faculty meeting friday, march 21, 2014

friday, march 21, 2014 - 1:00pm
atac 3004/oa 3041
date:        friday, march 21st, 2014
to:            members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
subject:     council meeting         


there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:

friday march 21st, 2014 from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm in atac 3004/oa 3041.
presentation:   frances harding - branding presentation

 1.    approval of agenda.

 2.    approval of the february 26th, 2014 minutes.   
 3.    business arising from the minutes.

 4.    registrar's report.
 5.    dean's report.

 6.   assistant dean update.

 7.    departmental/school reports.
        i)  english - renewal of internal adjunct professor - dr. p. allingham - supporting memo.
       ii) visual arts - calendar change -  new version - introduction to figure drawing - (tracking number 2014-soc-3056).
       iii)  women's studies - new degree - med - education for change (specialization in women's studies) - (tracking number 2014-edu-3107)
 8.    orillia report.  
 9.    other business.  
10.    adjournment.      
faculty of social sciences and humanities council minutes
 february 26, 2014

a meeting of the faculty council was held on thursday, february 26th, 2014 at 1:30 pm in atac board room 3004.

special presentation

dr. craig mckinnon, assistant dean, (undergraduate initiatives), science and environmental studies, gave a presentation on first year seminars.

approval of agenda
it was moved by p. cain and seconded by l. chambers that the agenda be approved as amended.

approval of the minutes
it was moved by d. jobin-bevans and seconded by a. den otter that the minutes of january 13th, 2014 be approved.
departmental/school reports

i)  visual arts

p. cain stated that the calendar changes for visual arts would be deferred to the next faculty council meeting as no one from visual arts was able to attend today's meeting.

ii)  women's studies

it was moved by l. chambers and seconded by d. ivison that the clarification list for core courses for women's studies be approved.

business arising from notes

g. siddall stated that she had received comments from a few people with regard to ptr, merit and the role of the dean of graduate studies.  she encouraged others to respond if they wished to.

registrar's report


dean's report for faculty council

dean's report february 26, 2014
1.    had a very productive chairs' retreat last week, focusing on recruitment and on faculty-based philanthropy.  we made some great progress towards defining who we are as a faculty right now, what our values are and what our vision is.  dean is working on summarizing the work we did, and we will be circulating that to chairs once it is done, and will be talking about next steps.

2.    acting dean.  post has now gone out with regard to appointing an acting dean while i am on leave next year.  deadline for applications is march 17th.  

3.    hiring--there were 5 vacancies in our faculty this year, and we received replacements in the form of 9-month term appointments for three of those.  strategic hiring decisions have not yet been made.

4.    joseph boyden is going to be speaking as part of research and innovation week next wednesday.  please encourage colleagues and 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to come to that.  i'll be forwarding a digital poster very shortly that you can distribute.

5.    there is going to be another call for proposals to the strategic initiative fund.  this time they will be around theme areas--possibly distance education and telepresence.  other kinds of proposals will still be entertained.   

6.    recent cbc news report on plagiarism at universities--suggests that are not being vigilant enough in dealing with it.  i think we are doing a fairly good job in our faculty, but i would remind you as we come to the end of the year to be sure to let me know if you are handling a case informally, and to be sure to make a formal report of any serious cases that should be handled under the policy.

7.    update on speakers series and undergraduate research day from assistant dean.

orillia report


other business


the meeting adjourned at 3:00 pm, moved by j. jarman and b. vernier-larochette.

thunder bay campus

p. cain
g. siddall
b. vernier
s.d. stone
l. chambers
d. jobin-bevans
d. ivison
j. jarman

orillia campus

a. den otter
m. stevenson


g. colton
r. harpelle
r. koster
r. martin
s. shahsahabi
n. verrelli
a. carastathis
i. lemee