faculty meeting friday, september 12, 2014

friday, september 12, 2014 - 1:00pm
atac 5035/oa 3041
  1. approval of agenda.
  2. secret ballot - election of chair of faculty council
  3. approval of the june 26, 2014 minutes.   
  4. business arising from the minutes.
  5. introduction of new colleagues.
  6. registrar’s report.
  7. dean’s report.
  8. assistant dean's report.
  9. departmental/school reports.
    1. english - renewal of dr. j. roth as adjunct professor of english - recommendation memo.
    2. philosophy - calendar changes. discontinued courses (2014-soc-4295); new courses        (2014-soc-4297); new version degrees (2014-soc-4299).
  10. other business.
    1.  i)  stars

faculty of social sciences and humanities council minutes
june 26th, 2014


a meeting of the faculty council was held on thursday, june 26th, 2014 at 10:00 am in atac board room 5021/oa 2020.

1. approval of agenda

it was moved by d. jobin-bevans and seconded by r. koster that the agenda be approved.

2. approval of the minutes

it was moved by d. ivison and seconded by d. west that the minutes of april 22nd, 2014 be approved.


3. business arising from minutes


4. registrar’s report


5. dean's report for faculty council 

dean’s report june 26th, 2014

  1. i want to welcome the department of interdisciplinary studies into the faculty of social sciences and humanities.
  2. telepresence room.  the room is being used for beta testing this year.  andrea taristano wants to offer four or five courses using that technology this year.  if you are interested, you can contact her to let her know.  she is looking for a diversity of offerings that includes both campuses.  convocation.  teaching will be the priority in terms of utilization of the room, but it can be booked for meetings.  for the rest of the summer, bookings should be done through scheduling.  
  3. i want to thank those of you who attended convocation this year.  i also want to commend dean on the job he did as name reader.  
  4. andrea taristano came to deans’ council yesterday at our request to talk about the changes that are going to be made to the ouf display.  the deans conveyed to her our dissatisfaction with the current organization of it.  she said that one of the changes will be to integrate orillia and thunder bay.  we also requested that she find a way to identify areas of the display by faculty so that it is easier for 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to find the right person to whom to speak.  she is going to work with the company to try to make that happen.
  5. china.  dean and beatrice and i had a very productive trip to china.  we had some excellent meetings with staff and 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 at the high schools, and anticipate another trip in the fall to continue to build those relationships.  we are also in the process of developing an mou with the dalian foreign language university.  we are looking at three facets of the mou.  the first is faculty exchanges, second, student exchanges, and the third is an agreement that would see 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 from there complete their 3-year degree there, then come here to do the honours year and then enter a graduate program.  dean and i have initiated discussions with doug about this, since english is the most obvious fit for their program offerings, but i think sociology and history could also work, and we will be exploring those as well.  we are also looking at a credit transfer agreement to create a pathway for their french language 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to enter our french program—possibly a 2 plus 2.
  6. at the last meeting i talked about the possibility of a budget cut.  i can report now that our faculty did not receive a cut.  there was clearly recognition that our budget is inadequate to allow us to deliver our basic curriculum.  we also avoided a tax on our carry-forward for the same reason.  although i’m happy i was successful in getting those mitigating factors in place, dean will need to continue to work to get our budget adjusted to reflect our need.
  7. finally, i want to say how delighted i am that dean will be taking on the role of acting dean.  i know he will do a splendid job.

6. assistant dean’s update

d. jobin-bevans reported that the faculty brochure have been sent to each chair/director for review.  
he also reported that our web pages will be changing to reflect the new branding and that there are still some that are outstanding, including the faculty of social sciences and humanities home page.  
d. jobin-bevans gave an update on the social sciences and humanities “speaker series” for fall 2014.  we now have one event booked and are currently looking for two more speakers.
with regard to advancement, there was a long list of departmental requests that has now been presented to the vice-provost (academic) and to the vice-president (external).  it was mentioned that some departments might find it easier to fundraise for items they would like.  discussions and planning will take place over the next six months.

7. orillia report

l. fiddick reported that he is working on a response to the program review.  he is also working on updating the academic plan.  j. jarman has been hired to replace p. carr.  c. lousley has received an inside development grant.

8. other business

d. mcpherson stated his concern with regard to the online course evaluations.  he said that responses were low and that he had received evaluations meant for other professors.  there was a lengthy discussion as to the fact that the data might be compromised and how it may affect the processes in the collective agreement such at ptr and merit.

9. adjournment

the meeting adjourned at 11:30 am, moved by d. ivison and r. berg.


thunder bay campus
  • p. cain
  • r. koster
  • d. mcpherson
  • g. siddall
  • c. southcott
  • d. ivison
  • d. jobin-bevans
  • r. martin
  • r. berg
orillia campus
  • d. west
  • m. stevenson
  • c. lousley
  • c. fogel
  • l. fiddick


  • a. den otter
  • l. chambers
  • i. lemée
  • b. vernier
  • a. carastathis