faculty council meeting - friday, november 12, 2021- deadline for agenda items-friday, november 5/2021 at 4:00pm
date: november 6th, 2021
to: members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
subject: council meeting
there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on: friday, november 12th, 2021 at 10:00 am via zoom.
presentation: ms. lynn hurrell - director of undergraduate recruitment
zoom link: https://lakeheadu.zoom.us/j/99171864749
meeting id: 991 7186 4749
1. approval of agenda.
2. approval of the following minutes: october 8, 2021
3. business arising from the minutes.
4. calendar changes.
i) interdisciplinary studies
2021-soc-7772: new transfer agreement--hbasc (criminology major) with sheridan college
police foundations diploma
2021-soc-7773: new transfer agreement--hbasc (criminology major) with centennial college
police foundations diploma
5. department/school reports.
i) social justice studies program - update. (dr. kevin brooks)
6. dean’s report.
7. assistant dean’s report.
8. other business.
9. next faculty council meeting: friday, december 3rd, 2021 at 10:00 am; via zoom.
10. adjournment.
faculty of social sciences and humanities council
friday, october 8th, 2021
a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, october 8th, 2021 at 10:00 am via zoom.
approval of agenda
it was moved by l. chambers and seconded by i. lemée that the agenda be approved.
approval of minutes
approval of the minutes from september 17th, 2021.
the minutes were accepted as posted.
business arising from the minutes
calendar changes
i) english
it was moved by d. ivison and seconded by i. lemée that the following calendar changes for english be
(2021-soc-7774: course-new-ug-english)
(2021-soc-7775: course-new-gr-english)
ii) interdisciplinary studies
it was moved by j. jarman and seconded by l. chambers that the following calendar change for
interdisciplinary studies be approved.
(2021-soc-7764: media, film, and communications course changes)
iii) philosophy
it was moved by r. maundrell and seconded by l. chambers that the following calendar change for
philosophy be approved.
(2021-soc-7645: certificate interdisciplinary health care ethics)
iv) outdoor recreation, parks and tourism
it was moved by l. potvin and seconded by k. holmes that the following calendar change for outdoor
recreation, parks and tourism be approved.
(2021-soc-7779: minor program modifications - ug - change to year 4 courses hbor with conc in
v) social justice studies
it was moved by d. ivison and seconded by l. chambers that the following calendar change for social
justice studies be approved.
(2021-soc-7778: cross list request with english 5018)
department/school reports.
i) english
m. flegel stated that the department of english will be having a joint book launch on october 22, 2021.
ii) music
a. carastathis stated that the department continues to support its music 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
through the use of hybrid courses and technology.
it was also mentioned that e. chugunov had a concert in conjunction with the aurora borealis consortium on september 25 via zoom.
iii) political science
b. maiangwa mentioned that the department of political science has several upcoming events planned. please look for more information from them in the following weeks.
iv) visual arts
k. holmes mentioned that there was an online exhibit called “unlocked - art by young canadians inspired by the pandemic” and one of our 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
, alyson chasse won an honourable mention.
here is the link to the online show: https://unlockedproject.ca
dean’s report.
october 8th, 2021
1. enrollment
there were no new numbers to report at this time. updated enrollment numbers are expected sometime in november.
2. vaccination letters
vaccination letters went out on wednesday from human resources to all those who are not fully vaccinated. questions with regard to these letters can be directed to the me.
thanks to everyone for getting through a difficult semester!
assistant dean’s report
other business:
i) new budget model
d. ivison asked if there was an update on the new funding model yet. b. birmingham stated that there was no additional news yet but was hoping to hear something sooner rather than later.
ii) student card issue
k. holmes asked if the student card issue had been resolved yet. l. primavesi stated that the issue still remained. also, if the library does start to mail student cards, there will be a fee associated with this. k. homes asked b. birmingham if she could bring up this issue at dean’s council. b. birmingham stated she would bring it to provost council for discussion at the next meeting on wednesday, october 13, 2021.
next faculty council meeting: friday, november 12th, 2021 at 10:00 am via zoom.
b. birmingham wished everyone a fabulous long weekend and reading week, and to take time to relax!
the meeting was adjourned at 10:28 am.
thunder bay campus
r. maundrell
k. holmes
d. ivison
a. carastathis
l. potvin
b. vernier
l. primavesi
r. robson
b. birmingham
m. flegel
b. maiangwa
i. lemée
b. maiangwa
c. sanders
l. chambers
s. viitala - recording
orillia campus
m. stevenson
j. jarman
v. hébert
t. puddephatt
j. roth
l. fiddick