faculty meeting wednesday, december 11, 2013

wednesday, december 11, 2013 - 12:00am
atac 5035

date:        december 6th, 2013

to:            members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities

subject:     council meeting         

there will be a meeting of the council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
on december 11, 2013 from 9:00 am to 11:00 am in atac 5035.


 1.    approval of agenda.  
 2.    approval of the november 14th, 2013 minutes.   
 3.    business arising from the minutes.

 4.    registrar's report.
 5.    dean's report.

 6.    departmental/school reports.
    i)  history - calendar change - history prerequisite update - 2013-soc-2716
   ii)  languages - calendar change - certificates in french proficiency (basic, intermediate and advanced)
 7.    orillia report.

 8.    other business.

 9.    adjournment.    

faculty of social sciences and humanities council minutes
 november 14th, 2013

a meeting of the faculty council was held on thursday, november 14th, 2013 at 10:00 am in atac board room 3004.


mr. brett sharman made a short presentation about set. (student evaluation of teaching)


dr. m. beaulieu introduced dr. steven jobbitt, a new colleague in the department of history.

approval of agenda
it was moved by l. chambers and seconded by d. jobin-bevans that the agenda be approved as amended.
approval of the minutes
it was moved by m. beaulieu and seconded by l. chambers that the minutes of september 13, 2013 be approved as amended.
business arising from notes


election chair of the ss&h faculty council

a secret vote was held for the election of chair of the ss&h faculty council.  m. beaulieu was elected as chair.

proposal of new department

g. siddall submitted the following motions:

  "proposal with a new department in the faculty of social sciences and humanities"


moved that a new department of interdisciplinary studies be created at the orillia campus that would include responsibility for the is major, media studies, and criminology.  this new department would become part of the faculty of social sciences and humanities and would report to the dean of the faculty of social sciences and humanities.  faculty members currently appointed to the department of interdisciplinary studies would choose whether to be appointed to the new department of interdisciplinary studies or to the new department of environmental sustainability (is and the faculty of science and environmental studies are both bringing forward a proposal to create a new department of environmental sustainability that would be part of the faculty of science and environmental studies).  

it was moved by g. siddall and seconded by r. berg that this motion be approved.


moved that the hbasc major in english, currently the responsibility of the department of interdisciplinary studies, will become the responsibility of the department of english, and that any new disciplinary majors offered at the orillia campus will be the responsibility of the respective disciplinary department.

it was moved by g. siddall and seconded by d. ivison that this motion be approved.


original motion

moved that specializations for the hbasc interdisciplinary studies major, currently the responsibility of interdisciplinary studies, will become the responsibility of the respective disciplinary department.

it was moved by g. siddall and seconded by j. roth that this motion be approved.
a friendly amendment was proposed.

amended motion

moved that the content of the disciplinary specific specializations for the hbasc interdisciplinary studies major, currently the responsibility of interdisciplinary studies, will become the responsibility of the respective disciplinary departments in the context of the proposed program coordinating committee.

the mover and seconder agreed to the changes.


registrar's report


dean's report for faculty council

1.    trip to china was interesting.  there is huge interest in china for studying in north america.  we visited two maple leaf schools and three universities.  i would like to start exploring transfer agreements with these universities as well as student and faculty exchanges.  i will be corresponding with chairs who are interested in that in the next month or so.

2.    senators will have received an email from amanda trevisanutto indicating that in order for calendar changes to be included on the january senate agenda, they must be uploaded to curriculum navigator by january 30, 2014.  

3.    thank you for responding to my request for news for the provost's report, and please continue to provide me with items.  he included our news in his last report.  

4.    we are coming to the time of year when academic dishonesty cases tend to arise.  i ask you again to be attentive to our university policy on academic dishonesty, as well as our faculty policy.  chairs, if you haven't already, please remind your colleagues to review these policies.  it is very important that we are consistent across the faculty in terms of how we deal with cases of academic dishonesty.

5.    aoda training.   chairs and director need to ensure that all faculty and staff complete this training by december 15, 2013.  you need to provide ursula macdonald copies of the certificates by december 31, 2013.  chairs and director need to provide me with a copy of their certificates.

6.    faculty hires.  as the chairs and director know, we have initiated the process for faculty hires for this year.  the terms are the same as last year.  there are three categories: replacement hires, strategic hires, and long-term strategic hires.

departmental/school reports

i)  english

it was moved by d. ivison and seconded by j. roth that the calendar changes for english be approved.  (tracking number 2013-soc-2855).


ii)  history

it was moved by m. beaulieu and seconded by j. roth that dr. susan forbes be appointed as adjunct professor with the department of women's studies for a four-year term.
it was moved by l. chambers and seconded by d. jobin-bevans that mr. m. szybalski be appointed as professional associate with the department of history for a four-year term.

iii) political science
it was moved by p. cain and seconded by l. chambers that following calendar changes for political science be approved.  (tracking number 2013-soc-2715).

iv) women's studies

it was moved by l. chambers and seconded by d. jobin-bevans that the new proposed social justice ma be approved. (ms.soju).

orillia report

a. den otter stated that the general ba college transfer pathway was moving ahead.  she has had discussions with all the chairs involved.  discussion followed.

other business

i) northern sparks speaking series

g. siddall, (for dr. d. jobin-bevans), gave a short announcement about the new speaking series, northern sparks.  if anyone is interested, please let her know.

ii) online degrees

discussion about what is required to offer an existing degree online through the quality assurance framework.

the meeting adjourned at 3:30 pm, moved by d. ivison and r. berg.

thunder bay campus

m. beaulieu
g. siddall
s.d. stone
s. jobbitt
d. mcpherson
j.m. richardson
d. ivison
b. vernier-larochette
j. roth
l. chambers
p. cain
d. jobin-bevans
g. colton
r. koster
r. berg

orillia campus

a. den otter
m. stevenson
c. lousley
t. kaiser


dr. s. islam
professor r. martin