faculty meeting monday, january 13, 2014

monday, january 13, 2014 - 1:00pm
atac 3004
date:        january 13th, 2014
to:            members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
subject:     council meeting         


there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:

monday, january 13, 2014 from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm in atac 3004.


  1.    approval of agenda.

  2.    secret ballot - election of acting chair of faculty council.

  3.    approval of the december 11th, 2013 minutes.   
  4.    business arising from the minutes.

  5.    registrar's report.
  6.    dean's report.

  7.  faculty-based funding projects.

  8.    departmental/school reports.

     i)  english - calendar change - new version of engl 2901 - 2013-soc-2954.

    ii)  languages - calendar change - change lab descriptions - 2013-soc-2951; program-hba.philfren changes -
   iii) outdoor recreation - calendar changes - outd 1010 and outd 1150 - 2014-soc-3010; outd 1910/1010 -
   iv) philosophy - calendar change - new course; new version - 2014-soc-3005.
    v) sociology - proposal brief - ba and hba sociology at orillia campus.
   vi) visual arts - calendar change - discontinued course - 2014-soc-3004; new course - 2014-soc-3003.
 vii) ba general - proposed new program - ba/bed (general program) p/j 2014-2015;  ba/bed (general program) p/j
  9.    orillia report.         
              i)  hbasc college pathways program - 2013-ori-2971;  basc college pathways program - 2013-ori-2972;
                  general arts - proposal for general ba college transfer pathway.

 10.    other business.

11.    adjournment.    

faculty of social sciences and humanities council
 december 11th, 2013

appointment of acting chair

p. cain was appointed as acting chair of faculty council for this meeting.

a meeting of the faculty council was held on wednesday, december 11th, 2013 at 9:00 am in atac board room 5035.

approval of agenda
it was moved by l. chambers and seconded by r. berg that the agenda be approved.
approval of the minutes
it was moved by g. siddall and seconded by l. chambers that the minutes of november 14, 2013 be approved.
business arising from notes

1.  r. berg raised questions about motions two and three of the minutes from november 14.  a short discussion followed.

registrar's report


dean's report for faculty council

december 11, 2013

research and innovation week.  you should all have received an email this week inviting you to participate in the faculty research day.  sshrc, nserc and cihr have all been combined into one day.  there is also a day being dedicated to undergraduate research.

hiring.  i want to thank you all for the requests you submitted, which were detailed and persuasive.  i think we have made a very strong case for positions.  first round of decisions about hiring will be made in december.
aoda training.   chairs and director need to ensure that all faculty and staff complete this training by december 15, 2013.  you need to provide ursula macdonald copies of the certificates by that date.  chairs and director need to provide me with a copy of their certificates.

the office of external relations will be consulting with deans to determine faculty-based funding projects as the university is in the early days of planning for a future capital campaign. while there is a great deal of work still to be done before a campaign can be launched, the faculty of social sciences and humanities has been approached to provide potential campaign projects and priorities.  these could be bursaries, scholarships, funds for student exchanges, durable items.  requests for new buildings will not be considered.  i will be asking chairs to provide me with a list of funding priorities in the new year.

i am planning for a chairs' retreat, probably during reading week.  the office of external relations needs to have, in addition to our funding priorities, a brief overview of who we are as a faculty--they would like a vision and mission statement.  one of our tasks, then, at this retreat will be to develop these statements.  

lecture series in the winter term.  dean and i will be looking for people interested in giving a talk at one of the public libraries.  this is a great way to share our work with the public, and provides an opportunity for knowledge mobilization.  rob robson recently gave a talk, and i would like to see us doing this on a regular basis.  dean will be in touch in january to solicit volunteers.

i attended the annual sshrc leaders meeting last week.  there was much discussion about the new program architecture.  leaders noted that there were fewer people getting grants, because the grants were larger (can now get a grant for a five-year period).  also noted the difficulties for international and community partners in completing applications.  the issue of 4a status was also addressed--more people getting this every year, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for universities to know how to manage

departmental/school reports

i)  history

it was moved by p. das and seconded by l. chambers that the calendar changes for history, (history prerequisite update), be approved.  (tracking number 2013-soc-2716).


ii)  languages

it was moved by b. vernier-larochette and seconded by r. martin that the calendar changes for languages, (certificates in french proficiency) be approved.  (tracking number 2013-soc-2950)

orillia report

a. den otter announced that she will be the acting chair of the department of interdisciplinary studies until the formation of a new department takes place.
a. den otter reported that she had been working on the proposal for the general ba college transfer pathway.  she mentioned that there were three projects:  ba general, hba arts and science, and the ba arts and science.   the chairs will be asked to review the course outlines.  also, a committee will be needed to identify the areas of specialization.  she mentioned that admissions was on board as well.  the chairs will be asked to review everything before it is listed on the website.

other business


the meeting adjourned at 10:00 am, moved by l. chambers and p. das.

thunder bay campus

p. cain
p. das
b. vernier-larochette
l. chambers
r. martin
g. siddall
r. berg

orillia campus

a. den otter
m. stevenson
s.s. islam


r. koster
d. jobin-bevans
a. carastathis
s.d. stone
m. beaulieu
d. ivison
t. kaiser