faculty meeting thursday, november 14, 2013

thursday, november 14, 2013 - 12:00am
atac 3004
date:        november 14th, 2013
to:            members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
subject:     council meeting         
there will be a meeting of the council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities on november 14, 2013 from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm in atac 3004.


presentation:        brett sharman and sarah browne - student evaluation of teaching (set)

 1.    approval of agenda.

 2.    approval of the september 13, 2013 minutes.   
 3.    business arising from the minutes.

 4.    registrar's report.
 5.    dean's report.

 6.    departmental/school reports.

        english - calendar change

        history - professional associate - mr. matthew szybalski
        political science - calendar changes - poli 3319; poli 3332; poli 3337; poli 3338; poli 3339; poli 3355; poli 3515;
        poli 3519; poli 3619; poli 3713; poli 3101; poli 3331; poli 3711; poli 3517; poli 3617; poli 2410; poli 2555;
        poli 3215; poli 3217
        women's studies - proposed social justice ma
                   - appointment of adjunct professor - dr. susan forbes - recommendation

 7.    orillia report.
         i) general ba college transfer pathway - den otter - support document

 8.    proposal of new department.

        "proposal with a new department in the faculty of social sciences and humanities"

the provost's task force report, submitted this september, makes a number of recommendations regarding academic structure and governance between the orillia and thunder bay campuses.  one of these recommendations is the establishment of two departments in orillia that would replace the current department of interdisciplinary studies.  the recommendation is that one of the two departments would be called the department of interdisciplinary studies and would include responsibility for the is major, media studies and criminology, and that it would become part of the faculty of social sciences and humanities.  the faculty of social sciences and humanities supports this recommendation.  the department of interdisciplinary studies and the faculty of science and environmental studies are also bringing forward motions in support of the task force's recommendations.


moved that a new department of interdisciplinary studies be created at the orillia campus that would include responsibility for the is major, media studies, and criminology.  this new department would become part of the faculty of social sciences and humanities and would report to the dean of the faculty of social sciences and humanities.  faculty members currently appointed to the department of interdisciplinary studies would choose whether to be appointed to the new department of interdisciplinary studies or to the new department of environmental sustainability (is and the faculty of science and environmental studies are both bringing forward a proposal to create a new department of environmental sustainability that would be part of the faculty of science and environmental studies).  

moved that the hbasc major in english, currently the responsibility of the department of interdisciplinary studies, will become the responsibility of the department of english, and that any new disciplinary majors offered at the orillia campus will be the responsibility of the respective disciplinary department.

moved that specializations for the hbasc interdisciplinary studies major, currently the responsibility of interdisciplinary studies, will become the responsibility of the respective disciplinary department.

  9.    other business.
         i) northern sparks speaking series - d. jobin bevans
        ii) online degrees - r. berg

 10.    adjournment.    

faculty of social sciences and humanities council
september 13, 2013

a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, september 13, 2013 at 10:00 am in atac board room 3004.

special guests

president stevenson and provost rod hanley attended faculty council.


dr. david greenwood, director, centre for place and sustainability studies, and crc in environmental education, made a short presentation with two of his colleagues .

approval of agenda
it was moved by l. chambers and seconded by d. ivison that the agenda be approved.
approval of the minutes
it was moved by d. ivison and seconded by i. lem©e that the minutes of march 5, 2013, be approved as amended.
business arising from notes


introduction of new colleagues

dr. b. vernier-larochette, chair of the department of languages, introduced two new colleagues, ms. amie shaw and dr. natalie dumas.

dr. s. islam, chair of the department of political science, introduced one new colleague, dr. natalie verrelli.

registrar's report


dean's report for faculty council

1.    i am delighted to announce that dean jobin-bevans has been appointed assistant dean for the faculty for this year.  he will be engaged in activities to support recruitment, research and credit transfer--initially, i'm going to be asking him to focus particularly on recruitment.  dean is also going to be supporting the office of external relations in fund-raising activities for the faculties.  he has a great deal of experience in this area, and i look forward to working with him.

2.    provost's task force.  the task force has completed its work and the provost has accepted the recommendations forwarded to him.  the most significant recommendation is to turn the current department of interdisciplinary studies into two departments, which, for the time being, will be called the department of interdisciplinary studies and the department of environmental sustainability.  the former will become part of our faculty and the latter part of the faculty of science and environmental studies.  i will be working with the dean of science and the orillia dean to bring this proposal forward to faculty councils and to senate.

3.    budget.  the university continues to deal with significant budgetary challenges, exacerbated this year by the changes imposed by the government on education.  the good news is that international student enrolment is up.  i am going to china in october with a number of other deans, and the provost has told me that there is significant interest among chinese 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in our programs.  there are also a number of departments in our faculty working on credit transfer agreements, and this is another important way in which we can increase enrolment.  research indicates that adult learners are the biggest pool--folks who are interested in getting additional credentials, and, interestingly, a large group of people who did not finish their degrees and might well be interested in doing so.  so--continue to be creative in your thinking; think about certificate programs that can be done online and/or in the evenings.  think also about making it possible to do some degrees online.  

4.    the provost has asked that we provide him with news about our faculty that he can include in his senate reports--significant accomplishments by faculty and 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .  he may not always be able to include everything, but please start forwarding to me any news of this sort so i can forward it to him.

5.    i want to remind everyone again this year to be attentive to our university policy on academic dishonesty, as well as our faculty policy.  it is very important that we are consistent across the faculty in terms of how we deal with cases of academic dishonesty.

faculty recruitment brochure

d. jobin-bevans stated that he will be putting together a brochure to promote our faculty at various events such as ouf.  he requested that all chairs/director submit pertinent information to him about their department/school using approximately 50 words or less. discussion followed.

departmental/school reports

i)  history

it was moved by m. beaulieu and seconded by r. koster that dr. geoffrey hudson be reappointed as internal adjunct with the department of history for a four-year term.

it was moved by m. beaulieu and seconded by r. martin that ms. sarah janes be appointed as professional associate with the department of history for a four-year term.

it was moved by m. beaulieu and seconded by i. lem©e that ms. christina wakefield be appointed as professional associate with the department of history for a four-year term.

it was moved by m. beaulieu and seconded by b. vernier-larochette that following calendar request be approved:  ba history (online), (tracking number 2013-soc-2311).

it was moved by m. beaulieu and seconded by r. koster  that following calendar changes be approved:  graduate changes, (tracking number 2013-soc-2310).

it was moved by m. beaulieu and seconded by i. lem©e that following calendar changes be approved:  prerequisite updates, (tracking number 2013-soc-2308).

it was moved by m. beaulieu and seconded by r. martin that following calendar changes be approved:  undergraduate, (tracking number 2013-soc-2309).

ii) sociology

it was moved by j. jarman and seconded by r. martin that following calendar change be approved:  name change for soci 2221, (tracking number 2013-soc-2312).

it was moved by j. jarman and seconded by m. richardson that following calendar change be approved:  name course for soci 4xxx, (tracking number 2013-soc-2312).

orillia report

t. kaiser reported the following:

1.  orillia has exceeded enrolment expectations this year with 1,300 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and 12
     transfer 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 from georgian.
2.  eighty-three fce's are being offered this year.  (no change from last year.)  there are
     now 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in each of the year levels.
3.  the social sciences and humanities faculty there received five sshrc grants.
4.  they are offering a new program called canadian studies.  
5.  people are looking for direction and are waiting to see how things, "shake out."   

other business

i)  oncat report - a. den otter
a. den otter reported that 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 has received funding from oncat (ontario council on articulations and transfers) to create multilateral transfer opportunities from two-year general arts and science diplomas at any ontario college.  so far we have visited 17 of these colleges, of which there are approximately 20.  oncat would like us to try to give close to 2 years transfer credit for the 2 year program, similar to our agreements with georgian college last year.  the problem is that general arts and science programs are varied, offering much breadth but limited depth.  the next step in our project involves talking to chairs to discuss program transfer possibilities.

ii) ba history online
r. berg stated that we should utilize all electronic resources we have in the classrooms.  if 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 want to declare a major, they can do so through desire2learn.  he stated that this was worthwhile to pursue.

the meeting adjourned at 12:20 pm, moved by m. richardson and j. jarman.

thunder bay campus

m. beaulieu
d. mcpherson
j.m. richardson
s.d. stone
j. jarman
b. mcmillan
a. shaw
b. vernier-larochette
i. lem©e
n. dumas
r. martin
l. chambers
r. koster
d. jobin-bevans
d. ivison
w. chahal
j. liu
z. wai
d. misina
a. carastathis    
n. verrelli
r. berg
g. siddall

orillia campus

a. den otter
m. stevenson
s. islam
t. kaiser

