faculty council meeting - friday, december 3, 2021; deadline for agenda items: friday, november 26/2021
date: november 26, 2021
to: members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
subject: council meeting
there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:
friday, december 3 rd, 2021 at 10:00 am via zoom.
cathie o’connor - associate registrar - enrolment services
derek lawrence - student central lead - student central
zoom link: https://lakeheadu.zoom.us/j/99903389584
meeting id: 999 0338 9584
1. approval of agenda.
2. approval of the following minutes: november 12, 2021
3. business arising from the minutes.
4. calendar changes.
5. department/school reports.
i) philosophy
recommendation for dr. jaro kotalik as internal adjunct for the department of philosophy. recommendation memo. (cv available upon request; please contact s. viitala.)
6. dean's report.
7. assistant dean’s report.
8. other business.
9. next faculty council meeting: friday, january 7th, 2022 at 10:00 am; via zoom.
10. adjournment.
faculty of social sciences and humanities council
friday, november 12th, 2021
a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, november 12th, 2021 at 10:00 am via zoom.
presentation: ms. lynn hurrell - director, undergraduate recruitment
l. hurrell shared a slide deck entitled, undergraduate recruitment: looking ahead: 2021-2022: update for the faculty of social sciences and humanities - november 12, 2021.
it was noted that the faculty of social sciences and humanities has a strong presence in recruitment.
l. hurrell explained the importance of building connections both internally and externally. she stated the importance of faculty members reaching out and making that connection with the student and to follow up with them during the registration process and after. it was also noted that those faculty members with particular experience and knowledge in a given area be matched with those 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
with the same interest.
a question and answer period followed.
l. hurrell will send the two presentations to b. birmingham for distribution to all chairs/director.
approval of agenda
it was moved by j. roth and seconded by l. chambers that the agenda be approved.
approval of minutes
approval of the minutes from october 8th, 2021.
the minutes were accepted as posted.
business arising from the minutes
calendar changes
ii) interdisciplinary studies
it was moved by j. jarman and seconded by l. chambers that the following calendar changes for
interdisciplinary studies be approved.
2021-soc-7772: new transfer agreement--hbasc (criminology major) with sheridan college
police foundations diploma
2021-soc-7773: new transfer agreement--hbasc (criminology major) with centennial college
police foundations diploma
department/school reports.
i) social justice studies program - update
k. brooks gave an overview with regard to the social justice studies program. he encouraged faculty members who are interested to think about becoming involved. there is currently an advisory committee and an admissions committee with three members each plus himself.
he is also looking to start a sjs events committee and an academic planning and curriculum committee. if anyone is interested in becoming involved, please contact him directly. please use the following link for more information regarding the process.: //www.hsbcwebinars.com/programs/departments/social-justice/faculty-res... .
ii) outdoor recreation
l. potvin announced the following retirements:
dr. willow curthoys - december 31, 2021
dr. tom potter - june 30, 2022
iii) gender and women’s studies
l. chambers announced the department’s recent newsletter. this will be sent to everyone via email.
iv) interdisciplinary studies
j. jarman announced that there will be a book launch for s. jeppesen coming up for her recent book entitled, transformative media: intersectional technopolitics from indymedia to #blacklivesmatter, has just come out with ubc press.
v) english
d. ivison stated that the department of english had a book launch on october 22, 2021 with five new books. the event was hybrid with in person and zoom.
he also announced they will be hosting a climate change book club with four books beginning january 2022. everyone is welcome to attend. there are three partners: thunder bay and orillia campuses as well as the library. please see the department of english website for more details.
dean’s report.
open house
there will be an open house for our newly renovated office suite in december before we break for the holidays.
fall/winter timetable
we will begin reviewing the timetable for fall/winter 2022/2023 delivery very soon. we will have to figure out where things are at but it should look quite similar to this year’s and last.
budget model
the new budget model will be based on the number of majors we have, enrolment, both international and local, and retention and graduation. this will decide the number of fces we will receive. we need to increase majors in our own programs. our service courses continue to get funds for our faculty; however, we need to get credit for both kinds of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
i will be meeting in the next week or so with all chairs/director/program coordinators to discuss budget and fce allocations for the 2022 s/s terms. cedl money will be distributed to all faculties to manage as that department no longer exists. further discussions regarding this budget are planned. once all the issues have been sorted out, i will update everyone accordingly.
newly hired instructors for the winter term, as well as 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
, need to be vaccinated. no 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
were lost during due to the vaccine mandate. only those 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
who were enrolled in on campus courses were contacted, and those were minimal.
retention and graduation of our 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
is very important. please reach out if you require any resources. peer mentoring is also available and there are different models to choose from.
assistant dean’s report
j. roth continues to advise the ba general 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
with regard to student mentoring, outdoor recreation matches 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
at the first-year level. usually it is a fourth-year student who is automatically assigned. if anyone is interested in setting up a mentorship program in their department, please contact her.
other business:
next faculty council meeting: friday, december 3rd, 2021 at 10:00 am via zoom.
the meeting was adjourned at 11:33 am. (j. jarman and v. hébert)
thunder bay campus
r. maundrell
k. holmes
d. ivison
l. potvin
l. primavesi
r. robson
b. birmingham
m. flegel
b. maiangwa
i. lemée
c. sanders
l. chambers
j. roth
k. brooks
t. puddephatt
e. chugunov
s. viitala - recording
orillia campus
m. stevenson
j. jarman
v. hébert
a. den otter
l. fiddick
b. vernier