faculty meeting wednesday, november 7, 2012

wednesday, november 7, 2012 - 12:00am
atac 3004

date:    november 6, 2012

to:       members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
from:  victor smith, chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council

subject:     council meeting         
there will be a meeting of the council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
on wednesday, november 7, 2012 at 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm in atac 3004.



    dr. robert mizzi - research facilitator

 1.    approval of agenda.

 2.    approval of the october 2, 2012 minutes.   
 3.    business arising from the minutes.

 4.    registrar's report.
 5.    dean's report.

 6.    departmental/school reports.
            i) history - calendar changes
           ii) languages - calendar changes - various - part 1;  part 2 (original file was too large to upload so split into two)
          iii) outdoor recreation - calendar changes
          iv) sociology - calendar changes - new second year course;  prerequisite change to 4517
           v) visual arts - calendar changes - delete  visual arts 1080;  new first year course - 1xxx; new first year course -                   visual arts 1091
          vi) northern studies - new course 

 7.    orillia report.

 8.    other business.

 9.    adjournment.    

victor smith, chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council.

faculty of social sciences and humanities council
 october 2, 2012

a meeting of the faculty council was held on tuesday, october 2, 2012 at 1:00 pm in atac board room 3004.


1.    dr. jane nicholas, chair of the idc sub-committee, gave a short presentation on
    teaching and learning week.
2.    united way - meaghan hanbury introduced andy, a united way rep, who gave a
    presentation on the united way fund.

1. a
approval of acting chair
as v. smith was not able to attend the meeting, it was moved by g. siddall and seconded by ?? that d. ivison be appointed acting chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council, for this meeting.

1. b
approval of agenda
it was moved by m. beaulieu and seconded by l. chambers that the agenda be approved as amended.
approval of the minutes
it was moved by m. beaulieu and seconded by r. martin that the minutes of april 5, 2012, be approved.
business arising from minutes

 i)  r. berg requested that the status of the philosophy calendar changes from the last council meeting, (april 5, 2012), be looked into.  s. viitala will check with the university secretariat.

departmental/school reports

i)  philosophy

it was moved by r. berg and seconded by j. nicholas that items 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7and 8 on the calendar change form be approved.
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 i) philosophy - continued

it was moved by r. berg and seconded by j. nicholas that item 4 on the calendar change form be approved.
it was moved by r. berg and seconded by m. beaulieu that items 9, 10, 11 and 12 of the calendar change form be approved.

introduction of new colleague

b. vernier-larochette introduced isabelle lamee, is a new faculty member in the department of languages.

registrar's report

none.  (b. winter was not able to attend the meeting.)

dean's report for faculty council

1.    academic dishonesty--please review the policy --and chairs and director, please remind colleagues to do so as well.  

2.    academic plans--thank you for submitting your academic plans.  the next step in the process is that i have to prepare an operational plan that takes into account all of your plans, demonstrates how they align with the new strategic plan, and identifies where any necessary resources would come from.

3.    navigator--new software for calendar changes.  sue is going to organize training sessions for chairs.

4.    hiring.  we have been told that the following process will be used for faculty hires this year.  1.   straight replacement for a position vacated within the last year--a case would have to be made that a unit is under threat without the replacement; 2. strategic hires--linked to an initiative for enrolment growth--if enrolment does not increase as a result of the hire, then the next vacancy is not filled; 3.  long-term strategic hire--this would be for something like a new program--so the investment would be over a longer period of time.   

5.    research and innovation week.  once again i would like to raise the profile of our faculty during this week.  our presence is much more pronounced at the agora, and i'm really pleased about that.  i would like to see a bit of an increase in our presence at the mall.  i am also looking for suggestions for a social sciences and/or humanities speaker to give a keynote this year.  i have solicited names from chairs--i have only received one suggestion so far.
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6.    recruitment--i would like us to be quite active in the recruitment cycle this year.  i sent the chairs sample newsletters that were sent out by visual arts and history.  i would like all departments to develop such newsletters.  our enrolment is down this year, and we need to be very intentional and aggressive about our recruitment strategies.

7.    international.  the university is enhancing our recruitment efforts for international 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , as well as exchange opportunities for our 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .  if you are interested in pursuing that so that you can talk to your 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 about it, or if you already have 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 studying abroad, contact leigh-ellen keating, director of lakehead international.

departmental/school reports

i)  history

it was moved by m. beaulieu and seconded by l. chambers that the calendar changes for history be approved.

ii) political science

it was moved by d. west and seconded by m. beaulieu that the calendar changes for political science be approved.

orillia report

a. den otter read the following report from orillia:

new undergraduate programs: media studies major received ministry approval.      
teaching awards: five faculty members (dr. linda rodenburg, dr. daphne bonar, dr. nanda kanavillil, dr. florin pendea and dr. vicki tebrugge) were nominated by 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 for lu's contribution to teaching award last year. dr. rodenburg received the award.
research: summer was a busy time for our faculty. many members presented research papers and posters at various national and international conferences, conducted various collaborative research activities, as well as published/submitted research papers to academic journals.
research funding: faculty members received funding for research from various agencies. dr. paul carr (sshrc), dr. florin pendea (sshrc), and dr. maria grazia viola (nserc-dg) brought in tri-council funding. dr. nanda kanavillil and dr. florin pendea brought in funding from environment canada's science horizon youth internship program.

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orillia report - continued

summer of sustainability series (sos): dr. thamara laredo successfully organized a public lecture series featuring documentary films and expert-led 
discussions that focused on environmental sustainability.  there is public demand to continue this series next year also.
                                                submitted by:
                                        dr. sree kurissery
                            chair, department of interdisciplinary studies
a. den otter stated that they were working on an orillia campus plan for the next five years.  the first five years were used to establish the campus, and the next five years will be used for integration of the orillia campus with the thunder bay campus.  there will be several consultation sessions with g. munt in orillia and a. den otter will be coming to thunder bay towards the end of october to meet with various people.

other business

the meeting adjourned at 2:25 pm. moved by l. chambers and seconded by m. beaulieu.

thunder bay campus

r. koster
r. martin
m. beaulieu
d. ivison
i. lem©e
b. vernier-larochette
r. berg
r. robson
d. mcpherson
j. niocholas
l. chambers

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orillia campus

a. den otter
d. west


p. jasen
s. kurissery
s. islam
s. kurissery