faculty council meeting
date: september 30, 2016
to: members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
subject: council meeting
there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:
friday, september 30 from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm in atac 3004 / oa 3041.
1. approval of agenda.
2. approval of the following minutes: friday, may 13, 2016.
3. business arising from the minutes.
4. dean's report.
5. departmental/school reports.
i) indigenous learning: calendar change: 2016-soc-5808 (new cross listed course)
ii) interdisciplinary studies: approval of professional associate - dr. hugh stevenson - recommendation memo from dr. michael stevenson. (professional associate policy) (faculty members who wish to view the c.v. of dr. hugh stevenson as part of his application to become a professional associate with the department of interdisciplinary studies should contact me directly to receive a copy.) (link to policy for professional associate.)
calendar changes: 2016-soc-5869; 2016-soc-5870.
iii) languages: calendar changes: 2016-soc-5819 - courses - modification - ug languages - change title; 2016-soc-5820 - programs - modification - ug languages - change of required course.
iv) political science: 2016-soc-5885; 2016-soc-5886; 2016-soc-5887; 2016-soc-5888;
v) social justice studies: calendar changes: 2016-soc-5822 - social justice studies - new course for social justice studies program - graduate level; 2016-soc-5825 - new course for the social justice studies program.
6. other business.
i) adjunct professors - process as per policy. (link to policy for adjunct professor)
ii) process for courses with low enrolment.
iii) program offerings specific to criminology and media studies in orillia and mirroring in thunder bay.
7. next faculty council meeting: friday, october 28, 2016 at 1:00 pm., atac 3004/oa 3041
8. adjournment.
faculty of social sciences and humanities council
may 13, 2016
f. bailey, manager, industry research partnerships, economic development and innovation office gave a powerpoint presentation about what she does in her position at lakehead and how she can help faculty members.
s. ranta, manager, web development services, updated everyone on the new websites that were being developed for the university and noted that the implementation would take place the fall of 2016.
a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, may 13rd, 2016 at 10:00 am in atac board room 3004/oa 2005.
approval of agenda
it was moved by j. roth and seconded by a. guttman that the agenda be approved.
election of vice-chair of faculty council
i. lemée will be the vice-chair of faculty council for the 2016/2017 academic year.
approval of minutes
it was moved by g. colton and seconded by p. cain that the revised minutes from april 22, 2016 be approved.
business arising from the minutes
dean's report
faculty council dean's report
friday, may 13th, 2016
vp international
a search is currently underway for the position of vice-provost international. the committee has already met to discuss the main attributes for this position, and the provost is hopeful that the process will be completed over the summer, and that an announcement will be made in september naming the successful candidate.
annual reports
this is just a reminder that all faculty annual reports are due into the dean's office on or before tuesday may 31.
lakehead/georgian pathway
by way of an update, i will be meeting next week in orillia with our georgian college partners to get the media studies 2+2 pathway degree between lu back on track with a goal to have the academic approvals for the pathway work its way through our internal committees to senate over the next academic year for a expected september 2017 intake.
code of student behaviour
just an update on the progress of the review of the student code currently underway, and to let you know that the committee work involved in this process will be ongoing well into the fall term and early winter. the associate vice provost student affairs expects to hold public consultation in the fall, with a final recommendation going to senate late in the second term of the next academic year.
extension to term as interim dean
in a meeting with the provost this past week, i have been asked to continue in the position as the interim dean of the faculty of social sciences and humanities into the next academic year. the provost has asked me to inform the members of our faculty that the search process will commence in early september, with a goal to have the successful candidate in place either by january 1 or july 1, 2017.
sincere thanks
as a final item, i want to take this opportunity to thank all of members of our faculty, who continue to work hard to advance teaching and learning, research, scholarly and creative activities in our faculty. our faculty continues to demonstrate excellence in all areas of our daily activities, and i know that with diminishing resources this work is becoming more of a challenge. many sincere thanks for your continued support.
assistant dean's report
a. guttman stated that the work on the next faculty newsletter was well underway.
a. guttman mentioned that if you have any updates for the viewbook to please send them in as soon as possible.
she also stated that a lot of program journals were out of date and suggested that chairs/director meet with a counsellor to review them and make any updates as necessary.
departmental/school reports
i) history
the approval of dr. nicolas lépine as an external adjunct professor in the department of history was tabled until the first faculty council meeting in september 2016. a discussion followed and the motion was withdrawn.
other business
8. next faculty council meeting: september 2016.
it was moved by a. guttman and seconded by a. carastathis that the meeting be adjourned.
thunder bay campus
r. maundrell
a. carastathis
s. jobbitt
a. guttman
b. vernier
p. cain
g. colton
s. shahsahabi
j. roth
d. misina
orillia campus
m. stevenson
k. holmes
m. beaulieu
i. lemée
h. lemelin
d. mcpherson