faculty council meeting - friday, december 7/2018 - deadline for agenda items - friday, november 30/2018

friday, december 7, 2018 - 10:00am
atac 5036/oa 3041


toll free:

53678# <== please remember the # key.

 1.    approval of agenda.

 2.    approval of the following minutes:   friday, november 9th, 2018.

 3.    business arising from the minutes.

 4.    dean’s report.

 5.    departmental/school reports.
    i)  interdisciplinary:
    calendar changes:  
    2018-soc-6694 – media studies – new courses.
    2018-soc-6695 – media studies – changes to existing courses.
    2018-soc-6711 – media studies – program changes
    2018-soc-6723 – media studies-media studies—college transfer program revisions.
    2018-soc-6721 - reinstatement of portfolio requirement--media studies program.

   ii) outdoor recreation:
    calendar changes:
    2018-soc-6719-orpt couse deletions.
    2018-soc-6729 – new orpt courses.

    2018-soc-6746 - courses-new-ug-outdoor recreation-new courses.

  2018-soc-6747-courses-deletions-ug-outdoor recreation-discontinuing courses from calendar.

   2018-soc-6748 - courses-modifications-ug-outdoor recreation.

   2018-soc-6749 - orpt courses to replace outdoor recreation 3380.

   2018-soc-6750 - outd 3380 deletion.

iii)  visual arts:
    calendar changes:
    2018-soc-6709 – admission requirement-modification-ug-visual arts-removing portfolio
    2018-soc-6730 – visual arts 1010.

 6.    other business.
    i)  timetabling (r. maundrell)
    ii)  accelerated degree program.

   rationale for accelerated programs. (supporting document)

   pj programs accelerated. (supporting document)

   hba_is accelerated. (supporting document)

 7.    next faculty council meeting:  january 3rd, 2019; atac 3004/oa 3041 at 10:00 am. to noon.

 8.    adjournment.  


faculty of social sciences and humanities council

november 9th, 2018
a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, november 9th, at 10:00 am in atac board room 5036 / orillia 3041 – teleconference/polycom.  dr. t. puddephatt was the acting chair of faculty council for this meeting.

approval of agenda
 it was moved by l. chambers and seconded by a. guttman that the revised agenda be approved.

approval of minutes
it was moved by a. guttman and seconded by l. chambers that the minutes from friday, october 19th, 2018 be approved.


business arising from the minutes

dean’s report

dean’s report to faculty council, november 9th, 2018.
university issues:
•    recruitment events
fall open house, orillia, november 3rd
parent night session: thunder bay/orillia nov. 20th
grade 12 day thunder bay/orillia december 4th

•    research week and innovation week – february 25 to 28

saturday, february 23 – mall day
please contact rita nicholas in the office of research with regard to participating at the mall.  activities that you can do with kids or families were suggested and everyone was encouraged to participate.

sustainability council:
•    doug west will be our representative for this initiative.

our faculty:
1.    computers:
tsc is requesting information from all departments with regard to computer needs and resources for teaching.
2.    meeting with chairs:
there will be an upcoming meeting with all chairs/director to discuss hiring requests and the academic plan.
3.    assistant dean:
there are plans to have an assistant dean for the new year.

those present representing a department/school updated council on events happening in their areas.

departmental/school reports
i)  history:  
calendar change:
it was moved by s. jobbitt and seconded by a. guttman that the calendar change for history be approved.  (2018-soc-6669 – courses-creation-ug-history-economics cross-listing).


ii)  interdisciplinary studies:  
calendar changes:
it was moved by a. saulnier and seconded by s. jeppesen that the calendar changes for criminology by approved.
(2018-soc-6688 – criminology courses-changes to pre-requisites)
(2018-soc-6692 – new criminology courses)
(2018-soc-6693 - criminology program changes)


after a lengthy discussion, the following calendar changes for media studies were referred to the next faculty council meeting in december. (t. puddphatt)
(2018-soc-6694 – media studies – new courses)
(2018-soc-6695 – media studies – changes to existing courses)

other business

1.    update:  review of the terms of reference of the social sciences and humanities constitution:
d. ivison reviewed the changes to the constitution and a short discussion followed.
it was moved by d. ivison and seconded by l. chambers that the changes to the faculty constitution be approved.


 2.    timetable:
this item was tabled until the next council meeting as r. maundrell was not in attendance to
speak to it.  (t. puddephatt)

next faculty council meeting – friday, december 7, 2018; atac 5036/oa 3041 at 10:00 am.

 it was moved by a. guttman and seconded by r. koster that the meeting be adjourned. (11:22 am)


thunder bay campus
r. martin
a. guttman
s. jobbitt
a. carastathis
d. ivison
p. cain
r. koster
l. chambers
t. puddephatt
b. birmingham

orillia campus
m. stevenson
a. saulnier
s. jeppesen

t. potter
i. lemée
s. jacoba

m. beaulieu