v)         program day 
grade 11 program day is taking place on friday, february 24th from 10:00 to 12:00 p.m.  the recruitment committee co-chairs, h. smith and d. west, will oversee the faculty display for this event.  those who would like to volunteer or participate are requested to contact either helen or doug.  some units may still wish to have their own display and this will be their responsibility.
the last program day saw the entire faculty represented by one major display and earmarked by  banners.  it was seen as a success as there were many more 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 drawn to the faculty site.    
vi)        university research plan
k. fedderson spoke to council's concern about the draft plan and the insufficient focus with regard to the cultural and societal research categories.  members have worked together on a faculty submission to the research plan drafting committee so that a proposed priority research area of "text, interpretation, and expression" would be included in the draft plan.  however, this submission was unsuccessful and the vice-president of  (research) response (doc. 1) was read to the committee.  concern was expressed by the response.  it was also noted that the web link to the draft plan was not the newest draft version.
a lengthy discussion followed.  it was felt that there should be a faculty response to the draft plan.  it was suggested that concerns with the research plan be voiced at the upcoming senate executive committee with questions -- 1) was it coming before senate; if so, 2) how was it coming to senate and 3) does the senate research committee endorse the plan?  the decision-making process with regard to the plan should be known within the next  month or so. it was suggested that the faculty annual report could be submitted to provide a clearer understanding of how the faculty defines research.  it was emphasized that text, interpretation and expression is a designated area of research both in canada and internationally.  it was also noted that many awards for faculty research articles are not funded. 
k. fedderson reiterated that the response to the draft document should be as a faculty and requested that concerns regarding the research committee's response be forwarded to him.  he encouraged all to participate.  should the plan become a senate document, then senate should be made aware of objections.
vii)        academic plan
l. di matteo asked about the progress on the academic plan. 
k. fedderson noted that the senate academic committee will receive a report from the sub-committee by the end of term (late april or may).  he explained that the academic plan must be in place for the next budget cycle before year-end.
viii)       dean's search   
l. di matteo asked if the search committee would report back to council. 
h. smith informed council that an initial meeting of the committee had been held.  they are working on how to incorporate feedback and the development of a process.  the position has already been posted on the web site.  a discussion followed.  an update will be forthcoming at the next council meeting.
5.         departmental reports
calendar changes - history/women's studies
it was moved by h. smith and seconded by k. fedderson that both the history and women's studies collaborative graduate program calendar changes be approved with the following amendment:
history - p. 11
under rationale
line 1                "5773" should read "5772".
ii           calendar changes - philosophy
it was moved by r. berg and seconded by g. hayman that the philosophy calendar changes be approved.  it was noted that there were no budgetary implications.
iii          calendar changes - political science
it was moved by h. smith and seconded by j. leggatt that the political science calendar changes be tabled until the next meeting.
iv          women's studies - cross-listed course designations - p. wakewich 
p. wakewich spoke to the problems associated with cross-listed courses such as the datatel system difficulties in determining enrolment information, scheduling and marks approval. it is suggested that a system be established which identifies a home unit for courses so that the relevant data can be managed by the home unit.  the calendar changes surrounding such a change would require all departments to participate. 
a lengthy discussion followed.  the implications were problematic to both sides of the issue.  there is currently no urgency, but it is important  that the faculty bring forward a motion to spark a university-wide debate.  there is no single approach to deal with the problem. a university-wide solution must be developed with the approval of the senate undergraduate studies committee.
there was a consensus that the matter be brought forward to the next council meeting and then referred to the appropriate body.
  6.       other business
i           affiliated faculty policy
k. fedderson explained that the adjunct professor policy has been amended to include internal adjunct professors.  i. newhouse is chairing a committee to bring a university-wide recommendation to senate.  this recommendation should answer m. anderson's questions (doc. 6).
7.         adjournment.
the meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m.
r. berg
a. carastathis
a. den otter
l. di matteo
t. dunk
r. farrell
k. fedderson
m. flegel
c. harvikson
d. ivison
j. leggatt
c. parkes
m. shaw
h. smith
v. smith
p. wakewich
m. maclean
p. vervoort

faculty meeting friday, march 9, 2007

friday, march 9, 2007 - 12:00am
atac 5035
subject:        council meeting
there will be a meeting of the council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
on friday, march 9, 2007 at 1:30 p.m.  in room 5035 (atac building).
approval of agenda.
i)  exploring potential involvement with the food security research and service exchange network -
c. nelson & d. west, co-directors; j. henderson, m. stadey, community-academic liaison staff
ii)  report from the november meeting of cfhss - d. west
approval of the minutes of january 12, 2007.   
business arising from the minutes.
dean's report.
departmental reports.
.department of psychology calendar changes (doc. 1)
other business.
student ambassador program (admissions and recruitment)
victor smith
chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council.
faculty of social sciences and humanities council
friday, january 12, 2007
a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, january 12, 2007 at 1:30 p.m. in the atac board room 5035.
v. smith called the meeting to order.
1.   approval of agenda
it was moved by g. hayman and seconded by m. maclean that the agenda be approved
with the following additions and changes:
items 4. and 5. will be dealt with at the next council meeting.
item 9. 
other business
request for a faculty ad hoc graduate council.
senate meeting time.
student representation on senate.
2.   approval of the minutes
it was moved by g. hayman and seconded by c. southcott that the minutes of november 24th be approved.
3.  business arising from the minutes.
items will be dealt with under the dean's report.
4.  dean's report 
b. strang reported.
growth positions
there has been an announcement regarding growth and replacement positions.  requests for women's studies, political science, history and english have been successful while those from economics and psychology have not.  in total, social sciences and humanities have lost 3 positions, gained 7, with a net gain of 4.  some of the successful proposals have conditions imposed, but they generally comply with the intent of the original submission. 
the v.p. (academic) commended the english department's submission as a model, both for its written presentation and adherence to the academic plan.  many submissions from other academic units did not follow this format. 
exchange program
no names have been received for the international exchange program discussed at the last council meeting.  up to five 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 are eligible for the program. departments are encouraged to try to seek qualified and interested 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .  details can be obtained through the research office.  names can be forwarded to j. vogrig, g.b. strang or dr. panu.
graduate expansion
a meeting of ss&h graduate coordinators and chairs was held earlier in the day.  graduate growth has resulted in 15 graduate funding packages ($15,000 for m.a. 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and $17,000 for ph.d. 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 ) plus additional money for graduate scholarship to encourage an increase in   enrolment.  it was agreed that an equitable distribution and process should be adopted.  the dean has been given the final power to determine these things.
the ministry is soliciting nominations for faculty teaching excellence from faculty and 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .  eligible nominees should be full-time faculty members, tenured and teaching undergraduate courses.  complete details are available on the ministry website.
budget submissions
it is unclear as to what will happen with the faculty budget submission.  there will be a budget meeting with the vice-president (academic) on wednesday of this week. 
modular degrees
b. strang and l. lovett-doust have met regularly to discuss modular degrees.  there is also close participation with education. three departments (music, visual arts and geography) will not participate at this time.  modular degrees that accommodate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 are moving forward.
academic amnesty
at the last senate meeting, it was agreed that february 7th would be set aside for 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to protest the lack of funding for education.  世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 should not be penalized by professors on this day for participating in this protest.
scholars rescue fund
funding is in place to assist academics who live in unstable countries in order to provide a safe haven for them until such time that they can safely return back to their home country.  faculty who know of individuals in this situation can apply for this international exchange which will pay up to $20,000 in u.s. funds. 
meetings are ongoing, but will end shortly.
the ptr report has been finalized and letters should be sent out by monday.
dean's search
three candidate interviews will be taking place during the end of january and early february.
to facilitate the interim period after interviews, it is currently not known what arrangements will be made.
law school
approval for lakehead's proposal has been received from the established law schools.  the process now goes forward for approval to the upper law society of canada and mtcu.
vice-provost of aboriginal initiatives
the search for a vice-provost of aboriginal initiatives is ongoing and applications are being reviewed.
decanal review in engineering
an engineering decanal review is taking place.  those who wish to participate should contact the office of the vice-president (academic).
senate committee on teaching and learning
the senate committee on teaching and learning has drafted a report on teaching evaluations.  in the meantime, the vice-president (academic) has requisitioned paper forms which will be used for this term's evaluations.  an electronic pilot project will also be done.
the planning process for orillia is complex.  department proposals should include orillia expansion.  current scholarly teaching at orillia is a choice between disciplinary and interdisciplinary contracts. 
enrolment numbers
ss&h enrolment numbers are down by 137 this year.    however, student numbers in the faculty taking classes (including continuing education) are up by 157.  it was noted that all orillia 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 have been counted in the science and environmental studies faculty.
health and safety meetings
due to liability concerns, chairs and deans (as supervisors) will be required to participate in a three hour health and safety seminar.  there are two seminar times:  1) the morning of february 8th or 2) the afternoon of february 12th.
graduate funding
a funding formula needs to ensure that recruitment numbers do not get cut for 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 seeking a minimum income while completing their graduate studies.
5.  adjunct professors
it was moved by g. hayes and seconded by s. d. stone that dr. j. mcauliffe and dr. m. bedard be approved as adjunct professors in the department of psychology.
6.  departmental reports
music calendar changes
it was moved by a. carastathis and seconded by p. wakewich that the music changes be approved.
7.         other business
i)          request for faculty ad hoc graduate council
at a meeting of faculty graduate coordinators and chairs this morning, it was felt that the issue of allocating the additional resources should be dealt with equitably.  a discussion followed.
it was moved by p. wakewich and seconded by j. leggatt that an ad-hoc graduate council for the faculty of social sciences and humanities be created. 
the mandate of the council would be the fair and equitable distribution of new graduate resources within the faculty. the committee will be composed of both chairs and coordinators for departments offering graduate programs within the faculty as well as the dean or acting dean of social sciences and humanities.  the council will dissolve upon the completion of resource distribution.
senate meeting time
there was a discussion regarding the time of 4:30 p.m. on fridays for senate meetings.  it was suggested that senate meetings might possibly begin on friday at 2:30 p.m.
it was moved by s.d. stone and seconded by p. wakewich that senate consider an earlier meeting time.
student representation on senate
m. granville noted the student day of action on february 7th.
he spoke to council regarding the wish of student council to increase student representation on senate. 
discussion followed.
it was moved by m. granville and seconded by p. wakewich that council support an increase in student senators.
the meeting adjourned at   2:50 p.m.
e. auger
a. carastathis
g. hayman
d. ivison
m. granville
j. roth
m. maclean
g. munro
a. nabarra
c. parkes
g. siddall
c. southcott
s.d. stone
v. smith
b. strang
p. wakewich
g. colton
t. dufresne
k. santerre
b. stolar
d. west

faculty meeting friday, may 16, 2008

friday, may 16, 2008 - 12:00am
atac 5035
there will be a meeting of the council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
on friday, may 16, 2008 at 9:30 a.m.  in room 5035 (atac building).
1.       approval of agenda.
2.       gwen wojda report
3.       approval of the april minutes.   
4.       business arising from the minutes.
5.       registrar's report.
6.       dean's report.
7.       graduands
8.       departmental reports.
general program - calendar change (margaret maclean)
library and information studies 1100, 2030, 2050, 2170, 3010
(courses have not been offered for past 5 years.)
languages department - calendar change:
(p. 258
under 6.  certificate of french proficiency for non-french majors
3. advanced proficiency
"...one of french 2420 or french 2611 and 2615."
 "...one of french 2420 or french 2611 and 2615".
replace with
"...one fce in french at the second year level".)
9.       other business.
ad hoc committee report.  (b. stolar) (doc. 1)
10.     adjournment.
victor smith
chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council.
faculty of social sciences and humanities council
friday, april 11, 2008
a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, april 11, 2008 at 9:00 a.m. in the atac board room 5035.
v. smith welcomed orillia colleagues and then called the meeting to order.
approval of agenda
it was moved by m. maclean and seconded by h. smith that the agenda be approved with the following changes:
.delete item 2.  gwen wodja report.  t. dunk explained that g. wodja hoped to bring forward a proposal for a four-year distance education program to accommodate distance education 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .  however, she has decided to wait until the various related issues such as student counting and reporting, etc. have been discussed by the faculty. 
.correct item 7 ii) - should read "adjunct".
.add - item 7 iv - political science - adjunct - peter globensky.
.add - under item 8 other business - i) discussion of distance education - s.d. stone.
approval of the minutes
it was moved by j. leggatt and seconded by d. west that the minutes of march 13th be approved.
business arising from the minutes
there was none.
dean's report
at the last deans' council, the v.p. (academic) reported that she has found $1.3 million of the $2.5 million budget cut.  this means that proposed new expenditures will not go forward, i.e., 9-month term appointments, no computer replacement program, etc.  things still could change, but at the moment, departments should assume that they have the same budget as last year.  the remaining $1.2 million will have to be found and the vice-president (academic) is reviewing low enrolment courses and feels that there will be some savings there.  however, there is a need for some discussion to ensure that programs for 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 can be appropriately delivered next year.  the final budget will be announced shortly.
in response to a question regarding the state of internal postings, it was agreed that such postings should include the phrase "subject to budgetary approval."
modular degree program
the dean's office is putting the document together.  with the permission of the secretary of senate, the required senate form does not have to be used. currently, the document is 74 pages (without northern studies and indigenous learning) and includes the department of psychology despite the fact that psychology and outdoor recreation will eventually be changing faculties.  t. dunk is editing the language to ensure consistency.  it is expected that the modular degree motion will go forward to senate on april 25th.
faculty restructuring
both deans' council and aec are looking at faculty restructuring.  at the senate meeting on april 25th, the perceived changes will be announced as part of the vice-president (academic) report.  currently, the effective date of changes is not known.
draft policy on freedom of information and confidentiality of student records
m. shaw is working on such matters.  among these items is a letter for new employees which is being developed to address confidentiality and the requirement for new employees to adhere to new regulations.  many new issues are coming to the surface. 
discussion followed which included centralized record keeping and lengths of time that departments should retain student materials.  currently, student exams, tests and essays held by departments are kept for one year before disposal.  it was also noted that marks should not be posted, transported by 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 nor sent by e-mail.
vice-president (academic) review committee
the committee has completed its work and a report to the president is now being prepared.
ptr meetings for promotion to full professor will be held on monday, april 14th and tuesday, april 15th.
t. dunk thanked everyone in advance for getting their marks in on time (may 1st).  
registrar's report
examinations - april 11th
due to the inclement weather conditions and the unavailability of city buses, a. foshay asked for indulgence with regard to the day's 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 who were writing morning examinations.  hopefully, invigilators will allow 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 caught in these circumstances to commence their examinations a bit later (at 10:00 a.m. rather than at 9:00 a.m.)
education calendar changes - document a
the current education calendar changes were put into a graph format to demonstrate how they impact each faculty department. due to the changes in education, approximately 160 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in the second year of social sciences and humanities will be  looking for an extra ½ course, while in the education programs approximately 356 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 will be looking for an extra half course.  a communication strategy between education and academic advising is being worked out so that affected 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 will not get mixed messages.
department reports
department of english
it was moved by j. leggatt and seconded by h. smith that the department of english calendar changes be approved.
department of philosophy
it was moved by t. dufresne and seconded by m. beaulieu that c. sachetti-dufresne be approved as an adjunct professor in the department of philosophy.
department of political science
it was moved by d. west and seconded by t. dufresne that p.a. globensky be approved as an adjunct professor in the department of political science.
department of sociology
it was moved by s.d. stone and seconded by p. wakewich that the calendar changes for the department of sociology be approved with the recommended changes.
women's studies
it was moved by h. smith and seconded by p. wakewich that the calendar changes for the changes to the bachelor arts in women's studies be approved.
it was moved by h. smith and seconded by p. wakewich that the calendar changes for the joint honours in women's studies be approved.
discussion followed.  the modular degree submission will be going forward.  it was felt that possible implications due to current calendar changes should not impede their progress. because of the time element in the change process, the best interests of current 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 must be considered.
any other business
discussion of distance education - s.d. stone
s.d. stone asked that faculty council address the distance education degree proposal in order to come up with ways to sort out implications such as the counting of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , fce/fte, stipends, etc.  such matters should be clarified so as not to penalize departments. 
statistical figures from institutional analysis impact the budget process, but do not necessarily reflect the reality.  further discussion followed. 
gwen wodja will attend the next council meeting.
it was moved by d. west and seconded by g. hayman that an ad hoc subcommittee be established to deal with the distance education proposal.
it was agreed that the ad hoc committee membership consist of d. west and t. dunk.  the committee will meet with g. wodja prior to the next council meeting. 
council applauded as t. dufresne congratulated t. dunk on behalf of faculty council with regard to his new appointment at brock university commencing july 1st.   
acting dean
in response to an enquiry with regard to an acting dean,
it was moved by s.d. stone and seconded by h. smith that the vice-president (academic) be notified that social sciences and humanities faculty council wishes to be consulted in the appointment of a new acting dean.
the meeting adjourned at 10:50 a.m.
thunder bay campus
t. dufresne
t. dunk
g. hayman
s. islam
p. jasen
j. leggatt
m. maclean
b. moazzami
m. nisenholt
m.n. rinne
h. smith
v. smith
s.d. stone
p. wakewich
d. west
orillia campus
a. den otter

faculty meeting friday, november 11, 2005

friday, november 11, 2005 - 12:00am
atac 5035
subject:        council meeting                                
there will be a meeting of the council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
on friday, november 11. 2005 at 10:30 a.m.  in room 5035 (atac building).
1.       approval of agenda.
2.       approval of the october 14th  minutes   
3.       business arising from the minutes.
4.       dean's report.
5.       departmental  and committee reports.
          i          english - calendar changes (doc. 1),(doc 1a)
          ii         history-calendar changes (doc. 2) 
          iii        native access-status of the native access program          
          iv        political science - calendar changes (doc. 3)
          v         psychology - calendar changes (doc. 4)
          v         recruitment committee report
          vi        enrolment committee report        
6.       other business.
7.       adjournment.
bruce strang
chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council.
faculty of social sciences and humanities council 
friday, october 14, 2005
a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, october 14, 2005 at 1:30 p.m. in the atac board room 5035.
1.   approval of agenda
it was moved by d. west and seconded by j. siddall that the agenda be approved with the following changes:
 "canadian federation for humanities and social sciences - d. west" added as item i)  under 'other business.'
2.   introduction of new colleagues and guests
k. fedderson welcomed and introduced the following new colleague and guest:
a)   spencer rowe, program coordinator for native access and counsellor for aboriginal culture and support services
b)   john smith, director of academic advising - enrolment management (attachment 1)
j. smith met with the faculty enrolment management committee on thursday.  they requested that he also speak to faculty council.  he spoke about current advising problems in the university and provided suggestions for mprovements.  a discussion followed. 
it was affirmed that departmental chairs and advisors were the final legal authority for approval of student programs. currently, the registrar's office is working on improving  the datatel system.  academic units should work closely with the registrar and  academic advising.
3.   approval of the minutes
it was moved by dr. west and seconded by a. carastathis that the minutes of september 16th be approved.
4.         business arising from the minutes.
i)          interdisciplinary programs in social sciences and humanities
            k. fedderson introduced a new document for consideration by council with respect to offering an interdisciplinary ba and hba in orillia.  he presented a split motion  for council to consider.  discussion followed.  a friendly amendment removed the word "interdisciplinary" from the first motion. 
            it was moved by k. fedderson and seconded by d. west that council approve in principle to establish two new programs, a ba and hba in social
sciences and    humanities, at lakehead's satellite campus in orillia only.
                                                                    carried. (1 abstention)
            discussion followed with regard to the second motion.  two friendly amendments:
            i) added to the second mandate of the task force "with a view to explore the possibility of creating an interdisciplinary and/or multidisciplinary program" and
             ii) included in the composition of the task force "a member of an             interdisciplinary program."
            it was moved by k. fedderson and seconded by p. wakewich that council approve the establishment of ss&h at orillia task force with the following mandate:
            .           to review undergraduate initiatives elsewhere where relevant
            .           to review the ba and hba in social sciences and
                        humanities proposals with a view to explore the possibility of
                        creating an interdisciplinary and/or multidisciplinary program
                        and recommend any required changes to senate by april 30,
                        proposed composition:  two faculty members in humanities;
                        two faculty in social sciences; one faculty in science; the dean
                        [ex officio]; one faculty in an interdisciplinary program and two
                         世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .
                                                           carried unanimously.                       
ii)         committee report on the conceptual framework for the university's research plan.
            s. pound spoke on behalf of the report on the conceptual framework for the university's research plan.  discussion followed.
            it was moved by k. fedderson and seconded by p. jasen that the faculty formally accept this report with the following amendments:
            item 2. paragraph 1.                 ."finances" should replace "economics"                                                                                                           
                                                            "financial" should replace "economic".
                        paragraph 3. line 1.       "a crucial factor" should replace "the
                                                             crucial factor."
                                             last line.  eliminate "(e.g. through data reported in
                                                           citation indices)."
            council formally acknowledged the work of this committee.
5.         departmental reports
i)          calendar changes
            department of sociology:
            it was moved by t. dunk and seconded by h. smith that the sociology calendar changes be approved.
6.         other business
i)          sshrc consultation on open access - c. southcott
            c, southcott provided council with handouts on sshrc's open
access consultation.  sshrc has requested responses to a series of policy and  operations questions from stakeholders.  he noted that the deadline for comments is october 31st.
ii)         canadian federation for humanities and social sciences - d. west
            d. west, the current cfhss representative, updated council.  the federation website provides access to publishing debates, copyrights and equity issues (women's issues).  he felt it should have a formalized place in the faculty with a council representative. the federation is important both across the country and to the university.  many people work on committees within the federation and two major interactive accomplishments are:
             1) congress meetings (formerly the learneds - which are      
                  becoming larger)
             2) national dialogue for higher education
            d. west will work with the webmaster to provide a cfhss link on the faculty web page.  he asked that a formal process be put into place for the next person chosen as a cfhss council representative.
iii)         faculty recruitment committee
            h. smith reported that the recruitment committee met on wednesday.  a future meeting of chairs and coordinators will deal with options on how to      present ourselves.
7.         dean's report
i)          academic plan
            the senate academic committee has brought forward an academic plan proposal to senate.  the current academic plan has not been revised for two years. the strategic plan identifies the absence of an academic plan in units and needs to be addressed. 
            a process has been set in motion to develop a plan for 2006-10.  department goals will   be collected and brought together to form a new academic plan.  the deadline for this process is december 15th
ii)         resource allocation
            there has been no agreement this year at deans' council with regard to the budget process. the aec has not identified new positions for next year.  in  reality, three positions are pending at the moment:  engineering, psychology and visual arts.  the vice-president (academic) has also recognized the current inadequacy of faculty supplies consumables.  
iii)         enrolment summary
            the november enrolment summary is on the faculty council web site.  this year, the enrolment more accurately reflects social sciences and humanities  numbers within the concurrent education program.  social sciences and humanities enrolment is stable and represents 33% of the university's    enrolment.  it is up by 2% this year.  business, professional schools and science & environmental studies are down slightly.   
8.         adjournment.
            the meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m.
d. jean-bevan
a. carastathis
g. colton
r, davis
a. den otter
l. di matteo
t. dunk
r. farrell
k. fedderson
m. flegel
p. jasen
s. islam
d. ivison
j. leggatt
m. maclean
g. munro
a. nabarra
c. parkes
s. pound
s. rowe
m. shaw
g. siddall
h. smith
b. strang
p. wakewich
d. west
invited guests
j. smith
e. epp
b. stolar
attachment 1
academic advising
ss&h faculty council - october 14, 2005
john d. smith - i have recently moved from steinbach, mb where i was the site manager for one of the rural centres for red river college. prior to this i have had work experiences in residence life, the registrar's office, admissions, advising, and career services. i have a b.a. in sociology from the college of the ozarks in missouri, and an m.a. in higher education administration from the university of arizona in tucson.
as the new coordinator of the office of academic advising, i have been on campus for four months. during this time i have observed some trends that have given me some reason for concern. i am in need of some direction from the deans and the department chairs as to how to handle certain situations and possibly gain some institutional history and background. the faculty i have talked with one on one are very student focused and to them student success is paramount, thus i am seeking some direction from this body.
during my short tenure i have noticed the following:
  1. 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 currently subscribes to the split model of advising. this model is designed in the following manner:  incoming and transitioning 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 use the professional advisors in the office of academic advising, while 2nd, 3rd and 4th year 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 take advantage of the expertise of the faculty for advising.
this model is ideal in theory, using professional advisors to smooth the transition of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to the campus and having faculty advise 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 entrenched in their major departments.
in keeping with this model, the office of academic advising has the mandate to service all incoming undergraduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and also 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 transitioning from one program to another. the problem is that i estimate 40% of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 serviced by my office do not fall under my mandate. this means that 40% of my human and financial resources are used to service 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 that fall outside the mandate of my office. this also means that this 40% are not getting the benefit of being advised by their faculty.
·         how do we move the 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 from my office to the offices of the faculty members?
·         what can my office do to aid the chairs and the departmental advisors in their task of advising 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 ?
·         many chairs feel confident in their role as advisor, but many send 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 back to my office to "double check" what they have been told.
·         do we have a systemic access problem? are the chairs or faculty as available as they need to be considering our advising model?
·         are the chairs the right choice to represent the departments as advisors?
  1. 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 are falling through the cracks when it comes to advancing them from year to year in their programs. the continuation codes are not being uniformly used, thus 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 are being advanced when they should not be.
    • my office, in conjunction with the senior staff of the office of admissions, went case by case through 135 student transcripts and made decisions on whether the student should be placed in a different program, be required to drop out of a certain program, or whether the student needed to stop out for 2 years and reapply.
      • these 135 cases were the desperate cases that no one knew what to do with. there were another 750 to 800 that were in academic jeopardy that were handled by the office of the registrar.
      • the 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 i was looking at have failed 2 to 4 full years in a row and yet they were allowed to continue in their programs. at this point it is numerically impossible for them to graduate from their program.
        • the office of the registrar is the certifier and keeper of records. they are also the watchdog of university regulations. they neither have the expertise nor the staff to make academic decisions on behalf of the departments.
        • what can we do together to make sure these 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 are given appropriate guidance? unfortunately these are the 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 that do not ask for guidance or advice.
        1. there is an early alert program waiting for a cohort. the early alert program has two components: 1) intrusive advising, and 2) mandatory student success workshops.
          • there must be buy in by the faculty as the frontline that encounters 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 on a daily basis in class.
          • faculty must use the automated system to alert the advisors when there is a potential problem before it escalates to a point where we are to late to intervene.
          • faculty must be available to aid 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in departmental advising when called upon.
          • retention, retention, retention! it is easier to salvage a student already in a program, than it is to go to southern ontario and bring a new student into the program.
          • my office is looking for a natural cohort on which to test the program and fine tune it before it goes campus wide.
        my overall feeling is that 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 is truly an institution that is student centered. with your help, perhaps we can make some systemic adjustments to have our operational processes better follow suit.
        i am always available to the deans or the chairs for any purpose that aids the success of the student. anything my office can do to aid the faculty in their advising role; we are ready, able, and willing.
        please contact me at your convenience:
        john d. smith
        coordinator of academic advising
        uc 1002
        (807) 346-7916

        faculty meeting friday, november 13, 2009

        friday, november 13, 2009 - 12:00am
        atac 5035
        date:               november 13, 2009
        to:                  members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities 
        from:             victor smith, chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council
        subject:             council meeting                   
        there will be a meeting of the council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
        on friday, november 13, 2009 at 10:00 am to noon in room 5035 (atac building).
         1.        approval of agenda.
         2.        approval of the october 16, 2009 minutes.   
         3.        business arising from the minutes.
         4.        registrar's report. (see support documents.)
         5.        dean's report.
         6.        departmental/school reports.
                    i)  sociology - calendar change - major's average for ba/bed p/j psychology or sociology
                        calendar change - graduate calendar change - thesis and non-thesis
                        internal adjunct  - dr. michel beaulieu - dr. beaulieu's cv
                   ii) languages - calendar changes (see support documents.)
                   iii) northern studies calendar changes
                   iv) women's studies calendar changes
                   v)  music - calendar changes - restructuring of music history courses
         7.        other business.
         8.        orillia report.
         9.        adjournment. 
        victor smith, chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council.
        faculty of social sciences and humanities council
         friday, october 16, 2009
        a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, october 16, 2009 at 10:00 am in the atac board room 5035.
        approval of agenda
        it was moved by j. leggatt and seconded by h. smith that the agenda be approved.
        approval of the minutes
        it was moved by m. nisenholt and seconded by m. maclean that the minutes of september 11, 2009 be approved.
        business arising from minutes
        i)     ballots for the election of graduate studies membership.
        ii)    ballots for the faculty of social sciences and humanities strategic plan steering
        iii)   current enrolment numbers from b. nelson
        registrar's report
        b. nelson said the exam schedule has been posted for december.  we will be using paci this year for some exams and the "clean-up" has already been done with scheduling.  if there are any conflicts, they can be reported to lorrie or donna in scheduling.  the list of november graduands has been sent to all chairs/directors with a deadline of next friday, october 23/09.  b. nelson reported that enrolment management has been reviewing the registration process in order to get the 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to enrol early so that under-enrolled classes can be addressed, and to ensure they register only once and properly.  she hopes to have a clean timetable ready by the end of march so 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 have a better opportunity to meet with faculty to discuss their courses and this will in turn make for better retention.  it will also help with workload assignments which are due by the end of june as any adjustments can be done earlier.  in order to register early, 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 also need good information as well as an up-to-date online calendar for accurate information.  they need to know where they stand academically, ie. which courses they have passed or failed. by allowing early registration, academic advising in less busy in september and able to work with 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 before classes start. b. nelson advised us that there will be a training session held in november for those staff members that do the scheduling to help familiarize them with the whole system and how it interacts.  discussion followed.
        dean's report for faculty council 
        dean's report for faculty council
        october 16, 2009 atac 5035
        1.            calendar changes.  calendar changes must be submitted in time for the january senate meeting.  that meeting is january 29 and the senate executive meeting at which the changes would come forward is january 15. 
        2.            fall preview day.  we need to staff our booth from 10:00 am to 1:50 pm.  check the email i forwarded to you for information on your assigned room for the discipline specific  "academic sessions."  also give some thought to whether you would like to have an interactive session of facility tour. 
        3.            we had another successful ontario university fair.  this year i went down with aris carasthasis, jenny roth, rhonda koster, and eric .  i continue to make the argument that we need greater representation there from our faculty. 
        4.            at enrolment management yesterday, we were given some interesting statistics about our graduation rates and retention rates.  of particular interest to me was that there was a significant difference between retention rates for con ed 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 getting arts degrees and 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 getting straight arts degrees.  the con ed 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 are well above the university average, and the straight arts 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 are well below it.  we can only speculate on the reasons for that, but it may suggest that we need to do more work on career counseling.  this is an issue we may want to address in our strategic plan.
        5.            no word yet on hiring for this year.  enrolment numbers are good, so that is encouraging.  i encourage you to be prepared to make a case for positions you feel need to be filled. 
        respectfully submitted by dr. gillian siddall, dean, social sciences and humanities.
        it was moved by g. siddall and seconded that a sub-committee be created to deal with the promotion of our faculty.
        departmental/school reports
        i) department of women's studies - calendar changes
        it was moved by p. wakewich and seconded by h. smith that the calendar changes for the med with specializations in women's studies and gerontology be approved.
        ii) outdoor recreation, parks and tourism - adjuncts - dr. jackie dawson & dr. emma     stewart
        it was moved by r. koster and seconded by h. smith that the appointments of dr. dawson and dr. stewart as adjunct professors be approved.
        departmental/school reports - cont'd
        ii) sociology - calendar change: new third year course in life studies and changes to the dr. anita chen bursary.
        it was moved by p. wakewich and seconded by j. leggatt that the new third year sociology course be approved.
        it was moved by p. wakewich and seconded by r. berg that the wording change to the dr. anita chen bursary be approved.
        other business
        there was none.
        orillia report
        a.den otter reported that she will have the list of spring/summer courses soon.  there will be the same number of courses as last year which will be 3 or 3.5 fce's.  she will be contacting all chairs/directors that might be affected by those courses that will be running.  the took a survey of what 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 were interested in. the proposal is due next thursday, and postings for instructors will follow after the courses are chosen.  a. den otter now has a chart with enrolment numbers for fall/winter and will send that along tomorrow.  it has data from the last two years.  there are a number of fce's that are sustainable, and 3.5 or 4 that depend on class size.  she will talk to each chair/director with regard to course offerings.
        there are some calendar changes. there is an indigenous topics course and an environmental sustainability course.  there are 6 or 7 faculty members from thunder bay campus on the planning committee.  these should be ready for december.  r. koster wanted to know if the courses were existing or new.  a. den otter stated that they were existing.
        the meeting adjourned at 11:30 am.
        thunder bay campus
        v. smith
        b. nelson
        m. maclean
        j. leggatt
        r. koster
        h. smith
        g. colton
        attendance - cont'd
        r. berg
        m. nisenholt
        l. paquette
        p. wakewich
        g. siddall
        orillia campus
        a. den otter
        d. jobin-bevans
        p. jasen
        j. nicholas

        faculty meeting friday, november 21, 2008

        friday, november 21, 2008 - 12:00am
        atac 5035
                                                                                                          office of the dean of social sciences and humanities

                                                                                                                                                        tel. (807)343-8167
                                                                                                                                                        tel. (807)343-8202
                                                                                                                                                        fax (807) 766-7155
        date:              november 21, 2008
        to:                  members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities 
        from:             victor smith, chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council
        subject:         council meeting             
        there will be a meeting of the council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
        on friday, november 21, 2008 at 12 noon to 2:00 pm in room 5035 (atac building).
         1.        approval of agenda.
         2.        approval of the october minutes.   
         3.        other  business.
                     i) research and innovation week - dean jobin-bevans
         4.        business arising from the minutes.
         5.        registrar's report.
         6.        dean's report.
         7.       departmental reports.
                    i) political science - program changes
                             ps minor program change
                             ps 4110 - change description
                             ps 4330 - add course
                             ps 2530 - delete
                             ps 4211 - delete
                             ps - program minor in law & politics
                             ps - minor program in international relations
                             ps - remove prerequisites
                    ii) sociology - minor program changes
                    iii) languages - minor program changes
                    iv) women's studies - minor program changes
                    v) history - minor program changes
                    vi) philosophy - minor program changes
                    vii) visual arts - minor program changes
                    viii) northern studies - calendar addition
                                                     -  minor program changes
                    xi) economics - program change
                    x) english - minor program changes
                    xi) native access program - calendar changes
                    xii) music - calendar changes
         8.         orillia report.
         9.        other business.
        10.        adjournment.           
        victor smith, chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council.
        faculty of social sciences and humanities council
         thursday, october 16, 2008
        a meeting of the faculty council was held on thursday, october 16, 2008 at 12 noon in the atac board room 5035.
        v. smith welcomed orillia colleagues and called the meeting to order.
        approval of agenda
        it was moved by m. beaulieu and seconded by p. jasen that the revised agenda be approved.
        approval of the minutes
        it was moved by j. leggatt and seconded by m. beaulieu that the minutes october 16th be approved.
        business arising from the minutes
        there was none.
        introduction of new colleagues
        m. nisenholt introduced dr. kristy holmes, a new faculty member in the department of visual arts.
        orillia report
        a. den otter presented the following proposed calendar changes:
        orillia calendar change - needs consultative approval from ses and ssh
        addition of "major" option
        rationale:  at present the hbasc program at orillia enables 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to take two areas of specialization (5 fces each) in addition to 2 fces of inquiry courses plus other electives.  at least 3 fces must be from ses and 3 fces from ssh.  while this is an excellent interdisciplinary degree, leading to various job prospects or to an interdisciplinary graduate degree, 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 seeking graduate school in particular disciplines have been requesting disciplinary majors as well.  indeed, several are taking sufficient courses to qualify for major status and would like to be acknowledged as having attained that level.  the following change makes the major option possible without interfering with the interdisciplinary of the degree.
        current description:
        program regulations
        1.            世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in the hbasc: multidisciplinary studies are required to satisfactorily complete a minimum of two disciplinary specializations (a specialization comprises a set of 5 fce in a discipline), and these specializations must be identified by the student.
        proposed description:
        program regulations
        1.            世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in the hbasc: multidisciplinary studies are required to satisfactorily complete a minimum of two disciplinary specializations (a specialization comprises a set of 5 fce in a discipline), and these specializations must be identified by the student.   if desired, a student may take an additional 5 fces at the third or fourth year level in one of the selected disciplinary specializations (total 10 fces) and declare a major in that field. 
        budgetary implications:  none since rotation of courses enables 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to take a sufficient number of courses without increasing offerings beyond our budget.
        after some discussion, it decided to table this motion pending consultation with department heads.
        it was moved by a. den otter and seconded by h. smith that the proposed calendar change be tabled.
        registrar's report
        a. foshay was not able to attend the meeting.  an information email was circulated. 
        dean's report
        1.    the university fair was, as far as one can measure such things, very successful, with the highest number of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 yet.  世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 were very attracted by our t-shirts, and were willing to stand in line to get one.  all 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 who did that also provided us with fairly detailed contact information, which will aid in recruitment.
        2.    budget.  $6.1 million deficit projected for this year, and $9 million the year after that.  consequently, there will be no hiring until further notice.   we have been asked to ask chairs what courses they need to offer next year, and whether they have the resources to offer them.  also, 50% of all carry-forwards were clawed back.
        3.    calendar changes.  this year, all calendar changes that are for the 2009/10 academic year must be approved by senate by the january meeting.  all changes that come forward after that will go in the 2010/11 calendar.
        4.    braun building.  a consulting firm, the courtyard group, has been hired by the ministry to review needs for capital expenditures at ontario universities and colleges, and to make recommendations to the ministry.  lakehead was the first site they visited; they reviewed the entire site, but with particular attention to the braun building.  we have been told that it will cost approximately $6.9 million to repair it and $7.6 million to replace that part of the building. 
        5.    strategic research plan.  as you know, the deans were asked to identify research strengths in their faculty.  thank you to those who responded to that.   for those who did not, it is not too late, and i would encourage you to get something to me as soon as possible.  we had a very productive discussion at deans' council yesterday about the issue of research clusters.  laurie was out of town, and had asked moira mcpherson to facilitate the discussion of research clusters as identified by the deans.  after much discussion, we decided that the word cluster refers to something quite specific, and was too limiting a word and concept for the intended purpose of gathering information about research at the university.  we will now be talking about research strengths, and these can be identified in several ways. 
        a.    collaborative research currently ongoing on campus.
        b.    collaborative research between faculty here and at other universities
        c.    collaborative research that includes partnerships with the private sector and/or government--these are clusters.
        d.    collaborative research currently going on that can be identified with the priority research themes listed in the strategic research plan.
        e.    independent research that can be identified with the priority research themes identified in the strategic research plan.
        f.     an individual's faculty research profile that constitutes expertise in a particular area.
        g.    research centres on campus.
        for deans' council yesterday, i prepared a very preliminary list of areas of research strength.  after looking at what everyone sent me, and from what i gleaned from the annual reports, i decided to organize the inventory of our research according to the strategic research priorities in the strategic research plan, for two reasons.  1) there is a substantial amount of research going on in a number of those priorities, not just in culture and society.  2)  if allocation of resources is, as the plan suggests, going to be aligned with those priority areas, it will be a good idea to frame our research that way.  however, we are also now going to be including independent researchers who have produced a body of work in a particular area; all the deans agreed to that, and it means that significance of independent research won't entirely be left out of this conversation.  there was also a lot of talk among the deans yesterday about the disconnect at the university between the move to increase research productivity, as outlined in the plan, and the contraints we all face in terms of resources (and heavy teaching loads) and the lack of stability in budget allocations that makes planning very difficult.  moira is going to summarize what was said at this meeting and submit it to the vp.   the deans have been asked to submit their summaries of research areas to moira, so that we can all see an inventory of all the research going on on campus, and i would like ours to be as complete as possible, so do please send me information if you have not already.
        departmental reports
        english/indigenous learning - request for calendar change
        it was moved by j. leggatt and seconded by h. smith that the proposed undergraduate calendar change as it relates to english/indigenous learning be approved.
        women's studies - request for calendar change
        it was moved by h. smith and seconded by p. jasen that the proposed calendar change be approved.
        other business
        the meeting adjourned at 2:00 p.m.
        thunder bay campus
        m. beaulieu 
        r. berg
        a. carastathis
        g. colton
        k. holmes
        p. jason
        d. jobin-bevans
        j. leggatt
        m. maclean
        d. mcpherson
        a. puddephatt
        m. nisenholt
        dr. v. schonberger
        g. siddall
        h. smith
        v. smith
        s.d. stone
        orillia campus
        a. den otter
        l. clement
        k. willison
        a. clarke
        b. cuthbertson
        s. islam
        a. foshay
        r. holmes
        d. ivison

        faculty meeting friday, november 24, 2006

        friday, november 24, 2006 - 12:00am
        atac 5035
        subject:        council meeting                                
        there will be a meeting of the council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
        on friday, november 24, 2006 at 1:30 p.m.  in room 5035 (atac building).
        1.       approval of agenda.
        2.       approval of the october 20th minutes.  
        3.       business arising from the minutes.
        4.       dean's report.
        5.       november graduands.
        6.       departmental reports.
        english (calendar changes)-doc 1
        history (calendar changes)-doc 2
        philosophy (calendar changes) - doc 3
        political science (calendar changes)-doc 4 
        psychology (calendar changes)-doc 5
        7.       other business.
        8.       adjournment.
        victor smith
        chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council.
        faculty of social sciences and humanities council
        friday, october 20, 2006
        a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, october 20, 2006 at 1:30 p.m. in the atac board room 5035.
        v. smith called the meeting to order.
        lusu student representatives 
        v. smith introduced lusu student representatives f. dawood and m. granville.
        approval of agenda
        it was moved by m. richardson and seconded by j. leggatt that the agenda be approved with the following additions:
        under item 8.  departmental reports, add calendar changes for:
        .  history
        .  indigenous learning.
        presentation - education presentation for hbed (aboriginal education).  (dr. e. gardner and dr. j. o'sullivan). (attachment)
        v. smith welcomed e. gardner and j. o'sullivan.
        support documentation was distributed to members. (see attached document).
        j. o'sullivan and e. gardner provided council with an overview of a new  hbed (aboriginal education) which will be brought forward to the next senate meeting.  they asked council for their support.  it was noted that they had conducted a broad consultation process which included appropriate ontario government bodies as  well as native organizations on both a local and national scale.  they have received extensive support  to go ahead with this proposal.  the ministry of education in nunavut has also indicated an interest in participating in such a program.  a discussion followed. 
        approval of the minutes
        it was moved by m. richardson and seconded by c. southcott that
        the minutes of september 15th be approved.
        business arising from the minutes.
        there was none.
        course evaluations.
        b. strang spoke to the current emails that have been distributed electronically regarding the change in the course evaluation process. this new process was approved by deans' council prior to his appointment as acting dean. the course evaluation directive has stemmed from the department of  institutional analysis.  he noted a lack of senate consultation.   
        a discussion followed as to the problems that might occur with this new process.  it was felt that the following motion should go forward to the next meeting of senate.
        it was moved by j. leggatt and seconded by j. roth that we as a faculty have serious objections with both process and principle to the change in the current course evaluations so that they will now be conducted on line.  because senate policy has not changed, we move that the proper process as outlined in senate procedure be followed.
                                                                   carried unanimously.    
        dean's report.
        b. strang reported.
        hiring and resource allocation
        .currently, there is no news regarding hiring and resource allocation..
        .enrolment is down, but still close to last year's student numbers.
        .the process for continuation codes is more proactive to allow 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to receive appropriate and timely feedback.  this means that 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 are moving up through the system more regularly. as a result, there is a more accurate implementation of bius.   upper year 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 receive more money and  therefore  tuition money has increased providing new money for the university. 
        .the province is asking for a higher increase in graduate enrolment and it may prove difficult to reach these goals.  graduate biu funding provides more money.
        .the current provincial government is more conservative with capital project funding.
        .there is a graduate funding source, but strings are attached.  currently there is no plan as to how resources or new ph.d. programs will be supported.  a proactive approach should be taken as there are serious issues with staffing at the undergraduate level.  growth in the graduate area will relieve some undergraduate shortcomings.  the vice-president (academic) is aware and sympathetic to these concerns.  
        .aec does not recognize replacement positions this year.  currently, there is no indication of how many positions or how much growth will be approved.  because of this, it is important that the faculty be well prepared so that once decisions are made, student needs can be met. 
        .there will be a meeting of faculty chairs on friday, october 27th to determine faculty priorities in both short and long-term planning.    
        aec will make a final decision on durables next week.  requests for individual items below  $1500 will not be considered.  faculty submissions for durables were from languages, music and visual arts.
        l. gilchrist (associate vice provost (aboriginal initiatives))
        dr. gilchrist's contract was not renewed.  further review and decisions will be forthcoming.  discussion followed.
        academic plan and student learner outcomes
        .because the provincial government has asked for learner outcome information, letters requesting this data have gone to departments.  a further set of letters have also been sent asking for information on combined major programs.
        .currently, there is an initiative with the science and environmental studies faculty to streamline combined majors in order to be able to offer a more open program with a greater choice to 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 . 
        .discussion followed. 
        .the whole process has been postponed and will come back to faculty council.  the intention is to eventually offer only four year degrees.  currently this is being offered on the orillia campus.
        law school
        a proposal to create a school of legal studies which would serve the northern region has been passed in senate.
        departmental reports
        english calendar changes
        it was moved by j. leggatt and seconded by p. wakewich that the english calendar  changes be approved.
        english ph.d. proposal
        it was moved by d. ivison and seconded by  j. leggatt that the ph.d. proposal in english be approved in principle.
         sociology calendar changes
        it was moved by s.d. stone and seconded by p. wakewich that the sociology calendar changes be approved.
        visual arts calendar changes
        it was moved by m. nisenholt and seconded by e. auger that the visual arts calendar changes be approved.
        history calendar changes
        it was moved by e. epp and seconded by g. hayman that the history calendar changes be approved.
        indigenous learning calendar changes
        it was moved by m. richardson and seconded by j. leggatt that the indigenous learning calendar changes be approved.
        other business
        there was none.
        the meeting adjourned at   3:15 p.m.
        e. auger
        a. carastathis
        g. colton
        t. dufresne
        e. epp
        m. granville
        g. hayman
        s. islam
        d. jobin-bevans
        d. ivison
        j. leggatt
        a. nabarra
        m. nisenholt
        j.m. richardson
        j. roth
        m. shannon
        c. southcott
        s.d. stone
        v. smith
        b. strang
        p. wakewich
        a. clarke
        r. harpelle
        g. genosko
        r. martin
        m. maclean
        for education faculty council approval - october 13, 2006
        honours bachelor of education h.b.ed. (aboriginal education)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    the vision and mission statement contained in 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 's strategic plan (2005-2010) affirm the importance of aboriginal education to 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 , and this is reflected in the goals of the strategic plan.  the faculty of education is committed to the development of new initiatives in aboriginal education evidenced by the recent establishment of a department of aboriginal education, and inclusion of strategic goals for aboriginal education in its strategic plan (2006-2011).  the proposed honours bachelor of education h.b.ed. (aboriginal education) is one of the faculty's strategic priorities. 
        the need for the proposed h.b.ed. (aboriginal education) is clearly identified in the ontario ministry of education's draft aboriginal education policy framework (may 11, 2006), which identifies aboriginal education as a key priority in ontario.  the policy framework has direct implications for aboriginal teacher education.  these include the articulated need for programs that address:  a) the learning and cultural needs of aboriginal 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , b) academic achievement and identity building, c) learning about aboriginal cultures within the general population and d) facilitating aboriginal parents, 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and community involvement in student success (p.2). 
        the faculty of education through its department of aboriginal education is positioned to offer programs in aboriginal teacher education that respond to aboriginal people's aspirations for their children to succeed in education while maintaining a strong aboriginal identity. the proposed h.b.ed. (aboriginal education) builds on 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 's long and distinguished record in aboriginal teacher education, a record that spans over thirty years.  in 1974, we established the community-based native teacher education program (n.t.e.p.).  since 1974, over 400 teacher candidates have graduated from the community-based n.t.e.p. programs.  the n.t.e.p. which began as a diploma for primary/junior teacher candidates has evolved into concurrent b.a./b.ed or b.sc./b.ed. available in each of the following divisions: primary/junior, junior/intermediate, intermediate/senior.  meanwhile, our native language instructors' program (n.l.i.p.) prepares teacher candidates who are fluent speakers of ojibwe and cree to teach the languages to grade 8.  n.l.i.p. is the only program of its kind in ontario and since its inception in 1977, n.l.i.p. has enrolled over 1,000 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 . 
        honours bachelor of education (aboriginal education); h.b.ed. (aboriginal education)
        the h.b.ed. in aboriginal education is the result of extensive consultation over 4 years with aboriginal communities. aboriginal communities want their children to succeed academically with an education that is culturally relevant and which responds to their learning needs.  the h.b.ed. (aboriginal education) aims to prepare teachers to deliver a quality education, specialized to meet the needs of aboriginal children. graduates will be recommended to the o.c.t. for teacher certification at the p/j division.
        this four-year h.b.ed. (aboriginal education) program is distinguished by its excellence in aboriginal teacher education.  it includes two years of relevant social sciences/humanities and sciences, including required native language and culture courses, and two years of teacher development, strengthening teacher readiness for the field. an academic concentration in a junior/intermediate teachable subject will enable graduates to pursue (j/i) certification through an additional basic qualification. the second education component is focused on a core specialization in literacy and numeracy, with attention to children with special needs. these education components include relevant practical experiences.
        an honours project culminates this program and 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 will be able to demonstrate their learning in meaningful ways through teaching & learning portfolios, internships or apprenticeships with elders and/or cultural teachers, action research, or design of a community-based program.
        the program is designed and delivered primarily by aboriginal faculty, staff, and administration from 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 's faculty of education, supported by an advisory council for aboriginal education (a.c.a.e.) and 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 's aboriginal management council (a.m.c.). with flexible delivery 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 can enroll in the program on a full or part-time basis with community-based, on-campus, and distance delivery methods.  on-campus and community-based support for 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 will be available.
        general admission requirements as per the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 calendar.
        candidates will be of aboriginal ancestry.
        advanced standing may be credited for relevant courses already completed through a university or college or indigenous institute of higher learning.
        see the university regulations (page 43) and the faculty of education regulations section (p.66) of the calendar for conditions to enter, proceed in, and graduate from this program. a student in the h.b.ed. (aboriginal education) may be admitted or continue in the program if their overall average in education courses is a b or better. 
        program requirements:
        twenty fces are required to complete the h.b.ed (aboriginal education).  all education courses will focus on teaching aboriginal children, including those that constitute the program of professional teacher education subject to accreditation by the ontario college of teachers.  the fce courses required for the professional year program appear with an asterisk (*) beside them; new courses appear in italics.
        year i
        one of english (lit. 1111 or 1112) and
        one of english (rhetoric 1031 or composition 1011)                                                              
        native language - introduction to ojibwe/cree                                    
        indigenous learning 1100 - introduction to indigenous learning                                             1
        science 1000 - topics in science                                              
        education xxxx - foundations in mathematics education                                                                                 .5
        education xxxx - aboriginal education foundations 
        total                                                  5
        year ii
        english 2702 - literature of canada's first nations                                               1
        math 0140 - topics in math                                                                                                                              1
        indigenous learning/visual arts 2060 - native arts and crafts                                                 1
        one full course in s.s.&h. or sc. in a j/i teachable subject (calendar, p. 76)           1
        education xxxx - teachers of aboriginal learners                                                                                               .5
        education xxxx - literacy and the aboriginal child, birth - age 8   
                                                                     .5                                                                                                                    total                                                  5
        year iii
        two full courses in s.s.&h. or sc. in a j/i teachable subject (calendar, p. 76)                                                      2
        education electives                                                                                                                                             .5
        education xxxx - working with parents & families                                               .5
        education xxxx - literacy and the aboriginal child, age 9 - 12                                                        .5 
        *education 3013 - the early reading institute                                                .25
        education 4399 (placement)                                                                                                                                                                       .25
        *education 4410 - educational psychology/teaching exceptional 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛                                                .5
        *education 4412 - educational law and 4413 - foundations and issues in educ.                                                    .5
        total                                                   5                                                                                                           
        year iv
        *education 4470 - intro to classroom management                                         .5
        *education 4013 - teaching early literacy                                                
        *education 4012 - c & i in language arts                                                      .5
        *education 4050 - c & i in mathematics                                         
        education xxxx - mathematics education advanced lab                                                                                   .25
        *education 4014 - c & i in science and technology and
        *education 4015 - c & i in social studies                                                 
        *education 4016 - c & i in visual arts                                                      
        *education 4017 - c & i in music                                                   
        *education 4018 - c & i in physical health                                                  
        *education 4414 - intro to planning and evaluation                                             .25
        *education 4499 - student teaching in professional year                                                     .5
        honours project                                1 
        total                                                  5                                                                                                                   
        social science & humanities & science courses
        one of english 1111 or 1112 and one of english1031 or 1011                                       1
        native language - introduction to ojibwe/cree                                                                            1
        indigenous learning 1100 - introduction to indigenous learning                                             1
        science 1000 - topics in science                                                                                                       1
        english 2702 - literature of canada's first nations                                                                        1
        math 0140 - topics in mathematics                                                                                                 1
        indigenous learning/visual arts 2060 - native arts and crafts                                 1
        three full courses in s.s.&h or sc. in a j/i teachable subject (calendar, p. 76)       3
        total                                                                                                                                                                       10
        education courses
        education xxxx - foundations in mathematics education                                                     .5
        education xxxx - aboriginal education foundations                                                             .5 education xxxx - teachers of aboriginal learners                                                                                .5
        education xxxx - literacy and the aboriginal child, birth - age 8                     .5
        education electives                                                                                                                                             .5
        education xxxx - working with parents & families                                                                .5
        education xxxx - literacy and the aboriginal child, age 9 - 12                                          .5 
        education 3013 - the early reading institute                                                                                                .25
        education 4399 (placement)                                                                                                                           .25
        education 4410 - educational psychology/teaching
        exceptional 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛                                                                                                                                            .5
        education 4412 - educational law and 4413 - foundations
        and issues in education                                                                                                                    .5
        education 4470 - intro to classroom management                                                                       .5
        education 4013 - teaching early literacy                                                                                       .25
        education 4012 - c & i in language arts                                                                                       .5
        education 4050 - c & i in mathematics                                                                                           .5
        education xxxx - mathematics education advanced lab                                                       .25
        education 4014 - c & i in science and technology and
        4015 -      c & i in social studies                                                                                                        .5
        education 4016 - c & i in visual arts                                                                                              .25
        education 4017 - c & i in music                                                                                                       .25
        education 4018 - c & i in physical health                                                                                      .25
        education 4414 - intro to planning and evaluation                                                                        .25
        education 4499 - student teaching in professional year                                                             .5
        honours project                                                                                                                                  1
        total                                                                                                                                                                       10
        tuition and other fees:
        regular university fees apply.
        the need for programs such as the proposed h.b.ed. (aboriginal education) is clearly identified in the ministry of education's draft aboriginal education policy framework (may 11, 2006), which identifies aboriginal education as a key priority in ontario.  the ministry of education's policy statement has direct implications for teacher education that the new proposed program can begin to address:  a) the learning and cultural needs of aboriginal 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , b) academic achievement and identity building, c) learning about aboriginal cultures within the general population and d) facilitating aboriginal parents, 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and community involvement in student success (p.2). 
        this program is targeted at aboriginal applicants, both recent high school graduates and teachers holding certification based on the n.t.e.p. and n.l.i.p. diplomas, who wish to pursue a degree that is culturally relevant and has, as one delivery option, the opportunity to study in the candidates home community.  we estimate that there are over 1400 n.t.e.p. and n.l.i.p. lakehead graduates eligible for this program.  recently, the council of the ontario college of teachers approved an amendment to regulation 184, the regulation that governs teacher qualifications.  the amendment means that the n.t.e.p. diploma will no longer serve as a qualification for licensing once sufficient aboriginal teachers are graduated from degree programs.  consequently, the h.b.ed. (aboriginal education) will attract graduates from the n.t.e.p. diploma programs offered by 4 other ontario universities who seek degree completion. 
        projected enrolment:
        the h.b.ed. (aboriginal education) program is designed to be demand driven, and available to individual communities and regional clusters where it is feasible to offer it.  one cohort of 15-20 per year as a community-based offering and one on-campus cohort of a 15-20 student intake per year are projected initially.  our enrolment target is that, by 2014, graduates from the h.b.ed. (aboriginal education) will constitute 10% of all lakehead teacher education graduates.  
        revenue: at 06/07 rates, tuition fees plus biu (government grant) would total $9, 300.00 per student per year (based on an estimate of 1.5 bius per student per year).   this would total $279,000 per year for a cohort of 30 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .
        costs: education currently funds 5 fces (special sections) in s.s.&h. and sciences.  additional costs include two fces ($20,000.00 @ 06/07 rates) in those faculties.
        associated budgetary consequences include the costs of delivering 5 additional fces in education annually ($50,000 at 06/07 rates), a support position for every 50 community-based candidates (e.g., will include advising, support for student retention) estimated cost = $60,000, associate teacher fees @ $12,000 per cohort of 30 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , plus miscellaneous administrative costs including recruitment in remote communities.   
        some of these costs can be accommodated by the current infrastructure.
        institutional impact:
        currently, the yearly intake in the n.t.e.p. b.a./b.ed. concurrent programs is
        approximately 5 per year.  at the moment, there are 25 teacher candidates enrolled in n.t.e.p. concurrent programs across the 4 or 5 years of the programs.  all of these candidates are completing a b.a./b.ed. (no candidates enrolled in a b.sc./b.ed.)and 15 of these are in the primary junior division.  consequently, the impact of the new h.b.ed. (aboriginal education) primary/junior on enrollment in n.t.e.p. concurrent programs is minimal.   the impact of the proposed h.b.ed. (aboriginal education) for enrollment of aboriginal teacher candidates at lakehead is substantial and long term.
        the h.b.ed. (aboriginal education) represents the first stand alone h.b.ed./b.ed. in the province of ontario.  this model of primary/junior teacher education is one of several options available in other provinces (e.g., simon fraser in british columbia, university of saskatchewan, memorial university of newfoundland) and other countries. these include ireland (e.g.                    ),england  (eg.                ) australia (e.g., university of western australia, university of new england), new zealand (e.g., dunedin college of education) and the united states of america (e.g., university of minnesota). 
        program implementation:
        implementation is contingent on:
        1. approval from the ministry of colleges training and universities for the h.b.ed. (aboriginal education)
        2. eligibility of the degree program for government funding.
        3.     initial accreditation by the ontario college of teachers of the professional teacher education component of the program.
        new courses:
        aboriginal education foundations                                                                                                .5
        an introduction to aboriginal education in canada.  a critical examination of historical and contemporary issues in education illuminating the impact of federal, provincial and local policies on the near demise of and recent efforts to revitalize aboriginal languages and cultures.  an exploration of recent literature that highlights culturally appropriate and culturally based aboriginal education grounded in aboriginal philosophies and the goal of self-determination promoting an understanding and appreciation of aboriginal perspectives.  strategies for integrating this knowledge into personal understanding and into the work and practice of educators. 
        teachers of aboriginal learners                                                                                     .5
         a survey of the social, mental and general health conditions of aboriginal people in association with relevant historical contexts, covering a) an exploration of how to distinguish social, medical and mental health conditions that affect learning from learning disabilities, b) helping tools for educators working with at-risk youth, and for liaising with relevant counselling, social work, mental health and medical professionals on behalf of youth and their families, c) existing support networks available to aboriginal youth and their families within aboriginal communities, and d) literature on aboriginal helping approaches.
        aboriginal parents, families & communities                                                              .5
        an exploration of traditional and contemporary child-rearing practices in the education of the whole child that includes parents, families, and communities. methods and strategies of respectful approaches, problem solving techniques and positive role modeling to address cultural and linguistic diversity.  an emphasis on the importance of oral and written communication, teaming, and the sharing of knowledge about children's learning development through parent and teacher partnerships.
        literacy and the aboriginal child, birth - age 8                                                        .5
        this course is based on a social constructivist, reader response perspective on literacy teaching and learning. 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 will be introduced to theory and exemplary practices which support the early literacy development of aboriginal children from birth to age 8. 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 will have opportunities to study and address challenges they may encounter as literacy teachers in the development of young children's oral reading and writing proficiency. they will begin to develop professional knowledge and worldviews, aboriginal children's literature and resources and children's engagement and response through print and multiliteracies.
        literacy and the aboriginal child, age 9 - 12                                                             .5
        teacher candidates will continue to build on the professional knowledge and skills developed in ed ---- , including professional knowledge about the development of aboriginal children's (ages 9-12) oral language, reading and writing proficiency, with particular attention to children with special needs. they will extend their learning to include literacy, such as literacy across the curriculum, critical literacy, media and multiliteracies. an emphasis will be placed on the centrality of aboriginal worldviews and children's constructions of their aboriginal identity/ies, aboriginal children's and canadian multicultural children's literature and resources and response to text and diverse sign systems.  educ xxx is a pre-requisite.
        foundations in mathematics education                                                                        .5
        an introduction to primary (k-3) mathematics pedagogy and mathematical content.  young children's mathematical development will be explored including typical models, strategies and big ideas developed in traditional and inquiry classrooms as well as in the home and community.
        mathematics education advanced lab                                                                          .25
        an advanced course in the mathematical content and education of children in elementary schools. topics explored in 4050 will be extended within the lab setting with particular attention to instruction in aboriginal communities. 
        education 4399                                                                                                  
        student teaching placement                                                                                                             .25
        a supervised practical placement in which 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 have extended opportunity to observe and practice teach in alternative instructional settings.
        honours project                                                                                                                  1
        a required culminating project, such as: teaching and learning portfolios, internship or apprenticeship, action research, participatory community research, or design of a community-based program.
        total                                                                                                                                                       4.5 fces

        faculty meeting friday, october 14, 2005

        friday, october 14, 2005 - 12:00am
        atac 5035
        there will be a meeting of the council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
        on friday, october 14. 2005 at 1:30 p.m.  in room 5035 (atac building).
        1.       approval of agenda.
        2.       presentation by john smith, director of academic advising.
        3.       approval of the september 16th  minutes   
        4.       business arising from the minutes.
                  i)        interdisciplinary hba  (doc. 1) 
                  ii)       research plan response committee (doc. 2) 
        5.       dean's report.
                  i)        academic planning
                  ii)       resource allocation 2006-07
                  iii)       nov. 1 enrolment summary (doc. 3) 
        6.       departmental reports.       
                  i )        sociology - calendar changes (doc. 4 )
        7.       other business.
                    i)        canadian federation for humanities and social sciences - d. west
        8.       adjournment.
        bruce strang
        chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council.
        faculty of social sciences and humanities council
        friday, september 16, 2005
        a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, september 16, 2005 at 1:00 p.m. in the atac board room 5035.
        1.   council chair
        it was moved by l. di matteo and seconded by p. wakewich that bruce strang be nominated to
        serve as our next council chair.
        2.   introduction of new colleagues and guests
        k. fedderson welcomed and introduced the following guests:
        a)   john smith, director of academic advising.
        b)   tove tronslien, webmaster.
              tove provided a presentation for members on how to access council materials from the
              faculty web page.  it was noted that any problems faculty council members may encounter trying to access the faculty council web site should be directed to judy or tove in an e-mail            outlining the nature of the problem.  also, ideas on how to enhance the faculty webpage    should be directed to judy by e-mail.
              p. jasen requested that a small number of hard copies of council materials should be
              made available for faculty council members.  this practice should commence for the
              next meeting.
        c)   j. siddall, newly appointed director of instructional development at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 .
              this position is currently a one-year appointment.  j. siddall welcomed any opportunity to   assist faculty with such things as workshops, etc.  she can be contacted either by phone or e-   mail. 
              other new colleagues were introduced as follows:
              j. leggatt, chair of english, introduced new english colleagues:
              . dr. monica flegel
              . dr. anna guttman
              . dr. chris parkes
        3.   approval of agenda
        it was moved by v. smith and seconded by p. wakewich that the agenda be approved with the following changes:
        item 3 moved to item 6, and the numbering order revised accordingly.
        4.   approval of the minutes
        it was moved by t. dunk and d. ivison that the minutes of may 11th be approved.
        it was moved by t. dunk and a. carastathis that the minutes of may 12th be approved.
        it was moved by t. dunk and h. smith that the minutes of may 13th be approved.
        5.         business arising from the minutes.
                    there was none.
        6.         conceptual framework for the university's research plan.  -  a. klymenko
                    k. fedderson introduced anne klymenko who spoke on behalf of dr. r. wang, vice- president of research.
                    anne addressed the circulated document on the conceptual framework for the   university's research plan.  she emphasized that it was at the draft stage and was not the            final version that would be presented for senate approval.  she asked council for their       feedback.  b. strang was also a member of the research committee who could answer             questions.  a discussion followed. 
                    there was a query with regard to the balance in the report:   45% for teaching,
                    45% for research and 10% for service.  it was felt that 'service' was underrepresented.                       'service' provided faculty the necessary time for teaching and research.
                    with respect to promotion and tenure, the report's research criteria seemed to be          restricted to external funding.  some faculty research was of the nature that did not    require such funding, while other research did not need immediate money and was done            through faculty resources.  it was explained that this aspect had been addressed and will                   be reflected in   the final draft.  on the external front, maclean's have limited their           definition of research in canadian universities by equating income to productivity. 
                    the meaning of interdisciplinary and prioritized areas such as those found on pages 3     and 7 of the report was not clear.
                    b. strang stated that these issues had not been fully discussed.  in order to provide a     more comprehensive draft to identify research, a culture and society research stream had    been incorporated as a criterion.
                    k. fedderson raised the following issues:
                    1)         i           the areas of research
                                ii           definition of research intensiveness at the university
                    2)         every full-time faculty is obliged to do research.  budget requirements
                                should not influence promotion and tenure. colleagues within the
                                university should receive adequate support.  new principles should
                                support research at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 irrespective of discipline or the
                                focus of nserc.
                    b. strang also shared this concern and again pointed to the framework of "culture and society." 
                    discussion continued.      
                    b. strang noted that external research criteria does now require societal impacts with
                    funding requests.  he emphasized that the vice-president academic shares the committee's concerns.  it had been observed that some research intensive universities
                    have cut down faculty teaching loads to two. 
                    a. klymenko explained that current research funding criteria is consistent with others in the system. 
                    it was suggested that a small faculty committee be formed to represent the will
                    of the faculty of social sciences and humanities and write a response to the research
                    it was moved by d. west and seconded by j. leggat that a formal committee
                    be struck to represent the will of the faculty and a develop a collective response to the
                    "conceptual framework for the university's research plan."
                     the following individuals responded to a call for volunteers to serve on the committee:
                    1)         scott pound
                    2)         pam wakewich
                    3)         patricia jasen
                    4)         aris carastathis.
                    b. strang asked the committee to bring a report back to the next council meeting.  the
                    final report would then be forwarded to senate.
        7.         faculty council meeting schedule
                    it was moved by j. leggatt and seconded by l. di matteo that the faculty
                    council meeting schedule for 2005/06 be approved with the following
                    i)          the room for the april 7, 2006 meeting has been changed to atac 3004.  
                    ii)         an additional meeting may be required in december 2005, and
                    iii)         a rescheduled meeting may be required in may 2006 to accommodate
                                graduand approval.
        8.         ss&h key dates 2005-06
                    the key dates for 2005-06 were presented to council.  it was noted that the faculty
                     key dates should include october 1st which is the deadline for sshrc applications.
        9.         interdisciplinary hba motion
                    k. fedderson spoke to the proposal with respect to transforming the general program
                    in social sciences and humanities into an interdisciplinary program.   he pointed to the poor quality of the current general ba program.   attempts to improve the quality have     begun by raising the average for graduating 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 from 50 to 60%. currently         registered 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 have been given a six year grace period.
                    the orillia campus which will be operational by fall 2006 will hopefully accommodate    250 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .  the campus could serve as the introduction for the interdisciplinary   program and form its foundation.  this would allow the faculty the flexibility to create         an interdisciplinary ba which could eventually replace the general ba.  the dean of      science and environmental studies is also looking at offering an interdisciplinary b.sc.          general program.  the rationale behind the interdisciplinary ba is   provided on page 1 of   faculty council support document 4.  a question period followed.
                    it was noted that m. maclean is the current program coordinator for the general           program.   consequently, there would be no increase in this year's budget.  class sizes     for the orillia campus would be limited to 20, 40 and 60.  funding issues were discussed.             k. fedderson noted that there were no clear answers yet regarding the implications of         future costing, accounting, etc. for the program.  however, offering such a program,       would apply to courses delivered at orillia only and the interdisciplinary program could be the   basis for a more focussed university degree.  debate continued.
                    it was moved by h. smith and seconded by j. siddall that council reconsider
                    this motion at the next meeting.
                                                                                            carried (1 opposed).
        10.       concurrent education motion
        it was moved  by k. fedderson and seconded by b. stolar that the faculty of social sciences and humanities would like to alter the curriculum in all social sciences and humanities programs so that beginning in the fall of 2006, only 1 fce of "pre-service" education courses (specifically the series of courses education designated as electives e.g. educ 3410, 3430, 3431, 3432, 3433, 3434, 3435, 3436, 3437, 3438, 2438, 3439, 3458, 3470) would be eligible for credit towards the ba or hba.
        this change would end the inconsistently-applied practice of crediting the professionally-oriented "pre-service education courses (1499, 2499, and 2499) towards any ss & h ba or hba degrees.
        11.       course caps - dr. ron harpelle
                    t. dunk had been asked to speak on behalf of ron harpelle.
                    k fedderson pointed out that the committee with regard to enrolment and management            (r. harpelle and p. wakewich) had not yet met.  j. leggatt volunteered to serve if needed on this committee.  the recruitment and orientation committee (d. west, h.            smith) had also not met.  because these committees have not held a meeting, what the             faculty wishes to accomplish has not yet been articulated.
                    council continued on to the next agenda item.
        12.       proposed faculty of graduate studies
                    g. boire spoke to the proposed faculty of graduate studies.  he outlined the history
                    behind the proposal and noted that it was built upon an earlier document in 2000.
                    the proposal has been approved at senate graduate studies last year, referred to senate,
                    the senate budget committee and the senate academic committee.  he was now        involved in a consultation process with a town hall meeting scheduled for october to        allow for input from the various academic units, lufa and other interested areas.
                    he also pointed out that the document was still open for revision and change.  he          welcomed input from all concerned and a question period followed.
                    there was discussion regarding the criteria for supervision of graduate theses and           teaching loads.  it was pointed out that there would be an annual review of graduate     faculty and a list of eligible faculty would be provided. where necessary,         the graduate     studies committee would consider modifications to the criteria to handle unusual             circumstances. 
                    discussion turned to research and faculty nserc requirements.  it was explained that   this aspect could be rewritten or eliminated.
                    it was moved by g. boire and seconded by p. jasen that council approve in principle the
                    the establishment of a faculty of graduate studies at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 .
                                                                                            carried (3 abstentions)     
        13.       undergraduate ethical review
                    the support document was noted and there was no further comment.      
        14.       dean's report
        i           continuation codes - millo shaw
                    m. shaw provided an update to council on the state of continuation codes.
                    these are the codes assigned to 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 within a department who are
                    continuing in the program.  currently there are some problems with codes.  similar
                    codes have a different meaning in the differing faculties.  this has created the following   difficulties.
                    1)         there is a computer system problem which is not set up properly to
                                assess what the status of the student is.
                    2)         in administering the system, problems do not get caught until the
                                end of july and many 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 who should not go on, are allowed to
                    the deans, academic advising and their staff are setting up a new comprehensive
                    coding that will:
                    1)         ensure that the student history can be seen easily in the system
                    2)         assign continuation codes clearly and consistently.           
                    3)         allow for special academic discretion due to special circumstances of the                                                            individual department and faculty.
                    by the end of this year, there will be a degree audit ready for review of transcripts and a            system in place that will have the strategy to correct the problems of the past.    
        15.       departmental reports
                    i           department of history
                    it was moved by p. jasen and seconded by h. smith that dr. geoff hudson be approved
                    as an adjunct professor in the department of history.
                    ii           department of philosophy
                    it was moved by r. berg and seconded by h. smith that dr. jaro kotalik be renewed
                    as an adjunct professor in the department of philosophy.
        16.       other business
                    there was none.
        17.       adjournment
                    the meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m.
        r. berg
        a. carastathis
        g. colton
        a. den otter
        l. di matteo
        t. dunk
        k. fedderson
        m. flagel
        a. guttman
        p. jasen
        s. islam
        d. ivison
        j. leggatt
        g. munro
        a. nabarra
        c. parkes
        s. pound
        r. robson
        m. shaw
        g. siddall
        h. smith
        v. smith
        b. stolar
        b. strang
        p. wakewich
        d. west
        invited guests
        g. boire
        a. klymenko
        j. smith
        t. tronslien
        m. maclean
        j. roth
        p. vervoort

        faculty meeting friday, october 16, 2009

        friday, october 16, 2009 - 12:00am
        atac 5035
        date:               october 15, 2009
        to:      members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities 
        from: victor smith, chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council
        subject:             council meeting                   
        there will be a meeting of the council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
        on friday, october 16, 2009 at 10:00 am to noon in room 5035 (atac building).
         1.        approval of agenda.
         2.        approval of the september 11, 2009 minutes.   
         3.        business arising from the minutes.
         4.        registrar's report.
         5.        dean's report.
         6.        departmental/school reports.
                    i) women's studies - calendar change med with specializations in women's studies
                        & gerontology
                    ii) outdoor recreation, parks and tourism - adjuncts - dr. jackie dawson and
                        dr. emma stewart
                    iii) sociology - calendar change - new third year course and change to dr. anita chen bursary
         7.        other business.
         8.        orillia report.
         9.        adjournment. 
        victor smith, chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council.
        faculty of social sciences and humanities council
         friday, september 11, 2009
        a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, september 11, 2009 at 1:30 pm in the atac board room 5035.
        approval of revised agenda
        it was moved by m. beaulieu and seconded by m. maclean that the revised agenda be approved.
        approval of the minutes
        it was moved by m. maclean and seconded by d. mcpherson that the minutes of may 14, 2009 be approved.
        business arising from minutes
        there was none.
        introduction of new colleagues
        a. den otter introduced dr. jonathon iniuk, joint appointment in the department of history, (thunder bay campus), and the department of interdisciplinary studies, (orillia campus), and harold fung, music, (returning).
        registrar's report
        b. nelson stated that the enrolment numbers will support the budget for this year.  enrolment is ft = 6,668, (includes the med school), and pt = 1,274.  the current enrolment for social sciences & humanities is 610 ft and 290 pt.  this does not include the concurrent numbers. these will be sent out to s. viitala who will then circulate them.  b. nelson said that any faculty member can call her for the most recent numbers at any time.  she also stated that the interviews for associate registrar would take place soon, and that the registrar's office was very short staffed.   all manual registration would be entered by the end of next week, (september 16 is the deadline).  the question was asked about the availability of hard copy calendars.  b. nelson said there would be no more hard copy calendars and that the on-line calendar is the most up-to-date.  the money saved from discontinuing them has gone to software and updates.  previous copies of calendars will be archived electronically.  b. nelson reminded us that minor programs are only in four year degrees and must be declared by the end of the second year.  she is also working on a communication plan.
        dean's report for faculty council 
        september 11, 2009 atac 5036
        1.            distinguished instructor award:  i am pleased to announce that dr. serajul islam is the recipient of this year's distinguished instructor award.
        2.            course evaluations this year.  the dean of science and environmental studies and i   have been talking about handling the course evaluations differently this year in order       to save costs.  we pay approximately $15,000.00 to have people facilitate the     evaluations.  science and environmental studies just voted to change their   procedure.  now a student will be asked to distribute the forms, collect them, seal     them and return them to the dean's office immediately after the class.  i propose         that we do the same.
        3.            h1n1 protocols.  i sent an email to chairs and directors last week indicating the protcols for a potential outbreak of h1n1 this year.  i would encourage chairs and directors not only to forward that email to colleagues, but also to make this an agenda item at your next meeting. 
        4.            calendar changes.  calendar changes must be submitted in time for the january senate meeting.  that meeting is january 29 and the senate executive meeting at which the changes would come forward is january 15. 
        5.            setting up standing committees and having chairs' meetings.  i propose establishing a chairs/directors committee.  i also propose establishing a standing committee to address faculty issues related to research, one to address faculty issues related to teaching; and one to address faculty issues related to recruitment and promotion of the faculty within the university and community.  i also propose establishing an ad hoc committee to develop guidelines for hiring procedures for appointments at the orillia campus.
        6.            notification to dean of acting chair/director.  please remember to notify the dean and the dean's assistant when you are going to be away and whom you are designating as the acting chair or director in your absence.
        7.            election of faculty fgs membership committee.  election of fgs external reps. we need to elect three tenured faculty members who are members of fgs to sit on a membership committee.  we also need to elect an external representative for this committee.  this person must be a graduate co-ordinator of a program outside our faculty, and is elected by full-time members of our faculty.
        8.            recruitment: the office of admissions and recruitment has offered to meet with us   as a faculty and/or as individual departments to discuss recruitment strategies.  i    would like to invite the acting director to attend our next meeting.  if you are     interested in having her meet with your department or school, let me know.
        9.            special senate meeting this afternoon. 
        respectfully submitted by dr. gillian siddall, dean, social sciences and humanities.
        v. smith left at 2:50 and h. smith took over role as chair.
        interim strategic plan committee 
        discussion ensued.
        it was moved by m. beaulieu and r. berg that an election be held to establish a steering committee for the development of a strategic plan for the faculty of social sciences and humanities, to be comprised of one faculty member from each department/school/program, and the dean.  if no orillia faculty member is elected as a representative for his/her department/school or program, the orillia faculty member who receives the highest number of votes will be appointed to the committee.
        departmental/school reports
        i) calendar changes - department of languages
        it was moved by m.n. rinn© and m. beaulieu that the calendar changes be approved.
        there were 2 (two) abstentions.
        ii) calendar changes for sociology
        it was moved by s.d. stone and seconded by p. jasen that the proposed calendar changes for sociology be approved.
        ii) english - adjunct professor - dr. philip allingham (education)
        it was moved by j. leggatt and seconded by r. berg that the appointment of dr. p. allingham as adjunct professor be approved.
        orillia report
        a. den otter reported that there were 700 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 enrolled with 200 from the consecutive education program.  the arts and science program was growing slowly.  she stated that they will need to be more creative in retention as next year's enrolment target is 1,100.  a. den otter will be in thunder bay next week and plans to meet with all the chairs/directors for consultation on the strategic plan.
        other business
        there was none.
        the meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m.
        thunder bay campus
        v. smith
        b. nelson
        m. maclean
        d. mcpherson
        s.d. stone
        m. beaulieu
        m.n. rinn©
        j. leggatt
        r. koster
        p. jasen
        g. munro
        h. smith
        a. carastathis
        s.s. islam
        d. jobin-bevans
        g. colton
        r. berg
        m. nisenholt
        r. warburton
        p. wakewich
        g. siddall
        orillia campus
        a. den otter
        h. fung
        m. johnston
        d. ivison
        r. martin
        b. stolar
        k. willison
