faculty council meeting
date: december 19, 2016
to: members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
subject: council meeting
there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:
monday, december 19th from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm in atac 5037 / oa 3041 .
1. approval of agenda.
2. approval of the following minutes: friday, november 25, 2016.
3. business arising from the minutes.
4. dean’s report.
5. assistant dean’s report.
6. departmental/school reports.
i) english: calendar changes: 2016-soc-6010 - program minor modifications-ug-english-writing; 2016-soc-6011 - new service courses; 2016-soc-6012 - new writing course; 2016-soc-6015 - certificate-writing; 2016-soc-6021 - discontinued course.
ii) history: calendar changes: 2016-soc-5965 - courses-discontinue-ug-history--2nd year; 2016-soc-5967 - programs-minor modification-ug-history-icr.
iii) indigenous learning: calendar changes: 2016-soc-6006 - removing from course calendar; 2016-soc-6007 - indi 4111 change to type e.
iv) interdisciplinary studies: calendar changes: 2016-soc-5991 - program changes--4 year basc degree option for is concentrations; 2016-soc-5992-new programs - 4 year basc/bed is major degree.
v) music: calendar change: 2016-soc-6009 - new undergraduate music course.
vi) philosophy: calendar change: 2016-soc-6020 - courses-modifications-ug-philosophy.
vii) sociology: calendar changes: 2016-soc-6024a - program curriculum change for hbas sociology programs; 2016-soc-6026 - sociology graduate courses; 2016-soc-6039 - course additions and deletions.
viii) women’s studies: 2016-soc-6008 - undergraduate courses-women’s studies; 2016-soc-6044 - undergraduate courses-new cross-lists with sociology/women's studies.
7. other business.
8. next faculty council meeting: friday, january 6, 2017 at 10:00 am., atac 3004/oa 3041. please note that this will be the final meeting for calendar changes for the 2017/2018 academic year.
9. adjournment.
faculty of social sciences and humanities council
november 25, 2016
a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, november 25, 2016, at 10:00 am in atac board room 5037/oa 3041.
presentation: ms. anna sampson, united way campus campaign coordinator
a. sampson made a short presentation on the lakehead annual fund and the united way.
approval of agenda
it was moved by a. den otter and seconded by a. guttman that the agenda be approved.
approval of minutes.
it was moved by a. carastathis and seconded by p. cain that the minutes from friday, october 28, 2016 be approved.
business arising from the minutes
dean’s report
dean’s report to faculty council, friday, november 25, 2016
by now, you will have been notified of the postponement of the merit exercise until january. nothing but the date for submission has been altered from the fall process, and that by way of a reminder, a letter from the dean will be required to accompany each file once submitted. the individual faculty member will receive a copy of the dean’s letter in advance of the meeting of the committee.
sabbatical applications
i am in the process of finalizing my recommendations for sabbatical leaves in a letter to the provost based on my discussions with each unit concerning their plan to cover off courses impacted by faculty on leave. just a reminder to chairs/director that faculty approved for a 6-month sabbatical will be required to teach a 1.5 fce load in the term before, or the term following their leave approved in the 2017/18 academic year.
faculty retirement
i have been asked by the provost to remind of units of the december 1 deadline for notices of intention to retire from faculty members who qualify for this one-time opportunity as a part of the recent collective agreement bargaining. if you have any questions, faculty members are encouraged to speak to jason marchand, the associate vice-president, human resources.
budget update
at the meeting of the provost council this past wed, the provost announced that the budget packages for all academic units will be available at the end of next week. with this announcement, chairs/director are encouraged to submit their tenure track and lta hiring requests to my attention. the turn around time for me to have this list prepared for the provost will be wednesday, november 30. by now, i have received requests from many of the units that have urgent faculty hires through departures or retirement, but please take a moment to think about any ltas in your unit that are up for renewal in the coming academic year.
faculty recruitment efforts
many thanks to members of the faculty who have made or will be making visits to high school classrooms to deliver lakehead mini-lectures as a part of an ongoing recruitment effort currently being coordinated through emily shandruk of undergraduate recruitment. direct contact with potential 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
currently in their senior year of high school has been proven to be one of the most effective methods of student recruitment, and so i am very grateful for the efforts being made by our faculty on this front.
assistant dean’s report
friday november 25th ssh faculty council meeting: assistant dean report
1. specialist high skills majors and recruitment - letters and brochures should be mailed out next week to 53 high schools in ontario related to political science (1), visual arts (3), english (3), media studies (3) and outdoor recreation (43). i have requested an updated data base from the ministry of education to continue this initiative.
2. student ambassadors - thank you for the list of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
; have received 16 responses from the 30 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
contacted confirming their attendance. will be holding a meeting on thursday december 1st, with richard clark from student success and emily shandruk from admissions and recruitment there to speak with the 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
. a similar event is being planned in orillia.
3. the newsletter is underway. if there are any “news and noteworthy” items from your program that you would like me to highlight (as part of our back page) please let me know.
4. internationalization - as we are all aware, internationalization is a key element of lakehead's strategic plan. i will be sending out an email to all the program chairs inviting you to a meeting to discuss what internationalization means for us. stay tuned!
5. research and innovation week - posters for the undergraduate student conference will be coming soon - please encourage your 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
to participate. there will be both oral and poster presentation opportunities. visual arts and music are both participating again this year, given the success of their participation in last year's event (my thanks!).
a lengthy discussion followed regarding the specialist high skills majors and recruitment regarding the mailout and the schools targeted.
departmental/school reports.
i) history:
it was moved by r. harpelle and seconded by t. puddephatt that the calendar changes for history be approved.
(2016-soc-5960 - reactivation ug-history 2nd year course; 2016-soc-5961 - new-ug-history-2nd year course; 2016-soc-5962 - new-ug-history-2nd year course; 2016-soc-5963 - discontinue-ug-2nd year course; 2016-soc-5964 - discotinue-ug-2nd and 3rd year course; 2016-soc-5968 - discontinue-ug-northern studies-2nd year courses)
ii) interdisciplinary studies:
it was moved by m. stevenson and seconded by a. den otter that the calendar changes for interdisciplinary studies be approved.
(2016-soc-5947 - courses-modification-ug-crim 3350- pre-requisite; 2016-soc-5957 - crim 4113-course-cross-listing with poli 4113)
iii) languages:
it was moved by b. vernier and seconded by r. martin that the calendar changes for languages be approved.
(2016-soc-5879 - programs-modifications-ug-languages-change to new course types and add indigenous content requirement; 2016-soc-5906 - courses-modifications-ug-languages-new description added to notes)
iv) outdoor recreation
it was moved by t. potter and seconded by a. den otter that the following calendar change for outdoor recreation be approved.
(2016-soc-5925 - new college pathways programs for orpt)
v) philosophy
it was moved by t. lariviere and seconded by a. carastathis that the calendar change for philosophy be approved.
(2016-soc-5943 - courses-modifications-ug-philosophy)
vi) political science
it was moved by p. cain and seconded by a. den otter that the calendar change for political science be approved.
(2016-soc-5959 - cross calendaring poli and crim 4113)
other business
i) loading sheets
d. jobin-bevans reviewed the timeline for loading sheets for the coming academic year 2017/2018. they were to be distributed to timetable representatives by november 30, 2017. he stated that this year, the loading sheets will reviewed by the dean. this has been calendared for march 20, 2017. he was hopeful that any scheduling issues could be worked out before input into the system. he also stated that we need to work with orillia to coordinate the use of the telepresence room. d. jobin-bevans requested that each chair/director submit a cover summary with their loading sheets. a brief discussion followed.
7. next faculty council meeting: friday, december 16, 2016 in atac 5037/oa 3041.
it was moved by a. den otter and seconded by t. potter that the meeting be adjourned.
thunder bay campus
r. martin
r. robson
a. guttman
a. carastathis
p. cain
t. potter
a. lariviere
t. puddephatt
r. harpelle
orillia campus
m. stevenson
a. den otter
r. maundrell
i. lemée
j. roth
m. beaulieu