faculty meeting tuesday, january 10, 2012
tuesday, january 10, 2012 - 12:00am
atac 5035
date: january 10, 2012
to: members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
from: victor smith, chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council
subject: council meeting
there will be a meeting of the council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
on tuesday, january 10, 2012 at 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm in atac 5035.
1. approval of agenda.
2. approval of the december 16, 2011 minutes.
3. business arising from the minutes.
4. registrar's report.
5. dean's report.
6. departmental/school reports.
i) philosophy - calendar change (click on link)
ii) women's studies - calendar change - graduate course (click on link)
7. orillia report.
8. other business.
9. adjournment.
victor smith, chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council.
from: victor smith, chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council
subject: council meeting
there will be a meeting of the council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
on tuesday, january 10, 2012 at 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm in atac 5035.
1. approval of agenda.
2. approval of the december 16, 2011 minutes.
3. business arising from the minutes.
4. registrar's report.
5. dean's report.
6. departmental/school reports.
i) philosophy - calendar change (click on link)
ii) women's studies - calendar change - graduate course (click on link)
7. orillia report.
8. other business.
9. adjournment.
victor smith, chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council.
faculty of social sciences and humanities council
december 16, 2011
a meeting of the faculty council was held on december 16, 2011 at 10:00 am in the atac board room 5035.
approval of agenda
it was moved by p. jasen and seconded by d. jobin-bevans that the agenda be approved.
approval of the minutes
it was moved by s. stone and seconded by m. maclean that the minutes of october 4, 2011, be approved.
business arising from minutes
i) m. maclean raised the question about the qualifiers for various degrees. the registrar was not available for comment.
registrar's report
dean's report for faculty council
dean's report december 16, 2011
1. academic planning--the chairs have received the guide for phase 1 of the academic planning process, which involves articulating the current status of your department--much of it is similar to what you've been asked to do in the past. the guide for the second phase will be circulated after the plan is approved at senate.
2. budget--michael p. is working on the budget--has come up with various scenarios that project different enrolment numbers and different tuition increases. there is a $3 million deficit--so even if we can increase enrolment and increase tuition, there will be cuts. it is just a question of how high the percentage is. the plan is also to cut strategically rather than across the board.
3. research and innovation week--we have put together a great team to facilitate our participation in that: lori chambers, alain takam, jane nicholas and dean jobin-bevans. we are meeting next week, and you will be hearing from them very soon.
departmental/school reports
i) sociology
it was moved by s. stone and seconded by m. maclean that the 5th year calendar change for sociology be approved.
it was moved by s. stone and seconded by d. ivison that the 3rd year calendar change for sociology be approved.
it was moved by s. stone and seconded by m. maclean that the 5th year calendar change for sociology be approved.
ii) political science
it was moved by s. islam and seconded by s. stone that the calendar changes for political science be approved.
it was noted that these changes go to the calendar officer and not to senate.
iii) music
it was moved by d. jobin-bevans and seconded by a. carastathis that the calendar changes for music be approved.
iv) visual arts
it was moved by r. martin and seconded by s. stone that the new 3rd year course for visual arts be approved.
it was moved by r. martin and seconded by d. jobin-bevans that the name change and description for visual arts 2021 be approved.
it was moved by r. martin and seconded by d. ivison that the degree requirements in all visual arts programs be approved.
v) history
it was moved by p. jasen and seconded by r. martin that the course titles for history 2335 and 2336 be approved.
it was moved by p. jasen and seconded by m. maclean that the new fourth year course, history 4xxx, be approved.
it was moved by p. jasen and seconded by d. ivison that the title and course description for history 3101 be approved.
vi) philosophy
the philosophy calendar changes have deferred to the next faculty council meeting.
orillia report
s. kurissery reported that orillia is in the process of defining the specialisations for its hbasc interdisciplinary studies program. they will be contacting the disciplinary departments regarding the calendar changes.
their undergraduate program review is in progress and will provide an update once complete.
humanities 101 will be starting at orillia on january 3, 2012. d. west will be in charge of organization and faculty members from various disciplines are volunteering to teach.
s. kurissery reported that orillia campus will also have a research& innovation week. there will be a mini-conference which will include everyone from interdisciplinary studies. it is currently in the planning stage.
she also reported that they have done a little bit of background work on the unit academic plan, and that she would be contacting the various departments in thunder bay for help with this. they are looking at an integrated plan with "companion" departments in thunder bay.
other business
the meeting adjourned at 11:00 am. moved by d. jobin-bevans and seconded by p. jasen.
thunder bay campus
m. maclean
t. potter
r. martin
d. ivison
s.d. stone
p. jasen
d. jobin-bevans
a. carastathis
v. schonberger
v. smith
g. siddall
orillia campus
s.s. islam
s. kurissery
d. mcpherson
december 16, 2011
a meeting of the faculty council was held on december 16, 2011 at 10:00 am in the atac board room 5035.
approval of agenda
it was moved by p. jasen and seconded by d. jobin-bevans that the agenda be approved.
approval of the minutes
it was moved by s. stone and seconded by m. maclean that the minutes of october 4, 2011, be approved.
business arising from minutes
i) m. maclean raised the question about the qualifiers for various degrees. the registrar was not available for comment.
registrar's report
dean's report for faculty council
dean's report december 16, 2011
1. academic planning--the chairs have received the guide for phase 1 of the academic planning process, which involves articulating the current status of your department--much of it is similar to what you've been asked to do in the past. the guide for the second phase will be circulated after the plan is approved at senate.
2. budget--michael p. is working on the budget--has come up with various scenarios that project different enrolment numbers and different tuition increases. there is a $3 million deficit--so even if we can increase enrolment and increase tuition, there will be cuts. it is just a question of how high the percentage is. the plan is also to cut strategically rather than across the board.
3. research and innovation week--we have put together a great team to facilitate our participation in that: lori chambers, alain takam, jane nicholas and dean jobin-bevans. we are meeting next week, and you will be hearing from them very soon.
departmental/school reports
i) sociology
it was moved by s. stone and seconded by m. maclean that the 5th year calendar change for sociology be approved.
it was moved by s. stone and seconded by d. ivison that the 3rd year calendar change for sociology be approved.
it was moved by s. stone and seconded by m. maclean that the 5th year calendar change for sociology be approved.
ii) political science
it was moved by s. islam and seconded by s. stone that the calendar changes for political science be approved.
it was noted that these changes go to the calendar officer and not to senate.
iii) music
it was moved by d. jobin-bevans and seconded by a. carastathis that the calendar changes for music be approved.
iv) visual arts
it was moved by r. martin and seconded by s. stone that the new 3rd year course for visual arts be approved.
it was moved by r. martin and seconded by d. jobin-bevans that the name change and description for visual arts 2021 be approved.
it was moved by r. martin and seconded by d. ivison that the degree requirements in all visual arts programs be approved.
v) history
it was moved by p. jasen and seconded by r. martin that the course titles for history 2335 and 2336 be approved.
it was moved by p. jasen and seconded by m. maclean that the new fourth year course, history 4xxx, be approved.
it was moved by p. jasen and seconded by d. ivison that the title and course description for history 3101 be approved.
vi) philosophy
the philosophy calendar changes have deferred to the next faculty council meeting.
orillia report
s. kurissery reported that orillia is in the process of defining the specialisations for its hbasc interdisciplinary studies program. they will be contacting the disciplinary departments regarding the calendar changes.
their undergraduate program review is in progress and will provide an update once complete.
humanities 101 will be starting at orillia on january 3, 2012. d. west will be in charge of organization and faculty members from various disciplines are volunteering to teach.
s. kurissery reported that orillia campus will also have a research& innovation week. there will be a mini-conference which will include everyone from interdisciplinary studies. it is currently in the planning stage.
she also reported that they have done a little bit of background work on the unit academic plan, and that she would be contacting the various departments in thunder bay for help with this. they are looking at an integrated plan with "companion" departments in thunder bay.
other business
the meeting adjourned at 11:00 am. moved by d. jobin-bevans and seconded by p. jasen.
thunder bay campus
m. maclean
t. potter
r. martin
d. ivison
s.d. stone
p. jasen
d. jobin-bevans
a. carastathis
v. schonberger
v. smith
g. siddall
orillia campus
s.s. islam
s. kurissery
d. mcpherson